See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1895



No. 1555 Session of 1997


           JUNE 3, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a program of grants to develop and provide useful
     2     and productive opportunities for unemployed and underemployed
     3     people, especially young people, through payments for labor
     4     and related costs associated with the construction, repair or
     5     rehabilitation of essential community and educational
     6     facilities, with the reclamation, improvement and
     7     conservation of public lands, and with the creation, repair,
     8     rehabilitation and restoration of public safety, public
     9     transportation, health, social services and recreation
    10     facilities and other activities necessary to the public
    11     welfare; further providing for powers and duties of the
    12     Department of Community and Economic Development and the
    13     Secretary of Community and Economic Development; establishing
    14     the Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency as a public
    15     corporation and government instrumentality; providing for the
    16     organization, membership and administration of the agency;
    17     prescribing the agency's general powers and duties and the
    18     manner in which its funds are kept and audited; permitting
    19     the agency to acquire real or personal property, to make
    20     agreements with financial institutions and Federal agencies;
    21     providing for the promulgation of regulations and forms by
    22     the agency; prescribing penalties for furnishing false
    23     information; empowering the agency to borrow money upon its
    24     own credit by the issuance and sale of bonds and notes and by
    25     giving security therefor; permitting the refunding,
    26     redemption and purchase of obligations by the agency;
    27     prescribing remedies of holders of such bonds and notes;
    28     exempting bonds and notes of the agency, the income and the
    29     income and revenues of the agency from taxation, except
    30     transfer, death and gift taxes; making such bonds and notes
    31     legal investments for certain purposes; and providing for the

     1     transfer of certain funds to the Department of Community and
     2     Economic Development to further the purposes of this act.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     5  Section 101.  Short title.
     6  Section 102.  Legislative findings.
     7  Section 103.  Definitions.
     8  Chapter 3.  Grants to Local Governments
     9     Subchapter A.  General Provisions
    10  Section 301.  Direct grants.
    11  Section 302.  Allocation of funds and preferences.
    12  Section 303.  Rules, regulations and procedures.
    13  Section 304.  General limitations.
    14     Subchapter B.  Funding Source
    15  Chapter 5.  Public Works and Job Restoration
    16  Section 501.  Purpose.
    17  Section 502.  Eligible participants.
    18  Section 503.  Limitation on use of funds.
    19  Chapter 7.  Community Renewal
    20     Subchapter A.  Community Improvement Projects.
    21  Section 701.  Employment in community improvement projects.
    22  Section 702.  Eligible administrative entities.
    23  Section 703.  Project design.
    24     Subchapter B.  Community Improvement and Renewal Activities
    25                     for Youth Trainees
    26  Section 721.  Youth trainee activities.
    27  Section 722.  Eligible youth.
    28     Subchapter C.  State Job Programs
    29  Section 741.  Financial assistance for State job programs.
    30  Chapter 9.  Educational Facilities

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     1  Section 901.  School facility repair and renovation projects.
     2  Chapter 11.  Funding
     3     Subchapter A.  General Provisions
     4  Section 1101.  Definitions.
     5     Subchapter B.  Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency
     6  Section 1121.  Establishment.
     7  Section 1122.  Composition, terms, etc.
     8  Section 1123.  Agency governing body.
     9  Section 1124.  Powers and duties.
    10  Section 1125.  Agency moneys.
    11     Subchapter C.  Bonds and Notes
    12  Section 1141.  Issuance of bonds and notes.
    13  Section 1142.  Credit of Commonwealth or any subdivision
    14                 not pledged.
    15  Section 1143.  Funds and accounts.
    16  Section 1144.  Reserve funds and appropriations.
    17  Section 1145.  Trust agreement.
    18  Section 1146.  Depository.
    19  Section 1147.  Bonds and notes tax exempt.
    20  Section 1148.  Notes and bonds as legal investments.
    21  Section 1149.  Covenant by Commonwealth not to limit or
    22                 alter powers vested in agency.
    23  Section 1150.  Allocation for Commonwealth revenue.
    24  Chapter 15.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    25  Section 1501.  General requirements.
    26  Section 1502.  Labor standards.
    27  Section 1503.  Fiscal controls and sanctions.
    28  Section 1504.  Judicial review.
    29  Section 1505.  Effective date.

