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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2131



No. 1716 Session of 2001

           LEWIS, SATHER AND R. STEVENSON, JUNE 11, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating professional employer organizations; providing for
     2     penalties and remedies; and conferring powers and duties on
     3     the Department of Labor and Industry.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     7  Section 3.  Definitions.
     8  Section 4.  Registration required.
     9  Section 5.  Application for registration.
    10  Section 6.  Tax clearance.
    11  Section 7.  Fees; issuance, denial and revocation of
    12                 registration.
    13  Section 8.  Determinations and appeals.
    14  Section 9.  Unemployment compensation.
    15  Section 10.  Workers' compensation.
    16  Section 11.  Other responsibilities.
    17  Section 12.  Criminal and civil penalties; injunctions.
    18  Section 13.  Wages.

     1  Section 14.  Benefit plans.
     2  Section 15.  Department.
     3  Section 16.  Other laws.
     4  Section 17.  Collective bargaining protections.
     5  Section 60.  Effective date.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Professional
    10  Employer Organization Registration Act.
    11  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    12     The General Assembly finds and declares that it is necessary
    13  to do all of the following:
    14         (1)  Safeguard the rights of employees participating in a
    15     professional employer arrangement.
    16         (2)  Preserve the rights of employees with regard to
    17     unemployment compensation and workers' compensation.
    18         (3)  Protect the interest of the Commonwealth in the
    19     financial security of the unemployment compensation and
    20     workers' compensation systems.
    21         (4)  Recognize the professional employer organization as
    22     an employer.
    23         (5)  Preserve the integrity of the collective bargaining
    24     process by prohibiting the use of professional employer
    25     arrangements to interfere with the right of any employee or
    26     worker to organize and freely choose unions or associations
    27     which may represent them for the purpose of collective
    28     bargaining.
    29  Section 3.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
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     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Application."  An application for a registration.
     4     "Client."  A person that enters into a professional employer
     5  arrangement with a professional employer organization.
     6     "Covered employee."  An employee covered under a professional
     7  employer arrangement.
     8     "Department."  The Department of Labor and Industry of the
     9  Commonwealth.
    10     "Inside director."  For a professional employer organization
    11  organized as a corporation, an individual who is both a director
    12  of the corporation and any of the following:
    13         (1)  An employee or agent of or consultant to the
    14     corporation.
    15         (2)  An individual who is involved in the daily
    16     management of the corporation.
    17         (3)  A spouse, parent or child of an individual listed in
    18     paragraph (1) or (2).
    19     "Person."  An individual, partnership, corporation, company,
    20  firm, association, organization, joint venture, limited
    21  liability company or any type of business entity.
    22     "Professional employer arrangement."  An arrangement between
    23  a professional employer organization and a client under which
    24  the professional employer organization agrees to hire one or
    25  more members of the client's work force and agrees to assign one
    26  or more of those individuals to that client to perform services
    27  for the client on a long-term, ongoing basis. The term includes
    28  subsequent long-term, ongoing assignments to a client by a
    29  professional employer organization of individuals not previously
    30  employed by the client; long-term, ongoing assignments to a
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     1  client, that is a newly formed business, by a professional
     2  employer organization of individuals to constitute that client's
     3  work force or distinct portion of that client's work force; and
     4  long-term, ongoing assignments to a client by the professional
     5  employer organization of individuals to constitute that client's
     6  work force or distinct portion of that work force at a newly
     7  instituted facility. The term does not include any of the
     8  following:
     9         (1)  An arrangement in which a person shares employees
    10     with a commonly owned company within the meaning of section
    11     414(b) and (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public
    12     Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 414 (b) and (c)) but:
    13             (i)  the person does not make its services as a
    14         professional employer organization available to the
    15         public; and
    16             (ii)  the principal business activity of the person
    17         is not entering into professional employer arrangements.
    18         (2)  A temporary help arrangement in which a person
    19     assigns one or more employees to another person to support or
    20     supplement the other persons work force in special temporary
    21     work situations, such as employee absences, skill shortages,
    22     seasonal workloads and special assignments.
