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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2174



No. 1717 Session of 2005

           AND GABIG, JUNE 13, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 23 (Domestic
     2     Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further
     3     providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture,
     4     control, sell or transfer firearms, for firearms not to be
     5     carried without licenses, for licenses, for loans, lending or
     6     giving of firearms, for definitions, for jurisdiction, for
     7     full faith and credit and foreign protection orders, for
     8     responsibilities of law enforcement agencies, for
     9     commencement of proceedings, for hearings and for relief;
    10     providing for return of relinquished firearms, other weapons
    11     and ammunition, for relinquishment for consignment sale or
    12     lawful transfer, for relinquishment to third party for
    13     safekeeping and for registry or database of firearm
    14     ownership; further providing for emergency relief by minor
    15     judiciary, for arrest for violation of order, for private
    16     criminal complaints for violation of order or agreement, for

     1     contempt for violation of order or agreement and for
     2     procedures and other remedies; and providing for immunity,
     3     for inability to pay and for limitation on warrantless
     4     searches.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  The provisions of 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to
     7     protection from abuse) are necessary and proper in that they
     8     further the Commonwealth's compelling State interest to
     9     protect victims of domestic violence from abuse.
    10         (2)  The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the
    11     United States and section 21 of Article I of the Constitution
    12     of Pennsylvania recognize a fundamental right to keep and
    13     bear arms.
    14         (3)  The limitation of firearm rights for the duration of
    15     a protection from abuse order as authorized by 23 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    16     61 is a reasonable regulation, a valid exercise of the police
    17     power of the Commonwealth and furthers the compelling State
    18     interest to protect victims from abuse.
    19         (4)  As provided in 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 a court may impose
    20     limitations on firearm rights prohibiting someone who has
    21     engaged in domestic violence from possessing firearms when
    22     the court deems it appropriate to do so in order to protect a
    23     victim.
    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26     Section 1.  Section 6102 of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
    27  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding definitions to read:
    28  § 6102.  Definitions.
    29     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    30  provisions of this subchapter which are applicable to specific
    31  provisions of this subchapter, the following words and phrases,