    30     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2                             CHAPTER 1
     3                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     4  Section 101.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Job Creation
     6  and Infrastructure Restoration Act.
     7  Section 102.  Legislative findings.
     8     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     9         (1)  That the investments made during the 1930s, 1940s
    10     and 1950s in the infrastructure of the United States through
    11     the Roosevelt public works programs, the National Highway Act
    12     and other major efforts led to the greatest economic recovery
    13     and sustained level of economic growth in the first 150 years
    14     of our nation's existence.
    15         (2)  That this Commonwealth's infrastructure has suffered
    16     greatly over the past three decades because of the failure of
    17     the Federal Government to renew and restore roads, bridges,
    18     public buildings, public lands and other public assets.
    19         (3)  That the lack of resources for the maintenance of
    20     the infrastructure during this period has led to the loss of
    21     both jobs and job skills in these vital areas, with
    22     consequent increased unemployment and a reduction in the
    23     quality of life for residents of affected areas.
    24         (4)  That there is a critical need to renew and restore
    25     both the public buildings and other assets, and the jobs and
    26     job skills needed to ensure that those assets are available
    27     for use by future generations and for any defense needs the
    28     country may face in the future.
    29         (5)  That policies at the Federal and State level have
    30     demonstrated diminished concern for the infrastructure needs
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     1     of the communities of the nation and a shifting of the burden
     2     for maintenance and creation of highways, bridges, mass
     3     transit and other infrastructure on to State and local
     4     governments, in addition to the burden for local needs, such
     5     as public safety, education, health and public welfare, that
     6     those jurisdictions bear, thereby stretching already
     7     shrinking resources beyond the capabilities of those
     8     governments to address these needs.
     9         (6)  That financial incentives that are specifically
    10     linked to the development of jobs, and renewal of important
    11     job skills will help reverse the trend to continued erosion
    12     of the Commonwealth's infrastructure.
    13         (7)  That economic growth rates, future efficiency and
    14     competitiveness will be substantially enhanced by programs of
    15     assistance to local governments to construct and rehabilitate
    16     this Commonwealth's economic infrastructure.
    17         (8)  That efforts to reform the welfare system are based
    18     on the assumption that there will be jobs available in the
    19     public and private sectors for current welfare recipients and
    20     for noncustodial parents whose responsibilities include
    21     providing support for their children.
    22         (9)  That, absent a concentrated effort on the part of
    23     the Commonwealth to create career jobs that provide a living
    24     wage, efforts to reform the welfare system are doomed to
    25     failure.
    26         (10)  That creation of living wage jobs in conjunction
    27     with a large and sustained public works infrastructure
    28     renewal program will reap significant rewards in direct tax
    29     payments at all levels of government, increased economic
    30     expansion for the Commonwealth and substantial reductions in
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     1     the outlays for unemployment support, welfare, Medicaid and
     2     other government expenditures and will also lessen the burden
     3     on government expenditures that result from lack of
     4     employment for those at risk of entering a life of crime.
     5  Section 103.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    10  Development of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Local government."  Any political subdivision.
    12     "Public works."  The term includes water and sewer lines,
    13  streets and roads, water and sewage treatment plants or
    14  facilities, port facilities, police and fire stations, detention
    15  centers, schools, health facilities, industrial research or
    16  development parks, research facilities at institutions of higher
    17  learning and other projects and the Secretary of Community and
    18  Economic Development determines to be appropriate.
    19     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    20  Development of the Commonwealth.
    21                             CHAPTER 3
    22                    GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
    23                            SUBCHAPTER A
    24                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    25  Section 301.  Direct grants.
    26     (a)  General rule.--The department is authorized to make
    27  grants to any local government for construction, including
    28  demolition and other site preparation activities, renovation,
    29  repair, restoration or other improvement of local public works
    30  projects, including those public works projects of local
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     1  governments for which Federal financial assistance is
     2  authorized. To the extent appropriate, the department may
     3  coordinate with other Federal, State or local agencies in
     4  assessing grant requests and in providing appropriate levels of
     5  support.
     6     (b)  State share.--The State share of any project for which a
     7  grant is made under this section shall be no more than 90% of
     8  the cost of the project.
     9     (c)  Termination of grants.--No new grants shall be made
    10  under this section after the expiration of any three-consecutive
    11  month period during which the unemployment rate remained below
    12  5% for each such month, or after September 30, 1999, whichever
    13  occurs first.
    14  Section 302.  Allocation of funds and preferences.
    15     (a)  Allocation of funds.--The department shall allocate
    16  funds as follows:
    17         (1)  After the set-aside required by paragraphs (2) and
    18     (3), 60% of the funds shall be allocated among counties on
    19     the basis of the ratio that the number of unemployed persons
    20     in each county bears to the total number of unemployed
    21     persons in all counties, and 40% of the funds shall be
    22     allocated among those counties with an average unemployment
    23     rate for the preceding six-month period in excess of 6% on
    24     the basis of the relative severity of unemployment in each
    25     county, except that no county shall be allocated less than
    26     .75% or more than 12% of the funds for local public works
    27     projects within the county.
    28         (2)  No less than 10% of each county's allocations shall
    29     be set aside and shall be expended only for grants for public
    30     works projects under this chapter for local units of general
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     1     government with populations under 10,000.
     2         (3)  Up to .75% of the total grant award will be
     3     available for project development and preparation and for
     4     ongoing project administration. This allocation shall be
     5     available for local units of government defined as
     6     nonentitlement under the Housing and Urban Development
     7     Community Development Block Grant Program. The allocation
     8     shall not exceed $15,000 for any single grant award.
     9     (b)  Preferences.--
    10         (1)  In making grants, the department shall give priority
    11     to public works projects of local governments that will
    12     employ those persons adversely affected by recent changes in
    13     Federal and State laws relating to public and other
    14     assistance.
    15         (2)  In making grants, the department shall also give
    16     priority to any public works projects requested by a special
    17     purpose unit of local government which is endorsed by a
    18     general purpose local government within the county.
    19         (3)  A project requested by a school district shall be
    20     accorded the full priority and preference to public works
    21     projects of local governments provided in this subsection.
    22         (4)  A project that creates or adds to an applied
    23     research facility at an institution of higher education, and
    24     that facility is intended to promote the development of new
    25     products and processes, or that, the department determines,
    26     will improve the competitiveness of industry shall be
    27     accorded full priority and preference. For projects under
    28     this section, matching funds requirements shall be waived if
    29     the company or companies and school involved commit, in the
    30     department's determination, to undertake all future equipment
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     1     and maintenance expenses.
     2     (c)  High unemployment rates.--
     3         (1)  In making grants under this chapter, if for the 12
     4     most recent consecutive months the average unemployment rate
     5     in the construction trades is equal to or exceeds 8%, the
     6     department shall:
     7             (i)  expedite and give priority to applications
     8         submitted by local governments having unemployment rates
     9         for the 12 most recent consecutive months in excess of
    10         the State unemployment rate in the construction trades;
    11         and
    12             (ii)  shall give priority thereafter to applications
    13         submitted by local governments having average
    14         unemployment rates for construction trades for the 12
    15         most recent consecutive months in excess of 6%, but less
    16         than the State unemployment rate.
    17         (2)  Information regarding unemployment rates shall be
    18     furnished by the Department of Labor and Industry.
    19     (d)  State and local prioritization of applications.--
    20  Whenever a local government submits applications for grants
    21  under this chapter for two or more projects, the local
    22  government shall submit as part of the applications its priority
    23  for each project.
    24     (e)  Localization of unemployment determinations.--The local
    25  unemployment rate may, for purposes of this chapter, and upon
    26  request of the applicant, be based upon the unemployment rate of
    27  any community or neighborhood (defined without regard to
    28  political or other subdivisions or boundaries) within the
    29  jurisdiction of the local government.
    30  Section 303.  Rules, regulations and procedures.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--The department shall, not later than 90
     2  days after the effective date of this act, publish in the
     3  Pennsylvania Bulletin as proposed rulemaking those rules and
     4  regulations, including application forms, necessary to carry out
     5  this chapter. These rules and regulations shall assure that
     6  adequate consideration is given to the relative needs of various
     7  areas of this Commonwealth. The department shall consider among
     8  other factors:
     9         (1)  The severity and duration of employment in proposed
    10     project areas.
    11         (2)  The income levels and extent of underemployment in
    12     proposed project areas.
    13         (3)  The extent to which proposed project areas will
    14     contribute to increased employment in the construction trades
    15     and future economic growth.
    16         (4)  The needs of proposed project areas to recover from
    17     natural or other disaster which has affected the
    18     infrastructure of the area.
    19     (b)  Consideration of applications.--The department shall
    20  make a final determination with respect to each application for
    21  a grant not later than the 60th day after the date the
    22  department receives the application.
    23     (c)  Consideration of construction industry employment.--For
    24  purposes of this section, in considering the extent of
    25  unemployment or underemployment, the department shall consider
    26  the amount of unemployment or underemployment in the
    27  construction and construction-related industries.
    28  Section 304.  General limitations.
    29     (a)  Acquisition of land.--No part of any grant shall be used
    30  for the acquisition of any interest in real property.
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     1     (b)  Maintenance costs.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
     2  construed to authorize the payment of routine scheduled
     3  maintenance costs in connection with any projects constructed in
     4  whole or in part with financial assistance provided under this
     5  chapter.
     6     (c)  On-site labor.--Grants made by the department shall be
     7  made only for projects for which the applicant gives
     8  satisfactory assurances, in such manner and form as may be
     9  required by the department and in accordance with those terms
    10  and conditions as the department may prescribe, that, if funds
    11  are available, onsite labor work can begin within 90 days of
    12  project approval.
    13     (d)  Contracting.--
    14         (1)  No part of the construction, including demolition
    15     and other site preparation activities, renovation,
    16     restoration, repair or other improvement of any public works
    17     project for which a grant is made shall be performed directly
    18     by any department, agency or instrumentality of the
    19     Commonwealth or any local government.
    20         (2)  Construction of each project shall be performed by
    21     contract awarded by competitive bidding, unless the
    22     department shall affirmatively find that, under the
    23     circumstances relating to the project, an alternative method
    24     is in the public interest.
    25         (3)  Contracts for the construction of each project shall
    26     be awarded only on the basis of the lowest responsible bid
    27     submitted by a bidder meeting the established criteria of
    28     responsibility, subject to subsection (c).
    29         (4)  No requirement or obligation shall be imposed as a
    30     condition precedent to the award of a contract to a bidder
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     1     for a project or to the department's concurrence in the award
     2     of a contract to the bidder, unless the requirement or
     3     obligation is otherwise lawful and is specifically set forth
     4     in the advertised specifications or in this act.
     5     (e)  Environmental safeguards.--All local public works
     6  projects carried out under this chapter shall comply with all
     7  relevant Federal, State and local environmental laws and
     8  regulations.
     9     (f)  Buy American.--If a local public works project carried
    10  out with financial assistance under this chapter would be
    11  eligible for Federal financial assistance under provisions of
    12  law other than this chapter and, under such other provisions of
    13  law, would be subject to the Buy American Act of 1988 (Public
    14  Law 100-418, 102 Stat. 1545), or similar requirements, such
    15  project shall be subject to The Exchange Rates and International
    16  Economic Policy Coordination Act of 1988.
    17     (g)  Minority participation.--If a local public works project
    18  carried out with financial assistance under this chapter is
    19  eligible for Federal financial assistance under provisions of
    20  law other than this chapter and, under such other provision of
    21  law, is subject to any minority participation requirement, the
    22  project shall be subject to such requirement under this chapter,
    23  in the same manner and to the same extent as such project would
    24  be subject to those requirements under such other provisions of
    25  law.
    26     (h)  Applicability of laws regarding individuals with
    27  disabilities.--Sections 504 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of
    28  1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.) and the
    29  Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 104
    30  Stat. 327) shall apply to local public works projects carried
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     1  out under this act. The Governor, with the approval of the
     2  Auditor General and the State Treasurer, shall transfer to the
     3  Department of Labor and Industry such funds as may become
     4  available under Subchapter B, and shall allocate such funds into
     5  equal shares for the following fiscal years:
     6         July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998
     7         July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999
     8         July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000
     9                            SUBCHAPTER B
    10                           FUNDING SOURCE
    11                             CHAPTER 5
    12                  PUBLIC WORKS AND JOB RESTORATION
    13  Section 501.  Purpose.
    14     It is the purpose of this chapter to develop and provide
    15  useful and productive opportunities for unemployed and
    16  underemployed people, especially young people, through payments
    17  for labor and related costs associated with the construction,
    18  repair or rehabilitation of essential community and educational
    19  facilities; with the reclamation, improvement and conservation
    20  of public lands; and with the creation, repair, rehabilitation
    21  and restoration of public safety, public transportation, health,
    22  social services and recreation facilities and other activities
    23  necessary to the public welfare.
    24  Section 502.  Eligible participants.
    25     (a)  General eligibility requirements.--An individual shall
    26  be eligible to participate in a program, project or activity
    27  receiving funds under this chapter only if the individual meets
    28  all of the following:
    29         (1)  Is a resident or citizen of this Commonwealth.
    30         (2)  Is an unemployed individual at the time of
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     1     enrollment.
     2         (3)  Has been unemployed for at least 30 days immediately
     3     preceding the date of such enrollment, except as otherwise
     4     provided in subsection (e) or (f) and section 902.
     5  Individuals may be certified for purposes of this section under
     6  procedures agreed to by the eligible administrative entity and
     7  established in regulations established by the department.
     8     (b)  Duration of eligibility.--No individual who is eligible
     9  under subsection (a) shall receive wages from funds made
    10  available under this chapter in excess of 52 weeks in any two-
    11  year period, in accordance with the following subsidy schedule:
    12         (1)  Up to 75% of the participant's wages may be
    13     subsidized for the first 26 weeks.
    14         (2)  Up to 50% of the participant's wages may be
    15     subsidized for the next 13 weeks.
    16         (3)  Up to 25% of the participant's wages may be
    17     subsidized for the next 13 weeks.
    18     (c)  Priority for participation.--In the selection of
    19  participants for activities under this chapter, priority shall
    20  be given to individuals who:
    21         (1)  At the time of selection, have exhausted or are
    22     otherwise not eligible for unemployment benefits,
    23     particularly:
    24             (i)  Those individuals who have been unemployed for
    25         the longest periods of time preceding the date of their
    26         selection.
    27             (ii)  Those residing in households in which no other
    28         member is employed on a full-time basis.
    29             (iii)  Those individuals who are or were qualified
    30         participants in aid to families with dependent children
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     1         (AFDC) or in a program under the Trade Adjustment Act of
     2         1979 (Public Law 96-39, 93 Stat. 144) or other Federal
     3         program providing job reemployment assistance due to base
     4         closure, factory closure or other job loss due to
     5         economic factors.
     6             (iv)  Those young people who are unemployed and who
     7         reside in communities with the highest levels of
     8         unemployment or underemployment.
     9         (2)  Except for individuals described in subparagraph
    10     (iv), have been employed within the past two years by the
    11     employer that is providing the subsidized job position.
    12     (d)  Special consideration for welfare recipients.--Entities
    13  receiving funds under this chapter shall give special
    14  consideration to applicants who are:
    15         (1)  Custodial parents of children who are recipients of
    16     assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act (49
    17     Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.).
    18         (2)  Noncustodial parents of nondependent children who
    19     are recipients of assistance under Title IV of the Social
    20     Security Act, but only if the applicants agree in writing to
    21     the withholding of an appropriate portion of their wages to
    22     be applied to the support of the children under any child
    23     support order.
    24     (e)  Special consideration for veterans.--With regard to
    25  services to veterans provided under section 701(a)(3)(xv),
    26  special consideration in selecting participants for employment
    27  in such activities should be given to veterans who otherwise
    28  meet the eligibility requirements in this section.
    29     (f)  Special consideration for public assistance
    30  recipients.--Special consideration shall be given to current and
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     1  former recipients of public assistance and to current and former
     2  recipients to aid to families with dependent children.
     3     (g)  Equal employment opportunities.--In certifying eligible
     4  participants under subsection (a) and in referring them for
     5  employment to recipients under Chapters 7 and 9, the
     6  administrative entity shall be responsible for ensuring equal
     7  employment opportunities and the full participation of
     8  traditionally underrepresented groups, including women and
     9  racial and ethnic minorities, in employment provided with funds
    10  made available under this subchapter. Each recipient of funds
    11  under Chapters 7 and 9 shall be responsible for ensuring such
    12  opportunities and full participation in the selection of
    13  eligible participants for such employment.
    14  Section 503.  Limitation on use of funds.
    15     (a)  Reservation for wages and benefits.--Not less than 75%
    16  of the funds made available to any recipient under Chapters 7
    17  and 9 from funds appropriated for any fiscal year shall be used
    18  to provide for wages and related employment benefits to eligible
    19  participants for work which the recipient certifies has been
    20  performed in one or more of the activities authorized under this
    21  act.
    22     (b)  Limitation on administrative costs.--No more than 10% of
    23  the funds provided to any recipient under Chapter 9 or 11 from
    24  funds appropriated for any fiscal year may be used for the cost
    25  of administration.
    26     (c)  Acquisition of tools, equipment and materials.--The
    27  remainder of the funds provided to any recipient under Chapter 7
    28  or 9 from funds appropriated for the fiscal year, after
    29  compliance with subsection (a) and deduction of costs of
    30  administration permitted by subsection (b), may be used for the
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     1  acquisition of supplies, tools, equipment and other materials
     2  directly related to the purpose for which the funds were
     3  provided.
     4     (d)  Use of other funds.--
     5         (1)  Nothing in this act shall be construed to preclude
     6     or limit the payment of the costs of administration or the
     7     costs of supplies, tools, equipment or other materials
     8     directly related to the project or program being funded,
     9     either in whole or in part, from Federal sources such as
    10     section 106 of the Housing and Community Development Act of
    11     1974 (Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat. 139) or from non-Federal
    12     sources other than this act.
    13         (2)  In designating projects under this act, the
    14     recipient shall, to the extent feasible, ensure that
    15     supplies, tools, equipment or other materials purchased or
    16     procured in accordance with paragraph (1) have been
    17     manufactured, mined or produced in the United States, unless
    18     the supply, tool, equipment or material is not available in
    19     reasonable quantity and quality as required to fulfill the
    20     needs of the project or activity.
    21     (e)  Training cost exception.--Notwithstanding subsection
    22  (a), funds available under Chapter 7 may be used for costs
    23  associated with training and related support for a number of
    24  participants if:
    25         (1)  Employers have made commitments to fill an equal
    26     number of unsubsidized jobs with participants who have
    27     successfully completed training.
    28         (2)  The recipient has entered into an agreement for the
    29     provision of such training to participants with one or more
    30     of the following: an apprenticeship training program which is
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     1     certified by the Department of Labor for the construction
     2     industry and meets Federal standards for apprenticeship
     3     training, an administrative entity designated under section
     4     103(b)(1)(B) of the Job Training Partnership Act (Public Law
     5     97-300, 29 U.S.C. § 1513), a local educational agency, a
     6     vocational education school, an institution of higher
     7     education, a community-based organization, a community action
     8     agency, a community development corporation or other
     9     qualified public or private nonprofit provider of training
    10     services.
    11         (3)  The costs associated with providing such training
    12     and related support to any participant from funds available
    13     under this act do not exceed, on a weekly basis, the maximum
    14     wage which may be paid with funds available under this act.
    15  Apprenticeship training shall be included in the project
    16  agreements negotiated with the building trades councils as
    17  outlined in section 304(d)(2). Minority participation
    18  requirements as specified in this act shall be applied to such
    19  project agreements.
    20     (f)  Salary limitation.--Funds available for the cost of
    21  administration pursuant to subsection (b) may not be used to pay
    22  salaries or wages to administrative or supervisory employees as
    23  follows:
    24         (1)  at a rate that is greater than the rate of the
    25     salaries or wages paid to employees performing comparable
    26     functions for the same employer; or
    27         (2)  if there is no such comparable rate, at a rate which
    28     is in excess of the rate of pay prescribed for GS-13 of the
    29     General Schedule with respect to employees of the Federal
    30     Government.
    19970H1555B1895                 - 18 -

