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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2060



No. 1625 Session of 2005

           WILT, JUNE 3, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
     3     for the payment of retirement allowances to officers,
     4     employes, firemen and police of political subdivisions and
     5     municipal authorities and of institutions supported and
     6     maintained by political subdivisions and municipal government
     7     associations and providing for the administration of the same
     8     by a board composed of the State Treasurer and others
     9     appointed by the Governor; imposing certain duties on the
    10     Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the actuary
    11     thereof; providing the procedure whereby political
    12     subdivisions and municipal authorities may join such system,
    13     and imposing certain liabilities and obligations on such
    14     political subdivisions and municipal authorities in
    15     connection therewith, and as to certain existing retirement
    16     and pension systems, and upon officers, employes, firemen and
    17     police of such political subdivisions, institutions supported
    18     and maintained by political subdivisions, and upon municipal
    19     authorities; providing for the continuation of certain
    20     municipal retirement systems now administered by the
    21     Commonwealth; providing certain exemptions from taxation,
    22     execution, attachment, levy and sale and providing for the
    23     repeal of certain related acts," further providing for
    24     disability retirement for municipal employees, for municipal
    25     firemen and for municipal police and under optional
    26     retirement plans.

    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29     Section 1.  Sections 212(a) and (c), 313(a) and (c) and

     1  411(a) and (c) of the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15),
     2  known as the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law, amended May
     3  17, 1980 (P.L.135, No.50), are amended to read:
     4     Section 212.  Disability Retirement.--(a)  After a
     5  contributor has had ten or more years of total service, he may,
     6  upon application or on the application of one acting in his
     7  behalf, or upon application of a head of the department of the
     8  municipality by which he is employed, be retired by the board on
     9  a disability allowance if he is under superannuation retirement
    10  age, and on a superannuation retirement allowance if he has
    11  attained or passed such age, if the physician designated by the
    12  board, after medical examination of the contributor made at the
    13  place of residence of the contributor or at a place mutually
    14  agreed upon, shall certify to the board that the contributor for
    15  medical reasons is unable to [engage in any gainful employment]
    16  return to or perform the duties of his position and that said
    17  contributor ought to be retired. When the disability of a
    18  contributor is determined to be service-connected, as defined in
    19  this act, no minimum period of service shall be required for
    20  eligibility. Application filing requirements shall be identical
    21  to those outlined in subsection (a) of section 208.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Once every year the board may require any disability
    24  annuitant, while still under superannuation retirement age, to
    25  undergo medical examination by a physician designated by the
    26  board. Such examination shall be made at the place of residence
    27  of the beneficiary or other place mutually agreed upon. Should
    28  the physician report and certify to the board that such
    29  disability beneficiary is no longer physically or mentally
    30  incapacitated for the performance of duty and is able to [engage
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     1  in a gainful occupation] return to or perform the duties of his
     2  position, then his disability retirement allowance shall be
     3  discontinued, and in lieu thereof an early involuntary
     4  retirement allowance shall at that time be granted as if such
     5  person had been retired not voluntarily, if such person shall
     6  have had eight or more years of total service.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 313.  Disability Retirement.--(a)  After a
     9  contributor has had ten or more years of total service, he may,
    10  upon application or on application of one acting in his behalf,
    11  or upon application of a head of the department of the
    12  municipality by which he is employed, be retired by the board on
    13  a disability allowance if he is under superannuation retirement
    14  age, and on a superannuation retirement allowance if he has
    15  attained or passed such age, if the physician designated by the
    16  board, after medical examination of the contributor made at the
    17  place of residence of the contributor or at a place mutually
    18  agreed upon, shall certify to the board that the contributor for
    19  medical reasons is unable to [engage in any gainful employment]
    20  return to or perform the duties of his position and that said
    21  contributor ought to be retired. When the disability of a
    22  contributor is determined to be service-connected, as defined in
    23  this act, no minimum period of service shall be required for
    24  eligibility. Application filing requirements shall be identical
    25  to those outlined in clause (1) of section 309.
    26     * * *
    27     (c)  Once every year the board may require any disability
    28  annuitant, while still under superannuation retirement age, to
    29  undergo medical examination by a physician designated by the
    30  board, and such examination shall be made at the place of
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     1  residence of the annuitant or other place mutually agreed upon.
     2  Should the physician report and certify to the board that such
     3  disabled annuitant is no longer physically or mentally
     4  incapacitated for the performance of duty and is able to [engage
     5  in a gainful occupation] return to or perform the duties of his
     6  position, then his disability retirement allowance shall be
     7  discontinued, and in lieu thereof an early involuntary
     8  retirement allowance shall at that time be granted as if such
     9  person had been retired not voluntarily, if such person shall
    10  have eight or more years of total service.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 411.  Disability Retirement.--(a)  After a member has
    13  had the required number of years of total service as stated in
    14  the contract, he may, upon application or on the application of
    15  one acting in his behalf, or upon application of a head of the
    16  department of the municipality by which he is employed, be
    17  retired by the board on a disability allowance if he is under
    18  superannuation retirement age, and on a superannuation
    19  retirement allowance if he has attained or passed such age, if
    20  the physician designated by the board, after medical examination
    21  of the member made at the place of residence of the member or at
    22  a place mutually agreed upon, shall certify to the board that
    23  the member for medical reasons is unable to [engage in any
    24  gainful employment] return to or perform the duties of his
    25  position and that said member ought to be retired. Where the
    26  disability of a member is determined to be service-connected, as
    27  defined in this act, no minimum period of service shall be
    28  required for eligibility. Requirements for filing applications
    29  shall be identical to those outlined in clause (1) of section
    30  407.
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     1     * * *
     2     (c)  Once every year the board may require any disability
     3  annuitant, while still under superannuation retirement age, to
     4  undergo medical examination by a physician designated by the
     5  board. Such examination shall be made at the place of residence
     6  of the beneficiary or other place mutually agreed upon. Should
     7  the physician report and certify to the board that such
     8  disability beneficiary is no longer physically or mentally
     9  incapacitated for the performance of duty and is able to [engage
    10  in a gainful occupation] return to or perform the duties of this
    11  position, then his disability retirement allowance shall be
    12  discontinued, and in lieu thereof an early involuntary
    13  retirement allowance shall at that time be granted as if such
    14  person had been retired not voluntarily, if such a provision is
    15  included in the contract and if such person shall have had the
    16  required number of years of total service as stated in the
    17  contract.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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