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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2040



No. 1658 Session of 2001

           MAY 23, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a program of grants to develop and provide useful
     2     and productive opportunities for unemployed and underemployed
     3     people, especially young people, through payments for labor
     4     and related costs associated with the construction, repair or
     5     rehabilitation of essential community and educational
     6     facilities, with the reclamation, improvement and
     7     conservation of public lands, and with the creation, repair,
     8     rehabilitation and restoration of public safety, public
     9     transportation, health, social services and recreation
    10     facilities and other activities necessary to the public
    11     welfare.

    12                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    13  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    14  Section 101.  Short title.
    15  Section 102.  Legislative findings.
    16  Section 103.  Definitions.
    17  Chapter 3.  Grants to Local Governments
    18  Section 301.  Direct grants.
    19  Section 302.  Allocation of funds and preferences.
    20  Section 303.  Rules, regulations and procedures.

     1  Section 304.  General limitations.
     2  Chapter 5.  Public Works and Job Restoration
     3  Section 501.  Purpose.
     4  Section 502.  Eligible participants.
     5  Section 503.  Limitation on use of funds.
     6  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     7  Section 1101.  Effective date.
     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10                             CHAPTER 1
    11                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    12  Section 101.  Short title.
    13     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Job Creation
    14  and Infrastructure Restoration Act.
    15  Section 102.  Legislative findings.
    16     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    17         (1)  That the investments made during the 1930s, 1940s
    18     and 1950s in the infrastructure of the United States through
    19     the Roosevelt public works programs, the National Highway Act
    20     and other major efforts led to the greatest economic recovery
    21     and sustained level of economic growth in the first 150 years
    22     of our nation's existence.
    23         (2)  That this Commonwealth's infrastructure has suffered
    24     greatly over the past three decades because of the failure of
    25     the Federal Government to renew and restore roads, bridges,
    26     public buildings, public lands and other public assets.
    27         (3)  That the lack of resources for the maintenance of
    28     the infrastructure during this period has led to the loss of
    29     both jobs and job skills in these vital areas, with
    30     consequent increased unemployment and a reduction in the
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     1     quality of life for residents of affected areas.
     2         (4)  That there is a critical need to renew and restore
     3     both the public buildings and other assets, and the jobs and
     4     job skills needed to ensure that those assets are available
     5     for use by future generations and for any defense needs the
     6     country may face in the future.
     7         (5)  That policies at the Federal and State level have
     8     demonstrated diminished concern for the needs of the
     9     communities of the Commonwealth and a shifting of the burden
    10     for maintenance and restoration of blighted areas on to State
    11     and local governments, in addition to the burden for local
    12     needs, such as public safety, education, health and public
    13     welfare, that those jurisdictions bear, thereby stretching
    14     already shrinking resources beyond the capabilities of those
    15     governments to address these needs.
    16         (6)  That financial incentives that are specifically
    17     linked to the development of jobs, and renewal of important
    18     job skills will help reverse the trend of continued erosion
    19     of the Commonwealth's urban and rural areas and act as an
    20     economic stimulus for the Commonwealth.
    21         (7)  That economic growth rates, future efficiency and
    22     competitiveness will be substantially enhanced by programs of
    23     assistance to local governments to construct and rehabilitate
    24     this Commonwealth's economic stability.
    25         (8)  That efforts to reform the welfare system are based
    26     on the assumption that there will be jobs available in the
    27     public and private sectors for current welfare recipients and
    28     for noncustodial parents whose responsibilities include
    29     providing support for their children.
    30         (9)  That, absent a concentrated effort on the part of
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     1     the Commonwealth to create career jobs that provide a living
     2     wage, efforts to reform the welfare system are doomed to
     3     failure.
     4         (10)  That creation of living wage jobs in conjunction
     5     with a large and sustained community works renewal program
     6     will reap significant rewards in direct tax payments at all
     7     levels of government, increased economic expansion for the
     8     Commonwealth and substantial reductions in the outlays for
     9     unemployment support, welfare, Medicaid and other government
    10     expenditures and will also lessen the burden on government
    11     expenditures that result from lack of employment for those at
    12     risk of entering a life of crime.
    13         (11)  That agriculture is of such importance and since
    14     Pennsylvania is ranked third in relation to mass layoffs in
    15     the last four months (November, 1996 to the present), this
    16     act is committed to reestablishing agricultural services.
    17  Section 103.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    22  Commonwealth.
    23     "Local government."  Any political subdivision.