     1                             CHAPTER 7
     2                         COMMUNITY RENEWAL
     3                            SUBCHAPTER A
     5  Section 701.  Employment in community improvement projects.
     6     (a)  Qualified activities.--Eligible participants shall be
     7  employed in community improvement projects under this chapter in
     8  one or more of the following activities:
     9         (1)  Repair, rehabilitation or improvement of public
    10     facilities, including any of the following:
    11             (i)  Street, highway or road repair.
    12             (ii)  Painting and/or repair of bridges and
    13         pedestrian overpasses or underpasses.
    14             (iii)  Rehabilitation or repair of community
    15         facilities such as public libraries or other public
    16         buildings.
    17             (iv)  Rehabilitation, repair and modernization of
    18         public housing.
    19             (v)  Water development projects and repair of water
    20         systems.
    21             (vi)  Repair and rehabilitation of public mass
    22         transit systems.
    23             (vii)  Erecting and replacing school crossing,
    24         intersection and other road surface or sign markings and
    25         removing road or public sidewalk obstructions.
    26             (viii)  Rehabilitation of public playgrounds and
    27         parks.
    28             (ix)  Installation and repair of drainage pipes,
    29         catch basins or other portions of control of potential
    30         flooding.
    19970H1555B1895                 - 19 -

     1             (x)  Installation of graded ramps and assistance
     2         devices such as handrails for the handicapped.
     3             (xi)  Weatherization and other energy conservation
     4         activities.
     5         (2)  Activities to conserve, restore, rehabilitate or
     6     improve public lands, including the following:
     7             (i)  Erosion, fire, flood, drought, earthquake and
     8         storm damage prevention, assistance and control.
     9             (ii)  Removal of refuse and hazardous materials from
    10         drainage ditches, illegal dumping sites and other public
    11         areas.
    12             (iii)  Stream, lake and waterfront harbor and port
    13         improvement and pollution control.
    14             (iv)  Nursery, forestry and silvicultural operations.
    15             (v)  Reclamation activities on public lands that have
    16         been strip-mined or subjected to other mineral extraction
    17         activities.
    18             (vi)  Fish culture and habitat maintenance and
    19         improvement and other fishery assistance.
    20             (vii)  Rehabilitation, improvement and conservation
    21         of rangelands.
    22             (viii)  Urban revitalization and historical and
    23         cultural site preservation.
    24             (ix)  Road and trail maintenance and improvement.
    25             (x)  Improvement and reuse of abandoned railroad bed
    26         and right-of-way.
    27             (xii)  Renewable resource enhancement, energy
    28         conservation projects and recovery of biomass.
    29         (3)  Public safety, health, social service and other
    30     activities necessary to the public welfare, including the
    19970H1555B1895                 - 20 -

     1     following:
     2             (i)  Fire hazard inspection and repair and repairing
     3         or replacing fire hydrants.
     4             (ii)  Emergency food and shelter activities.
     5             (iii)  Child and dependent care activities designed
     6         to enable parents to become fully employed.
     7             (iv)  Assisting in nutrition programs for children,
     8         the elderly and the disabled.
     9             (v)  Other services for the elderly or disabled,
    10         including meals on wheels, in-home services and respite
    11         care.
    12             (vi)  Disaster relief efforts to assist victims.
    13             (vii)  Upgrading personal and residential security
    14         for elderly and low-income residents of public or
    15         publicly assisted housing.
    16             (viii)  Public health services, including assistance
    17         in community health centers.
    18             (ix)  Emergency medical and rescue services.
    19             (x)  Drug and alcohol abuse programs.
    20             (xi)  Domestic violence programs, including
    21         prevention of child abuse.
    22             (xii)  Education and training assistance, including
    23         family literacy, English as a second language, basic
    24         skills education, remedial tutoring and occupational
    25         skills training.
    26             (xiii)  Assisting public library programs, including
    27         library aide programs and book mobiles.
    28             (xiv)  Employment counseling, homelessness prevention
    29         and other services to veterans.
    30             (xv)  Security guards for public schools and public
    19970H1555B1895                 - 21 -