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     1  when used in this subchapter shall have, unless the context
     2  clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this
     3  section:
     4     * * *
     5     "Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network."  The computer network
     6  administered by the Commonwealth and used to record and store
     7  digital photographs of an individual's face and any scars,
     8  marks, tattoos or other unique features of the individual.
     9     * * *
    10     "Pennsylvania Sheriffs' Association."  The State association
    11  of sheriffs authorized by the act of June 14, 1923 (P.L.774,
    12  No.305), entitled "An act authorizing the sheriffs of the
    13  several counties of this Commonwealth to organize themselves
    14  into a State Association, for the purpose of holding annual
    15  meetings, to secure more uniformity and cooperation in the
    16  conduct of their offices, and providing for the payment of
    17  certain expenses in connection with such meetings by the various
    18  counties."
    19     "Safekeeping permit."  As defined in 23 Pa.C.S. § 6102
    20  (relating to definitions).
    21     * * *
    22     Section 2.  Section 6105(a), (a.1), (c)(6), (d), (e)(1) and
    23  (f)(2) and (4) of Title 18 are amended and subsection (c) is
    24  amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    25  § 6105.  Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell
    26             or transfer firearms.
    27     (a)  Offense defined.--
    28         (1)  A person who has been convicted of an offense
    29     enumerated in subsection (b), within or without this
    30     Commonwealth, regardless of the length of sentence or whose
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     1     conduct meets the criteria in subsection (c) shall not
     2     possess, use, control, sell, transfer or manufacture or
     3     obtain a license to possess, use, control, sell, transfer or
     4     manufacture a firearm in this Commonwealth.
     5         (2)  (i)  A person who is prohibited from possessing,
     6         using, controlling, selling, transferring or
     7         manufacturing a firearm under paragraph (1) or subsection
     8         (b) or (c) shall have a  reasonable period of time, not
     9         to exceed 60 days from the date of the imposition of the
    10         disability under this subsection, in which to sell or
    11         transfer that person's firearms to another eligible
    12         person who is not a member of the prohibited person's
    13         household.
    14             (ii)  This paragraph shall not apply to any person
    15         whose disability is imposed pursuant to subsection
    16         (c)(6).
    17     (a.1)  Penalty.--[Any]
    18         (1)  A person convicted of a felony enumerated under
    19     subsection (b) or a felony under the act of April 14, 1972
    20     (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    21     Device and Cosmetic Act, or any equivalent Federal statute or
    22     equivalent statute of any other state, who violates
    23     subsection (a) commits a felony of the second degree.
    24         (2)  A person who is the subject of an active protection
    25     from abuse order issued pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108
    26     (relating to relief), which order provided for the
    27     relinquishment of firearms, other weapons or ammunition
    28     during the period of time the order is in effect commits a
    29     misdemeanor of the first degree if he intentionally or
    30     knowingly fails to relinquish a firearm, other weapon or
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     1     ammunition to the sheriff as required by the order unless, in
     2     lieu of relinquishment, he provides an affidavit which lists
     3     the firearms, other weapons or ammunition to the sheriff in
     4     accordance with either 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108(a)(7)(i)(B), 6108.2
     5     (relating to relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful
     6     transfer or safekeeping) or 6108.3 (relating to
     7     relinquishment to third party for safekeeping).
     8         (3)  (i)  A person commits a misdemeanor of the third
     9         degree if he intentionally or knowingly accepts
    10         possession of a firearm, other weapon or ammunition from
    11         a person he knows is the subject of an active protection
    12         from abuse order issued pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108,
    13         which order provided for the relinquishment of the
    14         firearm, other weapon or ammunition during the period of
    15         time the order is in effect.
    16             (ii)  This paragraph shall not apply to:
    17                 (A)  a third party who accepts possession of a
    18             firearm, other weapon or ammunition relinquished
    19             pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108.3; or
    20                 (B)  a dealer licensed pursuant to section 6113
    21             (relating to licensing of dealers) or subsequent
    22             purchaser from a dealer licensed pursuant to section
    23             6113, who accepts possession of a firearm, other
    24             weapon or ammunition relinquished pursuant to 23
    25             Pa.C.S. § 6108.2.
    26         (4)  It shall be an affirmative defense to any
    27     prosecution under paragraph (3) that the person accepting
    28     possession of a firearm, other weapon or ammunition in
    29     violation of paragraph (3):
    30             (i)  notified the sheriff as soon as practicable that
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     1         he has taken possession; and
     2             (ii)  relinquished possession of any firearm, other
     3         weapon or ammunition possessed in violation of paragraph
     4         (3) as directed by the sheriff.
     5         (5)  A person who has accepted possession of a firearm,
     6     other weapon or ammunition pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108.3
     7     commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he intentionally
     8     or knowingly returns a firearm, other weapon or ammunition to
     9     a defendant or intentionally or knowingly allows a defendant
    10     to have access to the firearm, other weapon or ammunition
    11     prior to either of the following:
    12             (i)  The sheriff accepts return of the safekeeping
    13         permit issued to the party pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. §
    14         6108.3(d)(1)(i).
    15             (ii)  The issuance of a court order pursuant to
    16         subsection (f)(2) or 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108.1(b) (relating to
    17         return of relinquished firearms, other weapons or
    18         ammunition) which modifies a valid protection from abuse
    19         order issued pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108, which order
    20         provided for the relinquishment of the firearm, other
    21         weapon or ammunition, by allowing the defendant to take
    22         possession of the firearm, other weapon or ammunition
    23         that had previously been ordered relinquished.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Other persons.--In addition to any person who has been
    26  convicted of any offense listed under subsection (b), the
    27  following persons shall be subject to the prohibition of
    28  subsection (a):
    29         * * *
    30         (6)  A person who is the subject of an active protection
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     1     from abuse order issued pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108
     2     [(relating to relief)], which order provided for the
     3     [confiscation] relinquishment of firearms during the period
     4     of time the order is in effect. This prohibition shall
     5     terminate upon the expiration or vacation of an active
     6     protection from abuse order or portion thereof relating to
     7     the [confiscation] relinquishment of firearms.
     8         * * *
     9         (9)  A person who is prohibited from possessing or
    10     acquiring a firearm under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9) (relating to
    11     unlawful acts). If the offense which resulted in the
    12     prohibition under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9) was committed, as
    13     provided in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(33)(A)(ii) (relating to
    14     definitions), by a person in any of the following
    15     relationships:
    16             (i)  the current or former spouse, parent or guardian
    17         of the victim;
    18             (ii)  a person with whom the victim shares a child in
    19         common;
    20             (iii)  a person who cohabits with or has cohabited
    21         with the victim as a spouse, parent or guardian; or
    22             (iv)  a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent
    23         or guardian of the victim;
    24     then the relationship need not be an element of the offense
    25     to meet the requirements of this paragraph.
    26     (d)  Exemption.--A person who has been convicted of a crime
    27  specified in subsection (a) or (b) or a person whose conduct
    28  meets the criteria in subsection (c)(1), (2), (5) [or (7)], (7)
    29  or (9) may make application to the court of common pleas of the
    30  county where the principal residence of the applicant is
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     1  situated for relief from the disability imposed by this section
     2  upon the possession, transfer or control of a firearm. The court
     3  shall grant such relief if it determines that any of the
     4  following apply:
     5         (1)  The conviction has been vacated under circumstances
     6     where all appeals have been exhausted or where the right to
     7     appeal has expired.
     8         (2)  The conviction has been the subject of a full pardon
     9     by the Governor.
    10         (3)  Each of the following conditions is met:
    11             (i)  The Secretary of the Treasury of the United
    12         States has relieved the applicant of an applicable
    13         disability imposed by Federal law upon the possession,
    14         ownership or control of a firearm as a result of the
    15         applicant's prior conviction, except that the court may
    16         waive this condition if the court determines that the
    17         Congress of the United States has not appropriated
    18         sufficient funds to enable the Secretary of the Treasury
    19         to grant relief to applicants eligible for the relief.
    20             (ii)  A period of ten years, not including any time
    21         spent in incarceration, has elapsed since the most recent
    22         conviction of the applicant of a crime enumerated in
    23         subsection (b) [or], a felony violation of The Controlled
    24         Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act or the offense
    25         which resulted in the prohibition under 18 U.S.C. §
    26         922(g)(9).
    27     (e)  Proceedings.--
    28         (1)  If a person convicted of an offense under subsection
    29     (a), (b) or (c)(1), (2), (5) [or (7)], (7) or (9) makes
    30     application to the court, a hearing shall be held in open
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     1     court to determine whether the requirements of this section
     2     have been met. The commissioner and the district attorney of
     3     the county where the application is filed and any victim or
     4     survivor of a victim of the offense upon which the disability
     5     is based may be parties to the proceeding.
     6         * * *
     7     (f)  Other exemptions and proceedings.--
     8         * * *
     9         (2)  If application is made under this subsection for
    10     relief from the disability imposed under subsection (c)(6),
    11     notice of such application shall be given to the person who
    12     had petitioned for the protection from abuse order, and such
    13     person shall be a party to the proceedings. Notice of any
    14     court order or amendment to a court order restoring firearms
    15     possession or control shall be given to the person who had
    16     petitioned for the protection from abuse order[.], to the
    17     sheriff and to the Pennsylvania State Police. The application
    18     and any proceedings on the application shall comply with 23
    19     Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to abuse of family).
    20         * * *
    21         (4)  (i)  The owner of any seized or confiscated firearms
    22         or of any firearms ordered relinquished under 23 Pa.C.S.
    23         § 6108 shall be provided with a signed and dated written
    24         receipt by the appropriate law enforcement agency. This
    25         receipt shall include, but not limited to, a detailed
    26         identifying description indicating the serial number and
    27         condition of the firearm. In addition, the appropriate
    28         law enforcement agency shall be liable to the lawful
    29         owner of said confiscated [or], seized or relinquished
    30         firearm for any loss, damage or substantial decrease in
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     1         value of said firearm that is a direct result of a lack
     2         of reasonable care by the appropriate law enforcement
     3         agency.
     4             (ii)  Firearms shall not be engraved or permanently
     5         marked in any manner, including, but not limited to,
     6         engraving of evidence or other identification numbers.
     7         Unless reasonable suspicion exists to believe that a
     8         particular firearm has been used in the commission of a
     9         crime, no firearm shall be test fired. Any reduction in
    10         the value of a firearm due to test firing, engraving or
    11         permanently marking in violation of this paragraph shall
    12         be considered damage and the law enforcement agency shall
    13         be liable to the lawful owner of the firearm for the
    14         reduction in value caused by the test firing, engraving
    15         or permanently marking.
    16             (iii)  For purposes of this paragraph, the term
    17         "firearm" shall include any scope, sight, bipod, sling,
    18         light, magazine, clip, ammunition or other firearm
    19         accessory attached to or seized, confiscated or
    20         relinquished with a firearm.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 3.  Sections 6106(b) and 6109(c), (d), (e), (h), (i)
    23  and (k) of Title 18 are amended and the sections are amended by
    24  adding subsections to read:
    25  § 6106.  Firearms not to be carried without a license.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  Exceptions.--The provisions of subsection (a) shall not
    28  apply to:
    29         (1)  Constables, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens, or
    30     their deputies, policemen of this Commonwealth or its
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     1     political subdivisions, or other law-enforcement officers.
     2         (2)  Members of the army, navy [or], marine corps, air
     3     force or coast guard of the United States or of the National
     4     Guard or organized reserves when on duty.
     5         (3)  The regularly enrolled members of any organization
     6     duly organized to purchase or receive such [weapons] firearms
     7     from the United States or from this Commonwealth.
     8         (4)  Any persons engaged in target shooting with [rifle,
     9     pistol, or revolver] a firearm, if such persons are at or are
    10     going to or from their places of assembly or target practice
    11     and if, while going to or from their places of assembly or
    12     target practice, [the cartridges or shells are carried in a
    13     separate container and the rifle, pistol or revolver is
    14     unloaded] the firearm is not loaded.
    15         (5)  Officers or employees of the United States duly
    16     authorized to carry a concealed firearm.
    17         (6)  Agents, messengers and other employees of common
    18     carriers, banks, or business firms, whose duties require them
    19     to protect moneys, valuables and other property in the
    20     discharge of such duties.
    21         (7)  Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing,
    22     repairing, or dealing in firearms, or the agent or
    23     representative of any such person, having in his possession,
    24     using or carrying a firearm in the usual or ordinary course
    25     of such business.
    26         (8)  Any person while carrying a firearm [unloaded and]
    27     which is not loaded and is in a secure wrapper from the place
    28     of purchase to his home or place of business, or to a place
    29     of repair, sale or appraisal or back to his home or place of
    30     business, or in moving from one place of abode or business to
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     1     another or from his home to a vacation or recreational home
     2     or dwelling or back, or to recover stolen property under
     3     section 6111.1(b)(4) (relating to Pennsylvania State Police),
     4     or to a place of instruction intended to teach the safe
     5     handling, use or maintenance of firearms or back or to a
     6     location to which the person has been directed to [surrender]
     7     relinquish firearms under 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108 (relating to
     8     relief) or back upon return of the [surrendered firearm.]
     9     relinquished firearm or to a licensed dealer's place of
    10     business for relinquishment pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S § 6108.2
    11     (relating to relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful
    12     transfer or safekeeping) or back upon return of the
    13     relinquished firearm or to a location for safekeeping
    14     pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108.3 (relating to relinquishment
    15     to third party for safekeeping) or back upon return of the
    16     relinquished firearm.
    17         (9)  Persons licensed to hunt, take furbearers or fish in
    18     this Commonwealth, if such persons are actually hunting,
    19     taking furbearers or fishing as permitted by such license, or
    20     are going to the places where they desire to hunt, take
    21     furbearers or fish or returning from such places.
    22         (10)  Persons training dogs, if such persons are actually
    23     training dogs during the regular training season.
    24         (11)  Any person while carrying a firearm in any vehicle,
    25     which person possesses a valid and lawfully issued license
    26     for that firearm which has been issued under the laws of the
    27     United States or any other state.
    28         (12)  A person who has a lawfully issued license to carry
    29     a firearm pursuant to section 6109 (relating to licenses) and
    30     that said license expired within six months prior to the date
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     1     of arrest and that the individual is otherwise eligible for
     2     renewal of the license.
     3         (13)  Any person who is otherwise eligible to possess a
     4     firearm under this chapter and who is operating a motor
     5     vehicle which is registered in the person's name or the name
     6     of a spouse or parent and which contains a firearm for which
     7     a valid license has been issued pursuant to section 6109 to
     8     the spouse or parent owning the firearm.
     9         (14)  A person lawfully engaged in the interstate
    10     transportation of a firearm as defined under 18 U.S.C §
    11     921(a)(3) (relating to definitions) in compliance with 18
    12     U.S.C. § 926A (relating to interstate transportation of
    13     firearms).
    14         (15)  Any person who possesses a valid and lawfully
    15     issued license or permit to carry a firearm which has been
    16     issued under the laws of another state or jurisdiction,
    17     regardless of whether a reciprocity agreement exists between
    18     the Commonwealth and the state or jurisdiction under section
    19     6109(k), provided:
    20             (i)  The state or jurisdiction provides a reciprocal
    21         privilege for individuals licensed to carry firearms
    22         under section 6109.
    23             (ii)  The Attorney General has determined that the
    24         firearm laws of the state or jurisdiction are similar to
    25         the firearm laws of this Commonwealth.
    26     * * *
    27     (e)  Definitions.--
    28         (1)  For purposes of subsection (b)(3), (4), (5), (7) and
    29     (8), the term "firearm" shall include any weapon which is
    30     designed to or may readily be converted to expel any
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     1     projectile by the action of an explosive or the frame or
     2     receiver of the weapon.
     3         (2)  As used in this section, the phrase "place of
     4     instruction" shall include any hunting club, rifle club,
     5     rifle range, pistol range, shooting range, the premises of a
     6     licensed firearms dealer or a lawful gun show or meet.
     7  § 6109.  Licenses.
     8     * * *
     9     (c)  Form of application and content.--The application for a
    10  license to carry a firearm shall be uniform throughout this
    11  Commonwealth and shall be on a form prescribed by the
    12  Pennsylvania State Police. The form may contain provisions, not
    13  exceeding one page, to assure compliance with this section.
    14  Issuing authorities shall use only the application form
    15  prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police. One of the
    16  following reasons for obtaining a firearm license shall be set
    17  forth in the application: self-defense, employment, hunting and
    18  fishing, target shooting, gun collecting or another proper
    19  reason. The application form shall be dated and signed by the
    20  applicant and shall contain the following statement:
    21         I have never been convicted of a crime [of violence in
    22         the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or elsewhere] that
    23         prohibits me from possessing or acquiring a firearm under
    24         Federal or State law. I am of sound mind and have never
    25         been committed to a mental institution. I hereby certify
    26         that the statements contained herein are true and correct
    27         to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand
    28         that, if I knowingly make any false statements herein, I
    29         am subject to penalties prescribed by law. I authorize
    30         the sheriff, or his designee, or, in the case of first
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     1         class cities, the chief or head of the police department,
     2         or his designee, to inspect only those records or
     3         documents relevant to information required for this
     4         application. If I am issued a license and knowingly
     5         become ineligible to legally possess or acquire firearms,
     6         I will promptly notify the sheriff of the county in which
     7         I reside or, if I reside in a city of the first class,
     8         the chief of police of that city.
     9     (d)  Sheriff to conduct investigation.--The sheriff to whom
    10  the application is made shall:
    11         (1)   investigate the applicant's record of criminal
    12     [convictions, shall] conviction;
    13         (2)  investigate whether or not the applicant is under
    14     indictment for or has ever been convicted of a crime
    15     punishable by imprisonment exceeding one year[, shall];
    16         (3)  investigate whether the applicant's character and
    17     reputation are such that the applicant will not be likely to
    18     act in a manner dangerous to public safety [and shall];
    19         (4)  investigate whether the applicant would be precluded
    20     from receiving a license under subsection (e)(1) or section
    21     6105(h) (relating to persons not to possess, use,
    22     manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms) [and shall];
    23     and
    24         (5)  conduct a criminal background, juvenile delinquency
    25     [or mental health check following the procedures set forth in
    26     section 6111 (relating to firearm ownership)] and mental
    27     health check following the procedures set forth in section
    28     6111 (relating to sale or transfer of firearms), receive a
    29     unique approval number for that inquiry and record the date
    30     and number on the application.
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     1     (e)  Issuance of license.--
     2         (1)  A license to carry a firearm shall be for the
     3     purpose of carrying a firearm concealed on or about one's
     4     person or in a vehicle and shall be issued if, after an
     5     investigation not to exceed 45 days, it appears that the
     6     applicant is an individual concerning whom no good cause
     7     exists to deny the license. A license shall not be issued to
     8     any of the following:
     9             (i)  An individual whose character and reputation is
    10         such that the individual would be likely to act in a
    11         manner dangerous to public safety.
    12             (ii)  An individual who has been convicted of an
    13         offense under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64),
    14         known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    15         Cosmetic Act.
    16             (iii)  An individual convicted of a crime enumerated
    17         in section 6105.
    18             (iv)  An individual who, within the past ten years,
    19         has been adjudicated delinquent for a crime enumerated in
    20         section 6105 or for an offense under The Controlled
    21         Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
    22             (v)  An individual who is not of sound mind or who
    23         has ever been committed to a mental institution.
    24             (vi)  An individual who is addicted to or is an
    25         unlawful user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or
    26         narcotic drug.
    27             (vii)  An individual who is a habitual drunkard.
    28             (viii)  An individual who is charged with or has been
    29         convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a
    30         term exceeding one year except as provided for in section
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     1         6123 (relating to waiver of disability or pardons).
     2             (ix)  A resident of another state who does not
     3         possess a current license or permit or similar document
     4         to carry a firearm issued by that state if a license is
     5         provided for by the laws of that state, as published
     6         annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of
     7         Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the
     8         Treasury under 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(19) (relating to
     9         definitions).
    10             (x)  An alien who is illegally in the United States.
    11             (xi)  An individual who has been discharged from the
    12         armed forces of the United States under dishonorable
    13         conditions.
    14             (xii)  An individual who is a fugitive from justice.
    15         This subparagraph does not apply to an individual whose
    16         fugitive status is based upon nonmoving or moving summary
    17         offense under Title 75 (relating to vehicles).
    18             (xiii)  An individual who is otherwise prohibited
    19         from possessing, using, manufacturing, controlling,
    20         purchasing, selling or transferring a firearm as provided
    21         by section 6105.
    22             (xiv)  An individual who is prohibited from
    23         possessing or acquiring a firearm under the statutes of
    24         the United States.
    25         (3)  The license [shall bear the] to carry a firearm
    26     shall be designed to be uniform throughout this Commonwealth
    27     and shall be in a form prescribed by the Pennsylvania State
    28     Police. The license shall bear the following:
    29             (i)  The name, address, date of birth, race, sex,
    30         citizenship, [Social Security number,] height, weight,
    20050H1717B2174                 - 17 -     

