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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2030



No. 1613 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to empower cities of the second class A,
     3     and third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of
     4     the first and second classes including those within a county
     5     of the second class and counties of the second through eighth
     6     classes, individually or jointly, to plan their development
     7     and to govern the same by zoning, subdivision and land
     8     development ordinances, planned residential development and
     9     other ordinances, by official maps, by the reservation of
    10     certain land for future public purpose and by the acquisition
    11     of such land; to promote the conservation of energy through
    12     the use of planning practices and to promote the effective
    13     utilization of renewable energy sources; providing for the
    14     establishment of planning commissions, planning departments,
    15     planning committees and zoning hearing boards, authorizing
    16     them to charge fees, make inspections and hold public
    17     hearings; providing for mediation; providing for transferable
    18     development rights; providing for appropriations, appeals to
    19     courts and penalties for violations; and repealing acts and
    20     parts of acts," further providing for the purpose of the act;
    21     adding certain definitions; further providing for various
    22     matters relating to the comprehensive plan and for compliance
    23     by counties; providing for funding for municipal planning;
    24     providing for neighboring municipalities, for infrastructure
    25     and public services and for county review; further providing
    26     for certain ordinances; and adding provisions relating to
    27     projects of regional impact.

    28     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    29  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Section 105 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
     2  No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,
     3  reenacted and amended December 21, 1988 (P.L.1329, No.170), is
     4  amended to read:
     5     Section 105.  Purpose of Act.--It is the intent, purpose and
     6  scope of this act to protect and promote safety, health and
     7  morals; to accomplish coordinated development; to provide for
     8  the general welfare by guiding and protecting amenity,
     9  convenience, future governmental, economic, practical, and
    10  social and cultural facilities, development and growth, as well
    11  as the improvement of governmental processes and functions; to
    12  guide uses of land and structures, type and location of streets,
    13  public grounds and other facilities; to promote the conservation
    14  of energy through the use of planning practices and to promote
    15  the effective utilization of renewable energy sources; to
    16  promote the preservation of this Commonwealth's natural
    17  resources, open space and valuable farm land; to encourage
    18  municipalities to prepare municipal or joint municipal
    19  comprehensive plans consistent with the county comprehensive
    20  plan; to encourage the preservation of agricultural land areas
    21  through easements, transfer of development rights and rezoning;
    22  to encourage the revitalization of established urban centers;
    23  and to permit municipalities to minimize such problems as may
    24  presently exist or which may be foreseen.
    25     Section 2.  Section 107 of the act is amended by adding
    26  definitions to read:
    27     Section 107.  Definitions.--(a)  The following words and
    28  phrases when used in this act shall have the meanings given to
    29  them in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates
    30  otherwise:
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     1     * * *
     2     "Multimunicipal planning agency," a planning agency comprised
     3  of representatives of more than one municipality and constituted
     4  to address, on behalf of the participating municipalities,
     5  regional issues, including, but not limited to, agricultural and
     6  open space preservation, natural and cultural resources,
     7  transportation, housing and economic development.
     8     * * *
     9     "Regional planning agency," a planning agency that is
    10  comprised of representatives of more than one county. Regional
    11  planning responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to,
    12  providing technical assistance to counties and municipalities,
    13  preparing a regional plan consistent with the State policy plan,
    14  mediating conflicts across county lines and reviewing county
    15  plans for consistency with one another.
    16     * * *
    17     "State policy plan," a comprehensive land use and growth
    18  management policy plan prepared by the State Planning Board for
    19  this Commonwealth which sets broad goals and criteria for
    20  municipalities and counties to use in the preparation of their
    21  comprehensive plans and land use regulation.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24     Section 212.  Intergovernmental Cooperation.--The governing
    25  body may utilize the authority granted by the act of July 12,
    26  1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the Intergovernmental
    27  Cooperation Law.
    28     Section 4.  Sections 301 and 301.4 of the act are amended to
    29  read:
    30     Section 301.  Preparation of Comprehensive Plan.--(a)  The
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     1  comprehensive plan, consisting of maps, charts and textual
     2  matter, shall include, but need not be limited to, the following
     3  related basic elements:
     4         (1)  A statement of objectives of the municipality
     5     concerning its future development, including, but not limited
     6     to, the location, character and timing of future development,
     7     that may also serve as a statement of community development
     8     objectives as provided in section 606.
