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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2126



No. 1702 Session of 1997


           JUNE 25, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 6, 1984 (P.L.652, No.136), entitled "An
     2     act requiring prompt payment to milk producers; providing for
     3     the establishment of a security fund; providing for a
     4     procedure to process claims against the security fund;
     5     providing for alternative methods of security on behalf of
     6     milk producers; and providing for certain prohibitions,
     7     repeals and penalties," further providing for certain
     8     bonding.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The definition of "cooperative" in section 4 of
    12  the act of July 6, 1984 (P.L.652, No.136), known as the Milk
    13  Producers' Security Act, is amended and the section is amended
    14  by adding a definition to read:
    15  Section 4.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *

     1     "Cooperative."  A cooperative agricultural association or
     2  corporation of producers organized under the laws of this
     3  Commonwealth or of any other state, which qualifies as such
     4  under the provisions of the Federal Capper-Volstead Act, and
     5  engaged in making collective sales or in the marketing of milk
     6  for its own producer members and producer patrons. A cooperative
     7  shall not be deemed a milk dealer or handler but shall be deemed
     8  a producer, except as provided in section 3(a).
     9     * * *
    10     "Vested dealer or handler."  Any milk dealer or handler
    11  licensed on a continuous basis prior to the effective date of
    12  this definition as a milk dealer or handler subject to the
    13  bonding requirements pursuant to section 7(c)(2) and section 9.
    14     Section 2.  Sections 6, 7(c), 8, 9 heading and (a) and 10 of
    15  the act are amended to read:
    16  Section 6.  Cooperative licensing requirements.
    17     A cooperative which is deemed to be a dealer or handler under
    18  the provisions of section 3(a) shall, in regard to milk
    19  purchased or received from producers other than its own producer
    20  members and producer patrons, be required to be licensed as a
    21  dealer with respect to milk so received or purchased, and shall
    22  be required to the extent of such milk purchased, received or
    23  handled to comply with the provisions of this act regarding the
    24  filing of bonds and contributions to a security fund for the
    25  protection of nonmember producers.
    26  Section 7.  Security bonds.
    27     * * *
    28     (c)  [The bond shall be] Bonds shall be filed in accordance
    29  with the following requirements:
    30     (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), all dealers or
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     1  handlers shall file a bond equivalent to 75% or more of the
     2  greatest amount owed in a 40-day period.
     3     (2)  A vested dealer or handler may file with the board a
     4  bond in a sum equal to a minimum of 30% of the highest aggregate
     5  amount owed by the dealer or handler to producers for a 40-day
     6  period during the preceding 12 months. Such bond may exceed the
     7  30% minimum and be equal to the full amount of the money owed,
     8  at the discretion of the dealer or handler.
     9     * * *
    10  Section 8.  Bonds.
    11     Surety bonds or securities for the license year shall be
    12  filed with the board on an annual basis not later than the 15th
    13  of the month before the beginning of such license year. [Where a
    14  dealer elects to participate under the minimum bond requirement
    15  as outlined in section 7, in lieu of filing a bond equivalent to
    16  75% or more of the greatest amount owed in a 40-day period, he
    17  shall notify the board not later than two months prior to the
    18  date on which such change is to be made, and shall make the
    19  initial payment as required under section 9 not later than one
    20  month before such change is to be made.]
    21  Section 9.  Security fund for vested dealers and handlers.
    22     (a)  [Each milk] A vested dealer or handler shall, in
    23  addition to a bond, when less than 75% of the maximum amount
    24  owed, also be required to pay monthly 2¢ per hundredweight to
    25  the board on all milk purchased from producers during the prior
    26  month. The board shall maintain the moneys received in an
    27  interest-bearing account and the moneys, including interest,
    28  shall be credited to the account of each individual paying
    29  dealer. In the event a dealer or handler defaults in payment to
    30  producers, the moneys submitted by the defaulting dealer or
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     1  handler, including interest, shall be made available to the
     2  producers shipping to the defaulting dealer or handler.
     3     * * *
     4  Section 10.  New licensees.
     5     A milk dealer or handler not vested as defined in this act
     6  and purchasing or acquiring or receiving or intending to
     7  purchase or receive milk from producers[, but not so engaged
     8  during the preceding 12 months,] shall file a bond in a sum to
     9  be fixed by the board in accordance with the dealer's or
    10  handler's anticipated purchases from producers and the dealer's
    11  or handler's obligation to a producer settlement or equalization
    12  fund, but not less than the total amount expected to be owed
    13  during the full 40-day pay period. The board shall review the
    14  operations of the dealer or handler every two months and the
    15  bond shall be modified by the board at the time the board is
    16  satisfied that the producers are adequately secured. At the end
    17  of six months of operation, upon approval by the board, the new
    18  dealer or handler [may file the amount of the bond and pay into
    19  the security fund as required in sections 7 and 9] shall file a
    20  bond in a sum equal to a minimum of 75% of the highest aggregate
    21  amount owed or expected to be owed by the dealer or handler to
    22  producers for a 40-day period.
    23     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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