     1         color of hair, color of eyes and signature of the
     2         licensee[; the].
     3             (ii)  The signature of the sheriff issuing the
     4         license[; the].
     5             (iii)  A license number of which the first two
     6         numbers shall be a county location code followed by
     7         numbers issued in numerical sequence.
     8             (iv)  The point-of-contact telephone number
     9         designated by the Pennsylvania State Police under
    10         subsection (l).
    11             (v)  The reason for issuance[; and the].
    12             (vi)  The period of validation.
    13         (4)  The sheriff [may also] shall require a photograph of
    14     the licensee on the license. The photograph shall be in a
    15     form compatible with the Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network.
    16         (5)  The original license shall be issued to the
    17     applicant. The first copy of the license shall be forwarded
    18     to the [commissioner] Pennsylvania State Police within seven
    19     days of the date of issue[, and a]. second copy shall be
    20     retained by the issuing authority for a period of [six
    21     years.] seven years. Except pursuant to court order, both
    22     copies and the application shall, at the end of the seven-
    23     year period, be destroyed unless the license has been renewed
    24     within the seven-year period.
    25     * * *
    26     (h)  Fee.--[The]
    27         (1)  In addition to fees described in paragraphs (2)(ii)
    28     and (3), the fee for a license to carry a firearm is $19.
    29     This includes [a] all of the following:
    30             (i)  A renewal notice processing fee of $1.50. [This
    20050H1717B2174                 - 18 -     

     1         includes an]
     2             (ii)  An administrative fee of $5 under section 14(2)
     3         of the act of July 6, 1984 (P.L.614, No.127), known as
     4         the Sheriff Fee Act.
     5         (2)  (i)  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
     6         Delinquency shall design and develop, within five years
     7         of the effective date of this paragraph, a system in
     8         conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Police and the
     9         Pennsylvania Sheriffs' Association to standardize and
    10         modernize the process of issuing licenses to carry
    11         firearms. Upon adoption of the system under this
    12         paragraph, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    13         Delinquency shall publish notice thereof in the
    14         Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    15             (ii)  A temporary fee of $5 shall be remitted by the
    16         sheriff to the Firearms License to Carry Modernization
    17         Account, which is hereby established as a special
    18         restricted receipt account within the General Fund of the
    19         State Treasury. Moneys and investment income in the
    20         account shall be awarded as grants to sheriffs to
    21         implement the system designed and developed under this
    22         paragraph, including grants to reimburse sheriffs for
    23         expenses incurred prior to the effective date of this
    24         paragraph.
    25             (iii)  Moneys credited to the account and any
    26         investment income accrued are hereby appropriated on a
    27         continuing basis to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime
    28         and Delinquency. The commission shall administer the
    29         account and establish procedures related to the
    30         application process for, and distribution of funds to,
    20050H1717B2174                 - 19 -     

     1         sheriffs under this paragraph. Notwithstanding the
     2         provisions of subparagraph (ii), the commission may
     3         withhold annually an amount not exceeding 5% of the funds
     4         credited to the account in that fiscal year for
     5         administrative costs directly related to the
     6         responsibilities of the commission under this paragraph,
     7         including costs incurred in administering the account.
     8             (iv)  This paragraph shall expire five years after
     9         its effective date. Any surplus funds remaining in the
    10         account established in subparagraph (ii) at such time
    11         shall lapse into the General Fund.
    12         (3)  A fee of $1 shall be remitted by the sheriff to the
    13     Firearms License Validation System Account, which is hereby
    14     established as a special restricted receipt account within
    15     the General Fund of the State Treasury. The account shall be
    16     administered by the Pennsylvania State Police and used for
    17     purposes under subsection (l). Moneys credited to the account
    18     and any investment income accrued are hereby appropriated on
    19     a continuing basis to the Pennsylvania State Police.
    20         (4)  No fee other than that provided by this [paragraph]
    21     subsection or the Sheriff Fee Act may be assessed by the
    22     sheriff for the performance of any background check made
    23     pursuant to this act.
    24         (5)  The fee is payable to the sheriff to whom the
    25     application is submitted and is payable at the time of
    26     application for the license.
    27         (6)  Except for the administrative fee of $5 under
    28     section 14(2) of the Sheriff Fee Act, all other fees shall be
    29     refunded if the application is denied but shall not be
    30     refunded if a license is issued and subsequently revoked.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 20 -     

     1         (7)  A person who sells or attempts to sell a license to
     2     carry a firearm for a fee in excess of the amounts fixed
     3     under this subsection commits a summary offense.
     4     (i)  Revocation.--A license to carry firearms may be revoked
     5  by the issuing authority for good cause. A license to carry
     6  firearms shall be revoked by the issuing authority for any
     7  reason stated in subsection (e)(1) which occurs during the term
     8  of the permit. Notice of revocation shall be in writing and
     9  shall state the specific reason for revocation. Notice shall be
    10  sent by certified mail to the individual whose license is
    11  revoked, and, at that time, [a copy shall be forwarded to the
    12  commissioner.] notice shall also be provided to the Pennsylvania
    13  State Police, by electronic means, including e-mail or facsimile
    14  transmission, that the license is no longer valid. An individual
    15  whose license is revoked shall surrender the license to the
    16  issuing authority within five days of receipt of the notice. An
    17  individual whose license is revoked may appeal to the court of
    18  common pleas for the judicial district in which the individual
    19  resides. An individual who violates this section commits a
    20  summary offense.
    21     (i.1)  Notice to sheriff.--Notwithstanding any statute to the
    22  contrary:
    23         (1)  Upon conviction of a person for a crime specified in
    24     section 6105(a) or (b) or upon conviction of a person for a
    25     crime punishable by imprisonment exceeding one year or upon a
    26     determination that the conduct of a person meets the criteria
    27     specified in section 6105(c)(1), (2), (3), (5) or (6), a
    28     judge of the court of common pleas shall notify the sheriff
    29     of the county in which that person resides, on a form
    30     developed by the Pennsylvania State Police, of the identity
    20050H1717B2174                 - 21 -     

     1     of the person and the nature of the crime or conduct which
     2     resulted in the notification. The notification shall be
     3     transmitted by the judge within seven days of the conviction
     4     or determination.
     5         (2)  Upon adjudication that a person is incompetent or
     6     upon the involuntary commitment of a person to a mental
     7     institution for inpatient care and treatment under the act of
     8     July 9, 1976 (P.L.817, No.143), known as the Mental Health
     9     Procedures Act, or upon involuntary treatment of a person as
    10     described under section 6105(c)(4), the judge of the court of
    11     common pleas, mental health review officer or county mental
    12     health and mental retardation administrator shall notify the
    13     sheriff of the county in which that person resides, on a form
    14     developed by the Pennsylvania State Police, of the identity
    15     of the person who has been adjudicated, committed or treated
    16     and the nature of the adjudication, commitment or treatment.
    17     The notification shall be transmitted by the judge, mental
    18     health review officer or county mental health and mental
    19     retardation administrator within seven days of the
    20     adjudication, commitment or treatment.
    21     * * *
    22     (k)  Reciprocity.--
    23         (1)  The Attorney General [may] shall have the power and
    24     duty to enter into reciprocity agreements with other states
    25     or jurisdictions providing for the mutual recognition of
    26     [each state's license to carry a firearm.] a license to carry
    27     a firearm issued by the Commonwealth and a license or permit
    28     to carry a firearm issued by the other state or jurisdiction.
    29     To carry out this duty, the Attorney General is authorized to
    30     negotiate reciprocity agreements and grant recognition of a
    20050H1717B2174                 - 22 -     

     1     license or permit to carry a firearm issued by another state
     2     or jurisdiction.
     3         (2)  The Attorney General shall report to the General
     4     Assembly within 180 days of the effective date of this
     5     paragraph and annually thereafter concerning the agreements
     6     which have been consummated under this subsection.
     7     (l)  Firearms License Validation System.--
     8         (1)  The Pennsylvania State Police shall establish a
     9     nationwide toll-free telephone number, known as the Firearms
    10     License Validation System, which shall be operational seven
    11     days a week, 24 hours per day, for the purpose of responding
    12     to law enforcement inquiries regarding the validity of any
    13     Pennsylvania license to carry a firearm.
    14         (2)  Notwithstanding any other law regarding the
    15     confidentiality of information, inquiries to the Firearms
    16     License Validation System regarding the validity of any
    17     Pennsylvania license to carry a firearm may only be made by
    18     law enforcement personnel acting within the scope of their
    19     official duties.
    20         (3)  Law enforcement personnel outside this Commonwealth
    21     shall provide their originating agency identifier number and
    22     the license number of the license to carry a firearm which is
    23     the subject of the inquiry.
    24         (4)  Responses to inquiries by law enforcement personnel
    25     outside this Commonwealth shall be limited to the name of the
    26     licensee, the validity of the license and any information
    27     which may be provided to a criminal justice agency pursuant
    28     to Chapter 91 (relating to criminal history record
    29     information).
    30     (m)  Inquiries.--
    20050H1717B2174                 - 23 -     

     1         (1)  The Attorney General shall, not later than one year
     2     after the effective date of this subsection and not less than
     3     once annually, contact in writing the appropriate authorities
     4     in any other state or jurisdiction which does not have a
     5     current reciprocity agreement with the Commonwealth to
     6     determine if:
     7             (i)  the state or jurisdiction will negotiate a
     8         reciprocity agreement;
     9             (ii)  a licensee may carry a concealed firearm in the
    10         state or jurisdiction; or
    11             (iii)  a licensee may apply for a license or permit
    12         to carry a firearm issued by the state or jurisdiction.
    13         (2)  The Attorney General shall maintain a current list
    14     of those states and jurisdictions which have a reciprocity
    15     agreement with the Commonwealth, those states and
    16     jurisdictions which allow licensees to carry a concealed
    17     firearm and those states and jurisdictions which allow
    18     licensees to apply for a license or permit to carry a
    19     firearm. This list shall be posted on the Internet, provided
    20     to the Pennsylvania State Police and made available to the
    21     public upon request.
    22     (n)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    23  "licensee" means an individual who is licensed to carry a
    24  firearm under this section.
    25     Section 4.  Section 6115(b) of Title 18 is amended by adding
    26  a paragraph to read:
    27  § 6115.  Loans on, or lending or giving firearms prohibited.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Exception.--
    30         * * *
    20050H1717B2174                 - 24 -     