    24     "Public service."  The term includes port facilities, police
    25  and fire stations, detention centers, schools, health
    26  facilities, industrial research or development parks, research
    27  facilities at institutions of higher learning and other projects
    28  and the Secretary of Public Welfare determines to be
    29  appropriate.
    30     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
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     1  Commonwealth.
     2     "TANF."  Temporary assistance for needy families.
     3                             CHAPTER 3
     4                    GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
     5  Section 301.  Direct grants.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The department is authorized to make
     7  grants to any local government for construction, including
     8  demolition and other site preparation activities, renovation,
     9  repair, restoration or other improvement of local public works
    10  projects, including those public works projects of local
    11  governments for which Federal financial assistance is
    12  authorized. To the extent appropriate, the department may
    13  coordinate with other Federal, State or local agencies in
    14  assessing grant requests and in providing appropriate levels of
    15  support.
    16     (b)  Duty of department.--The department shall enter into a
    17  letter of intent with the appropriate Federal, State or local
    18  agencies to assist in developing the program provided for in
    19  this act.
    20     (c)  Termination of grants.--No new grants shall be made
    21  under this section after the expiration of any three-consecutive
    22  month period during which the unemployment rate remained below
    23  5% for each such month, or after September 30, 2003, whichever
    24  occurs first.
    25  Section 302.  Allocation of funds and preferences.
    26     (a)  Allocation of funds.--The department shall allocate 5%
    27  of the TANF block grant for the administration and
    28  implementation of the program provided for in this act. The
    29  remainder shall be allocated as follows:
    30         (1)  After the set-aside required by paragraphs (2) and
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     1     (3), 60% of the funds shall be allocated among counties on
     2     the basis of the ratio that the number of unemployed persons
     3     in each county bears to the total number of unemployed
     4     persons in all counties, and 40% of the funds shall be
     5     allocated among those counties with an average unemployment
     6     rate for the preceding six-month period in excess of 6% on
     7     the basis of the relative severity of unemployment in each
     8     county, except that no county shall be allocated less than
     9     .75% or more than 12% of the funds for local public works
    10     projects within the county.
    11         (2)  No less than 10% of each county's allocations shall
    12     be set aside and shall be expended only for grants for public
    13     works projects under this chapter for local units of general
    14     government with populations under 10,000.
    15         (3)  Up to .75% of the total grant award will be
    16     available for project development and preparation and for
    17     ongoing project administration. This allocation shall be
    18     available for local units of government defined as
    19     nonentitlement under the Housing and Urban Development
    20     Community Development Block Grant Program. The allocation
    21     shall not exceed $15,000 for any single grant award.
    22     (b)  Preferences.--
    23         (1)  In making grants, the department shall give priority
    24     to public works projects of local governments that will
    25     employ those persons adversely affected by recent changes in
    26     Federal and State laws relating to public and other
    27     assistance.
    28         (2)  In making grants, the department shall also give
    29     priority to any public works projects requested by a special
    30     purpose unit of local government which is endorsed by a
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     1     general purpose local government within the county.
     2         (3)  A project requested by a school district shall be
     3     accorded the full priority and preference to public works
     4     projects of local governments provided in this subsection.
     5         (4)  A project that creates or adds to an applied
     6     research facility at an institution of higher education, and
     7     that facility is intended to promote the development of new
     8     products and processes, or that, the department determines,
     9     will improve the competitiveness of industry shall be
    10     accorded full priority and preference. For projects under
    11     this section, matching funds requirements shall be waived if
    12     the company or companies and school involved commit, in the
    13     department's determination, to undertake all future equipment
    14     and maintenance expenses.
    15     (c)  High unemployment rates.--
    16         (1)  In making grants under this chapter, if for the 12
    17     most recent consecutive months the average unemployment rate
    18     in the construction trades is equal to or exceeds 8%, the
    19     department shall:
    20             (i)  expedite and give priority to applications
    21         submitted by local governments having unemployment rates
    22         for the 12 most recent consecutive months in excess of
    23         the State unemployment rate in the construction trades;
    24         and
    25             (ii)  shall give priority thereafter to applications
    26         submitted by local governments having average
    27         unemployment rates for construction trades for the 12
    28         most recent consecutive months in excess of 6%, but less
    29         than the State unemployment rate.
    30         (2)  Information regarding unemployment rates shall be
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     1     furnished by the Department of Labor and Industry working in
     2     concert with the appropriate Federal agency to provide this
     3     information on a timely (10-day turnaround) basis.
