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                              PRIOR PASSAGE - NONE
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2057



No. 1682 Session of 1999



                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth
     2     of Pennsylvania, authorizing the use of the initiative and
     3     referendum as powers reserved to the people.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby resolves as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The following amendment to the Constitution of
     7  Pennsylvania is proposed in accordance with Article XI:
     8     That Article III be amended by adding a section to read:
     9  § 33.  Powers reserved to the people.
    10     (a)  (1)  The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be
    11  vested in the Senate and the House of Representatives, but the
    12  people reserve to themselves the power to propose statutes and
    13  amendments to this Constitution and to adopt or reject them at
    14  the polls, independent of the General Assembly.
    15     (2)  The initiative is the power of the electors to propose
    16  statutes and amendments to this Constitution and to adopt or
    17  reject them.

     1     (3)  An initiative measure may be proposed by presenting to
     2  the Secretary of the Commonwealth a petition that sets forth the
     3  text of the proposed statute or amendment to this Constitution
     4  and is certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to have
     5  been signed by registered electors equal in number to 15%, in
     6  the case of the statute, or 15%, in the case of an amendment to
     7  this Constitution, of the votes for all candidates for Governor
     8  at the last gubernatorial election.
     9     (4)  Signatures on initiative petitions must be obtained from
    10  registered electors equal in number to at least 5% of the votes
    11  for all candidates for Governor at the last gubernatorial
    12  election in each of 34 counties in this Commonwealth.
    13     (5)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall then submit the
    14  measure to the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of
    15  the House of Representatives, who shall present the measure to
    16  each respective chamber. The measure shall be introduced in the
    17  respective chambers in bill form on the first session day after
    18  the measure is submitted by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    19     (i)  If the measure is not signed into law by the Governor
    20  within 120 days following its introduction into the General
    21  Assembly, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit the
    22  measure at the next statewide general, municipal, primary or
    23  special election. The election shall be held at least 75 days
    24  following the 120-day time frame for enactment.
    25     (ii)  Within 120 days of enactment, any one of the initial
    26  petitioners may petition the Commonwealth Court to determine if
    27  the General Assembly has altered the measure to obscure or
    28  substantially deviate from its original purpose. A decision on
    29  the petition shall be rendered by the Commonwealth Court within
    30  60 days of the filing of the petition. If the Commonwealth Court
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     1  determines that the General Assembly has substantially altered
     2  the measure, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall then submit
     3  the measure at the next statewide general, municipal, primary or
     4  special election held at least 75 days after the decision of the
     5  court. If the Commonwealth Court fails to make a determination
     6  within 60 days, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit
     7  the measure at the next statewide general, municipal, primary or
     8  special election.
     9     (6)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall only certify a
    10  measure wherein all signatures on petitions are obtained and
    11  affixed to the petitions for the measure during the same regular
    12  session of the General Assembly.
    13     (7)  An initiative measure embracing more than one subject
    14  may not be submitted to the electors or have any effect.
    15     (8)  No measure that relates to religion, religious practices
    16  or religious institutions, or to naming an individual to hold
    17  office, or to naming or identifying a private corporation to
    18  perform a function or to have a power or duty shall be proposed
    19  by an initiative petition.
    20     (9)  An initiative amendment to this Constitution approved by
    21  the electors which requires enabling legislation shall
    22  constitute a mandate to the General Assembly to enact the
    23  appropriate legislation by the conclusion of the next
    24  legislative session.
    25     (b)  (1)  The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be
    26  vested in the Senate and the House of Representatives, but the
    27  people reserve to themselves the power at their own option to
    28  approve or reject statutes or parts of statutes passed by the
    29  General Assembly.
    30     (2)  The referendum is the power of the electors to approve
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     1  or reject statutes or parts of statutes except urgency statutes
     2  or statutes calling elections.
     3     (3)  A referendum measure may be proposed by presenting to
     4  the Secretary of the Commonwealth, within 120 days after the
     5  enactment date of the statute, a petition certified to have been
     6  signed by registered electors equal in number to at least 15% of
     7  the votes for all candidates for Governor at the last
     8  gubernatorial election, asking that the statute or part of it be
     9  submitted to the electors.
    10     (4)  Signatures on referendum petitions must be obtained from
    11  registered electors equal in number to at least 5% of the votes
    12  for all candidates for Governor at the last gubernatorial
    13  election in each of 34 counties in this Commonwealth.
    14     (5)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit the
    15  measure at the next statewide general, municipal, primary or
    16  special election held at least 75 days after it qualifies.