     1         (4)  Nothing in this section shall prohibit the
     2     relinquishment of firearms to a third party in accordance
     3     with 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108.3 (relating to relinquishment to third
     4     party for safekeeping).
     5     Section 5.  The definitions of "confidential communications"
     6  and "hearing officer" in section 6102(a) of Title 23, amended
     7  November 30, 2004 (P.L.1618, No.207), are amended and the
     8  section is amended by adding definitions to read:
     9  § 6102.  Definitions.
    10     (a)  General rule.--The following words and phrases when used
    11  in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this
    12  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     * * *
    14     "Confidential communications."  All information, whether
    15  written or spoken, transmitted between a victim and a domestic
    16  violence counselor or advocate in the course of the
    17  relationship. The term includes information received or given by
    18  the domestic violence counselor or advocate in the course of the
    19  relationship, as well as advice, reports, statistical data,
    20  memoranda or working papers, records or the like, given or made
    21  in the course of the relationship. The term also includes
    22  communications made by or to a linguistic interpreter assisting
    23  the victim, counselor or advocate in the course of the
    24  relationship.
    25     * * *
    26     "Firearm."  Any weapon which is designed to or may readily be
    27  converted to expel any projectile by the action of an explosive
    28  or the frame or receiver of any such weapon as defined by 18
    29  Pa.C.S. § 6105(i) (relating to persons not to possess, use,
    30  manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms).
    20050H1717B2174                 - 25 -     

     1     * * *
     2     "Hearing officer."  A magisterial district judge, judge of
     3  the Philadelphia Municipal Court, bail commissioner appointed
     4  under 42 Pa.C.S. § 1123 (relating to jurisdiction and venue)
     5  [and], master appointed under 42 Pa.C.S. § 1126 (relating to
     6  masters) and master for emergency relief.
     7     "Master for emergency relief."  A member of the bar of the
     8  Commonwealth appointed under section 6110(e) (relating to
     9  emergency relief by minor judiciary).
    10     * * *
    11     "Safekeeping permit."  A permit issued by a sheriff allowing
    12  a person to take possession of any firearm, other weapon or
    13  ammunition that a judge ordered a defendant to relinquish in a
    14  protection from abuse proceeding.
    15     * * *
    16     "Sheriff."
    17         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the sheriff of
    18     the county.
    19         (2)  In a city of the first class, the chief or head of
    20     the police department.
    21     * * *
    22     "Weapon."  Anything readily capable of lethal use and
    23  possessed under circumstances not manifestly appropriate for
    24  lawful uses which it may have. The term includes a firearm which
    25  is not loaded or lacks a magazine, clip or other components to
    26  render it immediately operable and components which can readily
    27  be assembled into a weapon as defined by 18 Pa.C.S. § 907
    28  (relating to possessing instruments of crime).
    29     * * *
    30     Section 6.  Sections 6103, 6104(d) and 6105(e) of Title 23
    20050H1717B2174                 - 26 -     

     1  are amended to read:
     2  § 6103.  [Effect of departure to avoid abuse.] Jurisdiction.
     3     (a)  General rule.--The court shall have jurisdiction over
     4  all proceedings under this chapter. [The right of plaintiff to
     5  relief under this chapter shall not be affected by plaintiff
     6  leaving the residence or household to avoid further abuse.]
     7     (b)  Effect of departure and nonresidence.--The right of the
     8  plaintiff to relief under this chapter shall not be affected by
     9  either of the following:
    10         (1)  The plaintiff's leaving the residence or household
    11     to avoid further abuse.
    12         (2)  The defendant's absence from this Commonwealth or
    13     the defendant's nonresidence in this Commonwealth, provided
    14     that the court has personal jurisdiction over the defendant
    15     in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. § 5322 (relating to bases of
    16     personal jurisdiction over persons outside this
    17     Commonwealth).
    18  § 6104.  Full faith and credit and foreign protection orders.
    19     * * *
    20     (d)  Filing a foreign protection order.--A plaintiff may file
    21  a certified copy of a foreign protection order with the
    22  prothonotary in any county within this Commonwealth where the
    23  plaintiff believes enforcement may be necessary. The following
    24  provisions shall apply:
    25         (1)  [Filing of a foreign protection order shall be
    26     without fee or cost.] No costs or fees associated with filing
    27     a foreign protection order shall be assigned to the
    28     plaintiff, including the cost of obtaining certified copies
    29     of the order. Costs and fees associated with filing a foreign
    30     protection order may be assessed against the defendant.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 27 -     

     1         (2)  Upon filing of a foreign protection order, a
     2     prothonotary shall transmit, in a manner prescribed by the
     3     Pennsylvania State Police, a copy of the order to the
     4     Pennsylvania State Police registry of protection orders.
     5         (3)  Filing of a foreign protection order shall not be a
     6     prerequisite for service and enforcement.
     7     * * *
     8  § 6105.  Responsibilities of law enforcement agencies.
     9     * * *
    10     (e)  Statewide registry.--
    11         (1)  The Pennsylvania State Police shall establish a
    12     Statewide registry of protection orders and shall maintain a
    13     complete and systematic record and index of all valid
    14     temporary and final court orders of protection, court-
    15     approved consent agreements and a foreign protection order
    16     filed pursuant to section 6104(d) (relating to full faith and
    17     credit and foreign protection orders). The Statewide registry
    18     shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
    19             (i)  The names of the plaintiff and any protected
    20         parties.
    21             (ii)  The name and address of the defendant.
    22             (iii)  The relationship between the plaintiff and
    23         defendant.
    24             [(iii)] (iv)  The date the order was entered.
    25             [(iv)] (v)  The date the order expires.
    26             [(v)] (vi)  The relief granted under sections
    27         6108(a)(1), (2), (4), (6) and (7) (relating to relief)
    28         and 6110(a) (relating to emergency relief by minor
    29         judiciary).
    30             [(vi)] (vii)  The judicial district in which the
    20050H1717B2174                 - 28 -     

     1         order was entered.
     2             [(vii)] (viii)  Where furnished, the Social Security
     3         number and date of birth of the defendant.
     4             (ix)  Whether or not any or all firearms, other
     5         weapons or ammunition were ordered relinquished.
     6         (2)  The prothonotary shall send, on a form prescribed by
     7     the Pennsylvania State Police, a copy of the protection order
     8     or approved consent agreement to the Statewide registry of
     9     protection orders so that it is received within 24 hours of
    10     the entry of the order. Likewise, amendments to or revocation
    11     of an order shall be transmitted by the prothonotary within
    12     24 hours of the entry of the order for modification or
    13     revocation. The Pennsylvania State Police shall enter orders,
    14     amendments and revocations in the Statewide registry of
    15     protection orders within eight hours of receipt. Vacated or
    16     expired orders shall be purged from the registry.
    17         (3)  The registry of the Pennsylvania State Police shall
    18     be available at all times to inform courts, dispatchers and
    19     law enforcement officers of any valid protection order
    20     involving any defendant.
    21         (4)  When an order granting relief under section
    22     6108(a)(7) has been entered by a court, such information
    23     shall be available to the Pennsylvania State Police for the
    24     purpose of conducting a criminal history records check in
    25     compliance with the applicable provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    26     61 Subch. A (relating to Uniform Firearms Act).
    27         (5)  Information contained in the Statewide registry
    28     shall not be subject to access under the act of June 21, 1957
    29     (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    30     * * *
    20050H1717B2174                 - 29 -     

     1     Section 7.  Section 6106(b), (c), (d), (g) and (g.1) of Title
     2  23 are amended and the section is amended by adding subsections
     3  to read:
     4  § 6106.  Commencement of proceedings.
     5     * * *
     6     (a.2)  Notification of defendant's occupation.--The plaintiff
     7  shall notify the court if the plaintiff has reason to believe
     8  that the defendant is a licensed firearms dealer, is employed by
     9  a licensed firearms dealer or manufacturer, is employed as a
    10  writer, researcher or technician in the firearms or hunting
    11  industry or is required to carry a firearm as a condition of
    12  employment.
    13     (b)  [No prepayment of fees.--The petition shall be filed and
    14  service shall be made without prepayment of fees.] Plaintiff
    15  fees not permitted.--No plaintiff seeking relief under this
    16  chapter shall be charged any fees or costs associated with the
    17  filing, issuance, registration or service of a petition, motion,
    18  complaint, order or any other filing. Prohibited fees or costs
    19  shall include, but are not limited to, those associated with
    20  modifying, withdrawing, dismissing or certifying copies of a
    21  petition, motion, complaint, order or any other filing, as well
    22  as any judicial surcharge or computer system fee. No plaintiff
    23  seeking relief under this chapter shall be charged any fees or
    24  costs associated with filing a motion for reconsideration or an
    25  appeal from any order or action taken pursuant to this chapter.
    26  Nothing in this subsection is intended to expand or diminish the
    27  court's authority to enter an order pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. No.
    28  1023.1 (relating to Scope. Signing of Documents. Representations
    29  to the Court. Violation).
    30     (c)  Assessment of fees and costs[.--If the plaintiff
    20050H1717B2174                 - 30 -     

     1  prevails in the action] against the defendant.--When an order is
     2  granted pursuant to this chapter, fees and costs shall be
     3  [assigned to] assessed against the defendant.[, or, should the
     4  court determine that the defendant is not able to pay the costs
     5  of filing and service, the court shall waive fees and costs. If
     6  the plaintiff does not prevail, costs of filing and service may
     7  be assigned to the plaintiff or, should the court determine that
     8  the plaintiff is not able to pay the costs of filing and
     9  service, the] The court shall waive fees and costs[.] upon a
    10  showing of good cause or when the court makes a finding that the
    11  defendant is not able to pay the costs. Nothing in this
    12  subsection is intended to expand or diminish the court's
    13  authority to enter an order pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. No. 1023.1.
    14     (d)  Surcharge on order.--When a protection order is granted
    15  under section 6107(a) (relating to hearings), other than
    16  pursuant to an agreement of the parties, a surcharge of [$25]
    17  $100 shall be assessed against the defendant. All moneys
    18  received from surcharges shall [be forwarded to the Commonwealth
    19  and shall be used by the Pennsylvania State Police to establish
    20  and maintain the Statewide registry of protection orders
    21  provided for in section 6105 (relating to responsibilities of
    22  law enforcement agencies).] be distributed in the following
    23  order of priority:
    24         (1)  $25 shall be forwarded to the Commonwealth and shall
    25     be used by the Pennsylvania State Police to establish and
    26     maintain the Statewide registry of protection orders provided
    27     for in section 6105.
    28         (2)  $50 shall be retained by the county and shall be
    29     used to carry out the provisions of this chapter as follows:
    30             (i)  $25 shall be used by the sheriff.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 31 -     

