See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2080



No. 1662 Session of 1997

           LEVDANSKY AND TRELLO, JUNE 16, 1997

           JUNE 16, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to make
     2     grants to sewage treatment authorities for sewage treatment
     3     facilities; and making an appropriation.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Definitions.
     6  Section 2.  Referendum to authorize incurring indebtedness.
     7  Section 3.  Authority to borrow.
     8  Section 4.  Bonds, issues, maturity, interest, etc.
     9  Section 5.  Sale of bonds.
    10  Section 6.  Refunding bonds.
    11  Section 7.  Registration of bonds.
    12  Section 8.  Disposition and use of proceeds.
    13  Section 9.  Local Sewage Treatment Facilities Sinking Fund.
    14  Section 10.  Expenses of preparation, issue and sale of bonds.
    15  Section 11.  Temporary financing authorization.
    16  Section 12.  Quorum.
    17  Section 13.  Information to General Assembly.

     1  Section 14.  Grants to Sewage Treatment Authority.
     2  Section 15.  Appropriation.
     3  Section 16.  Effective date.
     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Definitions.
     7     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     8  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     9  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    10     "Construction."  The term includes the preparation of
    11  drawings and specifications for facilities; erecting, building,
    12  altering, remodeling, improving or extending such facilities;
    13  and the inspection and supervision of the construction of such
    14  facilities. The term does not include any interest in land.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Facility."  The term includes any building and related
    18  facility, initial equipment, machinery and utilities necessary
    19  or appropriate for sewage treatment for which the particular
    20  facility was constructed.
    21     "Local sewage treatment facility."  Any facility operated by
    22  a local sewage treatment authority and used for the treatment of
    23  waste water and sewage.
    24     "Sewage treatment authority."  Any sewage treatment authority
    25  of this Commonwealth.
    26  Section 2.  Referendum to authorize incurring indebtedness.
    27     (a)  Submission of question to electors.--The question of
    28  incurring indebtedness of $600,000,000 for the repair,
    29  expansion, construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of
    30  sewage treatment facilities shall be submitted to the electors
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     1  at the next primary, municipal or general election following the
     2  effective date of this act.
     3     (b)  Certification to county boards of elections.--The
     4  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall immediately certify the
     5  question under subsection (a) to the county boards of elections.
     6     (c)  Form of question.--The question shall be in
     7  substantially the following form:
     8         Do you favor the incurring of indebtedness by the
     9         Commonwealth of $600,000,000 to repair, expand,
    10         construct, reconstruct and rehabilitate local
    11         sewage treatment facilities?
    12     (d)  Conduct of election.--The election shall be conducted in
    13  accordance with the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320),
    14  known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, except that the time
    15  limits for advertisement of notice of the election may be waived
    16  as to the question.
    17  Section 3.  Authority to borrow.
    18     In the event that the question of incurring indebtedness is
    19  approved by a majority of those voting on the question in
    20  accordance with section 7(a)(3) of Article VIII of the
    21  Constitution of Pennsylvania, the Governor, Auditor General and
    22  State Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to borrow, on
    23  the credit of the Commonwealth, such sum or sums of money not
    24  exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $600,000,000 as may be
    25  necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.
    26  Section 4.  Bonds, issues, maturity, interest, etc.
    27     (a)  Issuance.--As evidence of the indebtedness authorized in
    28  this act, general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth shall be
    29  issued from time to time for such total amounts, in such forms,
    30  in such denominations and subject to such terms and conditions
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     1  of issue, redemption and maturity, rate or rates of interest and
     2  time of payment of interest as the Governor, Auditor General and
     3  State Treasurer shall direct, except that the latest stated
     4  maturity date shall not exceed 30 years from the date of the
     5  bond first issued for each such series.
     6     (b)  Signatures and seal.--All bonds issued under the
     7  authority of this act shall bear facsimile signatures of the
     8  Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer and a
     9  facsimile of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth and shall be
    10  countersigned by two duly authorized officers of the duly
    11  authorized loan and transfer agents of the Commonwealth.
    12     (c)  Full faith and credit.--All bonds issued in accordance
    13  with the provisions of this act shall be direct obligations of
    14  the Commonwealth, and the full faith and credit of the
    15  Commonwealth are hereby pledged for the payment of the interest
    16  thereon as the same shall become due and for the payment of the
    17  principal thereof at maturity. All bonds issued under the
    18  provisions of this act shall be exempt from taxation for State
    19  and local purposes. The principal of and interest on such bonds
    20  shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of
    21  America.
    22     (d)  Form.--Bonds issued under this act may be issued as
    23  coupon bonds or registered as to both principal and interest as
    24  the issuing officials may determine. If interest coupons are
    25  attached, they shall contain the facsimile signature of the
    26  State Treasurer.
    27     (e)  Amount.--The issuing officials shall provide for the
    28  amortization of the bonds issued under this act in substantial
    29  and regular amounts over the term of the debt.