     9         (2)  A plan for land use, which may include provisions
    10     for the amount, intensity, character and timing of land use
    11     proposed for residence, industry, business, agriculture,
    12     major traffic and transit facilities, utilities, community
    13     facilities, public grounds, parks and recreation,
    14     preservation of [prime] agricultural lands, flood plains and
    15     other areas of special hazards and other similar uses.
    16         (2.1)  A plan to meet the housing needs of present
    17     residents and of those individuals and families anticipated
    18     to reside in the municipality, which may include conservation
    19     of presently sound housing, rehabilitation of housing in
    20     declining neighborhoods and the accommodation of expected new
    21     housing in different dwelling types and at appropriate
    22     densities for households of all income levels.
    23         (3)  A plan for movement of people and goods, which may
    24     include expressways, highways, local street systems, parking
    25     facilities, pedestrian and bikeway systems, public transit
    26     routes, terminals, airfields, port facilities, railroad
    27     facilities and other similar facilities or uses.
    28         (4)  A plan for community facilities and utilities, which
    29     may include public and private education, recreation,
    30     municipal buildings, fire and police stations, libraries,
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     1     hospitals, water supply and distribution, sewerage and waste
     2     treatment, solid waste management, storm drainage, and flood
     3     plain management, utility corridors and associated
     4     facilities, and other similar facilities or uses.
     5         (4.1)  A statement of the interrelationships among the
     6     various plan components, which may include an estimate of the
     7     environmental, energy conservation, fiscal, economic
     8     development and social consequences on the municipality.
     9         (4.2)  A discussion of short- and long-range plan
    10     implementation strategies, which may include implications for
    11     capital improvements programming, new or updated development
    12     regulations, and identification of public funds potentially
    13     available.
    14         (5)  A statement indicating the relationship of the
    15     existing and proposed development of the municipality to the
    16     existing and proposed development and plans in contiguous
    17     municipalities, to the objectives and plans for development
    18     in the county of which it is a part, and to regional
    19     trends[.] and to the State policy plan.
    20         (6)  A plan for the protection of natural and cultural
    21     resources identified as requiring protection by Federal,
    22     State or county agencies or by the municipality, with
    23     documentation provided in the comprehensive plan. This clause
    24     includes, but is not limited to, air quality, wetlands and
    25     aquifer recharge zones, woodlands, steep slopes, farmland
    26     types, floodplains, unique natural areas and historic sites.
    27     (b)  The comprehensive plan [may] should include a plan for
    28  the reliable supply of water, considering current and future
    29  water resources availability, uses and limitations, including
    30  provisions adequate to protect water supply sources. Any such
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     1  plan shall be consistent with the State Water Plan and any
     2  applicable water resources plan adopted by a river basin
     3  commission.
     4     (c)  The municipal or multimunicipal comprehensive plan shall
     5  be updated at least every ten years. The municipal or
     6  multimunicipal comprehensive plan shall be subject to joint
     7  review and comment by the local municipalities and the county
     8  planning commissions or, upon request of a county planning
     9  commission, a regional planning commission whenever the
    10  comprehensive plan is updated or at ten-year intervals,
    11  whichever comes first, to determine that the municipal
    12  comprehensive plan is consistent with the county comprehensive
    13  plan.
    14     Section 301.4.  Compliance by Counties.--(a)  If a county
    15  does not have a comprehensive plan, then that county shall,
    16  within three years of the effective date of this act, and with
    17  the active participation of the local municipalities within the
    18  respective county, prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan in
    19  accordance with the requirements of section 301. Municipal
    20  comprehensive plans which are adopted shall be [generally]
    21  consistent with the adopted county comprehensive plan. Final
    22  adoption of a county comprehensive plan shall be subject to
    23  review and comments by the State Planning Board to promote
    24  consistency and monitor growth and development throughout this
    25  Commonwealth.
    26     (b)  County comprehensive plans shall be consistent with the
    27  State policy plan and shall include the following:
    28         (1)  identify areas designated for conservation of
    29     important natural resources;
    30         (2)  identify areas designated for growth or limited
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     1     growth, in relation to planned infrastructure, such as
     2     highways, water and sewers; and
     3         (3)  identify areas suitable for proposed land uses which
     4     have a regional impact and significance, such as large
     5     shopping centers, major industrial parks, mines and related
     6     activities, office parks, storage facilities, large
     7     residential developments, regional entertainment and
     8     recreational complexes, hospitals, airports and port
     9     facilities.