     1             (ii)  $25 shall be used by the court.
     2         (3)  $25 shall be forwarded to the Department of Public
     3     Welfare for use for victims of domestic violence in
     4     accordance with the provisions of section 2333 of the act of
     5     April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
     6     Code of 1929.
     7     (d.1)  Limitation.--The surcharge allocated under subsection
     8  (d)(2)(i) and (3) shall be used to supplement and not to
     9  supplant any other source of funds received for the purpose of
    10  carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
    11     * * *
    12     (g)  Service of petition and orders.--The petition and orders
    13  shall be served upon the defendant, and orders shall be served
    14  upon the police departments and sheriff with appropriate
    15  jurisdiction to enforce the orders. Orders shall be promptly
    16  served on the police and sheriff. Failure to serve shall not
    17  stay the effect of a valid order.
    18     (g.1)  Service of original process of a foreign protection
    19  order.--[There shall be no prepayment of fees for service of
    20  original process of a foreign protection order.] No plaintiff or
    21  petitioner shall be charged any costs or fees associated with
    22  the service of original process of a foreign protection order.
    23  Costs or fees associated with the service of original process of
    24  a foreign protection order may be assessed against the
    25  defendant.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 8.  Sections 6107(a) and (b) and 6108 of Title 23 are
    28  amended to read:
    29  § 6107.  Hearings.
    30     (a)  General rule.--Within ten business days of the filing of
    20050H1717B2174                 - 32 -     

     1  a petition under this chapter, a hearing shall be held before
     2  the court, at which the plaintiff must prove the allegation of
     3  abuse by a preponderance of the evidence. The court shall, at
     4  the time the defendant is given notice of the hearing, advise
     5  the defendant of the right to be represented by counsel, of the
     6  possibility that any firearm, other weapon or ammunition owned
     7  and any firearm license possessed may be ordered temporarily
     8  relinquished, of the possibility that Federal law may prohibit
     9  the possession of firearms, including an explanation of 18
    10  U.S.C. § 922(g)(8) (relating to unlawful acts) and [of the fact]
    11  that any protection order granted by a court may be considered
    12  in any subsequent proceedings under this title. This notice
    13  shall be printed and delivered in a manner which easily attracts
    14  attention to its content and shall specify that child custody is
    15  one of the proceedings where prior protection orders may be
    16  considered.
    17     (b)  Temporary orders.--
    18         (1)  If a plaintiff petitions for temporary order for
    19     protection from abuse and alleges immediate and present
    20     danger of abuse to the plaintiff or minor children, the court
    21     shall conduct an ex parte proceeding.
    22         (2)  The court may enter such a temporary order as it
    23     deems necessary to protect the plaintiff or minor children
    24     when it finds they are in immediate and present danger of
    25     abuse. The order shall remain in effect until modified or
    26     terminated by the court after notice and hearing. [Any order
    27     issued under this section shall, where furnished by the
    28     plaintiff, specify the Social Security number and date of
    29     birth of the defendant.]
    30         (3)  In addition to any other relief, the court may,
    20050H1717B2174                 - 33 -     

     1     pursuant to section 6108 (relating to relief), direct that
     2     the defendant temporarily relinquish to the sheriff any
     3     firearms, other weapons or ammunition for the duration of the
     4     temporary order if the petition demonstrates any of the
     5     following:
     6             (i)  Abuse which involves a firearm or other weapon.
     7             (ii)  An immediate and present danger of abuse. In
     8         determining whether an immediate and present danger of
     9         abuse exists, the court shall consider a number of
    10         factors, including, but not limited to:
    11                 (A)  Whether the temporary order of protection
    12             from abuse is not likely to achieve its purpose in
    13             the absence of such a condition.
    14                 (B)  Whether the defendant has previously
    15             violated a protection from abuse order.
    16                 (C)  Whether past or present abuse to the
    17             plaintiff or any of the plaintiff's minor children
    18             resulted in injury.
    19                 (D)  Whether the abuse occurred in public.
    20                 (E)  Whether the abuse includes:
    21                     (I)  threats of abuse or suicide;
    22                     (II)  killing or threatening to kill pets;
    23                     (III)  an escalation of violence;
    24                     (IV)  stalking or obsessive behavior;
    25                     (V)  sexual violence; or
    26                     (VI)  drug or excessive alcohol use.
    27         (4)  If the court orders the defendant to temporarily
    28     relinquish any firearm, other weapon or ammunition pursuant
    29     to paragraph (3), section 6108(a)(7) shall apply with respect
    30     to any firearm, other weapon or ammunition ordered
    20050H1717B2174                 - 34 -     

     1     relinquished.
     2     * * *
     3  § 6108.  Relief.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The court may grant any protection order
     5  or approve any consent agreement to bring about a cessation of
     6  abuse of the plaintiff or minor children. The order or agreement
     7  may include:
     8         (1)  Directing the defendant to refrain from abusing the
     9     plaintiff or minor children.
    10         (2)  Granting possession to the plaintiff of the
    11     residence or household to the exclusion of the defendant by
    12     evicting the defendant or restoring possession to the
    13     plaintiff [when] if the residence or household is jointly
    14     owned or leased by the parties, is owned or leased by the
    15     entireties or is owned or leased solely by the plaintiff.
    16         (3)  [When] If the defendant has a duty to support the
    17     plaintiff or minor children living in the residence or
    18     household and the defendant is the sole owner or lessee,
    19     granting possession to the plaintiff of the residence or
    20     household to the exclusion of the defendant by evicting the
    21     defendant or restoring possession to the plaintiff or, with
    22     the consent of the plaintiff, ordering the defendant to
    23     provide suitable alternate housing.
    24         (4)  Awarding temporary custody of or establishing
    25     temporary visitation rights with regard to minor children. In
    26     determining whether to award temporary custody or establish
    27     temporary visitation rights pursuant to this paragraph, the
    28     court shall consider any risk posed by the defendant to the
    29     children, as well as risk to the plaintiff. The following
    30     shall apply:
    20050H1717B2174                 - 35 -     

     1             (i)  A defendant shall not be granted custody,
     2         partial custody or unsupervised visitation where it is
     3         alleged in the petition, and the court finds after a
     4         hearing under this chapter, that the defendant:
     5                 (A)  abused the minor children of the parties or
     6             [where the defendant] poses a risk of abuse toward
     7             the minor children of the parties; or
     8                 (B)  has been convicted of violating 18 Pa.C.S. §
     9             2904 (relating to interference with custody of
    10             children) within two calendar years prior to the
    11             filing of the petition for protection order[.] or
    12             that the defendant poses a risk of violating 18
    13             Pa.C.S. § 2904.
    14             (ii)  Where the court finds after a hearing under
    15         this chapter that the defendant has inflicted abuse upon
    16         the plaintiff or a child, the court may require
    17         supervised custodial access by a third party. The third
    18         party must agree to be accountable to the court for
    19         supervision and execute an affidavit of accountability.
    20             (iii)  Where the court finds after a hearing under
    21         this chapter that the defendant has inflicted serious
    22         abuse upon the plaintiff or a child or poses a risk of
    23         abuse toward the plaintiff or a child, the court may
    24         award supervised visitation in a secure visitation
    25         facility or may deny the defendant custodial access to a
    26         child.
    27             (iv)  If a plaintiff petitions for a temporary order
    28         under section 6107(b) (relating to hearings) and the
    29         defendant has partial, shared or full custody of the
    30         minor children of the parties by order of court or
    20050H1717B2174                 - 36 -     

     1         written agreement of the parties, the custody shall not
     2         be disturbed or changed unless the court finds that the
     3         defendant is likely to inflict abuse upon the children or
     4         to remove the children from the jurisdiction of the court
     5         prior to the hearing under section 6107(a). Where the
     6         defendant has forcibly or fraudulently removed any minor
     7         child from the care and custody of a plaintiff, the court
     8         shall order the return of the child to the plaintiff
     9         unless the child would be endangered by restoration to
    10         the plaintiff.
    11             (v)  Nothing in this paragraph shall bar either party
    12         from filing a petition for custody under Chapter 53
    13         (relating to custody) or under the Pennsylvania Rules of
    14         Civil Procedure.
    15             (vi)  In order to prevent further abuse during
    16         periods of access to the plaintiff and child during the
    17         exercise of custodial rights, the court shall consider,
    18         and may impose on a custody award, conditions necessary
    19         to assure the safety of the plaintiff and minor children
    20         from abuse.
    21         (5)  After a hearing in accordance with section 6107(a),
    22     directing the defendant to pay financial support to those
    23     persons the defendant has a duty to support, requiring the
    24     defendant, under sections 4324 (relating to inclusion of
    25     medical support) and 4326 (relating to mandatory inclusion of
    26     child medical support), to provide health coverage for the
    27     minor child and spouse, directing the defendant to pay all of
    28     the unreimbursed medical expenses of a spouse or minor child
    29     of the defendant to the provider or to the plaintiff when he
    30     or she has paid for the medical treatment, and directing the
    20050H1717B2174                 - 37 -     

     1     defendant to make or continue to make rent or mortgage
     2     payments on the residence of the plaintiff to the extent that
     3     the defendant has a duty to support the plaintiff or other
     4     dependent household members. The support order shall be
     5     temporary, and any beneficiary of the order must file a
     6     complaint for support under the provisions of Chapters 43
     7     (relating to support matters generally) and 45 (relating to
     8     reciprocal enforcement of support orders) within two weeks of
     9     the date of the issuance of the protection order. If a
    10     complaint for support is not filed, that portion of the
    11     protection order requiring the defendant to pay support is
    12     void. When there is a subsequent ruling on a complaint for
    13     support, the portion of the protection order requiring the
    14     defendant to pay support expires.
    15         (6)  Prohibiting the defendant from having any contact
    16     with the plaintiff or minor children, including, but not
    17     limited to, restraining the defendant from entering the place
    18     of employment or business or school of the plaintiff or minor
    19     children and from harassing the plaintiff or plaintiff's
    20     relatives or minor children.
    21         (7)  Ordering the defendant to temporarily relinquish to
    22     the sheriff the defendant's [weapons which] other weapons and
    23     ammunition which have been used or been threatened to be used
    24     in an incident of abuse against the plaintiff or the minor
    25     children and the defendant's firearms and prohibiting the
    26     defendant from acquiring or possessing any [other weapons]
    27     firearm for the duration of the order and requiring the
    28     defendant to relinquish to the sheriff any firearm license,
    29     other than a license under 18 Pa.C.S. § 6113 (relating to
    30     licensing of dealers), 18 U.S.C. § 923 (relating to
    20050H1717B2174                 - 38 -     