    23         (3)  A vendor arrangement in which:
    24             (i)  a person provides a product or service to
    25         another person;
    26             (ii)  the person providing the product or service is
    27         fully responsible for it; and
    28             (iii)  providing the product or service to the other
    29         person, rather than assigning one or more employees to
    30         the other person to constitute some or all of the other
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     1         person's work force, is the purpose of the arrangement.
     2     "Professional employer organization."  A person that enters
     3  into a professional employer arrangement with a client. The term
     4  includes an applicant for a registration.
     5     "Registration."  A new registration or renewal registration.
     6  A new registration shall include a registration for which a
     7  renewal application is filed late.
     8     "Responsible person."  An individual who:
     9         (1)  is the proprietor of a sole proprietorship;
    10         (2)  is a general partner in a partnership;
    11         (3)  is a shareholder who owns at least 15% of the voting
    12     shares of a corporation;
    13         (4)  is an inside director or officer of a corporation;
    14     or
    15         (5)  has the authority to establish and direct the
    16     policies or management of the organization.
    17     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Labor and Industry of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     "Tax Reform Code."  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2),
    20  known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    21     "Unemployment Compensation Law."  The act of December 5, 1936
    22  (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment
    23  Compensation Law.
    24     "Workers' Compensation Act."  The act of June 2, 1915
    25  (P.L.736, No.338), known as the Workers' Compensation Act.
    26  Section 4.  Registration required.
    27     (a)  Unregistered operation prohibited.--A professional
    28  employer organization may not engage in a professional employer
    29  arrangement without being registered if an employee is assigned
    30  to the client to do any of the following:
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     1         (1)  Perform services in this Commonwealth for the
     2     client. This paragraph does not include services which are
     3     isolated, transitory or incidental to services performed
     4     outside this Commonwealth.
     5         (2)  Perform services for which the client's base of
     6     operations is located in this Commonwealth.
     7     (b)  Term of registration.--Except as otherwise prescribed by
     8  the department, a registration shall be valid for two years
     9  unless revoked.
    10     (c)  Transfer or assignment prohibited.--A registration is a
    11  privilege which is not transferable or assignable.
    12  Section 5.  Application for registration.
    13     An application for a registration must include all
    14  information and documentation required by the department,
    15  including information on the professional employer
    16  organization's ownership, operations in other states and past
    17  and present compliance with applicable law. The application must
    18  be made in the manner prescribed by the department. The
    19  department may include as an application requirement criminal
    20  background checks and credit reporting investigations of
    21  responsible persons.
    22  Section 6.  Tax clearance.
    23     (a)  Waiver of confidentiality.--An application constitutes a
    24  waiver of confidentiality with respect to the department for tax
    25  information in the possession of the Department of Revenue or
    26  the Office of Attorney General, regardless of the source and a
    27  consent to the providing of the information to the department.
    28     (b)  Review.--Upon receipt of an application, the Department
    29  of Revenue and the Office of Attorney General shall provide
    30  information regarding the professional employer organization's
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     1  tax status to the department.
     2  Section 7.  Fees; issuance, denial and revocation of
     3                 registration.
     4     (a)  Issuance.--The department may issue a registration to a
     5  professional employer organization only if there is compliance
     6  with all of the following:
     7         (1)  The professional employer organization pays to the
     8     department a nonrefundable fee of $1,000 for a first-time
     9     application or $500 for a renewal application.
    10         (2)  The professional employer organization provides
    11     proof, in a manner satisfactory to the department, of
    12     workers' compensation insurance coverage for existing clients
    13     under section 10.
    14         (3)  The application and all required documents are
    15     complete and accurate and meet the requirements of this act.
    16         (4)  The professional employer organization meets all
    17     requirements of sections 5 and 6 and this subsection.
    18         (5)  All fees are paid, all reports are filed and all
    19     penalties are paid or are subject to a deferred payment plan
    20     approved by the department.
    21         (6)  All tax returns due to the Commonwealth are filed.
    22         (7)  All taxes, interest and penalties owed to the
    23     Commonwealth are:
    24             (i)  paid;
    25             (ii)  subject to a deferred payment plan approved by
    26         the Commonwealth; or
    27             (iii)  under appeal unless the applicable statute
    28         requires the payment of taxes while an appeal is pending.