    10     (c)  County planning commissions should provide
    11  municipalities in their county with advisory guidelines that
    12  would promote consistency with the adopted county comprehensive
    13  plan. These guidelines shall promote consistency with respect to
    14  local planning and zoning terminology and common types of
    15  municipal land use regulations, including methods of evaluation
    16  of infrastructure adequacy to meet the requirements of section
    17  503.2.
    18     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    19     Section 301.5.  Funding of Municipal Planning.--Priority for
    20  State grants to develop or revise comprehensive plans shall be
    21  given to those municipalities which agree to adopt comprehensive
    22  plans generally consistent with the county comprehensive plan
    23  and which agree to enact a new zoning ordinance or amendment
    24  which is consistent with the municipal comprehensive plan.
    25  Municipalities and counties shall comply with these agreements
    26  within two years unless such period is extended by the grant-
    27  making agency for good cause shown. Failure to comply with the
    28  agreements shall be taken into consideration for future State
    29  funding.
    30     Section 6.  Sections 302, 303 and 306 of the act are amended
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     1  to read:
     2     Section 302.  Adoption of Comprehensive Plan and Plan
     3  Amendments.--(a)  The governing body shall have the power to
     4  adopt and amend the comprehensive plan as a whole or in parts.
     5  Before adopting or amending a comprehensive plan, or any part
     6  thereof, the planning agency shall hold at least one public
     7  meeting pursuant to public notice before forwarding the proposed
     8  comprehensive plan or amendment thereof to the governing body.
     9  In reviewing the proposed comprehensive plan, the governing body
    10  shall consider the review comments of the county, contiguous
    11  municipalities and the school district, as well as the public
    12  meeting comments and the recommendations of the municipal
    13  planning agency. The comments of the county, contiguous
    14  municipalities and the local school district shall be made to
    15  the governing body within 45 days of receipt, and the proposed
    16  plan or amendment thereto shall not be acted upon until such
    17  comment is received. If, however, the contiguous municipalities
    18  and the local school district fail to respond within 45 days,
    19  the governing body may proceed without their comments.
    20     (b)  The governing body shall hold at least one public
    21  hearing pursuant to public notice. If, after the public hearing
    22  held upon the proposed plan or amendment to the plan, the
    23  proposed plan or proposed amendment thereto is substantially
    24  revised, the governing body shall hold another public hearing,
    25  pursuant to public notice, before proceeding to vote on the plan
    26  or amendment thereto.
    27     (c)  The adoption of the comprehensive plan, or any part
    28  thereof, or any amendment thereto, shall be by resolution
    29  carried by the affirmative votes of not less than a majority of
    30  all the members of the governing body. The resolution shall
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     1  refer expressly to the maps, charts, textual matter, and other
     2  matters intended to form the whole or part of the plan, and the
     3  action shall be recorded on the adopted plan or part.
     4     (d)  Counties shall formally consider amendments to their
     5  comprehensive plan proposed by municipalities which are
     6  considering adoption or revision of their municipal
     7  comprehensive plans so as to achieve consistency between the
     8  respective comprehensive plans. County comprehensive plans shall
     9  be updated at least every five years. County plans shall take
    10  precedence over municipal plans except that where two or more
    11  municipalities request amendments to a county plan to make it
    12  consistent with a multimunicipal plan, the county must accept
    13  the amendments unless good cause for their refusal is
    14  established.
    15     Section 303.  Legal Status of Comprehensive Plan Within the
    16  Jurisdiction that Adopted the Plan.--(a)  Whenever the governing
    17  body, pursuant to the procedures provided in section 302, has
    18  adopted a comprehensive plan or any part thereof, any subsequent
    19  proposed action of the governing body, its departments, agencies
    20  and appointed authorities shall be submitted to the planning
    21  agency for its recommendations when the proposed action relates
    22  to:
    23         (1)  the location, opening, vacation, extension,
    24     widening, narrowing or enlargement of any street, public
    25     ground, pierhead or watercourse;
    26         (2)  the location, erection, demolition, removal or sale
    27     of any public structure located within the municipality;
    28         (3)  the adoption, amendment or repeal of an official
    29     map, subdivision and land development ordinance, zoning
    30     ordinance or provisions for planned residential development,
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     1     or capital improvements program; or
     2         (4)  the construction, extension or abandonment of any
     3     water line, sewer line or sewage treatment facility.