     1     licensing) or any other Federal or State license for the
     2     sale, manufacture or importation of firearms, the defendant
     3     may possess. [The court's order shall provide for the return
     4     of the weapons and any firearm license to the defendant
     5     subject to any restrictions and conditions as the court shall
     6     deem appropriate to protect the plaintiff or minor children
     7     from further abuse through the use of weapons.] A copy of the
     8     court's order shall be transmitted to the chief or head of
     9     the police force or police department of the municipality and
    10     to the sheriff of the county of which the defendant is a
    11     resident. When relinquishment is ordered, the following shall
    12     apply:
    13             (i)  (A)  The court's order shall require the
    14             defendant to relinquish such firearms, other weapons,
    15             ammunition and any firearm license pursuant to the
    16             provisions of this chapter within 24 hours of service
    17             of a temporary order or the entry of a final order or
    18             the close of the next business day as necessary by
    19             closure of the sheriffs' offices, except for cause
    20             shown at the hearing, in which case the court shall
    21             specify the time for relinquishment of any or all of
    22             the defendant's firearms.
    23                 (B)  A defendant subject to a temporary order
    24             requiring the relinquishment of firearms, other
    25             weapons or ammunition shall, in lieu of relinquishing
    26             specific firearms, other weapons or ammunition which
    27             cannot reasonably be retrieved within the time for
    28             relinquishment in clause (A) due to their current
    29             location, provide the sheriff with an affidavit
    30             listing the firearms, other weapons or ammunition and
    20050H1717B2174                 - 39 -     

     1             their current location. If the defendant, within the
     2             time for relinquishment in clause (A), fails to
     3             provide the affidavit or fails to relinquish,
     4             pursuant to this chapter, any firearms, other weapons
     5             or ammunition ordered to be relinquished which are
     6             not specified in the affidavit, the sheriff shall, at
     7             a minimum, provide immediate notice to the court, the
     8             plaintiff and appropriate law enforcement
     9             authorities. The defendant shall not possess any
    10             firearms, other weapons or ammunition specifically
    11             listed in the affidavit provided to the sheriff
    12             pursuant to this clause for the duration of the
    13             temporary order.
    14                 (C)  As used in this subparagraph, the term
    15             "cause" shall be limited to facts relating to the
    16             inability of the defendant to retrieve a specific
    17             firearm within 24 hours due to the current location
    18             of the firearm.
    19             (ii)  The court's order shall contain a list of any
    20         firearm, other weapon or ammunition ordered relinquished.
    21         Except as provided in subparagraph(i)(B), section 6108.2
    22         (relating to relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful
    23         transfer or safekeeping) or 6108.3 (relating to
    24         relinquishment to third party for safekeeping) the
    25         sheriff shall secure custody of all of the defendant's
    26         firearms, other weapons or ammunition and any firearm
    27         license for the duration of the order or until directed
    28         otherwise by court order. In securing custody of the
    29         defendant's relinquished firearms, the sheriff shall
    30         comply with 18 Pa.C.S. § 6105(f)(4) (relating to persons
    20050H1717B2174                 - 40 -     

     1         not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or
     2         transfer firearms). In securing custody of the
     3         defendant's other weapons and ammunition, the sheriff
     4         shall provide the defendant with a signed and dated
     5         written receipt which shall include a detailed
     6         description of the other weapon or ammunition and its
     7         condition.
     8             (iii)  The sheriff shall provide the plaintiff with
     9         the name of the person or agency to which any firearm,
    10         other weapon or ammunition was relinquished.
    11             (iv)  Unless the defendant has complied with
    12         subparagraph (i)(B) or section 6108.2 or 6108.3, if the
    13         defendant fails to relinquish any firearm, other weapon,
    14         ammunition or firearm license within 24 hours or upon the
    15         close of the next business day due to closure of
    16         sheriffs' offices or within the time ordered by the court
    17         upon cause being shown at the hearing, the sheriff shall,
    18         at a minimum, provide immediate notice to the court, the
    19         plaintiff and appropriate law enforcement agencies.
    20             (v)  Any portion of any order or any petition or
    21         other paper which includes a list of any firearm, other
    22         weapon or ammunition ordered relinquished shall be kept
    23         in the files of the court as a permanent record thereof
    24         and withheld from public inspection except:
    25                 (A)  upon an order of the court granted upon
    26             cause shown;
    27                 (B)  as necessary, by law enforcement, and court
    28             personnel; or
    29                 (C)  after redaction of information listing any
    30             firearm, other weapon or ammunition.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 41 -     

     1             (vi)  As used in this paragraph, the term
     2         "defendant's firearms" shall, if the defendant is a
     3         licensed firearms dealer, only include firearms in the
     4         defendant's personal firearms collection pursuant to 27
     5         CFR § 478.125a (relating to personal firearms
     6         collection).
     7         (7.1)  If the defendant is a licensed firearms dealer,
     8     ordering the defendant to follow such restrictions as the
     9     court may require concerning the conduct of his business,
    10     which may include ordering the defendant to relinquish any
    11     Federal or State license for the sale, manufacture or
    12     importation of firearms as well as firearms in the
    13     defendant's business inventory. In restricting the defendant
    14     pursuant to this paragraph, the court shall make a reasonable
    15     effort to preserve the financial assets of the defendant's
    16     business while fulfilling the goals of this chapter.
    17         (8)  Directing the defendant to pay the plaintiff for
    18     reasonable losses suffered as a result of the abuse,
    19     including medical, dental, relocation and moving expenses;
    20     counseling; loss of earnings or support; costs of repair or
    21     replacement of real or personal property damaged, destroyed
    22     or taken by the defendant or at the direction of the
    23     defendant; and other out-of-pocket losses for injuries
    24     sustained. In addition to out-of-pocket losses, the court may
    25     direct the defendant to pay reasonable attorney fees. An
    26     award under this chapter shall not constitute a bar to
    27     litigation for civil damages for injuries sustained from the
    28     acts of abuse giving rise to the award or a finding of
    29     contempt under this chapter.
    30         (9)  Directing the defendant to refrain from stalking or
    20050H1717B2174                 - 42 -     

     1     harassing the plaintiff and other designated persons as
     2     defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §§ 2709 (relating to harassment) and
     3     2709.1 (relating to stalking).
     4         (10)  Granting any other appropriate relief sought by the
     5     plaintiff.
     6     (b)  Identifying information.--Any order issued under this
     7  section shall, where furnished by either party, specify the
     8  Social Security number and date of birth of the defendant.
     9     (c)  Mutual orders of protection.--Mutual orders of
    10  protection shall not be awarded unless both parties have filed
    11  timely written petitions, complied with service requirements
    12  under section 6106 (relating to commencement of proceedings) and
    13  are eligible for protection under this chapter. The court shall
    14  make separate findings and, where issuing orders on behalf of
    15  both petitioners, enter separate orders.
    16     (d)  Duration and amendment of order or agreement.--A
    17  protection order or approved consent agreement shall be for a
    18  fixed period of time not to exceed [18 months] three years. The
    19  court may amend its order or agreement at any time upon
    20  subsequent petition filed by either party.
    21     (e)  Extension of protection orders.--
    22         (1)  An extension of a protection order may be granted:
    23             (i)  Where the court finds, after a duly filed
    24         petition, notice to the defendant and a hearing, in
    25         accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 6106
    26         and 6107, that the defendant committed one or more acts
    27         of abuse subsequent to the entry of the final order or
    28         that the defendant engaged in a pattern or practice that
    29         indicates continued risk of harm to the plaintiff or
    30         minor child.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 43 -     

     1             (ii)  When a contempt petition or charge has been
     2         filed with the court or with a hearing officer in
     3         Philadelphia County, but the hearing has not occurred
     4         before the expiration of the protection order, the order
     5         shall be extended, at a minimum, until the disposition of
     6         the contempt petition and may be extended for another
     7         term beyond the disposition of the contempt petition.
     8         (2)  Service of an extended order shall be made in
     9     accordance with section 6109 (relating to service of orders).
    10         (3)  There shall be no limitation on the number of
    11     extensions that may be granted.
    12     (f)  Support procedure.--The domestic relations section shall
    13  enforce any support award in a protection order where the
    14  plaintiff files a complaint for support under subsection (a)(5).
    15     (g)  Notice.--Notice shall be given to the defendant, in
    16  orders issued under this section, stating that violations of an
    17  order will subject the defendant to arrest under section 6113
    18  (relating to arrest for violation of order) or contempt of court
    19  under section 6114 (relating to contempt for violation of order
    20  or agreement). Resumption of coresidency on the part of the
    21  plaintiff and defendant shall not nullify the provisions of the
    22  court order.
    23     (h)  Title to real property unaffected.--No order or
    24  agreement under this chapter shall in any manner affect title to
    25  any real property.
    26     Section 9.  Title 23 is amended by adding sections to read:
    27  § 6108.1.  Return of relinquished firearms, other weapons and
    28             ammunition.
    29     (a)  General rule.--Any court order requiring the
    30  relinquishment of firearms, other weapons or ammunition shall
    20050H1717B2174                 - 44 -     

     1  provide for the return of the relinquished firearms, other
     2  weapons or ammunition to the defendant upon expiration of the
     3  order or dismissal of a petition for a protection from abuse
     4  order. The defendant may take custody of the firearms, other
     5  weapons and ammunition provided that the defendant is otherwise
     6  eligible to lawfully possess the relinquished items. The
     7  defendant shall not be required to pay any fees, costs or
     8  charges associated with the returns, whether those fees, costs
     9  or charges are imposed by the Pennsylvania State Police, any
    10  local law enforcement agency or any other entity, including a
    11  licensed importer, licensed manufacturer or licensed dealer in
    12  order to secure return of the relinquished firearms, other
    13  weapons or ammunition.
    14     (b)  Modification of court's order.--
    15         (1)  The defendant may petition the court to allow for
    16     the return of firearms, other weapons and ammunition to the
    17     defendant prior to the expiration of the court's order. The
    18     petition shall be served upon the plaintiff and the plaintiff
    19     shall be a party to the proceedings regarding that petition.
    20         (2)  Any other person may petition the court to allow for
    21     the return of that other person's firearms, other weapons and
    22     ammunition prior to the expiration of the court's order. The
    23     petition shall be served upon the plaintiff and the plaintiff
    24     shall be given notice and an opportunity to be heard
    25     regarding that petition.
    26     (c)  Sale, lawful transfer or safekeeping of relinquished
    27  firearms, other weapons or ammunition.--The defendant may
    28  petition the court to allow for the sale, lawful transfer or
    29  safekeeping of any of the defendant's firearms, other weapons or
    30  ammunition relinquished in accordance with this chapter. Any
    20050H1717B2174                 - 45 -     

     1  petition or other application for the sale, lawful transfer or
     2  safekeeping of firearms, other weapons or ammunition filed prior
     3  to the expiration of the court's order shall be served upon the
     4  plaintiff, and the plaintiff shall have an opportunity to be
     5  heard prior to the issuance of a court order allowing for the
     6  sale, lawful transfer or safekeeping of firearms, other weapons
     7  or ammunition. Upon court order directing the sale, lawful
     8  transfer or safekeeping of a relinquished firearm, other weapons
     9  or ammunition the sheriff shall proceed as directed by the
    10  court.
    11     (d)  Hearing.--Within ten business days of the filing of any
    12  petition under this section, a hearing shall be held before the
    13  court.
    14     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    15  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    16  subsection:
    17     "Other person."  Any person, except the defendant, who is the
    18  lawful owner of a firearm, other weapon or ammunition
    19  relinquished pursuant to this chapter.
    20     "Safekeeping."  The secure custody of a firearm, other weapon
    21  or ammunition ordered relinquished by an active protection from
    22  abuse order as authorized pursuant to a court order until such
    23  time as the court directs the relinquishment of said firearm,
    24  other weapon or ammunition and the person to whom it shall be
    25  relinquished.
    26  § 6108.2.  Relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful transfer
    27             or safekeeping.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    29  law, a defendant who is the subject of a final protection from
    30  abuse order, which order provided for the relinquishment of
    20050H1717B2174                 - 46 -     

