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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2079



No. 1652 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 64 (Public Authorities and Quasi-Public
     2     Corporations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes,
     3     further providing for governing board; and providing for
     4     regional transportation authorities.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 6005(a), (d), (e), (g), (i) and (k) of
     8  Title 64 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
     9  to read:
    10  § 6005.  Governing board.
    11     (a)  Appointment.--Power of the authority shall be exercised
    12  by a governing board composed of [15] 17 members. Except as
    13  provided in section 4 of the act of February 5, 2004 (P.L.7,
    14  No.3), members of the board shall be appointed as follows:
    15         (1)  Each board of county commissioners or each county
    16     council for each county within the Philadelphia Metropolitan
    17     Statistical Area, excluding counties which are coterminous
    18     with cities of the first class, shall appoint a resident of
    19     its county as a member of the board by a majority vote of the

     1     members of each board of county commissioners or each county
     2     council. The term of office of a member of the board
     3     appointed under this paragraph shall run concurrently with
     4     the term of office of the chief executive officer of a city.
     5         (2)  The President pro tempore of the Senate, the
     6     Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
     7     Representatives and the Minority Leader of the House of
     8     Representatives shall each appoint one member of the board.
     9     Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the member's
    10     appointing authority. The term of office of a member of the
    11     board appointed under this paragraph shall be for a period of
    12     two years beginning on the third Tuesday of each January in
    13     an odd-numbered year.
    14         (3)  The chief executive officer of the city in which a
    15     convention center is located shall appoint one member of the
    16     board who is a resident of the city in which the convention
    17     center is located. The term of office of a member of the
    18     board appointed under this paragraph shall run concurrently
    19     with the term of office of the appointing authority.
    20         (4)  The chief executive officer of the city in which a
    21     convention center is located shall appoint one member of the
    22     board from five lists of four nominees prepared by each of
    23     the following organizations:
    24             (i)  The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.
    25             (ii)  The Multicultural Affairs Congress.
    26             (iii)  The Greater Philadelphia Tourism and Marketing
    27         Corporation.
    28             (iv)  The Greater Philadelphia Hotel Association.
    29             (v)  The Independence Visitors Center Corporation.
    30     Each of the four nominees of each of the five lists must be a
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     1     resident of the city in which a convention center is located
     2     and must have significant experience in the hospitality
     3     industry. The term of office of a member of the board
     4     appointed under this paragraph shall run concurrently with
     5     the term of office of the appointing authority.
     6         (5)  The president of the council of the city in which a
     7     convention center is located shall appoint as a member of the
     8     board the member of the council of the city in whose council
     9     district the majority of the convention center is located.
    10     The term of office of a member of the board appointed under
    11     this paragraph shall run concurrently with the term of office
    12     of the appointing authority.
    13         (6)  The minority leader of the council of the city in
    14     which a convention center is located shall appoint as a
    15     member of the board a resident of the city in which a
    16     convention center is located unless the minority leader is
    17     enrolled in the same political party as the member of the
    18     board appointed under paragraph (5) was enrolled on the date
    19     of the member's most recent election to council. If the
    20     minority leader of the council of the city in which a
    21     convention center is located is enrolled in the same
    22     political party as the member of the board appointed under
    23     paragraph (5) was enrolled on the date of the member's most
    24     recent election to council, the president of the council of
    25     the city in which a convention center is located shall
    26     appoint as a member of the board a resident of the city in
    27     which the convention center is located. The term of office of
    28     a member of the board appointed under this paragraph shall
    29     run concurrently with the term of office of the appointing
    30     authority.
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     1         (7)  The Governor shall appoint as a member of the board
     2     a resident of the city in which the convention center is
     3     located and shall appoint as a member of the board a resident
     4     of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Statistical Area excluding
     5     counties which are coterminous with cities of the first
     6     class. The members of the board appointed under this
     7     paragraph shall not be of the same political party. The
     8     members of the board appointed under this paragraph shall be
     9     appointed subject to the advice and consent of a majority of
    10     the members elected to the Senate. The term of office of a
    11     member of the board appointed under this paragraph shall run
    12     concurrently with the term of office of the appointing
    13     authority.
    14         (7.1)  The Governor shall appoint as a member of the
    15     board a resident of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Statistical
    16     Area who is the owner or an executive officer or manager of a
    17     hotel located in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Statistical
    18     Area. The member of the board appointed under this paragraph
    19     shall not be of the same political party as the member of the
    20     board appointed under paragraph (7.2). The member of the
    21     board appointed under this paragraph shall be appointed
    22     subject to the advice and consent of a majority of the
    23     members elected to the Senate. The term of office of a member
    24     of the board appointed under this paragraph shall run
    25     concurrently with the term of office of the appointing
    26     authority.
    27         (7.2)  The Governor shall appoint as a member of the
    28     board a resident of the Commonwealth who is in an executive
    29     management position of the largest airport located in the
    30     Philadelphia Metropolitan Statistical Area. The member of the
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     1     board appointed under this paragraph shall not be of the same
     2     political party as the member of the board appointed under
     3     paragraph (7.1). The member of the board appointed under this
     4     paragraph shall be appointed subject to the advice and
     5     consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate.