    29     (b)  Denial or revocation.--The department may deny an
    30  application for a registration or revoke a registration for good
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     1  cause associated with the legislative intent of this act or if
     2  any of the following applies:
     3         (1)  The professional employer organization or a
     4     responsible person violates this act or a regulation or order
     5     under this act.
     6         (2)  The professional employer organization or a
     7     responsible person fails to provide a written response to a
     8     written inquiry from the department within 30 days from the
     9     date of receipt of the inquiry.
    10         (3)  The professional employer organization or a
    11     responsible person makes a misrepresentation of material fact
    12     or fails to disclose a material fact in any application,
    13     document or communication under this act.
    14         (4)  The professional employer organization or a
    15     responsible person obtains or attempts to obtain a
    16     registration by fraud or bribery.
    17         (5)  The professional employer organization or a
    18     responsible person was sentenced for:
    19             (i)  a Federal or state offense involving dishonesty
    20         or fraud; or
    21             (ii)  for an offense under the Tax Reform Code, the
    22         Unemployment Compensation Law, section 305 of the
    23         Workers' Compensation Act or this act.
    24         (6)  The professional employer organization or
    25     responsible person defaults on a deferred payment plan under
    26     subsection (a)(5) or (7)(ii).
    27         (7)  The professional employer organization owes taxes,
    28     interest or penalties to any state or a responsible person is
    29     or was a responsible person in another professional employer
    30     organization which owes taxes, interest or penalties to any
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     1     state. This paragraph does not apply to taxes which are
     2     subject to a:
     3             (i)  deferred payment plan approved by the taxing
     4         agency; or
     5             (ii)  timely administrative or judicial appeal unless
     6         the applicable statute requires the payment of taxes
     7         while an appeal is pending.
     8     (c)  Subsequent information.--The department may revoke a
     9  registration based on information which would have been a basis
    10  to deny the application if the department had known the
    11  information at the time the registration was issued.
    12     (d)  Termination of professional employer arrangements.--
    13         (1)  A professional employer organization that ceases to
    14     be registered shall do all of the following:
    15             (i)  Terminate professional employer arrangements
    16         within 45 days.
    17             (ii)  Provide written notice to clients within five
    18         business days that it is no longer registered.
    19         (2)  The professional employer organization shall
    20     immediately provide proof to the department of the notice to
    21     clients required by paragraph (1)(ii). Absent such proof, the
    22     department may notify the clients that the professional
    23     employer organization is no longer registered.
    24         (3)  During the 45 days specified in paragraph (1)(i),
    25     the professional employer organization:
    26             (i)  shall notify clients of the requirements of
    27         section 305(a)(1) of the Workers' Compensation Act and
    28         assist clients in obtaining replacement workers'
    29         compensation insurance coverage;
    30             (ii)  shall assist clients in obtaining replacement
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     1         benefit plans, if any;
     2             (iii)  shall notify each covered employee that the
     3         employee's relationship with the professional employer
     4         organization is being terminated; and
     5             (iv)  may not commence professional employer
     6         arrangements with new clients.
     7         (4)  The 45 days and five business days specified in
     8     paragraph (1)(i) shall be calculated as prescribed by the
     9     department.
    10     (f)  Limitation.--If the department denies an application or
    11  revokes a registration under subsection (b) or (c), the
    12  organization may not reapply for a registration for one year.
    13  The one-year period shall be calculated as prescribed by the
    14  department.
    15  Section 8.  Determinations and appeals.
    16     (a)  Determinations.--
    17         (1)  A determination denying an application, revoking a
    18     registration or charging a penalty, and any decision on an
    19     appeal, must be sent by certified mail to the professional
    20     employer organization at the address designated in the
    21     application and must designate the effective date of the
    22     determination.
    23         (2)  The department shall grant or deny a completed
    24     application for a new registration within 90 days after it is
    25     filed, except that the department may withhold a
    26     determination until the requirements of section 7(a)(1) and
    27     (2) are met.
    28     (b)  Appeals.--If a professional employer organization has an
    29  application for a registration denied or a registration revoked
    30  or is charged a penalty, the organization may appeal the
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     1  determination to the secretary. The appeal must specifically set
     2  forth the factual and legal arguments on which it is based.