    30     (f)  Preparation.--The Governor, the Auditor General and the
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     1  State Treasurer shall proceed to have the necessary bonds
     2  prepared and printed. The bonds, as soon as they are prepared
     3  and printed, shall be deposited with the duly authorized loan
     4  and transfer agent of the Commonwealth and shall remain until
     5  sold in accordance with the provisions of this act.
     6  Section 5.  Sale of bonds.
     7     (a)  Offering for sale.--When bonds are issued under this
     8  act, they shall be offered for sale and shall be sold by the
     9  Governor, the Auditor General and State Treasurer to the highest
    10  and best bidder or bidders after due public advertisement, on
    11  such terms and conditions and upon such open competitive bidding
    12  as the Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer
    13  shall direct. The manner and character of advertisement and the
    14  times of advertising shall be prescribed by the Governor, the
    15  Auditor General and the State Treasurer.
    16     (b)  Private sale.--Any portion of any bond issue offered
    17  under subsection (a) and not sold or subscribed for may be
    18  disposed of by private sale by the Governor, the Auditor General
    19  and the State Treasurer, in such manner and at such prices as
    20  the Governor shall direct.
    21     (c)  Series.--When bonds are issued from time to time, the
    22  bonds of each issue shall constitute a separate series to be
    23  designated by the issuing officials or may be combined for sale
    24  as one series with other general obligation bonds of the
    25  Commonwealth.
    26  Section 6.  Refunding bonds.
    27     The Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer are
    28  hereby authorized to provide, by resolution, for the issuance of
    29  refunding bonds for the purpose of refunding any bonds issued
    30  under the provisions of this act and then outstanding, either by
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     1  voluntary exchange with the holders of such outstanding bonds
     2  with accrued interest and any premium payable thereon, at
     3  maturity or at any call date. The issuance of refunding bonds,
     4  the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the
     5  holders thereof, and the duties of the Governor, the Auditor
     6  General and the State Treasurer in respect to refunding bonds
     7  shall be governed by the foregoing provisions of this act
     8  insofar as they may be applicable. Refunding bonds may be issued
     9  by the Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer to
    10  refund bonds originally issued or to refund bonds previously
    11  issued for refunding purposes.
    12  Section 7.  Registration of bonds.
    13     The Auditor General shall prepare the necessary registry book
    14  to be kept in the office of the duly authorized loan and
    15  transfer agent of the Commonwealth for the registration of any
    16  bonds, at the request of owners thereof, according to the terms
    17  and conditions of issue directed by the Governor, the Auditor
    18  General and the State Treasurer. All bonds which are issued
    19  under this act without interest coupons attached shall be
    20  registered in the registry books kept by the duly authorized
    21  loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth.
    22  Section 8.  Disposition and use of proceeds.
    23     (a)  Creation of Local Sewage Treatment Facilities Fund.--
    24  There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special fund to
    25  be known as the Local Sewage Treatment Facilities Fund. The
    26  proceeds realized from the sale of bonds under the provisions of
    27  this act shall be paid into this special fund and are hereby
    28  specifically dedicated to the purpose of the referendum
    29  authorized by section 2. The moneys shall be paid periodically
    30  by the State Treasurer to the department at such times and in
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     1  such amounts as may be necessary to satisfy the purpose of this
     2  act.
     3     (b)  Investment and earnings.--Pending their application to
     4  the purposes authorized, moneys held or deposited in the Local
     5  Sewage Treatment Facilities Fund by the State Treasurer may be
     6  invested or reinvested as are other funds in the custody of the
     7  State Treasurer in the manner provided by law. All earnings
     8  received from the investment or deposit of such funds shall be
     9  paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the Local Sewage
    10  Treatment Facilities Fund.
    11  Section 9.  Local Sewage Treatment Facilities Sinking Fund.
    12     All bonds issued under the authority of this act shall be
    13  redeemed at maturity, and all interest due from time to time on
    14  such bonds shall be paid from the Local Sewage Treatment
    15  Facilities Fund, which is hereby created. For the specific
    16  purposes of redeeming these bonds at maturity and paying all
    17  interest thereon in accordance with the information received
    18  from the Governor, the General Assembly shall appropriate moneys
    19  for the payment of interest on these bonds and the principal
    20  thereof at maturity. All moneys paid into the Local Sewage
    21  Treatment Facilities Fund, and all of such moneys not necessary
    22  to pay accruing interest shall be invested by the Board of
    23  Finance and Revenue in such securities as are provided by law
    24  for the investment of the sinking funds of the Commonwealth.
