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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2130



No. 1685 Session of 2005

           TIGUE AND YOUNGBLOOD, JUNE 8, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the rights of purchasers of assistive technology
     2     devices.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Assistive
     7  Technology Device Warranties Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Assistive device dealer."  A person or entity that is in the
    13  business of selling assistive devices, including a manufacturer
    14  who sells assistive technology devices directly to consumers.
    15     "Assistive device lessor."  A person or entity that leases an
    16  assistive device to a consumer or who holds the lessor's rights

     1  under a written lease.
     2     "Assistive technology device," "assistive device" or
     3  "device."  A new device, including a demonstrator, that a
     4  consumer purchases or accepts transfer of in this Commonwealth
     5  which is used for a major life activity or any other assistive
     6  device that enables a person with a disability to communicate,
     7  see, hear or maneuver. The term includes, but is not limited to:
     8         (1)  A hearing aid, telephone communication device for
     9     the deaf (TTD/TTY), assistive listening device, visual and
    10     audible signal system and other aid that enhances an
    11     individual's ability to hear.
    12         (2)  A voice-synthesized computer module, optical
    13     scanner, talking software, Braille printer and other device
    14     that enhances a sight-impaired individual's ability to
    15     communicate.
    16     "Authorized dealer."  An assistive device dealer that has
    17  within a specified geographic area an exclusive distribution
    18  arrangement with any person or entity that manufactures or
    19  assembles assistive devices or is designated by the person or
    20  entity that manufactures or assembles assistive devices to
    21  repair or accept for repair assistive devices.
    22     "Collateral costs."  Expenses incurred by a consumer in
    23  connection with the repair of a nonconformity, including the
    24  reasonable costs of obtaining an alternative assistive device.
    25     "Consumer."  A person with a disability as defined in the
    26  Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 42
    27  U.S.C. § 12102 et seq.) or that person's legal representative
    28  who has purchased an assistive device from an assistive device
    29  dealer or manufacturer for purposes other than resale, to whom
    30  the assistive device is transferred for purposes other than
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     1  resale, if the transfer occurs before the expiration of any
     2  warranty established by this act or who leases a new assistive
     3  device from an assistive device lessor under a written lease.
     4  The term includes an entity that purchases or leases an
     5  assistive device using Federal or State funds for the use of a
     6  person with a disability, insurer or self-insurer which
     7  purchases or leases an assistive device for the use of a person
     8  with a disability.
     9     "Demonstrator."  An assistive device used primarily for the
    10  purpose of demonstration to the public.
    11     "Manufacturer."  A person or entity that manufactures or
    12  assembles assistive devices and any agent of that person or
    13  entity, including an authorized dealer, an importer, a
    14  distributor, factory branch, distributor branch and any
    15  warrantor of the manufacturer's assistive device. The term does
    16  not include a professional who fabricates without charge an
    17  assistive device for use in the course of treatment.
    18     "Nonconformity."  A condition or defect that significantly
    19  impairs the use, value, function or safety of an assistive
    20  device or any of its components but does not include a condition
    21  or defect of the assistive device that is the result of:
    22         (1)  abuse, misuse or neglect by a consumer;
    23         (2)  modifications or alterations not authorized by the
    24     manufacturer;
    25         (3)  normal wear;
    26         (4)  normal use which may be resolved through a fitting
    27     adjustment, routine maintenance, preventative maintenance or
    28     proper care; or
    29         (5)  a consumer's failure to follow a manufacturer's
    30     written service and maintenance guidelines furnished to the
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     1     consumer at the time of purchase.
     2     "Reasonable attempt to repair."  Within one year after the
     3  date of first delivery of an assistive device:
     4         (1)  the same nonconformity has been subject to repair
     5     three or more times by the manufacturer, assistive device
     6     lessor or an assistive device dealer authorized by the
     7     manufacturer to repair the assistive device and the
     8     nonconformity continues to exist and interfere with the
     9     device's operation; or
    10         (2)  the assistive device is out of service for a
    11     cumulative total of at least 30 days, exclusive of any
    12     necessary time in shipment, due to repair by the
    13     manufacturer, assistive device lessor or an assistive device
    14     dealer authorized by the manufacturer to repair the assistive
    15     device, all of which is due to warranty nonconformities.
    16  Section 3.  Implied warranty; responsibility for repair, return
    17                 or replacement.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    19  law, in addition to any express warranty furnished by the
    20  manufacturer of an assistive device, the manufacturer shall also
    21  be deemed to have warranted to any consumer purchasing or
    22  leasing the assistive device within this Commonwealth that for a
    23  period of one year from the date of first delivery to the
    24  consumer:
    25         (1)  The assistive device, when used as intended, will be
    26     free from any nonconformity.
    27         (2)  Any nonconformity will be repaired, including parts
    28     and labor, by the manufacturer or its agent, without charge
    29     to the consumer.
    30     (b)  Replacement or refund.--If, after reasonable attempt to
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     1  repair, a nonconformity is not repaired, the manufacturer shall
     2  either accept return of the nonconformity and replace the
     3  nonconformity with an assistive device of comparable market
     4  value, function and usefulness or accept return of the
     5  nonconformity and refund, within 14 days, the full purchase or
     6  lease price.
     7  Section 4.  Return  of nonconformity; subsequent sale or lease;
     8                 disclosure.
     9     No assistive device returned due to a nonconformity by a
    10  consumer or assistive device lessor in this Commonwealth or any
    11  other state may be sold or leased again in this Commonwealth
    12  unless full disclosure of the reason for the return is made to a
    13  prospective buyer or lessee.
    14  Section 5.  Application of Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer
    15                 Protection Law.
    16     A violation of this act shall also be a violation of the act
    17  of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair
    18  Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law.
    19  Section 6.  Rights preserved.
    20     Nothing in this act shall limit the purchaser from pursuing
    21  any other rights or remedies under any other law, contract or
    22  warranty.
    23  Section 7.  Waiver.
    24     A manufacturer's exclusion or limitation of the implied
    25  warranties, consumer remedies or right to legal action or
    26  arbitration by a consumer within an assistive device purchase
    27  agreement shall be deemed void.
    28  Section 8.  Effective date.
    29     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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