     3  Arguments not contained in the appeal shall be waived. The
     4  appeal must be filed within 30 days after the date of the
     5  determination or the department's action shall be final.
     6     (c)  Supersedeas.--An appeal of a determination by the
     7  department denying an application for a renewal registration,
     8  revoking a registration or charging a penalty shall operate as a
     9  supersedeas while the appeal under subsection (b) is pending.
    10  The effective date of a denial, revocation or penalty subject to
    11  this subsection shall not be prior to the expiration of the
    12  appeal period under subsection (b).
    13     (d)  Burden of proof.--
    14         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2), in an appeal
    15     of a registration denial or revocation, the burden of proof
    16     shall be on the professional employer organization.
    17         (2)  In an appeal of a registration denial or revocation
    18     under section 7(b), the burden of proof shall be on the
    19     department.
    20         (3)  In an appeal of a determination by the department
    21     charging a penalty under section 12(c), the burden of proof
    22     shall be on the department.
    23     (e)  Administrative agency law.--Proceedings under this
    24  section are subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to
    25  practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7
    26  Subch. A (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency
    27  action).
    28  Section 9.  Unemployment compensation.
    29     (a)  Report.--The professional employer organization shall
    30  file a quarterly report which includes all contributions
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     1  required to be paid for its covered employees. Unemployment
     2  compensation contributions of covered employees shall be paid
     3  utilizing the client company's experience rating. The department
     4  shall maintain the experience record of each client company in
     5  accordance with the provisions of the Unemployment Compensation
     6  Law.
     7     (b)  Client liability.--If the professional employer
     8  organization does not pay unemployment compensation
     9  contributions, interest or penalties, in full and when due, on
    10  wages paid to covered employees assigned to the client, the
    11  client shall also be:
    12         (1)  liable for the unpaid, past due contributions,
    13     interest and penalties; and
    14         (2)  subject to all enforcement and collection provisions
    15         of the Unemployment Compensation Law.
    16     (c)  Limitations.--
    17         (1)  Notwithstanding section 4(l)(6) of the Unemployment
    18     Compensation Law, services performed by a covered employee
    19     assigned to a client shall not constitute employment for the
    20     purposes of the Unemployment Compensation Law if any of the
    21     following apply:
    22             (i)  The employee is the client.
    23             (ii)  The employee is a general partner in the
    24         client.
    25             (iii)  The services would not constitute employment
    26         if performed in the employ of the client.
    27         (2)  Notwithstanding section 4(x)(6) of the Unemployment
    28     Compensation Law, remuneration paid by a professional
    29     employer organization to a covered employee assigned to a
    30     client shall not constitute wages within the meaning of the
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     1     Unemployment Compensation Law if any of the following
     2     subparagraphs apply:
     3             (i)  The employee is the client.
     4             (ii)  The employee is a general partner in the
     5         client.
     6             (iii)  The remuneration would not constitute wages if
     7         the client:
     8                 (A)  was the employer of the employee for the
     9             purposes of the Unemployment Compensation Law; and
    10                 (B)  paid the remuneration.
    11     (d)  Transition provisions.--For professional employer
    12  arrangements under which unemployment contributions for covered
    13  employees were paid based on the professional employer
    14  organization's experience rate on the effective date of this
    15  subsection, the contribution rate utilized under subsection (a)
    16  shall be the contribution rate that the client utilized prior to
    17  entering into such professional employer arrangement,
    18  irrespective of the limitations of section 301.1 of the
    19  Unemployment Compensation Law. The department shall assign the
    20  new employer rate to clients for which no rate can be
    21  identified.
    22  Section 10.  Workers' compensation.
    23     (a)  Rights and duties.--Except as otherwise provided in this
    24  section, for purposes of the Workers' Compensation Act, the
    25  professional employer organization shall be an employer of
    26  covered employees assigned to the client; and all of the
    27  following provisions shall be applicable:
    28         (1)  The professional employer organization shall
    29     maintain workers' compensation insurance coverage for covered
    30     employees assigned to the client, and if coverage is so
    20010H1716B2131                 - 13 -

     1     provided, the client shall be deemed to have met its
     2     obligation under section 305 of the Workers' Compensation Act
     3     for those employees. The professional employer organization
     4     shall provide the client with a certificate of insurance
     5     evidencing workers' compensation coverage annually and name
     6     the client as a certificate holder.