     4     (d)  State and local prioritization of applications.--
     5  Whenever a local government submits applications for grants
     6  under this chapter for two or more projects, the local
     7  government shall submit as part of the applications its priority
     8  for each project.
     9     (e)  Localization of unemployment determinations.--The local
    10  unemployment rate may, for purposes of this chapter, and upon
    11  request of the applicant, be based upon the unemployment rate of
    12  any community or neighborhood (defined without regard to
    13  political or other subdivisions or boundaries) within the
    14  jurisdiction of the local government.
    15  Section 303.  Rules, regulations and procedures.
    16     (a)  General rule.--The department shall, not later than 90
    17  days after the effective date of this act, publish in the
    18  Pennsylvania Bulletin as proposed rulemaking those rules and
    19  regulations, including application forms, necessary to carry out
    20  this chapter. These rules and regulations shall assure that
    21  adequate consideration is given to the relative needs of various
    22  areas of this Commonwealth. The department shall consider among
    23  other factors:
    24         (1)  The severity and duration of employment in proposed
    25     project areas.
    26         (2)  The income levels and extent of underemployment in
    27     proposed project areas.
    28         (3)  The extent to which proposed project areas will
    29     contribute to increased employment in the construction trades
    30     and future economic growth.
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     1         (4)  The needs of proposed project areas to recover from
     2     natural or other disaster which has affected the
     3     infrastructure of the area.
     4     (b)  Consideration of applications.--The department shall
     5  make a final determination with respect to each application for
     6  a grant not later than the 60th day after the date the
     7  department receives the application.
     8     (c)  Consideration of construction industry employment.--For
     9  purposes of this section, in considering the extent of
    10  unemployment or underemployment, the department shall consider
    11  the amount of unemployment or underemployment in the
    12  construction and construction-related industries.
    13  Section 304.  General limitations.
    14     (a)  Acquisition of land.--No part of any grant shall be used
    15  for the acquisition of any interest in real property.
    16     (b)  Maintenance costs.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
    17  construed to authorize the payment of routine scheduled
    18  maintenance costs in connection with any projects constructed in
    19  whole or in part with financial assistance provided under this
    20  chapter.
    21     (c)  On-site labor.--Grants made by the department shall be
    22  made only for projects for which the applicant gives
    23  satisfactory assurances, in such manner and form as may be
    24  required by the department and in accordance with those terms
    25  and conditions as the department may prescribe, that, if funds
    26  are available, onsite labor work can begin within 90 days of
    27  project approval.
    28     (d)  Contracting.--
    29         (1)  No part of the construction, including demolition
    30     and other site preparation activities, renovation,
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     1     restoration, repair or other improvement of any public works
     2     project for which a grant is made shall be performed directly
     3     by any department, agency or instrumentality of the
     4     Commonwealth or any local government.
     5         (2)  Construction of each project shall be performed by
     6     contract awarded by competitive bidding, unless the
     7     department shall affirmatively find that, under the
     8     circumstances relating to the project, an alternative method
     9     is in the public interest.
    10         (3)  Contracts for the construction of each project shall
    11     be awarded only on the basis of the lowest responsible bid
    12     submitted by a bidder meeting the established criteria of
    13     responsibility, subject to subsection (c).
    14         (4)  No requirement or obligation shall be imposed as a
    15     condition precedent to the award of a contract to a bidder
    16     for a project or to the department's concurrence in the award
    17     of a contract to the bidder, unless the requirement or
    18     obligation is otherwise lawful and is specifically set forth
    19     in the advertised specifications or in this act.
    20     (e)  Environmental safeguards.--All local public works
    21  projects carried out under this chapter shall comply with all
    22  relevant Federal, State and local environmental laws and
    23  regulations.
    24     (f)  Buy American.--If a local public works project carried
    25  out with financial assistance under this chapter would be
    26  eligible for Federal financial assistance under provisions of
    27  law other than this chapter and, under such other provisions of
    28  law, would be subject to the Buy American Act of 1988 (Public
    29  Law 100-418, 102 Stat. 1543), or similar requirements, such
    30  project shall be subject to The Exchange Rates and International
    20010H1658B2040                 - 10 -

     1  Economic Policy Coordination Act of 1988.
     2     (g)  Minority participation.--If a local public works project
     3  carried out with financial assistance under this chapter is
     4  eligible for Federal financial assistance under provisions of
     5  law other than this chapter and, under such other provision of
     6  law, is subject to any minority participation requirement, the
     7  project shall be subject to such requirement under this chapter,
     8  in the same manner and to the same extent as such project would
     9  be subject to those requirements under such other provisions of
    10  law.