     4     (b)  The recommendations of the planning agency including a
     5  specific statement as to whether or not the proposed action is
     6  in accordance with the objectives of the formally adopted
     7  comprehensive plan shall be made in writing to the governing
     8  body within 45 days.
     9     [(c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, no
    10  action by the governing body of a municipality shall be invalid
    11  nor shall the same be subject to challenge or appeal on the
    12  basis that such action is inconsistent with, or fails to comply
    13  with, the provision of the comprehensive plan.]
    14     (c.1)  Municipal zoning, subdivision and land development
    15  regulations and capital improvement programs shall be consistent
    16  with the municipal comprehensive plan or, where none exists, the
    17  municipal statement of community development objectives and the
    18  county comprehensive plan.
    19     Section 306.  Municipal and County Comprehensive Plans.--(a)
    20  When a municipality having a comprehensive plan is located in a
    21  county which has adopted a comprehensive plan, both the county
    22  and the municipality shall each give the plan of the other
    23  consideration in order that the objectives of each plan can be
    24  protected to the greatest extent possible.
    25     (b)  Within 30 days after adoption, the governing body of a
    26  municipality, other than a county, shall forward a certified
    27  copy of the comprehensive plan, or part thereof or amendment
    28  thereto, to the county planning agency or, in counties where no
    29  planning agency exists, to the governing body of the county in
    30  which the municipality is located.
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     1     (c)  Counties shall consult with municipalities and solicit
     2  comment from school districts during the process of preparing or
     3  updating a comprehensive plan in order to ascertain where
     4  municipalities and school districts anticipate growth and where
     5  additional infrastructure may be needed.
     6     Section 7.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     7     Section 502.1.  Neighboring Municipalities.--(a)  The county
     8  planning commission shall offer a mediation option to any
     9  municipality which believes that its citizens will experience
    10  harm as the result of a proposed subdivision or development of
    11  land in a neighboring municipality. In exercising such an
    12  option, the mediating parties shall meet the stipulations and
    13  follow the procedures set forth in Article IX. The cost of the
    14  mediation shall be shared equally by the disputing
    15  municipalities unless otherwise agreed upon by the mediating
    16  parties.
    17     (b)  In any instance where a municipality has a comprehensive
    18  plan and implementing ordinances that are consistent with the
    19  county plan, and a neighboring municipality that is considering
    20  a change of use or subdivision and land development proposal
    21  either does not have a comprehensive plan and ordinance
    22  consistent with the county plan or the proposal requires a
    23  variance from that consistent plan and ordinance. The governing
    24  body of a neighboring municipality shall have standing to appear
    25  before the governing body and the various boards and commissions
    26  within a municipality considering a proposed subdivision, change
    27  of land use or land development which they determine will have a
    28  negative impact on the residents in their municipality.
    29     Section 503.2.  Infrastructure and Public Services.--(a)  It
    30  is the intent of the General Assembly that public facilities and
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     1  services needed to support development shall be available
     2  concurrent with the impacts of such development. In meeting this
     3  intent, public facility and service availability shall be deemed
     4  sufficient if the public facilities and services for a
     5  development are phased so that the public facilities and those
     6  related services which are deemed necessary by the local
     7  government to operate the facilities necessitated by that
     8  development are available concurrent with the impacts of the
     9  development.
    10     (b)  The subdivision and land development ordinance shall
    11  include provisions for insuring that, as a condition of
    12  approval, a municipality will require that onsite and offsite
    13  infrastructure and public services needed to support a
    14  particular level of development will be identified and provided
    15  concurrently with such development.
    16     (c)  The public services and infrastructure, unless already
    17  available, are to be consistent with the municipality's
    18  transportation capital improvements plan, Act 537 plan and
    19  capital improvements plan for water supply.