     1         housing projects.
     2             (xvi)  Police support, such as dispatchers,
     3         neighborhood watch and traffic control to free police
     4         officers for full-time street duty.
     5             (xvii)  Staff support for juvenile and adult
     6         correctional facilities.
     7             (xviii)  Rodent and insect control activities.
     8             (xix)  Hazardous materials surveys.
     9             (xx)  Unemployment counseling and job placement
    10         services.
    11     (b)  Joint programs authorized.--Nothing in this chapter
    12  shall be construed to preclude such activities from being
    13  conducted in conjunction with programs funded from sources other
    14  than under this chapter.
    15     (c)  Public lands projects limitations.--
    16         (1)  Projects to be carried out under subsection (a)(2)
    17     shall be limited to projects on public lands except where a
    18     project involving other lands will provide a documented
    19     public benefit and reimbursement will be provided to the
    20     recipient for that portion of the total cost of the project
    21     which does not provide a public benefit. Notwithstanding any
    22     other provision of law, any reimbursement referred to in this
    23     paragraph shall be retained by the recipient and shall be
    24     used by the recipient for purposes of carrying out other
    25     projects under this chapter.
    26         (2)  All projects carried out under this act for
    27     conservation, rehabilitation, restoration or improvement of
    28     any public lands shall be consistent with the provisions of
    29     law and policies relating to the management and
    30     administration of such lands, with all other applicable
    19970H1555B1895                 - 22 -

     1     provisions of law and with all management, operational and
     2     other plans and documents which govern the administration of
     3     the area.
     4     (d)  Definition of project.--For the purpose of this section,
     5  the term "project" means a definable task or group of related
     6  tasks which:
     7         (1)  Will be carried out by a government department,
     8     public or quasi-public agency, private nonprofit organization
     9     or private contractor, including those carried out in
    10     conjunction with local Building Trades Councils, as described
    11     in section 204(e)(2).
    12         (2)  Will be completed within 24 months, if a program
    13     designed to create or modify, repair, rehabilitate or restore
    14     buildings or other tangible property.
    15         (3)  Is an activity authorized under this section or
    16     section 741(b).
    17         (4)  Will result in a specific product or accomplishment.
    18         (5)  Would not otherwise be conducted with existing
    19     funds.
    20         (6)  Will meet the priorities established in section 214.
    21  Section 702.  Eligible administrative entities.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this
    23  section, an eligible administrative entity under this act shall
    24  be an administrative entity under section 103(b)(1)(B) of the
    25  Job Training Partnership Act (Public Law 97-300, 29 U.S.C. §
    26  1513(b)(1)(B)) that serves one or more eligible jurisdictions.
    27     (b)  Eligible jurisdiction.--An eligible jurisdiction under
    28  this chapter is an area which has an unemployment rate in excess
    29  of 6% and which is:
    30         (1)  A unit of general local government which has a
    19970H1555B1895                 - 23 -

     1     population of 50,000 or more individuals.
     2         (2)  A consortium of contiguous units of general local
     3     government which includes:
     4             (i)  Two or more municipal governments at least one
     5         of which is an eligible jurisdiction under paragraph (1).
     6             (ii)  A combination of one or more such municipal
     7         governments and one or more county governments or
     8         equivalents.
     9             (iii)  Two or more county governments or equivalents
    10         at least one of which is an eligible jurisdiction under
    11         paragraph (1).
    12     (c)  Qualification of administrative entities.--
    13         (1)  An administrative entity that serves an eligible
    14     jurisdiction shall qualify as an eligible administrative
    15     entity for that eligible jurisdiction by filing, within 30
    16     days of the allotment of funds to that area, a statement with
    17     respect to the use of such allotment. If no such
    18     administrative entity files such a statement within the 30
    19     days, the department may, on the basis of the filing of such
    20     a statement, qualify another administrative entity within the
    21     same state to serve that jurisdiction.
    22         (2)  A larger unit of general local government,
    23     determined on the basis of population, shall not qualify as
    24     an eligible administrative entity to serve the population of
    25     any geographic area within the jurisdiction of any smaller
    26     unit of general local government, determined on the basis of
    27     population, if the latter unit is, or is part of, an eligible
    28     administrative entity that has filed a statement with respect
    29     to the use of funds provided under this act for such area.
    30  Section 703.  Project design.
    19970H1555B1895                 - 24 -

     1     (a)  Priority.--In designing projects under this chapter, the
     2  eligible administrative entity shall give priority to projects
     3  on the basis of:
     4         (1)  The severity and duration of unemployment within
     5     localities in the area of the eligible administrative entity.
     6         (2)  The degree to which project activities will lead to
     7     the expansion of unsubsidized employment opportunities in the
     8     private sector.
     9         (3)  The level of need which exists for the activities
    10     and services to be provided.
    11         (4)  The extent to which the activities will provide
    12     long-term benefits to the public.
    13         (5)  The extent to which the activities will instill in
    14     the enrollee involved a work ethic and a sense of public
    15     service.
    16         (6)  The extent to which the project will be labor
    17     intensive.
    18         (7)  The extent to which the project can be planned and
    19     initiated promptly.
    20     (b)  Coordination.--To the extent feasible, employment
    21  opportunities established with funds made available under this
    22  chapter shall be coordinated with other Federal, State and local
    23  activities, including vocational and adult education, job
    24  training provided with funds available under the Job Training
    25  Partnership Act (Public Law 97-300, 29 U.S.C. § 1501 et seq.),
    26  the Family Support Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-485, 102 Stat.
    27  2343) and activities receiving funds available under section 106
    28  of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law
    29  93-383, 42 U.S.C. § 5306) and other Federal laws.
    30                            SUBCHAPTER B
    19970H1555B1895                 - 25 -

     2                           YOUTH TRAINEES
     3  Section 721.  Youth trainee activities.
     4     (a)  Use of funds authorized.--Funds under this chapter may
     5  be used for eligible youth who are paid wages and benefits from
     6  such funds for part-time employment not in excess of 32 hours
     7  per week. This part-time employment may be at a work site
     8  operated by a public or private nonprofit agency or organization
     9  or by an employer organized for profit but shall be provided in
    10  a manner which requires and is consistent with the youth's
    11  enrollment in high school, a program which leads to a
    12  certificate of high school equivalency or a program of basic
    13  skills, skills training or employability development, including
    14  a program operated pursuant to the Family Support Act of 1988
    15  (Public Law 100-485, 102 Stat. 2343). Such enrollment shall be
    16  for a minimum of eight hours per week.
    17     (b)  Joint projects authorized.--In meeting the requirements
    18  of subsection (a), funds required to be used for such purpose
    19  may be used in activities which also receive funds under Federal
    20  job training and vocational education programs or State or local
    21  public or private education or training programs.
    22  Section 722.  Eligible youth.
    23     (a)  Exemption from unemployment duration requirements.--
    24  Notwithstanding section 502(a)(2) regarding the duration of
    25  unemployment, the following persons shall be eligible to
    26  participate in programs described in this chapter:
    27         (1)  A person 16 through 19 years of age.
    28         (2)  A person 16 through 24 years of age who is the
    29     parent of a dependent noncustodial child and who executes an
    30     agreement of support and an authorization for the withholding
    19970H1555B1895                 - 26 -

     1     or a portion of his wages from such activity for use in
     2     supporting the dependent child.
     3         (3)  A person who is currently unemployed.
     4     (b)  Priority.--
     5         (1)  In selecting participants, an administrator shall,
     6     notwithstanding section 502(c), give priority to individuals
     7     who are economically disadvantaged. Among such individuals,
     8     eligible school dropouts shall be served on an equitable
     9     basis.
    10         (2)  For purposes of this subsection, a school dropout is
    11     an individual who is not attending any school and has not
    12     received a secondary school diploma or certificate of high
    13     school equivalency.
    14                            SUBCHAPTER C
    15                         STATE JOB PROGRAMS
    16  § 741.  Financial assistance for State job programs.
    17     (a)  Use of allotted funds.--Five percent of the sums under
    18  section 503 shall be available for purposes of this subchapter.
    19     (b)  Use of funds.--The sums available under subsection (a)
    20  shall be used for the employment of eligible participants under
    21  this chapter for the following:
    22         (1)  Programs and activities authorized under Chapter 5,
    23     including, but not limited to:
    24             (i)  State parks, forests, recreation and
    25         conservation programs, including rangeland rehabilitation
    26         and improvement and beach front erosion rehabilitation
    27         and repair.
    28             (ii)  State hospitals and other institutions and
    29         facilities providing health care.
    30             (iii)  State correctional institutions and programs,
    19970H1555B1895                 - 27 -

     1         including juvenile facilities.
     2             (iv)  State-administered social service programs,
     3         including State-sponsored preschool and child care
     4         programs.
     5         (2)  Special assistance in conjunction, as appropriate,
     6     with eligible administrative entities under this chapter for
     7     areas which have experienced sudden or sever economic
     8     dislocations, including large-scale losses of jobs caused by
     9     the closing of facilities, including defense-related
    10     facilities or mass layoffs.
    11         (3)  Emergency aid programs to cope with natural
    12     disasters, including erosion, flood, drought and storm damage
    13     assistance and control activities.
    14         (4)  Special assistance to seasonal farmworkers and small
    15     farmers in rural, agricultural areas which have experienced
    16     substantial losses of jobs due to the rising number of farm
    17     mortgage foreclosures and other severe economic disruption in
    18     conjunction, as appropriate, with eligible administrative
    19     entities under this chapter or with related programs under
    20     the Job Training Partnership Act (97-300, 29 U.S.C. § 1501 et
    21     seq.), or both.
    22     (c)  Program and activity selection and design.--In
    23  determining the programs and activities to receive funds
    24  allotted under subsection (a), the department shall give first
    25  priority to the establishment of those programs and activities
    26  which will provide job sites within areas in which the rate of
    27  unemployment is the highest.
    28  In designing projects under this section, the department shall
    29  evaluate projects on the basis of the severity and duration of
    30  unemployment within localities and the level of need which
    19970H1555B1895                 - 28 -