     7         (2)  The professional employer organization shall pay
     8     workers' compensation benefits in full and when due to
     9     employees assigned to the client.
    10         (3)  Workers' compensation premiums for a professional
    11     employer organization shall be based upon rules filed by an
    12     approved rating organization under the Workers' Compensation
    13     Act and rates approved by the Insurance Department.
    14         (4)  Workers' compensation insurance shall be obtained
    15     from an insurance carrier licensed to write workers'
    16     compensation insurance policies in this Commonwealth.
    17         (5)  The professional employer organization and the
    18     client shall be jointly entitled to the exclusive remedy
    19     provisions of section 303 of the Workers' Compensation Act.
    20         (6)  If the professional employer organization does not
    21     meet its obligations and duties as an employer under the
    22     Workers' Compensation Act, the client shall also be liable
    23     for all the obligations and duties of an employer under the
    24     Workers' Compensation Act and also for unpaid, past due
    25     workers' compensation benefits owed to employees assigned to
    26     the client by the professional employer organization. The
    27     amount of benefits the employee may collect in the aggregate
    28     may not exceed the amount of benefits which are unpaid and
    29     past due.
    30         (7)  Notice to the client or the professional employer
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     1     organization of an injury shall constitute notice to both
     2     under Article III of the Workers' Compensation Act.
     3     (b)  Client.--The client shall be the employer of employees
     4  assigned to it for purposes of the Workers' Compensation Act,
     5  and the professional employer organization may not use the
     6  exclusive remedy provisions of section 303 of the Workers'
     7  Compensation Act if any of the following paragraphs apply:
     8         (1)  The professional employer organization is not
     9     registered as required by this act.
    10         (2)  All of the following subparagraphs apply:
    11             (i)  The professional employer organization is owned
    12         or controlled by or owns or controls the client, either
    13         directly or indirectly, by legally enforceable means or
    14         otherwise, or the professional employer organization and
    15         the client are owned or controlled, either directly or
    16         indirectly, by legally enforceable means or otherwise, by
    17         the same person or persons.
    18             (ii)  All of the professional employer organization's
    19         clients are covered by subparagraph (i) or the
    20         professional employer organization does not make its
    21         services as a professional employer organization
    22         available to the public.
    23     (c)  Applicability.--This section shall apply to injuries
    24  suffered on or after the effective date of this section.
    25     (d)  Definitions.--Subject to section 3 and unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise, words and phrases used in
    27  this section shall have the meanings given to them in this
    28  section shall have the meanings given to them in the Workers'
    29  Compensation Act.
    30  Section 11.  Other responsibilities.
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     1     (a)  Taxes.--Subject to section 9, the professional employer
     2  organization shall timely pay all payroll related taxes and
     3  payroll withholding taxes, on wages paid, to the Commonwealth
     4  and its political subdivisions with respect to covered employees
     5  and shall timely file all corresponding tax reports.
     6     (b)  Report.--
     7         (1)  A professional employer organization shall file a
     8     quarterly report with the department by the last day of the
     9     month immediately following the calendar quarter. The report
    10     shall:
    11             (i)  identify:
    12                 (A)  names and addresses of clients to whom
    13             employees were assigned during the quarter;
    14                 (B)  names and addresses of new clients with whom
    15             or which professional employer arrangements commenced
    16             during the quarter; and
    17                 (C)  names and addresses of clients with whom or
    18             which professional employer arrangements ended during
    19             the quarter;
    20             (ii)  provide for each client:
    21                 (A)  the client's Federal employer identification
    22             number and Pennsylvania unemployment compensation
    23             account number;
    24                 (B)  the address of each worksite where employees
    25             are assigned to the client, the number of assigned
    26             employees at each worksite and the standard
    27             industrial classification code for each worksite; and
    28                 (C)  the name of the workers' compensation
    29             insurance carrier insuring employees assigned to the
    30             client and the workers' compensation policy number;
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     1             (iii)  contain other information required by the
     2         department; and
     3             (iv)  be made in the manner prescribed by the
     4         department and be accompanied by proof, in a manner
     5         satisfactory to the department, of workers' compensation
     6         insurance coverage with respect to all new clients, as
     7         required under section 10.