    11     (h)  Applicability of laws regarding individuals with
    12  disabilities.--Sections 504 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of
    13  1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.) and the
    14  Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 104
    15  Stat. 327) shall apply to local public works projects carried
    16  out under this act. The Governor, with the approval of the
    17  Auditor General and the State Treasurer, shall transfer to the
    18  Department of Labor and Industry such funds as may become
    19  available under Subchapter B, and shall allocate such funds into
    20  equal shares for the following fiscal years:
    21         July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002
    22         July 1, 2002, to June 30, 2003
    23         July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004
    24                             CHAPTER 5
    25                  PUBLIC WORKS AND JOB RESTORATION
    26  Section 501.  Purpose.
    27     It is the purpose of this chapter to develop and provide
    28  useful and productive opportunities for unemployed and
    29  underemployed people, especially young people, through payments
    30  from the funds allocated for this purpose, for labor and related
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     1  costs associated with the construction, repair or rehabilitation
     2  of essential community and educational facilities; with the
     3  reclamation, improvement and conservation of public lands; and
     4  with the creation, repair, rehabilitation and restoration of
     5  public safety, public transportation, health, social services
     6  and recreation facilities and other activities necessary to the
     7  public welfare.
     8  Section 502.  Eligible participants.
     9     (a)  General eligibility requirements.--An individual shall
    10  be eligible to participate in a program, project or activity
    11  receiving funds under this chapter only if the individual meets
    12  all of the following:
    13         (1)  Is a resident or citizen of this Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  Is an unemployed individual at the time of
    15     enrollment.
    16         (3)  Has been unemployed for at least 30 days immediately
    17     preceding the date of such enrollment, except as otherwise
    18     provided in subsection (e) or (f) and section 902.
    19  Individuals may be certified for purposes of this section under
    20  procedures agreed to by the eligible administrative entity and
    21  established in regulations established by the department.
    22     (b)  Duration of eligibility.--No individual who is eligible
    23  under subsection (a) shall receive wages from funds made
    24  available under this chapter in excess of 52 weeks in any two-
    25  year period, in accordance with the following subsidy schedule:
    26         (1)  Up to 75% of the participant's wages may be
    27     subsidized for the first 26 weeks.
    28         (2)  Up to 50% of the participant's wages may be
    29     subsidized for the next 13 weeks.
    30         (3)  Up to 25% of the participant's wages may be
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     1     subsidized for the next 13 weeks.
     2     (c)  Priority for participation.--In the selection of
     3  participants for activities under this chapter, priority shall
     4  be given to individuals who:
     5         (1)  At the time of selection, have exhausted or are
     6     otherwise not eligible for unemployment benefits,
     7     particularly:
     8             (i)  Those individuals who have been unemployed for
     9         the longest periods of time preceding the date of their
    10         selection.
    11             (ii)  Those residing in households in which no other
    12         member is employed on a full-time basis.
    13             (iii)  Those individuals who are or were qualified
    14         participants in aid to families with dependent children
    15         (AFDC) or in a program under the Trade Adjustment Act of
    16         1979 (Public Law 96-39, 93 Stat. 144) or other Federal
    17         program providing job reemployment assistance due to base
    18         closure, factory closure or other job loss due to
    19         economic factors.
    20             (iv)  Those young people who are unemployed and who
    21         reside in communities with the highest levels of
    22         unemployment or underemployment.
    23         (2)  Except for individuals described in subparagraph
    24     (iv), have been employed within the past two years by the
    25     employer that is providing the subsidized job position.
    26     (d)  Special consideration for recipients of public
    27  assistance.--Entities receiving funds under this chapter shall
    28  give special consideration to applicants who are:
    29         (1)  Custodial parents of children who are recipients of
    30     assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act (49
    20010H1658B2040                 - 13 -

     1     Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.).
     2         (2)  Noncustodial parents of nondependent children who
     3     are recipients of assistance under Title IV of the Social
     4     Security Act, but only if the applicants agree in writing to
     5     the withholding of an appropriate portion of their wages to
     6     be applied to the support of the children under any child
     7     support order.
     8     (e)  Special consideration for veterans.--With regard to
     9  services to veterans provided under section 701(a)(3)(xv),
    10  special consideration in selecting participants for employment
    11  in such activities should be given to veterans who otherwise
    12  meet the eligibility requirements in this section.