     1  firearms, other weapons or ammunition during the period of time
     2  the order is in effect may, within the time frame specified in
     3  the order and in lieu of relinquishment to the sheriff,
     4  relinquish to a dealer licensed pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 6113
     5  (relating to licensing of dealers) any firearms, other weapons
     6  or ammunition for consignment sale, lawful transfer or
     7  safekeeping.
     8     (b)  Affidavit.--A defendant relinquishing firearms, other
     9  weapons or ammunition to a dealer pursuant to subsection (a)
    10  shall obtain an affidavit from the dealer on a form prescribed
    11  by the Pennsylvania State Police which shall include, at a
    12  minimum, the following:
    13         (1)  The caption of the case in which the protection from
    14     abuse order was issued.
    15         (2)  The name, address, date of birth and Social Security
    16     number of the defendant.
    17         (3)  A list of the firearms, other weapons or ammunition,
    18     including, if applicable, the manufacturer, model and serial
    19     number.
    20         (4)  The name and license number of the dealer licensed
    21     pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 6113 and the address of the licensed
    22     premises.
    23         (5)  An acknowledgment that the firearms, other weapons
    24     or ammunition will not be returned to the defendant or sold
    25     or transferred to a person the dealer knows is a member of
    26     the defendant's household, while the defendant is the subject
    27     of an active protection from abuse order pursuant to section
    28     6108, which order provided for the relinquishment of the
    29     firearm, other weapon or ammunition being returned, sold or
    30     transferred.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 47 -     

     1         (6)  An acknowledgment that the firearms, other weapons
     2     or ammunition, if sold or transferred, will be sold or
     3     lawfully transferred in compliance with 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61
     4     (relating to firearms and other dangerous articles).
     5     (c)  Failure to provide affidavit.--A defendant relinquishing
     6  firearms, other weapons or ammunition to a dealer pursuant to
     7  subsection (a) shall, within the time frame specified in the
     8  order for relinquishing firearms, other weapons or ammunition
     9  provide to the sheriff the affidavit obtained pursuant to
    10  subsection (b) and relinquish to the sheriff any firearms, other
    11  weapons or ammunition ordered to be relinquished which are not
    12  specified in the affidavit, in an affidavit provided in
    13  accordance with section 6108(a)(7)(i)(B) (relating to relief) or
    14  in an acknowledgment of receipt from a third party provided to
    15  the sheriff pursuant to section 6108.3 (relating to
    16  relinquishment to third party for safekeeping). If the defendant
    17  fails to comply with this subsection, the sheriff shall, at a
    18  minimum, provide immediate notice to the court, the plaintiff
    19  and appropriate law enforcement agencies.
    20     (d)  Form.--The Pennsylvania State Police shall develop and
    21  make available a form to be used by dealers to accept possession
    22  of firearms, other weapons and ammunition for consignment sale,
    23  lawful transfer or safekeeping pursuant to this section.
    24     (e)  Transfer upon entry of final order.--Upon entry of a
    25  final protection from abuse order issued pursuant to section
    26  6108, which order provided for the relinquishment of firearms,
    27  other weapons or ammunition during the period of time the order
    28  is in effect, a defendant who had relinquished firearms, other
    29  weapons or ammunition to the sheriff pursuant to a temporary
    30  order may request that the firearms, other weapons or ammunition
    20050H1717B2174                 - 48 -     

     1  be relinquished to a dealer for consignment sale, lawful
     2  transfer or safekeeping pursuant to this section. If the
     3  defendant can identify a licensed dealer willing to accept the
     4  firearms, other weapons or ammunition in compliance with this
     5  section, the court shall order the sheriff to transport the
     6  firearms, other weapons or ammunition to the licensed dealer at
     7  no cost to the defendant or the licensed dealer.
     8     (f)  Nondisclosure.--The affidavit obtained under subsection
     9  (c) shall not be subject to access under the act of June 21,
    10  1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    11     (g)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    12  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    13  subsection:
    14     "Safekeeping."  The secure custody of firearms, other weapons
    15  or ammunition ordered relinquished by an active protection from
    16  abuse order issued pursuant to section 6108 (relating to relief)
    17  by a dealer licensed pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 6113 (relating to
    18  licensing of dealers).
    19     "Sale or lawful transfer."  Any sale or transfer to a person
    20  other than the defendant or a member of the defendant's
    21  household which is conducted in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    22  61 (relating to firearms and other dangerous articles).
    23  § 6108.3.  Relinquishment to third party for safekeeping.
    24     (a)  General rule.--A defendant who is the subject of a
    25  protection from abuse order, which order provided for the
    26  relinquishment of firearms, other weapons or ammunition during
    27  the period of time the order is in effect may, within the time
    28  frame specified in the order and in lieu of relinquishment to
    29  the sheriff, relinquish any firearms, other weapons or
    30  ammunition to a third party for safekeeping.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 49 -     

     1     (b)  Transfer to third party.--
     2         (1)  A defendant wishing to relinquish firearms, other
     3     weapons or ammunition to a third party pursuant to subsection
     4     (a) shall, within the time frame specified in the order for
     5     relinquishing firearms, other weapons and ammunition, report
     6     to the sheriff's office in the county where the order was
     7     entered along with the third party.
     8         (2)  Upon determination by the sheriff that the third
     9     party is not prohibited from possessing firearms, other
    10     weapons or ammunition pursuant to any Federal or State law
    11     and after the defendant and third party have executed the
    12     affidavits required under paragraph (3), the sheriff shall
    13     issue a safekeeping permit to the third party, which shall
    14     include, at a minimum, a list of the firearms, other weapons
    15     and ammunition which will be relinquished to the third party.
    16     The permit shall be issued at no cost to the third party or
    17     defendant. The permit shall require the third party to
    18     possess the defendant's firearms, other weapons and
    19     ammunition until the time that:
    20             (i)  the sheriff revokes the safekeeping permit
    21         pursuant to subsection (c)(1); or
    22             (ii)  the sheriff accepts return of the safekeeping
    23         permit pursuant to subsection (d).
    24         (3)  (i)  A defendant wishing to relinquish firearms,
    25         other weapons or ammunition to a third party pursuant to
    26         subsection (a) shall, in the presence of the sheriff or
    27         the sheriff's designee, execute an affidavit on a form
    28         prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police which shall
    29         include, at a minimum, the following:
    30                 (A)  The caption of the case in which the
    20050H1717B2174                 - 50 -     

     1             protection from abuse order was issued.
     2                 (B)  The name, address, date of birth and the
     3             Social Security number of the defendant.
     4                 (C)  The name, address and date of birth of the
     5             third party.
     6                 (D)  A list of the firearms, other weapons and
     7             ammunition which will be relinquished to the third
     8             party, including, if applicable, the manufacturer,
     9             model and serial number.
    10                 (E)  An acknowledgment that the defendant will
    11             not take possession of any firearm, other weapon or
    12             ammunition relinquished to the third party, until the
    13             sheriff accepts return of the safekeeping permit
    14             pursuant to subsection (d).
    15                 (F)  A plain language summary of 18 Pa.C.S. §
    16             6105(a.1)(2) and (c)(6) (relating to persons not to
    17             possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer
    18             firearms).
    19                 (G)  A plain language summary of 18 U.S.C. §
    20             922(g)(8) (relating to unlawful acts).
    21             (ii)  A third party who will be accepting possession
    22         of firearms, other weapons and ammunition pursuant to
    23         subsection (a) shall, in the presence of the sheriff or
    24         the sheriff's designee, execute an affidavit on a form
    25         prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police which shall
    26         include, at a minimum, the following:
    27                 (A)  The caption of the case in which the
    28             protection from abuse order was issued.
    29                 (B)  The name, address and date of birth of the
    30             defendant.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 51 -     

     1                 (C)  The name, address, date of birth and the
     2             Social Security number of the third party.
     3                 (D)  A list of the firearms, other weapons and
     4             ammunition which will be relinquished to the third
     5             party, including, if applicable, the manufacturer,
     6             model and serial number.
     7                 (E)  An acknowledgment that no firearm, other
     8             weapon or ammunition relinquished to the third party
     9             will be returned to the defendant, until the sheriff
    10             accepts return of the safekeeping permit pursuant to
    11             subsection (d).
    12                 (F)  A plain language summary of 18 Pa.C.S. §§
    13             6105(a.1)(5) and (c)(6), 6111(c) (relating to sale or
    14             transfer of firearms) and 6115 (relating to loans on,
    15             or lending or giving firearms prohibited).
    16                 (G)  A plain language summary of this section.
    17                 (H)  An acknowledgment that the third party is
    18             not prohibited from possessing firearms, other
    19             weapons or ammunition pursuant to any Federal or
    20             State law.
    21                 (I)  An acknowledgment that the third party is
    22             not subject to an active protection from abuse order.
    23                 (J)  An acknowledgment that the defendant has
    24             never been the subject of a protection from abuse
    25             order issued on behalf of the third party.
    26                 (K)  An acknowledgment that any firearms, other
    27             weapons and ammunition relinquished to the third
    28             party will be stored using a locking device as
    29             defined in paragraph (1) of the definition of
    30             "locking device" in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6142(f) (relating to
    20050H1717B2174                 - 52 -     

     1             locking device for firearms) or in a secure location
     2             to which the defendant does not have access.
     3         (4)  The defendant shall, within the time frame specified
     4     in the order and in lieu of relinquishment to the sheriff,
     5     relinquish the firearms, other weapons and ammunition
     6     specified in the affidavits provided to the sheriff pursuant
     7     to paragraph (3) to the third party who has been issued a
     8     safekeeping permit pursuant to paragraph (2). Upon
     9     relinquishment of the firearms to the third party, the third
    10     party shall sign an acknowledgment of receipt on a form
    11     prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police, which shall
    12     include, at a minimum, an acknowledgment that the firearms
    13     were relinquished to the third party within the time frame
    14     specified in the order.
    15         (5)  Within 24 hours of the issuance of the safekeeping
    16     permit issued to the third party pursuant to paragraph (2) or
    17     by close of the next business day as necessary due to the
    18     closure of the sheriff's office, the defendant shall return
    19     the signed acknowledgment of receipt required under paragraph
    20     (4) to the sheriff in the county where the order was entered.
    21         (6)  If the defendant fails to provide the acknowledgment
    22     of receipt to the sheriff as required under paragraph (5), an
    23     affidavit prepared in accordance with section
    24     6108(a)(7)(i)(B) (relating to relief), an affidavit under
    25     section 6108.2 (relating to relinquishment for consignment
    26     sale, lawful transfer or safekeeping) or fails to relinquish
    27     any firearms, other weapons or ammunition, the sheriff shall,
    28     at a minimum, provide immediate notice to the court, the
    29     plaintiff and appropriate law enforcement agencies.
    30     (c)  Revocation of safekeeping permit.--
    20050H1717B2174                 - 53 -     