    20     (d)  Approval of an application for a subdivision or a land
    21  development may be delayed until the required infrastructure and
    22  public services are in place and available.
    23     (e)  Exceptions may be granted in regard to transportation
    24  infrastructure for geographical areas defined in the municipal
    25  and county comprehensive plans as:
    26         (1)  a downtown development or redevelopment area;
    27         (2)  an area where urban infill is to be encouraged; or
    28         (3)  an area where higher densities are to be encouraged
    29     in order to utilize public transit.
    30     (f)  The infrastructure and services deemed necessary to
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     1  support a development may occur in phases which are concurrent
     2  with the phased completion of the development, if approval is
     3  given by the local government.
     4     Section 602.1.  County Review; Dispute Resolution.--(a)  A
     5  municipal zoning ordinance that complies with sections 301(c)
     6  and 303(d) of this act creates an irrebuttable presumption that
     7  the ordinance is compatible with the comprehensive plan.
     8     (b)  The county planning commission shall offer a mediation
     9  option to any municipality which believes that its citizens will
    10  experience harm as the result of the adoption of a zoning
    11  ordinance or an amendment to an existing zoning ordinance in a
    12  neighboring municipality. In exercising such an option, the
    13  mediating parties shall meet the stipulations and follow the
    14  procedures set forth in Article IX. The cost of the mediation
    15  shall be shared equally by the disputing municipalities unless
    16  otherwise agreed upon by the mediating parties.
    17     (c)  Where a municipality, either through its own
    18  comprehensive plan and implementing ordinances, or through a
    19  multimunicipal plan and implementing ordinances, is in
    20  conformity with the county comprehensive plan, and the county
    21  plan taken together with consistent local municipal plans and
    22  ordinances makes a reasonable amount of land in reasonable
    23  geographic areas available for all uses dispersed throughout the
    24  county, including a wide range of housing opportunities for all
    25  income levels, a court shall consider all uses and zoning
    26  densities available in the county rather than the specific
    27  municipality whose ordinance is under review. The court shall
    28  pay particular attention to the coordination of plans and
    29  ordinances where the challenge to an ordinance involves the
    30  conversion of land otherwise planned and zoned for agricultural
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     1  uses, open space, natural and historic area preservation and
     2  conservation to other uses.
     3     (d) (1)  Notwithstanding any statute or regulation to the
     4     contrary, municipalities that enter into a joint municipal
     5     zoning ordinance, in conformity with Article VIII-A of this
     6     act, or that are subject to the jurisdiction of a county
     7     zoning ordinance based on a county comprehensive plan, shall
     8     be entitled to priority consideration when applying for State
     9     financial assistance for programs, including, but not limited
    10     to:
    11             (i)  Planning.
    12             (ii)  Economic development.
    13             (iii)  Housing.
    14             (iv)  PENNVEST.
    15             (v)  Department of Transportation.
    16             (vi)  Recreation.
    17             (vii)  Open space and farmland preservation.
    18         (2)  Municipalities that enter into a joint municipal
    19     zoning ordinance, which complies to provisions of section
    20     602.1(c) may also by agreement share tax revenues and fees
    21     generated from municipalities located within the region.
    22     Section 8.  Section 603 of the act, amended December 14, 1992
    23  (P.L.815, No.131), is amended to read:
    24     Section 603.  Ordinance Provisions.--(a)  Zoning ordinances
    25  should reflect the policy goals of the statement of community
    26  development objectives required in section 606, and give
    27  consideration to the character of the municipality, the needs of
    28  the citizens and the suitabilities and special nature of
    29  particular parts of the municipality.
    30     (b)  Zoning ordinances may permit, prohibit, regulate,
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     1  restrict and determine:
     2         (1)  Uses of land, watercourses and other bodies of
     3     water.
     4         (2)  Size, height, bulk, location, erection,
     5     construction, repair, maintenance, alteration, razing,
     6     removal and use of structures.
     7         (3)  Areas and dimensions of land and bodies of water to
     8     be occupied by uses and structures, as well as areas, courts,
     9     yards, and other open spaces and distances to be left
    10     unoccupied by uses and structures.
    11         (4)  Density of population and intensity of use.
    12         (5)  Protection and preservation of natural and historic
    13     resources and agricultural land and activities.
