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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1984



No. 1583 Session of 2005

           MAY 12, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for dates and times
     6     of school terms and sessions; and making editorial changes.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1504 of the act of March 10, 1949
    10  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    11  amended July 27, 1953 (P.L.629, No.184) and July 1, 1978
    12  (P.L.575, No.105), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1504.  Dates and Times of School Terms and Sessions;
    14  Commencement.--(a)  The board of school directors of each school
    15  district shall fix the date of the beginning of the school term.
    16  [Unless otherwise determined by the] The board[, the daily
    17  session of school shall open at nine ante-meridian and close at
    18  four post-meridian, with an intermission of one hour at noon,
    19  and] shall set hours for class so that between the hours of

     1  eleven a.m. and two p.m., every pupil takes part in a meal
     2  period of thirty minutes and that there is an intermission of
     3  fifteen minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. Upon
     4  request of a board of school directors for an exception to the
     5  aforesaid daily schedule, the Secretary of Education may, when
     6  in his opinion a meritorious educational program warrants,
     7  approve a school week containing a minimum of twenty seven and
     8  one-half hours of instruction as the equivalent of five (5)
     9  school days, or a school year containing a minimum of nine
    10  hundred ninety hours of instruction at the secondary level or
    11  nine hundred (900) hours of instruction at the elementary level
    12  as the equivalent of one hundred eighty (180) school days.
    13  Professional and temporary professional employes shall be
    14  allowed a lunch period free of supervisory or other duties of at
    15  least thirty minutes. The provisions of this subsection shall
    16  not be construed to repeal any rule or regulation of any board
    17  of school directors now in effect which provides for a lunch
    18  period longer than the minimum prescribed herein or to repeal
    19  any action of any board of school directors taken in compliance
    20  with section 7 of the act of July 25, 1913 (P.L.1024, No.466),
    21  entitled "An act to protect the public health and welfare, by
    22  regulating the employment of females in certain establishments,
    23  with respect to their hours of labor and the conditions of their
    24  employment; by establishing certain sanitary regulations in the
    25  establishments in which they work; by requiring certain
    26  abstracts and notices to be posted; by providing for the
    27  enforcement of this act by the Commissioner of Labor and
    28  Industry and others; by prescribing penalties for violations
    29  thereof; by defining the procedure in prosecutions; and by
    30  repealing all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the
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     1  provisions thereof," as amended.
     2     (b)  If a school in any district due to crowded conditions is
     3  unable to provide for the full time attendance of all pupils
     4  during the school day, the board of school directors, with the
     5  approval of the Department of [Public Instruction] Education
     6  first obtained, may provide for two half-day sessions. The
     7  approval of the Department of [Public Instruction] Education
     8  shall not exceed a period of one year. Annual extensions may be
     9  granted by the Department upon review of the circumstances of
    10  each case. Each half-day session shall be four (4) hours in
    11  duration: Provided, That the [Superintendent of Public
    12  Instruction] Secretary of Education may reduce the half-day
    13  session in the first and second grades, at the request of a
    14  school district, for cogent reasons relating to the health,
    15  safety or welfare of the children, if, in his opinion, the
    16  school program submitted by the district shows that the local
    17  program is adequate for these grades. Half-day sessions shall be
    18  regarded as two regular sessions. Teachers employed for one
    19  half-day session shall not be employed for the other on the same
    20  day for the entire half-session, but may be required by the
    21  school district to serve every school day for the same number of
    22  hours prescribed by the board of school directors for regular
    23  full-time teachers who teach full day sessions in the same
    24  grades in the school district. Upon any violation or failure to
    25  comply with the provisions of this subsection, the
    26  [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of Education,
    27  on hearing, after two (2) weeks' written notice to the board of
    28  school directors, shall withhold and declare forfeited the State
    29  appropriation for reimbursement on account of the instruction of
    30  the pupils in average daily membership in the sessions in which
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     1  the requirements are not met.
     2     (c)  The board of school directors may fix the date of the
     3  school commencement and shall pay such expenses in connection
     4  therewith as it may determine.
     5     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     6     Section 1505.  Hours in Parochial and Private Schools.--In
     7  parochial and private schools, each pupil shall take part in a
     8  meal period of thirty minutes between the hours of eleven a.m.
     9  and two p.m.; and there shall be an intermission of fifteen
    10  minutes in the morning and in the afternoon.
    11     Section 3.  The amendment or addition of sections 1504 and
    12  1505 of the act shall apply to school years beginning after June
    13  30, 2006.
    14     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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