     1  exists for the activities and services to be provided.
     2                             CHAPTER 9
     3                       EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES
     4  Section 901.  School facility repair and renovation projects.
     5     (a)  Use of funds authorized.--Funds shall be made available
     6  under this act for any fiscal year to any eligible local
     7  education agency in an eligible jurisdiction under section 702
     8  and shall be used to carry out projects and activities, in
     9  accordance with the limitation on use of funds set forth in
    10  section 503, providing employment to eligible participants,
    11  qualifying under section 502, in work on the repair, renovation,
    12  restoration or rehabilitation of public school facilities.
    13     (b)  Use of quick-start projects.--To the maximum extent
    14  feasible, funds made available under this chapter shall be used
    15  for projects or activities on which onsite labor can begin
    16  within 30 days of receipt of funds under this chapter.
    17     (c)  Permitted use of funds.--Funds available under this
    18  chapter shall be used as follows:
    19         (1)  For assisting school districts in bringing their
    20     public school facilities into conformity with the following:
    21             (i)  The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (Public
    22         Law 90-480, 42 U.S.C. § 4151 et seq.).
    23             (ii)  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    24         (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et. seq.).
    25             (iii)  The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    26         (Public Law 101-336, 104 Stat. 327).
    27             (iv)  Environmental protection or health and safety
    28         programs mandated by Federal or State law or by local
    29         ordinance, especially for those facilities which were
    30         constructed before such requirements were in effect.
    19970H1555B1895                 - 29 -

     1         (2)  For the repair, renovation, restoration or
     2     rehabilitation of public school facilities, including
     3     electrical rewiring for new technology.
     4         (3)  For conversion of presently unused or underused
     5     facilities into adult training centers or preschool education
     6     centers, including Head Start centers under the Head Start
     7     Act (Public Law 97-35, 42 U.S.C. § 9831 et. seq.).
     8         (4)  For remodeling or renovating structures to make them
     9     more energy-efficient.
    10         (5)  For detecting, removing or otherwise containing lead
    11     or asbestos in academic or other facilities used by students.
    12                             CHAPTER 11
    13                              FUNDING
    14                            SUBCHAPTER A
    15                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    16  Section 1101.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    18  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Agency."  The Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency, the
    21  public body corporate and politic created by this chapter.
    22     "Board."  The governing body of the Infrastructure
    23  Redevelopment Agency.
    24     "Bonds" and "notes."  The bonds and notes which the
    25  Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency is authorized to issue
    26  pursuant to this chapter.
    27     "Chapter."  This chapter and the rules and regulations
    28  adopted by the agency hereunder.
    29     "Federal agency."  The United States of America, the
    30  President or any department of the United States or any
    19970H1555B1895                 - 30 -

     1  corporation, agency or instrumentality, created, designated or
     2  established by the United States.
     3                            SUBCHAPTER B
     5  Section 1121.  Establishment.
     6     A body corporate and politic to be known as the Human
     7  Services Development Agency is hereby created as a public
     8  corporation and government instrumentality and which shall have
     9  continuing succession until its existence is terminated by law.
    10  Section 1122.  Composition, terms, etc.
    11     (a)  Appointment and composition.--The members of the agency
    12  shall be the Secretary of Community and Economic Development,
    13  the State Treasurer, the Secretary of Labor and Industry and the
    14  Secretary of Public Welfare and the respective successors in
    15  office of each of them and six additional members whom the
    16  Governor shall appoint. One of the members of the agency
    17  appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the
    18  Senate shall be a representative of a community-based nonprofit
    19  group which assists low-income individuals in job training and
    20  related matters. Annually, at the first meeting held during the
    21  calendar year, the members shall elect one of the members to
    22  serve as chairperson.
    23     (b)  Terms.--The members initially appointed shall serve for
    24  terms of one, two, three, four, five and six years,
    25  respectively, the particular term of each to be designated by
    26  the Governor at the time of appointment. The terms of all their
    27  successors shall be six years each, except that any person
    28  appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired
    29  term. Every member's term shall extend until his successor is
    30  appointed and qualified. Any appointment of a member of the
    19970H1555B1895                 - 31 -

     1  agency made hereafter shall be subject to the advice and consent
     2  of a majority of all the members of the Senate. Any appointed
     3  member of the agency shall be eligible for reappointment.
     4     (c)  Expenses.--The members of the agency shall not receive
     5  compensation for their services as members, but shall receive
     6  reimbursement for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred
     7  in connection with the performance of their duties as members,
     8  in accordance with the rules of the Executive Board.
     9     (d)  Attendance.--A member who fails to attend meetings for
    10  three consecutive months shall forfeit his seat unless the
    11  chairperson of the agency, upon written request from the member,
    12  finds that the member should be excused from a meeting because
    13  of illness or the death of an immediate family member.
    14  Section 1123.  Agency governing body.
    15     The governing body of the agency shall be a board consisting
    16  of the members of the agency. The board shall elect a chairman
    17  from among its members at the first meeting of the board and at
    18  its first meeting in each year thereafter. A majority of the
    19  members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of organizing
    20  the agency, conducting its business and exercising all powers of
    21  the agency. A vote of the majority of the members present shall
    22  be sufficient for all actions of the board, unless the bylaws
    23  require a greater number.
    24  Section 1124.  Powers and duties.
    25     The agency shall have the following powers and duties:
    26         (1)  To adopt, use and alter at will a corporate seal.
    27         (2)  To make and alter bylaws for the management and
    28     regulation of its affairs and to make, and from time to time
    29     amend and repeal, rules and regulations governing the various
    30     programs of the agency pursuant to this act and the conduct
    19970H1555B1895                 - 32 -

     1     of its business.
     2         (3)  To enter into contracts of all kinds and to execute
     3     all instruments necessary or convenient for carrying on its
     4     operations.
     5         (4)  To accept grants and subsidies from and to enter
     6     into agreements or other transactions with any Federal agency
     7     or agency of the Commonwealth or other entity.
     8         (5)  To accept grants-in-aid, gifts, donations, legacies
     9     or usages of money made or extended by individuals,
    10     organizations, public or private corporations, departments or
    11     instrumentalities of the Commonwealth or the Federal
    12     Government and to return money advanced for its usage not
    13     otherwise required for its purposes or for any capital
    14     reserve fund created.
    15         (6)  To be a party litigant in any court having
    16     jurisdiction according to law in any form of action
    17     whatsoever.
    18         (7)  To cooperate with and assist and receive assistance
    19     from the Department of Labor and Industry and the Department
    20     of Public Welfare.
    21         (8)  To acquire, hold and dispose of personal property,
    22     tangible and intangible.
    23         (9)  To acquire, hold and dispose of real property, or
    24     any interest therein, to be used by the agency for the
    25     purpose of its offices and operations.
    26         (10)  To borrow money for the operation and work of the
    27     agency by the making of notes and by the issuance of bonds.
    28         (11)  To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking
    29     funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement,
    30     in such investments as may be lawful for fiduciaries under
    19970H1555B1895                 - 33 -

     1     any law of this Commonwealth.
     2         (12)  To conduct studies of job training and related
     3     matters and to enter into contracts with the Department of
     4     Labor and Industry and other appropriate agencies and to do
     5     all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers
     6     granted by this act or other acts.
     7         (13)  To employ an executive director and such other
     8     officers, agents, employees, professionals, employment and
     9     training advisors as may from time to time be necessary in
    10     its judgment and to fix their compensation, and to promote
    11     and discharge such officers, employees and agents.
    12         (14)  To appear in its own behalf before boards,
    13     commissions, departments or other agencies of Federal, State
    14     or municipal government.
    15         (15)  To procure insurance against any loss in connection
    16     with its property in such amounts and from such insurers as
    17     may be necessary or desirable.
    18         (16)  To do all things necessary or convenient to carry
    19     out the powers granted by this act or other acts.
    20  Section 1125.  Agency moneys.
    21     All moneys of the agency from whatever source derived shall
    22  be paid to the treasurer of the agency and deposited in the
    23  first instance in one or more banks or trust companies, in one
    24  or more special accounts, each continuously secured by pledge of
    25  direct obligations of the United States or of the Commonwealth,
    26  or bonds of the agency, having an aggregate market value,
    27  exclusive of accrued interest, at all times at least equal to
    28  the balance on deposit in the account. The security shall be
    29  either deposited with the treasurer or held by a trustee or
    30  agent satisfactory to the agency. All banks and trust companies
    19970H1555B1895                 - 34 -