    13     (f)  Special consideration for public assistance
    14  recipients.--Special consideration shall be given to current and
    15  former recipients of public assistance and to current and former
    16  recipients to aid to families with dependent children.
    17     (g)  Equal employment opportunities.--In certifying eligible
    18  participants under subsection (a) and in referring them for
    19  employment, the administrative entity shall be responsible for
    20  ensuring equal employment opportunities and the full
    21  participation of traditionally underrepresented groups,
    22  including women and racial and ethnic minorities, in employment
    23  provided with funds made available under this subchapter. Each
    24  recipient of funds shall be responsible for ensuring such
    25  opportunities and full participation in the selection of
    26  eligible participants for such employment.
    27  Section 503.  Limitation on use of funds.
    28     (a)  Reservation for wages and benefits.--Not less than 75%
    29  of the funds made available to any recipient from funds
    30  appropriated for any fiscal year shall be used to provide for
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     1  wages and related employment benefits to eligible participants
     2  for work which the recipient certifies has been performed in one
     3  or more of the activities authorized under this act.
     4     (b)  Limitation on administrative costs.--No more than 10% of
     5  the funds provided to any recipient from funds appropriated for
     6  any fiscal year may be used for the cost of administration.
     7     (c)  Acquisition of tools, equipment and materials.--The
     8  remainder of the funds provided to any recipient from funds
     9  appropriated for the fiscal year, after compliance with
    10  subsection (a) and deduction of costs of administration
    11  permitted by subsection (b), may be used for the acquisition of
    12  supplies, tools, equipment and other materials directly related
    13  to the purpose for which the funds were provided.
    14     (d)  Use of other funds.--
    15         (1)  Nothing in this act shall be construed to preclude
    16     or limit the payment of the costs of administration or the
    17     costs of supplies, tools, equipment or other materials
    18     directly related to the project or program being funded,
    19     either in whole or in part, from Federal sources such as
    20     section 106 of the Housing and Community Development Act of
    21     1974 (Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat. 139) or from non-Federal
    22     sources other than this act.
    23         (2)  In designating projects under this act, the
    24     recipient shall, to the extent feasible, ensure that
    25     supplies, tools, equipment or other materials purchased or
    26     procured in accordance with paragraph (1) have been
    27     manufactured, mined or produced in the United States, unless
    28     the supply, tool, equipment or material is not available in
    29     reasonable quantity and quality as required to fulfill the
    30     needs of the project or activity.
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     1     (e)  Training cost exception.--Notwithstanding subsection
     2  (a), funds available may be used for costs associated with
     3  training and related support for a number of participants if:
     4         (1)  Employers have made commitments to fill an equal
     5     number of unsubsidized jobs with participants who have
     6     successfully completed training.
     7         (2)  The recipient has entered into an agreement for the
     8     provision of such training to participants with one or more
     9     of the following: an apprenticeship training program which is
    10     certified by the Department of Labor for the construction
    11     industry and meets Federal standards for apprenticeship
    12     training, an administrative entity designated under section
    13     103(b)(1)(B) of the Job Training Partnership Act (Public Law
    14     97-300, 29 U.S.C. § 1513), a local educational agency, a
    15     vocational education school, an institution of higher
    16     education, a community-based organization, a community action
    17     agency, a community development corporation or other
    18     qualified public or private nonprofit provider of training
    19     services.
    20         (3)  The costs associated with providing such training
    21     and related support to any participant from funds available
    22     under this act do not exceed, on a weekly basis, the maximum
    23     wage which may be paid with funds available under this act.
    24  Apprenticeship training shall be included in the project
    25  agreements negotiated with the building trades councils as
    26  outlined in section 304(d)(2). Minority participation
    27  requirements as specified in this act shall be applied to such
    28  project agreements.
    29     (f)  Salary limitation.--Funds available for the cost of
    30  administration pursuant to subsection (b) may not be used to pay
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     1  salaries or wages to administrative or supervisory employees as
     2  follows:
     3         (1)  at a rate that is greater than the rate of the
     4     salaries or wages paid to employees performing comparable
     5     functions for the same employer; or
     6         (2)  if there is no such comparable rate, at a rate which
     7     is in excess of the rate of pay prescribed for GS-13 of the
     8     General Schedule with respect to employees of the Federal
     9     Government.
    10                             CHAPTER 11
    11                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    12  Section 1101.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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