    14     (c)  Zoning ordinances may contain:
    15         (1)  provisions for special exceptions and variances
    16     administered by the zoning hearing board, which provisions
    17     shall be in accordance with this act;
    18         (2)  provisions for conditional uses to be allowed or
    19     denied by the governing body pursuant to public notice and
    20     hearing and recommendations by the planning agency and
    21     pursuant to express standards and criteria set forth in the
    22     zoning ordinances. In allowing a conditional use, the
    23     governing body may attach such reasonable conditions and
    24     safeguards, in addition to those expressed in the ordinance,
    25     as it may deem necessary to implement the purposes of this
    26     act and the zoning ordinance;
    27         (2.1)  when an application for either a special exception
    28     or a conditional use has been filed with either the zoning
    29     hearing board or governing body, as relevant, and the subject
    30     matter of such application would ultimately constitute either
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     1     a "land development" as defined in section 107 or a
     2     "subdivision" as defined in section 107, no change or
     3     amendment of the zoning, subdivision or other governing
     4     ordinance or plans shall affect the decision on such
     5     application adversely to the applicant and the applicant
     6     shall be entitled to a decision in accordance with the
     7     provisions of the governing ordinances or plans as they stood
     8     at the time the application was duly filed. Provided,
     9     further, should such an application be approved by either the
    10     zoning hearing board or governing body, as relevant,
    11     applicant shall be entitled to proceed with the submission of
    12     either land development or subdivision plans within a period
    13     of six months or longer or as may be approved by either the
    14     zoning hearing board or the governing body following the date
    15     of such approval in accordance with the provisions of the
    16     governing ordinances or plans as they stood at the time the
    17     application was duly filed before either the zoning hearing
    18     board or governing body, as relevant. If either a land
    19     development or subdivision plan is so filed within said
    20     period, such plan shall be subject to the provisions of
    21     section 508(1) through (4), and specifically to the time
    22     limitations of section 508(4) which shall commence as of the
    23     date of filing such land development or subdivision plan;
    24         (2.2)  provisions for regulating transferable development
    25     rights, on a voluntary basis, including provisions for the
    26     protection of persons acquiring the same, in accordance with
    27     express standards and criteria set forth in the ordinance and
    28     section 619.1;
    29         (2.3)  provisions for reciprocal agreements among
    30     municipalities for a system of transfer of development rights
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     1     on a regional basis in order to preserve valuable farmland,
     2     environmentally sensitive areas and areas of cultural or
     3     historic significance;
     4         (3)  provisions for the administration and enforcement of
     5     such ordinances;
     6         (4)  such other provisions as may be necessary to
     7     implement the purposes of this act;
     8         (5)  provisions to encourage innovation and to promote
     9     flexibility, economy and ingenuity in development, including
    10     subdivisions and land developments as defined in this act;
    11     and
    12         (6)  provisions authorizing increases in the permissible
    13     density of population or intensity of a particular use based
    14     upon expressed standards and criteria set forth in the zoning
    15     ordinance, especially increases that would promote and
    16     preserve farmland, environmentally sensitive areas and areas
    17     of cultural or historic significance.
    18     (d)  Zoning ordinances may include provisions regulating the
    19  siting, density and design of residential, commercial,
    20  industrial and other developments in order to assure the
    21  availability of reliable, safe and adequate water supplies to
    22  support the intended land uses within the capacity of available
    23  water resources.
    24     (e)  Zoning ordinances may not unduly restrict the display of
    25  religious symbols on property being used for religious purposes.
    26     (f)  Zoning ordinances may not unreasonably restrict forestry
    27  activities.
    28     (g)  (1)  Zoning  ordinances shall provide for the protection
    29     of farmland and promote the establishment of agricultural
    30     security areas.
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     1         (2)  Zoning ordinances shall provide for protection of
     2     identified natural and cultural features and resources,
     3     including, but not limited to, air quality, wetlands and
     4     aquifer recharge zones, woodlands, steep slopes, floodplains,
     5     unique natural sites and unique historic sites.
     6     (h)  If a municipality or county wishes to rezone land, it
     7  must first amend its comprehensive plan and follow the
     8  procedures outlined in Article III.
     9     Section 9.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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