     1  are authorized to give the security required. The moneys of the
     2  agency shall be paid out on the warrant or other order of the
     3  treasurer of the agency or of another person authorized by the
     4  agency to execute warrants or orders. Notwithstanding the
     5  provisions of this section, the agency shall have power to
     6  contract with the holders of any of its bonds or notes as to the
     7  custody, security and payment of any moneys of the agency or any
     8  moneys held in trust or otherwise to secure the payment of bonds
     9  or notes. Deposits of moneys held in trust or otherwise to
    10  secure the payment of bonds or notes may be secured in the same
    11  manner as moneys of the agency, and all banks and trust
    12  companies are authorized to give security for such deposits.
    13                            SUBCHAPTER C
    14                          BONDS AND NOTES
    15  Section 1141.  Issuance of bonds and notes.
    16     (a)  Authority of agency.--The agency shall have the power
    17  and is hereby authorized, from time to time by resolution of the
    18  members and subject to the written approval by the Governor, to
    19  issue its negotiable bonds, either as serial bonds maturing in
    20  annual installments or as term bonds, or any combination
    21  thereof, and notes in such principal amount as, in the opinion
    22  of the agency, shall be necessary to provide sufficient funds
    23  for achieving its corporate purposes, including the programs
    24  established under this act, the payment of interest on bonds and
    25  notes of the agency, establishment of reserves to secure such
    26  bonds and notes and all other expenditures of the agency
    27  incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its
    28  corporate purposes and powers. The agency shall have the power,
    29  from time to time by resolution of the members and subject to
    30  the written approval of the Governor, to issue renewal notes, to
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     1  issue bonds to pay notes and, whenever it deems refunding
     2  expedient, to refund any bonds by the issuance of new bonds,
     3  whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured, and
     4  to issue bonds partly to refund bonds then outstanding and
     5  partly for any other purpose. The refunding bonds shall be sold
     6  and the proceeds applied to the purchase, redemption or payment
     7  of the bonds to be refunded. The agency shall not have the power
     8  to issue bond anticipation notes, provided, however, that
     9  renewal bond anticipation notes may be issued for the sole
    10  purpose of redeeming any issue or portion of any issue of bond
    11  anticipation notes issued by the agency which have not been
    12  retired through the sale of bonds.
    13     (b)  Provision of notes and bonds.--The notes and bonds of
    14  the agency shall bear the date or dates and shall mature at the
    15  time or times, in the case of any note, or any renewals thereof,
    16  not exceeding five years from the date of issue of the original
    17  note, and in the case of any bond, not exceeding 50 years from
    18  the date of issue, as such resolution or resolutions may
    19  provide. The notes and bonds shall bear interest at such rate or
    20  rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon
    21  or registered, carry such registration privileges, contain such
    22  terms and provisions relating to, but not limited to, pledges of
    23  the agency's assets, setting aside of reserves, limitations on
    24  additional notes and bonds and such other matters as may affect
    25  the security or protection of the notes and bonds, be executed
    26  in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such
    27  place or places and be subject to such terms of redemption as
    28  such resolution or resolutions may provide. The notes and bonds
    29  of the agency may be sold at public or private sale at the price
    30  or prices as the agency  determines.
    19970H1555B1895                 - 36 -

     1     (c)  Nonliability.--Neither the members of the agency nor any
     2  person executing the notes or bonds shall be liable personally
     3  on the notes or bonds or be subject to any personal liability or
     4  accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
     5     (d)  Redemption.--The agency, subject to such agreement with
     6  noteholders or bondholders as may then exist, shall have power
     7  out of any funds available therefor to purchase its notes or
     8  bonds, which shall thereupon be canceled, at a price not
     9  exceeding:
    10         (1)   if the notes or bonds are then redeemable, the
    11     redemption price then applicable plus accrued interest to the
    12     next interest payment date thereupon; or
    13         (2)  if the notes or bonds are not then redeemable, the
    14     redemption price applicable on the first date after such
    15     purchase upon which the notes or bonds become subject to
    16     redemption plus accrued interest to such date.
    17  Section 1142.  Credit of Commonwealth or any subdivision not
    18                 pledged.
    19     Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the agency,
    20  its bonds and notes shall be general obligations of the agency
    21  payable out of any moneys or revenues of the agency, including
    22  the proceeds of loans made under this act, reserve funds created
    23  therefor by the agency and other lawfully available money,
    24  subject only to any agreements with holders of the bonds or
    25  notes pledging any receipts or revenues. Bonds and notes issued
    26  under this act shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the
    27  Commonwealth or of any political subdivision or a pledge of the
    28  faith and credit of the Commonwealth or of any such political
    29  subdivision. All bonds and notes shall contain on the face a
    30  statement to the effect that neither the agency nor the
    19970H1555B1895                 - 37 -

     1  Commonwealth nor any political subdivision shall be obligated to
     2  pay the same or the interest thereon except from such proceeds
     3  or reserve fund and that neither the faith and credit nor the
     4  taxing power of the Commonwealth or any political subdivision is
     5  pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on
     6  such bonds.
     7  Section 1143.  Funds and accounts.
     8     The agency shall create such funds and accounts as may be
     9  necessary or desirable for its corporate purposes and shall pay
    10  into each such fund or account any moneys appropriated and made
    11  available by the Commonwealth for the purposes of such fund or
    12  account. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as
    13  prohibiting the agency from creating within any fund one or more
    14  accounts which may be used or pledged by the agency for a
    15  specific purpose.
    16  Section 1144.  Reserve funds and appropriations.
    17     (a)  Establishment.--The agency may create and establish one
    18  or more special funds, referred to as capital reserve funds, and
    19  shall pay into each capital reserve fund any moneys appropriated
    20  and made available by the Commonwealth for the purpose of such
    21  fund, any proceeds of sale of notes or bonds to the extent
    22  provided in the resolution or resolutions of the agency
    23  authorizing the issuance thereof and any other moneys which may
    24  be available to the agency for the purpose of the fund from any
    25  other source or sources. All moneys held in any capital reserve
    26  fund, except as provided in this act shall be used, as required,
    27  solely for the payment of the principal of bonds secured, in
    28  whole or in part, by such fund or of the sinking fund payments
    29  with respect to such bonds, the purchase or redemption of the
    30  bonds, the payment of interest on the bonds or the payment of
    19970H1555B1895                 - 38 -

     1  any redemption premium required to be paid when the bonds are
     2  redeemed prior to maturity. Moneys in any fund shall not be
     3  withdrawn at any time in an amount as would reduce the amount of
     4  the fund to less than the minimum capital reserve fund
     5  requirement established for the fund, as provided in this act,
     6  except for the purpose of making, with respect to bonds secured,
     7  in whole or in part, by such fund, payment when due of
     8  principal, interest, redemption premiums and the sinking fund
     9  payments with respect to such bonds for the payment of which
    10  other moneys of the agency are not available. Any income or
    11  interest earned by, or increments to, any capital reserve fund
    12  due to the investment thereof may be transferred by the agency
    13  to other funds or accounts of the agency to the extent it does
    14  not reduce the amount of that capital reserve fund below the
    15  minimum capital reserve fund requirement for the fund.
    16     (b)  Minimum capital reserves.--The agency shall not at any
    17  time issue bonds secured, in whole or in part, by a capital
    18  reserve fund, if, upon the issuance of such bonds, the amount in
    19  the capital reserve fund will be less than the minimum capital
    20  reserve fund requirement for the fund, unless the agency at the
    21  time of issuance of such bonds shall deposit in the fund from
    22  the proceeds of the bonds to be issued, or from other sources,
    23  an amount which, together with the amount then in the fund, will
    24  not be less than the minimum capital reserve fund requirement
    25  for the fund. For the purposes of this section, the term
    26  "minimum capital reserve fund requirement" means, as of any
    27  particular date of computation, an amount of money, as provided
    28  in the resolution or resolutions of the agency authorizing the
    29  bonds with respect to which the fund is established. In no
    30  event, however, shall the capital reserve fund requirement
    19970H1555B1895                 - 39 -

     1  exceed an amount equal to not more than the greatest of the
     2  respective amounts, for the current or any future fiscal year of
     3  the agency, of annual debt service on the bonds of the agency
     4  secured, in whole or in part, by the fund such annual debt
     5  service for any fiscal year being the amount of money equal to
     6  the aggregate of all interest and principal payable on the bonds
     7  during the fiscal year, calculated on the assumption that all
     8  the bonds are paid at maturity or, if any amount of the bonds is
     9  required to be redeemed on any earlier date by operation of a
    10  sinking fund, then on the assumption that such amount of bonds
    11  is redeemed on such earlier date and that such amount is
    12  considered principal payable on the bonds during the year they
    13  are to be redeemed for purposes of this calculation.
    14     (c)  Statement of obligations.--To assure the continued
    15  operation and solvency of the agency, for the carrying out of
    16  its corporate purposes, provision is made in subsection (a) for
    17  the accumulation in each capital reserve fund of an amount equal
    18  to the minimum capital reserve fund requirement for the fund. In
    19  order further to assure the maintenance of such capital reserve
    20  funds, the agency, at least 30 days before the beginning of each
    21  legislative session, shall submit to the Governor and the
    22  General Assembly a written statement of the obligations of the
    23  agency falling due within the succeeding 12-month period and of
    24  the manner in which the agency anticipates providing for these
    25  obligations by way of payment, extension, renewal or otherwise
    26  and an estimate of the funds, if any, expected to be necessary
    27  during the following year to restore to each capital reserve
    28  fund any deficiencies in the minimum capital reserve fund
    29  requirement for the fund or otherwise to avoid default in the
    30  payment of interest or principal upon bonds or notes issued by
    19970H1555B1895                 - 40 -

     1  the agency, or in sinking fund payments required to be made; and
     2  the Governor shall cause the amount of such moneys, if any, to
     3  be placed in the budget of the Commonwealth for the next
     4  succeeding fiscal year, so that the General Assembly is able to
     5  provide appropriations sufficient to restore any deficiencies or
     6  otherwise to avoid any default. These appropriations, if any,
     7  shall be repaid to the Commonwealth as soon as possible by the
     8  agency from moneys of the agency in excess of the amount
     9  required to make and keep the agency self-supporting.
    10     (d)  Valuation of securities.--In computing the amount of any
    11  capital reserve fund for the purposes of this section,
    12  securities in which all or a portion of such fund are invested
    13  shall be valued at par if purchased at par or, if purchased at
    14  other than par, at amortized value, which, when used with
    15  respect to securities purchased at a premium above or a discount
    16  below par, shall mean the value as of any given date obtained by
    17  dividing the total amount of the premium or discount at which
    18  such securities were purchased by the number of days remaining
    19  to maturity on such securities at the time of such purchase and
    20  by multiplying the amount so calculated by the number of days
    21  having passed since the date of that purchase and either, in the
    22  case of securities purchased at a premium, by deducting the
    23  product thus obtained from the purchase price or, in the case of
    24  securities purchased at a discount, by adding the product thus
    25  obtained to the purchase price.
    26  Section 1145.  Trust agreement.
    27     In the discretion of the agency, bonds and notes issued by it
    28  shall be secured by a trust agreement by and between the agency
    29  and a trustee, which may be any trust company or bank within
    30  this Commonwealth having the powers of a trust company. Either
    19970H1555B1895                 - 41 -