    25  Section 10.  Expenses of preparation, issue and sale of bonds.
    26     There is hereby appropriated to the State Treasurer, from the
    27  proceeds of the bonds issued, as much of the moneys as may be
    28  necessary for all costs and expenses in connection with the
    29  issue of and sale and registration of bonds in connection with
    30  this section.
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     1  Section 11.  Temporary financing authorization.
     2     (a)  Temporary borrowing.--Pending the issuance of bonds of
     3  the Commonwealth, the Governor, the Auditor General and the
     4  State Treasurer are authorized, on the credit of the
     5  Commonwealth, to make temporary borrowings of such moneys as may
     6  from time to time be necessary to carry out the purposes of this
     7  section and are authorized in the name and on behalf of the
     8  Commonwealth to enter into loan or credit agreements with any
     9  banks or trust companies or other lending institutions or
    10  persons in the United States having power to enter into the
    11  same.
    12     (b)  Form.--All temporary borrowings made under the authority
    13  of this section shall be evidenced by notes of the Commonwealth
    14  which shall be issued from time to time for such amounts, not
    15  exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $600,000,000, in such
    16  form, in such denominations and subject to such terms and
    17  conditions of issue, prepayment or redemption and maturity, rate
    18  of interest and time of payment of interest as the issuing
    19  officials shall direct. All notes issued under the authority of
    20  this section shall bear the facsimile signatures of the issuing
    21  officials and a facsimile of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth
    22  and shall be countersigned by two duly authorized officers of a
    23  duly authorized loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth.
    24     (c)  Funding and retirement.--All notes under this section
    25  shall be funded and retired by the issuance and sale of bonds of
    26  the Commonwealth to the extent that payment of these notes has
    27  not otherwise been made or provided for.
    28     (d)  Proceeds.--The proceeds of all temporary borrowings
    29  under this section shall be paid into the Local Sewage Treatment
    30  Facilities Fund.
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     1  Section 12.  Quorum.
     2     Whenever in this act any action is to be taken or any
     3  decision is to be made by the Governor, the Auditor General and
     4  the State Treasurer and the three officers are not able to agree
     5  unanimously, the action or decision of the Governor and either
     6  the Auditor General or the State Treasurer shall be binding and
     7  final.
     8  Section 13.  Information to General Assembly.
     9     It shall be the duty of the Governor to include in every
    10  budget submitted to the General Assembly full information
    11  relating to the issuance of bonds under the provisions of this
    12  act and the status of the sinking funds of the Commonwealth for
    13  the payment of the interest on those bonds and the principal
    14  thereof at maturity.
    15  Section 14.  Grants to Sewage Treatment Authority.
    16     The department shall, by regulation, establish procedures to
    17  implement the purposes of this act and to make grants to
    18  counties for the repair, expansion, construction,
    19  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement of local sewage
    20  treatment facilities. These procedures shall include, at a
    21  minimum, the following:
    22         (1)  Applications shall be made to the department by the
    23     authority requesting the grant.
    24         (2)  Any grant approved by the department must be matched
    25     by funding in a like amount by the authority from authority
    26     funds, except that, if any Federal funding should become
    27     available for the construction of local sewage treatment
    28     facilities, then both the department and the authority shares
    29     shall be reduced in like proportion.
    30         (3)  Grants shall be available only for the repair,
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     1     expansion, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and
     2     improvement of local sewage treatment facilities.
     3         (4)  Priority in the grant process shall be given to
     4     those authorities who have been deemed by the Environmental
     5     Protection Agency as out of compliance with the requirements
     6     of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, (62 Stat. 1155,
     7     33 U.S.C., § 1251 et seq).
     8  Section 15.  Appropriation.
     9     (a)  Appropriation to fund.--The sum of $600,000,000 or as
    10  much thereof as is able to be borrowed by temporary financing or
    11  by bonds is hereby appropriated to the Local Sewage Treatment
    12  Facilities Fund for the purposes set forth in this act. The
    13  General Assembly may make appropriations from time to time to
    14  the Local Sewage Treatment Facilities Fund or to the department
    15  to carry out the purposes of this act, which appropriations
    16  shall be continuing appropriations and shall not lapse.
    17     (b)  Other sources of funds.--In addition to the moneys
    18  appropriated from time to time by the General Assembly for its
    19  work, the department is authorized to make application for and
    20  expend such Federal grants as may be available and may also
    21  receive and expend contributions from other public, quasi-public
    22  or private sources as may become available.
    23  Section 16.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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