     6     The term of office of a member of the board appointed under
     7     this paragraph shall run concurrently with the term of office
     8     of the appointing authority.
     9         (8)  The members of the board who are appointed under
    10     paragraphs (1) [through (7)], (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),
    11     (7.1) and (7.2) shall, by a vote of [eight] nine members of
    12     the board, appoint an additional member to the board who
    13     shall serve as a chairman of the board. The member appointed
    14     under this paragraph shall serve for a term coincident with
    15     the term of the members of the board appointed under
    16     paragraph (2). In the event the members of the board who are
    17     appointed under paragraphs (1) [through (7)], (2), (3), (4),
    18     (5), (6), (7), (7.1) and (7.2) cannot agree on an additional
    19     member within 60 days of the office becoming vacant, the
    20     Governor shall appoint an additional member of the board who
    21     shall serve as chairman subject to the advice and consent of
    22     a majority of the members elected to the Senate. The member
    23     of the board appointed under this paragraph by either the
    24     members of the board or the Governor shall serve as a member
    25     of and chairman of the board until his successor is duly
    26     appointed.
    27         (9)  The Secretary of the Budget shall serve as a
    28     nonvoting ex officio member of the board. If the chief
    29     financial officer of the city in which the convention center
    30     is located is not an appointed member of the board, he shall
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     1     serve as a nonvoting ex officio member of the board.
     2     * * *
     3     (d)  Compensation.--Subject to an aggregate per annum
     4  limitation and any other rules and regulations as the board
     5  shall determine, a member shall receive $125 per diem when
     6  engaged in the exercise of duties for the authority and shall
     7  also be entitled to necessary expenses, including travel
     8  expenses, incurred in the discharge of duties. In addition to
     9  any other compensation provided under this subsection, the
    10  chairman of the board of the authority shall be entitled to
    11  receive such additional compensation as the board shall
    12  determine. No other member of the board shall be entitled to any
    13  additional compensation for extra service provided to the
    14  authority. The per diem amount may be increased by a vote of
    15  [eight] nine members of the board, but any increase shall not
    16  apply during the term of office of board members voting or
    17  eligible to vote on the per diem increase.
    18     (e)  Organization.--The members of the board shall select a
    19  vice chairman and other officers as the board may determine from
    20  the members of the board. Except as otherwise provided in this
    21  chapter, all actions of the board shall be taken by a vote of
    22  [eight] nine members of the board. The board shall have full
    23  authority to manage the properties and business of the authority
    24  and to prescribe, amend and repeal bylaws, rules and regulations
    25  governing the manner in which the business of the authority may
    26  be conducted and the powers granted to it may be exercised and
    27  embodied. Notwithstanding any other law, court decision,
    28  precedent or practice to the contrary, no actions by or on
    29  behalf of the board shall be taken by any officer of the board
    30  except upon the approval of a majority of the board. The
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     1  chairman, vice chairman or any other officer, committee or
     2  employee of the board may take actions by or on behalf of the
     3  board as authorized on at least an annual basis by a vote of
     4  [eight] nine members of the board and subject to the supervision
     5  and control of the board.
     6     * * *
     7     (g)  Meetings.--Regular meetings of the board shall be held
     8  at least once in each calendar month except July or August, the
     9  time and place of the meetings to be fixed by the board. A
    10  majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the
    11  transaction of business. All actions of the board shall be by
    12  resolutions, and the affirmative vote of [eight] nine members of
    13  the board shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution.
    14     * * *
    15     (i)  Chairman removal.--The member of the board appointed
    16  under subsection (a)(8) may be removed from the board only for
    17  misfeasance or malfeasance by a vote of [eight] nine members of
    18  the board. Prior to the member being removed, the member of the
    19  board appointed under subsection (a)(8) must be given a copy of
    20  the charges and an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the
    21  charges must be provided at least ten days prior to the
    22  opportunity to be heard. A hearing conducted in accordance with
    23  this subsection must be held at a public meeting of the board.
    24  The vice chairman of the board shall file a copy of the charges,
    25  a copy of the record of the proceedings and a copy of the
    26  findings of the board with the Department of State. If the
    27  member of the board appointed under subsection (a)(8) is removed
    28  by the board, the members of the board appointed under
    29  subsection (a)(1) [through (7)], (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),
    30  (7.1) and (7.2) shall appoint an additional member to the board
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     1  in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a)(8).
     2     * * *
     3     (k)  Removal of chairman.--The member of the board appointed
     4  under subsection (a)(8) may be removed from the board by a vote
     5  of [eight] nine members of the board.
     6     Section 2.  Title 64 is amended by adding a part to read:
     7                              PART IV
     9  Subpart
    10     A.  Mass Transit Authorities
    11     B.  Airports
    12                             SUBPART A
    13                      MASS TRANSIT AUTHORITIES
    14  Chapter
    15     89.  Southeastern Transportation Authority
    16                             CHAPTER 89
    18                             (RESERVED)
    19                             SUBPART B
    20                              AIRPORTS
    21                             (RESERVED)
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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