     1  the resolution providing for the issuance of bonds and notes or
     2  trust agreement may contain provisions for protecting and
     3  enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may be
     4  reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including
     5  covenants setting forth the duties of the agency in relation to
     6  the custody, safeguarding and application of all moneys.
     7  Section 1146.  Depository.
     8     It shall be lawful for any bank or trust company incorporated
     9  under the laws of this Commonwealth to act as depository of the
    10  proceeds of bonds and notes or of revenues and to furnish such
    11  indemnifying bonds or to pledge such securities as may be
    12  required by the agency. This trust agreement may set forth the
    13  rights and remedies of the bondholders and noteholders and of
    14  the trustee and may restrict the individual right of action by
    15  bondholders and noteholders. In addition to the foregoing, the
    16  trust agreement may contain other provisions as the agency may
    17  deem reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders
    18  and noteholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the
    19  provisions of the trust agreement may be treated as a part of
    20  the cost of the operation of the agency.
    21  Section 1147.  Bonds and notes tax exempt.
    22     The creation of the agency is in all respects for the benefit
    23  of the people of this Commonwealth and for the improvement of
    24  their health, safety, welfare, comfort and security, and its
    25  purposes are public purposes. The agency shall perform an
    26  essential governmental function. The Commonwealth covenants with
    27  the purchasers and all subsequent holders and transferees of the
    28  notes and bonds issued by the agency, in consideration of the
    29  acceptance of any payment for the notes and bonds, that the
    30  notes and bonds of the agency issued pursuant to this act and
    19970H1555B1895                 - 42 -

     1  the income therefrom, the income and revenues of the agency and
     2  the agency and its property shall at all times be free from
     3  taxation or assessment of every kind and nature except for
     4  inheritance, estate, gift and transfer taxes.
     5  Section 1148.  Notes and bonds as legal investments.
     6     The notes and bonds of the agency are securities in which all
     7  public officers and bodies of the Commonwealth and all
     8  municipalities and municipal subdivisions, all insurance
     9  companies and associations and other persons carrying on an
    10  insurance business; all banks, trust companies, savings banks
    11  and savings associations, saving and loan associations,
    12  investment companies; all administrators, guardians, executors,
    13  trustees and other fiduciaries and all other persons whatsoever
    14  who are or may be authorized to invest in bonds or other
    15  obligations of the Commonwealth may properly and legally invest
    16  funds, including capital, in their control or belonging to them.
    17  Section 1149.  Covenant by Commonwealth not to limit or alter
    18                 powers vested in agency.
    19     The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pledges, covenants and
    20  agrees with the holders of any bonds, bond anticipation notes or
    21  other obligations issued under the authority of this act that
    22  the Commonwealth will not limit or alter the rights or powers
    23  vested in the agency to perform and fulfill the terms of any
    24  agreement made with the holders of such bonds, bond anticipation
    25  notes or other obligations or in any way impair the rights or
    26  remedies of such holders until such bond, bond anticipation
    27  notes and other obligations, together with interest thereon,
    28  with interest on any unpaid installments of interest, and all
    29  costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceedings
    30  by or in behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged or
    19970H1555B1895                 - 43 -

     1  provided for. The agency may include this pledge and agreement
     2  of the Commonwealth in any agreement with the holders of bonds,
     3  bond anticipation notes and other obligations issued by the
     4  agency.
     5  Section 1150.  Allocation for Commonwealth revenue.
     6     (a)  Amount.--For the purpose of maintaining the capital
     7  reserves required by this chapter, there is hereby allocated and
     8  appropriated to the Infrastructure Redevelopment Agency that
     9  amount of Commonwealth revenue equal to 0.05% of the revenue
    10  collected, on a fiscal year basis, under Article III of the act
    11  of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    12  1971.
    13     (b)  Fiscal periods.--The allocation under subsection (a)
    14  shall be made for the following fiscal periods:
    15         (1)  July 1, 1997, to June 30, 1998.
    16         (2)  July 1, 1998, to June 30, 1999.
    17         (3)  July 1, 1999, to June 30, 2000.
    18                             CHAPTER 15
    19                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    20  Section 1501.  General requirements.
    21     (a)  Discrimination prohibited.--
    22         (1)  No person shall be excluded from participation in,
    23     denied the benefits of, subjected to discrimination under or
    24     denied employment in the administration of or in connection
    25     with any program under this act because of race, color,
    26     religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or political
    27     affiliation or belief.
    28         (2)  With respect to terms and conditions affecting or
    29     rights provided to individuals who are participants in
    30     activities supported by funds provided under this act, such
    19970H1555B1895                 - 44 -

     1     individuals shall not be discriminated against solely because
     2     of their status as participants under this act.
     3     (b)  Use of funds for supplementary activities.--Funds
     4  provided under this act shall only be used for activities which
     5  are in addition to those which would otherwise be available in
     6  the absence of such funds.
     7     (c)  Substitution for government programs prohibited.--No
     8  funds made available under this act for subsidized employment
     9  may be provided to a private organization, institution or
    10  contractor to conduct any activities customarily performed by
    11  State employees or by employees of a political subdivision in
    12  the area served by the program.
    13     (d)  Services to residents.--Only individuals residing in the
    14  area of an eligible jurisdiction under this act may participate
    15  in activities funded under this act, except that a recipient may
    16  permit participation by homeless individuals who cannot prove
    17  residence within the eligible jurisdiction.
    18     (e)  Hiring of voluntarily terminated workers prohibited.--No
    19  individual shall be eligible to be employed in a position
    20  subsidized under this act if that individual has, within the
    21  preceding six months, voluntarily terminated, without good
    22  cause, his or her last previous full-time employment at a wage
    23  rate equal to or exceeding the Federal minimum wage as
    24  prescribed under section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act
    25  of 1938 (52 Stat. 1060, 29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.), unless the
    26  individual has moved to follow a spouse.
    27     (f)  Wage rates.--
    28         (1)  An individual in employment subsidized under this
    29  act shall be paid wages which shall not be less than the highest
    30  of the following:
    19970H1555B1895                 - 45 -

     1             (i)  The minimum wage under section 6(a)(1) of the
     2         Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, (52 Stat. 1060, 29
     3         U.S.C. § 201 et seq.).
     4             (ii)  The minimum wage under the act of January 17,
     5         1968 (P.L.11, No.5), known as The Minimum Wage Act of
     6         1968.
     7             (iii)  The prevailing wage provided for under the act
     8         of August 15, 1961 (P.L.987, No.442), known as the
     9         Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act.
    10         (2)  The average weekly portion of the wages which may be
    11     paid to participants from funds made available under this act
    12     for any fiscal year shall not exceed the amount determined
    13     and published annually by the department before the beginning
    14     of that fiscal year. This amount shall be equal to the State
    15     Average Weekly Wage, or multiplied by 75% and rounded up to
    16     the nearest $10.
    17         (3)  Participants employed under this act may have their
    18     wages supplemented by the payment of additional wages for
    19     such employment from sources other than this act.
    20         (4)  Participants employed under this act shall be
    21     allowed sufficient time off from work activities to
    22     participate effectively in job search activities.
    23         (5)  Funds under this act may be used to employ
    24     individuals in part-time, flexible-time and work-sharing
    25     employment customarily offered by the employer, if the
    26     individuals receive benefits customarily provided with
    27     respect to such employment by the same employer.
    28         (6)  Work records.--Programs under this act shall
    29     maintain an individual work record for each participant, to
    30     be provided to each participant at the end of his or her
    19970H1555B1895                 - 46 -

     1     participation, which shall contain the following:
     2             (i)  A documentary history of the experience and
     3         skills acquired by such participant.
     4             (ii)  A list of the major work tasks completed by
     5         each participant.
     6     (h)  Expenditure schedule.--Any funds appropriated to carry
     7  out this act which are alloted for any fiscal year shall be
     8  available for expenditure by the recipient during a period of
     9  one year from the date of payment to the recipient. No part of
    10  any allotment shall be revoked or canceled as long as the funds
    11  so alloted are expended by the recipient within the one-year
    12  period. If any funds are not expended, the department shall
    13  reallot an amount equal to the unexpended funds among other
    14  eligible recipients in accordance with this act.
    15     (i)  Program abuse regulations.--Regulations shall be
    16  promulgated by the department for the purpose of assuring
    17  against program abuses, including, but not limited to, nepotism,
    18  conflicts-of-interest; the charging of fees in connection with
    19  participation in the program; excessive or unreasonable legal
    20  fees; the improper commingling of funds under this act with
    21  funds received from other sources; the failure to keep and
    22  maintain sufficient, auditable or otherwise adequate records;
    23  kickbacks; political patronage; violations of applicable child
    24  labor laws; the use of funds for lobbying Federal, State or
    25  local legislators; and the use of funds for activities which are
    26  not directly related to the proper operation of the program.
    27  Section 1502.  Labor standards.
    28     (a)  Conditions and benefits.--
    29         (1)  Conditions of employment and training shall be
    30     appropriate and reasonable in light of such factors as the
    19970H1555B1895                 - 47 -