    17     (c)  (1)  The General Assembly shall provide the manner in
    18  which petitions shall be circulated, presented and certified and
    19  shall require by law measures to insure full disclosure of
    20  disbursements made and receipts obtained by parties who have an
    21  interest in initiative and referendum measures and who have
    22  exceeded a statutory threshold for such disbursements and
    23  receipts for any one initiative or referendum measure in each
    24  election. The General Assembly may also require by law
    25  reasonable limits on contributions made to parties who have an
    26  interest in the passage or defeat of an initiative or referendum
    27  measure for each measure and in each election. The General
    28  Assembly shall also require by law the full disclosure of any
    29  disbursements made by a person or corporation from another state
    30  to advocate the passage or defeat of an initiative or referendum
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     1  measure.
     2     (2)  An initiative or referendum petition in order to be
     3  eligible for certification by the Secretary of the Commonwealth
     4  shall first be signed by 200 initial petitioners who shall be
     5  registered electors of this Commonwealth and who shall pay an
     6  administrative fee that is not more than the fee required by law
     7  for the filing of nomination petitions by candidates for public
     8  office to be filled by the electors of the State-at-large. If
     9  the Commonwealth Court shall, within 30 days of the petition's
    10  submission to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, determine that
    11  the petition contains the entire text of the measure, that the
    12  measure is not, either affirmatively or negatively,
    13  substantially the same as any measure which has been submitted
    14  to the electors in the previous five years and that it contains
    15  only one subject which is not excluded from consideration under
    16  this section, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall provide
    17  petition forms for the use of subsequent signers and shall print
    18  at the top of each petition form a fair, concise summary, as
    19  determined by the Commonwealth Court, of the proposed measure as
    20  such summary will appear on the ballot. The Secretary of the
    21  Commonwealth shall have 30 days to certify the signatures on an
    22  initiative or referendum petition. If the Secretary of the
    23  Commonwealth shall fail to do so, the initiative shall proceed
    24  to the General Assembly pursuant to subsection (a)(5), or the
    25  referendum shall proceed to the electorate pursuant to
    26  subsection (b)(5).
    27     (3)  The Legislative Reference Bureau shall, within ten days
    28  of the certification of an initiative or referendum petition
    29  upon which the required number of signatures have been affixed,
    30  prepare an explanation or argument, or both, for and also an
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     1  explanation or argument, or both, against the same. The
     2  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall publish the summary and
     3  explanations and arguments, together with the entire text of the
     4  measure, in the newspaper of largest circulation in each county
     5  and in as many newspapers of general circulation as deemed by
     6  the Secretary of the Commonwealth to be sufficient to give
     7  notice throughout this Commonwealth at least 20 days before the
     8  election in which the measure is presented to the electors. This
     9  information shall also be made available to the general public
    10  in printed form.
    11     (4)  If conflicting initiatives pass in the same election,
    12  the one receiving the most votes shall prevail.
    13     (5)  An initiative statute or amendment to this Constitution
    14  or a referendum approved by a number of voters equal in number
    15  to 51% of the votes for all candidates for Governor at the last
    16  gubernatorial election shall take effect the day after the
    17  election results are certified unless the measure provides
    18  otherwise.
    19     (6)  A measure may not appear on the ballot in an election
    20  more than once in five years.
    21     (7)  The General Assembly may not amend or repeal an
    22  initiative or referendum statute until at least one legislative
    23  session has intervened, and then only upon a vote of two-thirds
    24  of the members elected to the Senate and the House of
    25  Representatives.
    26     (8)  The veto power of the Governor shall not extend to an
    27  initiative or referendum statute approved by the electors.
    28     Section 2.  (a)  Upon the first passage by the General
    29  Assembly of this proposed constitutional amendment, the
    30  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to
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     1  comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article
     2  XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the
     3  required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in
     4  which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after
     5  passage of this proposed constitutional amendment.
     6     (b)  Upon the second passage by the General Assembly of this
     7  proposed constitutional amendment, the Secretary of the
     8  Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the
     9  advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the
    10  Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required
    11  advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such
    12  newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of
    13  this proposed constitutional amendment. The Secretary of the
    14  Commonwealth shall submit this proposed constitutional amendment
    15  to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth at the first
    16  primary, general or municipal election occurring at least three
    17  months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by
    18  the General Assembly which meets the requirements of and is in
    19  conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of
    20  Pennsylvania.

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