     8         (2)  The department shall not be required to disclose the
     9     contents of the report except for purposes of this act or
    10     other laws of this Commonwealth.
    11     (c)  Operation under other name.--A professional employer
    12  organization may not conduct business in this Commonwealth under
    13  any name other than that specified in its application without
    14  the written consent of the department.
    15     (d)  Change in information.--A professional employer
    16  organization shall notify the department in writing of a change
    17  in the information contained in its application or other
    18  document within 30 days after the change occurs.
    19     (e)  Notice to employee.--
    20         (1)  A professional employer organization shall provide
    21     written information to covered employees as required by the
    22     department, including the following:
    23             (i)  If the professional employer organization does
    24         not meet all of its obligations and duties as an employer
    25         under the Workers' Compensation Act, the client shall
    26         also be liable for:
    27                 (A)  all the obligations and duties of an
    28             employer under the Workers' Compensation Act; and
    29                 (B)  unpaid, past due workers' compensation
    30             benefits under section 10(a)(6).
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     1             (ii)  If the professional employer organization does
     2         not pay wages in full and when due, the client shall also
     3         be liable for unpaid, past due wages under section 13(b).
     4             (iii)  The name and address of the workers'
     5         compensation insurance carrier insuring the employee.
     6         (2)  The information required under paragraph (1) shall
     7     be provided to a covered employee at the time of hire and
     8     thereafter at intervals not exceeding six months. An employee
     9     shall be notified immediately of a change in the information.
    10     (f)  Notice to client.--Prior to commencing a professional
    11  employer arrangement, a professional employer organization shall
    12  provide all of the following information in writing to the
    13  client:
    14         (1)  If the professional employer organization does not
    15     meet all of its obligations and duties as an employer under
    16     the Workers' Compensation Act, the client shall also be
    17     liable for:
    18             (i)  all the obligations and duties of an employer
    19         under the Workers' Compensation Act; and
    20             (ii)  unpaid, past due workers' compensation benefits
    21         owed to employees assigned to the client under section
    22         10(a)(6).
    23         (2)  If the professional employer organization does not
    24     pay wages owed to employees assigned to the client in full
    25     and when due, the client shall also be liable for the unpaid
    26     past due wages under section 13(b).
    27  Section 12.  Criminal and civil penalties; injunctions.
    28     (a)  Operation without a registration.--
    29         (1)  A professional employer organization that violates
    30     section 4(a) commits a misdemeanor of the third degree. Each
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     1     day of proscribed conduct shall constitute a separate
     2     offense.
     3         (2)  A person, other than a professional employer
     4     organization, that knowingly authorizes, implements,
     5     administers, supervises or participates in a professional
     6     employer arrangement for which a registered is required, on
     7     behalf of an unregistered professional employer organization,
     8     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree. Each day of
     9     proscribed conduct shall constitute a separate offense.
    10     (b)  Misrepresentation or nondisclosure.--
    11         (1)  A professional employer organization that makes a
    12     misrepresentation of material fact or fails to disclose a
    13     material fact in an application or other document or
    14     communication under this act commits a misdemeanor of the
    15     third degree.
    16         (2)  A person, other than a professional employer
    17     organization, that knowingly makes a representation of
    18     material fact or fails to disclose a material fact in an
    19     application or other document or communication under this act
    20     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    21     (c)  Violations.--A professional employer organization that
    22  violates this act shall be subject to a civil penalty of not
    23  more than $1,000 per day for each violation.
    24     (d)  Injunction.--Upon petition by the department, a court of
    25  competent jurisdiction may enjoin a professional employer
    26  organization from violating this act.
    27  Section 13.  Wages.
    28     (a)  Professional employer organization.--The professional
    29  employer organization shall be liable to pay wages owed to
    30  covered employees in full and when due.
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     1     (b)  Client.--If the professional employer organization does
     2  not pay wages owed to covered employees under subsection (a),
     3  the client shall also be liable for the unpaid, past due wages.