     1     type of work, geographical region and proficiency of the
     2     participant.
     3         (2)  The regulations, relating to health and safety and
     4     workers' compensation, implementing paragraphs (2) and (3) of
     5     section 143(a) of the Job Training Partnership Act (Public
     6     Law 97-300, 29 U.S.C. 1553(a)) issued on March 15, 1983,
     7     shall apply to participants under this act.
     8         (3)  All individuals while employed in subsidized jobs
     9     under this act shall be provided benefits and working
    10     conditions at the same level and to the same extent as other
    11     employees doing the same type of work.
    12         (4)  No funds available under this act may be used for
    13     contributions on behalf of any participant to retirement
    14     systems or plans. Nothing in this subsection shall relieve
    15     either a participant or a program from requirements of the
    16     Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301, et seq.).
    17     (b)  Protection of existing workers.--
    18         (1)  No currently employed worker shall be displaced by
    19     any participant, including partial displacement such as a
    20     reduction in the hours of nonovertime work, wages or
    21     employment benefits.
    22         (2)  No program shall impair existing contracts for
    23     services or collective bargaining agreements, except that no
    24     program under this act which would be inconsistent with the
    25     terms of a collective bargaining agreement shall be
    26     undertaken without written concurrence of the labor
    27     organization and employer concerned.
    28         (3)  No participant whose wages are subsidized under this
    29     act shall be employed or job opening filled when any other
    30     individual is on layoff from the same or substantially
    19970H1555B1895                 - 48 -

     1     equivalent job. No participant whose wages are subsidized
     2     under this act shall be employed or job opening filled when,
     3     after the enactment of this act, the employer terminates the
     4     employment of any regular unsubsidized employee in the same
     5     or any substantially equivalent job or otherwise reduces the
     6     number of regular unsubsidized employees in such jobs.
     7         (4)  No jobs shall be created in a promotional line that
     8     will infringe in any way upon the promotional opportunities
     9     of currently employed individuals.
    10     (c)  Compliance reports.--
    11         (1)  Each quarterly report submitted pursuant to section
    12     923(c) or 943(c) shall be transmitted by the recipient to any
    13     labor organization representing government or private
    14     employees who are engaged in similar work to that performed
    15     by employees whose wages are subsidized under this act.
    16         (2)  Each quarterly report submitted pursuant to section
    17     923(c) or 943(c) which is subject to the requirements of
    18     paragraph (3) shall, with respect to each government
    19     department in which subsidized employment is provided under
    20     this act, set forth:
    21             (i)  The number of all regular employees of the
    22         department:
    23                 (A)  during the quarter to which such report
    24             applies; and
    25                 (B)  during the quarter preceding the enactment
    26             of this act.
    27             (ii)  The number of employees subsidized under this
    28         act in such department during each quarter.
    29         (3)  If, for two succeeding calendar quarters, there has
    30     been an average decline of 5% or more in the number of
    19970H1555B1895                 - 49 -

     1     unsubsidized employees in any department as compared to the
     2     number for the quarter described in paragraph (2)(i)(B), the
     3     report shall include a statement identifying the jobs which
     4     have been reduced and setting forth any reasons that such
     5     reduction does not result from a failure to comply with
     6     subsection (b).
     7         (4)  Any such report which is required to contain such a
     8     statement shall be subject to review in accordance with
     9     subsection (d).
    10     (d)  Complaint procedure.--
    11         (1)  Whenever any employee or labor organization
    12     representing employees of a government agency employing
    13     subsidized employees under this act submits to the department
    14     a complaint alleging that subsection (a) or (b) or section
    15     1501 has been violated, a copy of the complaint shall be
    16     transmitted at the same time that government agency to review
    17     the complaint and to submit a reply to the department within
    18     15 days after receiving a copy of the complaint.
    19         (2)  If, after investigation by the department, the
    20     matter cannot be concluded, or upon the insistence of any
    21     party to the matter, the department shall schedule a hearing
    22     upon the matter in the manner provided in 2 Pa.C.S. (relating
    23     to Administrative Law and Procedure). Decisions of the
    24     department and appeals therefrom shall be taken under 2
    25     Pa.C.S.
    26         (3)  The department shall institute proceedings under
    27     section 1503(b) for the repayment of funds determined to have
    28     been expended in violation of subsection (a) or (b) or
    29     section 1501.
    30     (e)  Labor Organization.--
    19970H1555B1895                 - 50 -

     1         (1)  Each recipient of funds under this act shall provide
     2     to the department assurances that none of the funds shall be
     3     used to assist, promote or deter union organizing.
     4         (2)  Where a labor organization represents a substantial
     5     number of employees who are engaged in similar work or
     6     training in the same area as that proposed to be funded under
     7     this act, an opportunity shall be provided for the
     8     organization to submit with respect to such proposal.
     9  Section 1503.  Fiscal controls and sanctions.
    10     (a)  Review.--
    11         (1)  The State Treasurer shall, on a selective basis,
    12     evaluate the expenditures by the recipients under this act in
    13     order to assure that expenditures are consistent with this
    14     act and to determine the effectiveness of each recipient in
    15     accomplishing the purposes of this act. The State Treasurer
    16     shall conduct the evaluations whenever necessary and shall at
    17     least annually report to the General Assembly on the findings
    18     of the evaluations.
    19         (2)  For the purpose of evaluating and reviewing programs
    20     established or provided for by this act, the State Treasurer
    21     shall have access to and the right to copy any books,
    22     accounts, records, correspondence or other documents
    23     pertinent to such programs that are in the possession,
    24     custody or control of any recipient of funds under this act,
    25     or any contractor or subcontractor of those recipients.
    26     (b)  Repayment required.--Every recipient shall repay to the
    27  Commonwealth those amounts found not to have been expended in
    28  accordance with this act. The department may offset these
    29  amounts against any other amount in which the recipient is or
    30  may be entitled under this act unless it determines that the
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     1  recipient should be held liable under subsection (c). No action
     2  shall be taken except after notice and opportunity for a hearing
     3  have been given to the recipient under 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
     4  Administrative Law and Procedure).
     5     (c)  Procedure for repayment.--
     6         (1)  Each recipient shall be liable to repay such
     7     amounts, from funds other than funds received under this act,
     8     upon a determination that the misexpenditure of funds was due
     9     to willful disregard of the requirements of this act, gross
    10     negligence or failure to observe accepted standards of
    11     administration. No such finding shall be made except after
    12     notice and opportunity for a hearing under 2 Pa.C.S.
    13         (2)  In determining whether to impose any sanction
    14     authorized by this section against a recipient for violations
    15     by a subcontractor of a recipient under this act, the
    16     department shall first determine whether the recipient has
    17     adequately demonstrated that it has:
    18             (i)  Established and adhered to an appropriate system
    19         for the award and monitoring of contracts with
    20         subcontractors which contains acceptable standards for
    21         ensuring accountability.
    22             (ii)  Entered into a written contract with the
    23         subcontractor which establishes clear goals and
    24         obligations in unambiguous terms.
    25             (iii)  Acted with due diligence to monitor the
    26         implementation of the contract, including the carrying
    27         out of the appropriate monitoring activities, including
    28         audits, at reasonable intervals.
    29             (iv)  Taken prompt and appropriate corrective action
    30         upon becoming aware of any evidence of a violation of
    19970H1555B1895                 - 52 -

     1         this act by such subcontractor.
     2         (3)  If the department determines that the recipient has
     3     demonstrated substantial compliance with the requirements of
     4     paragraph (2), the department may waive the imposition of
     5     sanctions authorized by this section upon such recipient. The
     6     department is authorized to impose any sanction consistent
     7     with the provisions of this act and of any applicable law
     8     directly against any subcontractor for violation of this act.
     9     (d)  Emergency actions.--In emergencies, if the department
    10  determines it is necessary to protect the integrity of the funds
    11  or ensure the proper operation of the program, it may
    12  immediately terminate or suspend financial assistance, in whole
    13  or in part, if the recipient is given prompt notice and the
    14  opportunity for a subsequent hearing within 30 days after the
    15  termination or suspension.
    16     (e)  Discrimination remedies.--If the department determines
    17  that any recipient under this act has discharged or in any other
    18  manner discriminated against a participant or against any
    19  individual in connection with the administration of the program
    20  involved, or against any individual because that individual has
    21  filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any
    22  proceeding under or related to this act, or has testified or is
    23  about to testify in any such proceeding or investigation under
    24  or related to this act, or otherwise unlawfully denied to any
    25  individual a benefit to which that individual is entitled under
    26  the provisions of this act, the department shall, within 30
    27  days, take action or order corrective measures, as necessary,
    28  with respect to the recipient or the aggrieved individual, or
    29  both.
    30     (f)  Additional remedies.--The remedies under this section
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     1  shall not be construed to be exclusive remedies.
     2     (g)  Recordkeeping.--Recipients shall keep records that are
     3  sufficient to permit the preparation of reports required by this
     4  act and to permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure
     5  adequate to insure that the funds have not been spent
     6  unlawfully.
     7     (h)  Investigations.--
     8         (1)  In order to insure compliance with the provisions of
     9     this act, the department may conduct investigations of the
    10     use of funds received under this act by any recipient.
    11         (2)  In conducting any investigation under this act, the
    12     department may not request the compilation of any new
    13     information not readily available to such recipient.
    14  Section 1504.  Judicial review.
    15     An aggrieved party may appeal a decision of the department in
    16  the manner provided in 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to Administrative Law
    17  and Procedure).
    18  Section 1505.  Effective date.
    19     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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