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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2272



No. 1711 Session of 2007

           JULY 9, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring pharmaceutical manufacturing companies to disclose
     2     certain information to the Attorney General; providing for
     3     the powers of the Office of Attorney General; and imposing
     4     penalties.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the
     9  Pharmaceutical Marketing Disclosure Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Approved clinical trial."  A clinical trial that has been
    15  approved by the Food and Drug Administration or has been
    16  approved by a duly constituted institutional review board after
    17  reviewing and evaluating it in accordance with the human subject
    18  protection standards set forth in 21 C.F.R. Part 50 (relating to

     1  protection of human subjects), 45 C.F.R. Part 46 (relating to
     2  protection of human subjects) or an equivalent set of standards
     3  of another Federal agency.
     4     "Bona fide clinical trial."  An approved clinical trial that
     5  constitutes research, as that term is defined in 45 C.F.R. §
     6  46.102 (relating to definitions), when the results of the
     7  research can be published freely by the investigator and
     8  reasonably can be considered to be of interest to scientists or
     9  medical practitioners working in the particular field of
    10  inquiry.
    11     "Clinical trial."  A study that assesses:
    12         (1)  the safety or efficacy of drugs administered alone
    13     or in combination with other drugs or other therapies; or
    14         (2)  the relative safety or efficacy of drugs in
    15     comparison with other drugs or other therapies.
    16     "Pharmaceutical manufacturing company."  Either of the
    17  following:
    18         (1)  An entity engaged in the production, preparation,
    19     propagation, compounding, conversion or processing of
    20     prescription drugs, either directly or indirectly by
    21     extraction from substances of natural origin or independently
    22     by means of chemical synthesis or by a combination of
    23     extraction and chemical synthesis.
    24         (2)  An entity engaged in the packaging, repackaging,
    25     labeling, relabeling or distribution of prescription drugs.
    26  The term does not include a wholesale drug distributor or
    27  licensed pharmacist.
    28     "Pharmaceutical marketer."  A person who, while employed by
    29  or under contract to represent a pharmaceutical manufacturing
    30  company, engages in pharmaceutical detailing, promotional
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     1  activities or other marketing of prescription drugs in this
     2  Commonwealth to any physician, hospital, nursing home,
     3  pharmacist, health benefit plan administrator or any other
     4  person authorized to prescribe, dispense or purchase
     5  prescription drugs. The term does not include a wholesale drug
     6  distributor or the distributor's representative that promotes or
     7  otherwise markets the services of the wholesale drug distributor
     8  in connection with a prescription drug.
     9     "Unrestricted grant."  A gift, payment, subsidy or other
    10  economic benefit to an educational institution, professional
    11  association, health care facility or governmental entity that
    12  does not impose any restrictions on the use of the grant,
    13  including, but not limited to, favorable treatment of a certain
    14  product or an ability of the marketer to control or influence
    15  the planning, content or execution of the educational activity.
    16  Section 3.  Annual report to Attorney General.
    17     (a)  Duty of report.--On or before January 1 of each year, a
    18  pharmaceutical manufacturing company shall disclose to the
    19  Office of Attorney General the value, nature and purpose of any
    20  gift, fee, payment, subsidy or other economic benefit provided
    21  in connection with detailing, promotional or other marketing
    22  activities by the company, directly or through its
    23  pharmaceutical marketers, to any physician, hospital, nursing
    24  home, pharmacist, health benefit plan administrator or any other
    25  person in this Commonwealth authorized to prescribe, dispense or
    26  purchase prescription drugs in this Commonwealth.
    27     (b)  Contents of disclosure.--Disclosure shall be made on a
    28  form and in a manner prescribed by the Office of Attorney
    29  General. Disclosure shall include the name and address of the
    30  recipient and shall require pharmaceutical manufacturing
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     1  companies to report the value, nature and purpose of all gift
     2  expenditures.
     3     (c)  Attorney General report to General Assembly and
     4  Governor.--The Office of Attorney General shall report annually
     5  on the disclosures made under this act to the General Assembly
     6  and the Governor on or before April 1.
     7     (d)  Report of compliance representatives.--Annually on
     8  October 1, each company subject to the provisions of this
     9  section shall also disclose to the Office of Attorney General
    10  the name and address of the individual responsible for the
    11  company's compliance with the provisions of this act.
    12     (e)  Exemptions.--The following shall be exempt from
    13  disclosure under this act:
    14         (1)  Free samples of prescription drugs intended to be
    15     distributed to patients.
    16         (2)  The payment of reasonable compensation and
    17     reimbursement of expenses in connection with bona fide
    18     clinical trials.
    19         (3)  Any gift, fee, payment, subsidy or other economic
    20     benefit the value of which is less than $100.
    21         (4)  Scholarships or other support for medical students,
    22     residents and fellows to attend a significant educational,
    23     scientific or policymaking conference of a national, regional
    24     or medical specialty or other professional association, if
    25     the recipient of the scholarship or other support is selected
    26     by the association.
    27         (5)  Unrestricted grants for continuing medical education
    28     programs.
    29         (6)  Prescription drug rebates and discounts.
    30     (f)  Enforcement.--The Attorney General may bring an action
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     1  for injunctive relief, costs and attorney fees, and impose on a
     2  pharmaceutical manufacturing company that fails to disclose as
     3  required by subsection (a) a civil penalty of no more than
     4  $10,000 per violation. Each unlawful failure to disclose shall
     5  constitute a separate violation.
     6  Section 4.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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