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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 2001                      PRINTER'S NO. 2111



No. 1669 Session of 1989


           JUNE 20, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), entitled
     2     "An act relating to unfair insurance practices; prohibiting
     3     unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts
     4     and practices; and prescribing remedies and penalties,"
     5     further providing for unfair methods of competition and
     6     unfair or deceptive acts or practices; authorizing
     7     inspections and investigations; further providing for
     8     hearings and the effects of hearings; and further providing
     9     for penalties.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 5(a)(9) and (c)(3) and (4) of the act of
    13  July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), known as the Unfair Insurance
    14  Practices Act, are amended and subsection (a) is amended by
    15  adding paragraphs to read:
    16     Section 5.  Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair or
    17  Deceptive Acts or Practices Defined.--(a)  "Unfair methods of
    18  competition" and "unfair or deceptive acts or practices" in the
    19  business of insurance means:
    20     * * *
    21     (2.1)  Misrepresenting that a fee is payable for transacting

     1  any insurance business or placing any insurance policies, other
     2  than the commissions specifically payable under the policy
     3  delivered, except that licensed insurance brokers may enter into
     4  a written agreement with the prospective insured specifying the
     5  amount of the fee to be charged and the specific reason for such
     6  charge.
     7     * * *
     8     (4.1)  Requiring an insured, applicant or a member of the
     9  insured's household to have in effect or purchase concurrently a
    10  policy of insurance as a condition to the writing or renewing of
    11  another policy.
    12     (4.2)  Endorsing, or otherwise altering a policy of insurance
    13  in any manner without notification to and approval from the
    14  policyholder. This paragraph shall not apply to endorsements
    15  approved by the Insurance Department which apply to all
    16  policyholders.
    17     * * *
    18     (9)  Cancelling any policy of insurance covering owner-
    19  occupied private residential properties or personal property of
    20  individuals that has been in force for sixty days or more or
    21  refusing to renew any such policy unless the policy was obtained
    22  through material misrepresentation, fraudulent statements,
    23  omissions or concealment of fact material to the acceptance of
    24  the risk or to the hazard assumed by the company; or there has
    25  been a substantial change or increase in hazard in the risk
    26  assumed by the company subsequent to the date the policy was
    27  issued; or there is a substantial increase in hazards insured
    28  against by reason of wilful or negligent acts or omissions by
    29  the insured; or the insured has failed to pay any premium when
    30  due whether such premium is payable directly to the company or
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     1  its agent or indirectly under any premium finance plan or
     2  extension of credit; or for any other reasons approved by the
     3  commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by
     4  the commissioner. No cancellation [or], refusal to renew or
     5  refusal to write by any person shall be effective unless a
     6  written notice of the cancellation [or], refusal to renew or
     7  refusal to write is received by the insured either at the
     8  address shown in the policy or at a forwarding address. Such
     9  notice shall:
    10     (i)  Be approved as to form by the Insurance Commissioner
    11  prior to use.
    12     (ii)  State the date, not less than thirty days after the
    13  date of delivery or mailing on which such cancellation [or],
    14  refusal to renew or refusal to write shall become effective.
    15     (iii)  State the specific reason or reasons of the insurer
    16  for cancellation [or], refusal to renew or refusal to write.
    17     (iv)  Advise the insured of his right to request, in writing,
    18  within [ten] twenty days of the receipt of the notice of
    19  cancellation [or intention not], refusal to renew or refusal to
    20  write that the Insurance Commissioner review the action of the
    21  insurer.
    22     (v)  Advise the insured of his possible eligibility for
    23  insurance under the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.738, No.233),
    24  known as "The Pennsylvania Fair Plan Act," or the Pennsylvania
    25  Assigned Risk Plan.
    26     (vi)  Advise the insured in a form commonly understandable of
    27  the provisions of subparagraphs (ii), (iii) and (iv) of this
    28  paragraph as they limit permissible time and reasons for
    29  cancellation.
    30     (vii)  Advise the insured of the procedures to be followed in
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     1  prosecuting an appeal.
     2     (9.1)  Rescinding any policy of insurance covering owner-      <--
     3  occupied private residential properties or personal property of
     4  individuals.
     5     * * *