     4     (c)  Collection of wages.--Unpaid, past due wages owed to a
     5  covered employee may be collected from the professional employer
     6  organization under subsection (a) or the client under subsection
     7  (b), or both. The amount of wages the employee may collect in
     8  the aggregate may not exceed the unpaid amount. It shall not be
     9  necessary to pursue or exhaust legal remedies against one before
    10  pursuing legal remedies against the other. A professional
    11  employer organization shall not be liable for wages for any
    12  period for which the client has failed to make full payment in
    13  accordance with its contractual obligations for such wages.
    14     (d)  Rights and obligations.--Rights and obligations under
    15  this section shall exist in addition to other legal rights and
    16  obligations with respect to wages.
    17     (e)  Applicability.--This section shall apply to wages which
    18  become due on or after the effective date of this section.
    19     (f)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "wages"
    20  has the meaning given in section 2.1 of the act of July 14, 1961
    21  (P.L.637, No.329), known as the Wage Payment and Collection Law.
    22  Section 14. Benefit plans.
    23     (a)  Employment.--A professional employer organization shall
    24  be deemed an employer under Commonwealth law for the purposes of
    25  sponsoring pension and health care benefit plans for covered
    26  employees.
    27     (b)  Inclusion.--Nothing in this section shall preclude a
    28  client from including covered employees in any benefit plan
    29  sponsored by the client or any affiliated company.
    30  Section 15.  Department.
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     1     (a)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate
     2  regulations to implement and administer this act.
     3     (b)  General enforcement.--The department may conduct audits,
     4  inspections and investigations as necessary to administer and
     5  enforce this act. The books and records of a professional
     6  employer organization and a client shall be available to the
     7  department for inspection and copying at reasonable times. The
     8  department may examine an individual under oath or affirmation
     9  and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and
    10  the production of documents.
    11  Section 16.  Other laws.
    12     (a)  No exemption.--This act does not exempt a client or a
    13  professional employer organization from other Federal, State or
    14  local laws. Rights and obligations conferred and imposed by this
    15  act shall exist in addition to rights, responsibilities and
    16  liabilities which otherwise exist, except where the result would
    17  be inconsistent with this act.
    18     (b)  Insurance.--Subject to any contrary provisions contained
    19  in the written professional employer agreement between the
    20  professional employer organization and the client, a
    21  professional employer arrangement shall be interpreted for the
    22  purposes of insurance and bonding as follows:
    23         (1)  A professional employer organization shall not be
    24     liable for the acts, errors or omissions of a client of a
    25     covered employee when the employee is acting under the
    26     direction and control of the client.
    27         (2)  A client shall not be liable for the acts, errors or
    28     omissions of a professional employer organization or of any
    29     covered employee assigned to the client who is acting under
    30     the direction and control of the professional employer
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     1     organization.
     2         (3)  Covered employees shall not be construed to be
     3     employees of the professional employer organization for the
     4     purposes of general liability insurance, automobile
     5     insurance, fidelity bonds, surety bonds, employers liability
     6     which is not covered by workers' compensation or liquor
     7     liability insurance unless the covered employees are included
     8     as such in the professional employer arrangement or other
     9     contract.
    10  Section 17.  Collective bargaining protections.
    11     (a)  Interference prohibited.--Professional employer
    12  arrangements shall not be established or otherwise utilized, in
    13  whole or in part, to interfere with the right of any employee or
    14  worker to organize or freely choose unions or associations which
    15  represent them for the purpose of collective bargaining.
    16     (b)  Assignment prohibited.--A professional employer
    17  organization shall not assign or reassign covered employees for
    18  the purpose, in whole or in part, of interfering with the terms
    19  and conditions of an existing collective bargaining agreement or
    20  an effort on the part of any employee or worker to organize or
    21  freely choose unions or associations which do or may represent
    22  them for the purpose of collective bargaining.
    23  Section 60.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect as follows:
    25         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect in 60
    26     days:
    27             (i)  Section 10.
    28             (ii)  Section 11(e) and (f).
    29         (2)  The following provisions shall take effect on
    30     January 1, 2002:
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     1             (i)  Section 4(a).
     2             (ii)  Section 9(a).
     3             (iii) Section 11(b).
     4         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
     5     immediately.

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