     6     (c)  Nothing in subsection (a)(9) of this section shall
     7  apply:
     8     * * *
     9     (3)  To any policy of insurance which has been in effect less
    10  than sixty days, [including] excluding any notice of termination
    11  period, unless it is a renewal policy. Any declination of
    12  coverage within the sixty-day period provided in this clause
    13  shall, for purposes of review by the Insurance Commissioner, be
    14  deemed a refusal to write and shall not be subject to the
    15  provisions of subsection (a)(9) of this section[.], except that
    16  such notice and procedures must comply with the requirements of
    17  subsections (a)(9)(i) through (vii) of this act. Subsection
    18  (a)(9)(ii) does not apply where no coverage was in effect during
    19  the sixty-day period.
    20     (4)  Any insured may, within [ten] twenty days of the receipt
    21  by the insured of notice of cancellation [or], notice of
    22  intention not to renew, or notice of refusal to write, request
    23  in writing to the Insurance Commissioner that he review the
    24  action of the insurer in cancelling or refusing to renew the
    25  policy of such insured or refusing to write a policy.
    26     Section 2.  Section 7 of the act is amended to read:
    27     Section 7.  Power of Commissioner.--(a)  The commissioner may
    28  monitor, examine and investigate the affairs of every person      <--
    29  engaged in the business of insurance in this State in order to
    30  determine whether such person has been or is engaged in any
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     1  unfair method of competition or in any unfair or deceptive act
     2  or practice prohibited by this act.
     3     (b)  In order to carry out the purposes of this act, the
     4  commissioner shall require every person engaged in the business
     5  of insurance to make, keep and preserve, format and make          <--
     6  available to the Insurance Department, for inspection,
     7  examination or duplication, such records and reports as the
     8  department may prescribe by regulation as necessary or
     9  appropriate for the enforcement of this act.
    10     Section 3.  Section 8 of the act is amended by adding a
    11  subsection to read:
    12     Section 8.  Administrative Hearing.--* * *
    13     (a.1)  If, as a result of cancellation or refusal to renew
    14  any policy of insurance covering owner-occupied private
    15  residential properties or personal property of individuals, an
    16  administrative hearing is requested, the policy shall remain in
    17  effect until the conclusion of the administrative process.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 4.  Sections 9 and 11 of the act are amended to read:
    20     Section 9.  Administrative Penalty.--Upon a determination by
    21  hearing that this act has been violated, the commissioner may
    22  issue an order requiring the person to cease and desist from
    23  engaging in such violation or, if such violation is a method of
    24  competition, act or practice defined in section 5 of this act,
    25  the commissioner may suspend or revoke the person's license.
    26  Following a hearing and adjudication, the commissioner is hereby
    27  empowered to order the payment of restitution to any person who
    28  is injured as a result of an action or practice which violated
    29  any provision of this act. An order or restitution issued by the
    30  commissioner following a hearing and adjudication shall be
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     1  enforceable by any court of common pleas in this Commonwealth.
     2     Section 11.  Civil Penalties.--In addition to any other
     3  penalties imposed pursuant to this act, the commissioner may, or
     4  the court may, [in an action filed by the commissioner,] impose
     5  the following civil penalties:
     6     (1)  for each [method of competition, act or practice defined
     7  in section 5 of this act and in] violation of this act [which
     8  the person knew or reasonably should have known was such a
     9  violation], a penalty of not more than five thousand dollars
    10  ($5,000) [for each violation but not to exceed an aggregate
    11  penalty of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in any six month
    12  period;
    13     (2)  for each method of competition, act or practice defined
    14  in section 5 of this act and in violation of this act which the
    15  person did not know nor reasonably should have known was such a
    16  violation, a penalty of not more than one thousand dollars
    17  ($1,000) for each violation but not to exceed an aggregate
    18  penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in any six month
    19  period]; and
    20     [(3)] (2)  for each violation of an order issued by the
    21  commissioner pursuant to section 9 of this act, while such order
    22  is in effect, a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars
    23  ($10,000) for each violation.
    24     Section 5.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    25         (1)  The amendments to section 5(a)(9) and (c)(3) and (4)
    26     shall take effect in 120 days.
    27         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    28     immediately.

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