     1         (1)  The sheriff shall revoke a third party's safekeeping
     2     permit and require the third party to relinquish to the
     3     sheriff any firearms, other weapons or ammunition which were
     4     relinquished to the third party by a defendant pursuant to
     5     subsection (a) upon determining or being notified that any of
     6     the following apply:
     7             (i)  A protection from abuse order has been entered
     8         against the third party.
     9             (ii)  The third party is prohibited from possessing
    10         firearms, other weapons or ammunition pursuant to any
    11         Federal or State law.
    12             (iii)  The defendant has been convicted of a
    13         violation of 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to firearms and
    14         other dangerous articles), or any other offense involving
    15         the use of a firearm.
    16             (iv)  The defendant has been held in indirect
    17         criminal contempt for violating a provision of the
    18         protection from abuse order consistent with section
    19         6108(a)(1), (2), (6), (7) or (9) (relating to relief).
    20         (2)  Upon revocation of a safekeeping permit, the sheriff
    21     shall seize the safekeeping permit and all of the defendant's
    22     firearms, other weapons and ammunition which were
    23     relinquished to the third party. If revocation of the
    24     safekeeping permit was:
    25             (i)  Required pursuant to paragraph (1)(i) or (ii),
    26         the sheriff shall notify the defendant that the firearms,
    27         other weapons and ammunition which were relinquished to
    28         the third party are in the sheriff's possession and that
    29         the defendant may report to the sheriff's office in order
    30         to relinquish the firearms, other weapons and ammunition
    20050H1717B2174                 - 54 -     

     1         to a subsequent third party pursuant to this section or
     2         to a licensed dealer pursuant to section 6108.2 (relating
     3         to relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful transfer
     4         or safekeeping).
     5             (ii)  Required pursuant to paragraph (1)(iii) or
     6         (iv), the sheriff shall maintain possession of the
     7         firearms, other weapons and ammunition until the
     8         defendant is no longer prohibited from possessing
     9         firearms, other weapons and ammunition pursuant to any
    10         Federal or State law unless:
    11                 (A)  the defendant has the firearms, other
    12             weapons and ammunition relinquished to a licensed
    13             dealer pursuant to section 6108.2; or
    14                 (B)  the sheriff is directed to relinquish the
    15             firearms, other weapons and ammunition pursuant to a
    16             court order.
    17     (d)  Return of safekeeping permit.--
    18         (1)  Following expiration of a protection from abuse
    19     order, which order provided for the relinquishment of
    20     firearms, other weapons or ammunition, the defendant and the
    21     third party shall report to the sheriff's office to return
    22     the safekeeping permit. Upon a determination by the sheriff
    23     that the defendant is:
    24             (i)  Not prohibited from possessing firearms, other
    25         weapons and ammunition, the sheriff shall accept the
    26         return of the safekeeping permit and the third party
    27         shall relinquish to the defendant all of the defendant's
    28         firearms, other weapons and ammunition which were
    29         relinquished to the third party pursuant to this section.
    30             (ii)  Prohibited from possessing a firearm, other
    20050H1717B2174                 - 55 -     

     1         weapon or ammunition pursuant to any Federal or State
     2         law, the sheriff shall accept return of the permit and
     3         seize from the third party all of the defendant's
     4         firearms, other weapons and ammunition, which were
     5         relinquished to the third party pursuant to this section.
     6         The sheriff shall return to the defendant any firearm,
     7         other weapon or ammunition, which the defendant is
     8         lawfully entitled to possess.
     9         (2)  Upon issuance of a court order pursuant to 18
    10     Pa.C.S. §§ 6105(f)(2) or 6108.1(b) (relating to return of
    11     relinquished firearms, other weapons and ammunition) which
    12     modifies a valid protection from abuse order by allowing the
    13     defendant to take possession of a firearm, other weapon or
    14     ammunition that had previously been ordered relinquished, the
    15     defendant and the third party shall report to the sheriff's
    16     office to return the safekeeping permit. The sheriff shall
    17     proceed as directed by the court order.
    18         (3)  If a third party wishes to relinquish the
    19     defendant's firearms, other weapons and ammunition prior to
    20     return of the safekeeping permit pursuant to paragraph (1),
    21     the sheriff shall accept return of the safekeeping permit and
    22     shall seize all of the defendant's firearms, other weapons
    23     and ammunition from the third party. The sheriff shall notify
    24     the defendant that the firearms, other weapons and
    25     ammunition, which were relinquished to the third party are in
    26     the sheriff's possession and that the defendant may
    27     relinquish the firearms, other weapons and ammunition to a
    28     subsequent third party pursuant to this section or to a
    29     licensed dealer pursuant to section 6108.2.
    30     (e)  Civil liability.--A third party who intentionally or
    20050H1717B2174                 - 56 -     

     1  knowingly violates any of the provisions of this section shall,
     2  in addition to any other penalty prescribed in this chapter or
     3  18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 be civilly liable to any person for any
     4  damages caused thereby and, in addition, shall be liable to any
     5  person for punitive damages in an amount not to exceed $5,000,
     6  and the court shall award a prevailing plaintiff a reasonable
     7  attorney fee as part of the costs.
     8     (f)  Forms.--The Pennsylvania State Police shall develop and
     9  make available:
    10         (1)  Forms to be used by sheriffs to issue safekeeping
    11     permits pursuant to subsection (b)(2).
    12         (2)  Affidavit forms and receipt forms to be used by
    13     defendants and third parties as required under subsection
    14     (b)(3) and (4).
    15     (g)  Transfer upon final entry.--A defendant who has
    16  previously relinquished firearms, other weapons or ammunition to
    17  the sheriff pursuant to a temporary order, shall be permitted to
    18  have the firearms, other weapons and ammunition relinquished to
    19  a third party pursuant to this section following entry of a
    20  final protection from abuse order, which order provides for the
    21  relinquishment of firearms, other weapons or ammunition during
    22  the period of time the order is in effect.
    23     (h)  Nondisclosure.--All copies of the safekeeping permit
    24  issued under subsection (b)(2) retained by the sheriff and the
    25  affidavits and forms obtained under subsection (b)(3) and (4)
    26  shall not be subject to access under the act of June 21, 1957
    27  (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    28     (i)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    29  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    30  subsection:
    20050H1717B2174                 - 57 -     

     1     "Safekeeping."  The secure custody of firearms, other weapons
     2  or ammunition, which were ordered relinquished by a valid
     3  protection from abuse order, by a third party.
     4     "Third party."  A person, other than the defendant, who:
     5         (1)  Is not a member of the defendant's household.
     6         (2)  Is not prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant
     7     to any Federal or State law.
     8  § 6108.4.  Registry or database of firearm ownership.
     9     (a)  Confidentiality.--Information retained to ensure
    10  compliance with this chapter and to document the return of
    11  firearms shall not be subject to access under the act of June
    12  21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know
    13  Law.
    14     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
    15  construed to allow a government or law enforcement agency, or an
    16  agent or employee of either, or any other person or entity to
    17  create, maintain or operate a database or registry of firearm
    18  ownership within this Commonwealth. However, information may be
    19  retained to ensure compliance with this chapter and to document
    20  the return of firearms.
    21  § 6108.5.  Penalties for release of information.
    22     Any person who violates section 6108(a)(7)(v) (relating to
    23  relief) by releasing information with the intent and purpose of
    24  committing such violation commits a misdemeanor of the third
    25  degree.
    26     Section 10.  Section 6110 of Title 23 is amended by adding a
    27  subsection to read:
    28  § 6110.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
    29     * * *
    30     (e)  Master for emergency relief.--The president judge of a
    20050H1717B2174                 - 58 -     

     1  court of common pleas of a judicial district may provide for the
     2  selection and appointment of a master for emergency relief on a
     3  full-time or part-time basis. The number of masters for
     4  emergency relief shall be fixed by the president judge. The
     5  compensation of a master for emergency relief shall be fixed and
     6  paid by the county.
     7     Section 11.  Sections 6113 and 6113.1 of Title 23, amended
     8  November 30, 2004 (P.L.1618, No.207), are amended to read:
     9  § 6113.  Arrest for violation of order.
    10     (a)  General rule.--An arrest for violation of an order
    11  issued pursuant to this chapter or a foreign protection order
    12  may be without warrant upon probable cause whether or not the
    13  violation is committed in the presence of the police officer or
    14  sheriff in circumstances where the defendant has violated a
    15  provision of an order consistent with section 6108(a)(1), (2),
    16  (3), (4), (6), (7) or (9) (relating to relief). The police
    17  officer or sheriff may verify the existence of a protection
    18  order by telephone, radio or other electronic communication with
    19  the appropriate police department, Pennsylvania State Police
    20  registry, protection order file or issuing authority. A police
    21  officer or sheriff shall arrest a defendant for violating an
    22  order issued under this chapter by a court within the judicial
    23  district, issued by a court in another judicial district within
    24  this Commonwealth or a foreign protection order issued by a
    25  comparable court.
    26     (b)  Seizure of [weapons] firearms, other weapons and
    27  ammunition.--Subsequent to an arrest, the police officer or
    28  sheriff shall seize all [weapons] firearms, other weapons and
    29  ammunition used or threatened to be used during the violation of
    30  the protection order or during prior incidents of abuse and any
    20050H1717B2174                 - 59 -     

     1  other firearms in the defendant's possession. As soon as it is
     2  reasonably possible, the arresting officer shall deliver the
     3  confiscated [weapons] firearms, other weapons and ammunition to
     4  the office of the sheriff. The sheriff shall maintain possession
     5  of the [weapons] firearms, other weapons and ammunition until
     6  the court issues an order specifying the [weapons] firearms,
     7  other weapons and ammunition to be relinquished and the persons
     8  to whom the [weapons] firearms, other weapons and ammunition
     9  shall be relinquished.
    10     (c)  Procedure following arrest.--Subsequent to an arrest,
    11  the defendant shall be taken by the police officer or sheriff
    12  without unnecessary delay before the court in the judicial
    13  district where the contempt is alleged to have occurred. When
    14  that court is unavailable, the police officer or sheriff shall
    15  convey the defendant to a magisterial district judge designated
    16  as appropriate by local rules of court or, in the city of
    17  Pittsburgh, to a magistrate of the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court
    18  or, in counties of the first class, to the appropriate hearing
    19  officer. For purposes of procedure relating to arraignments for
    20  arrest for violation of an order issued under this chapter, the
    21  judges of Pittsburgh Magistrates Court shall be deemed to be
    22  magisterial district judges.
    23     (d)  Preliminary arraignment.--The defendant shall be
    24  afforded a preliminary arraignment without unnecessary delay.
    25     (e)  Other emergency powers unaffected.--This section shall
    26  not be construed to in any way limit any of the other powers for
    27  emergency relief provided in this chapter.
    28     (f)  Hearing.--A hearing shall be scheduled within ten days
    29  of the filing of the charge or complaint of indirect criminal
    30  contempt. The hearing and any adjudication shall not preclude a
    20050H1717B2174                 - 60 -     

     1  hearing on other criminal charges underlying the contempt, nor
     2  shall a hearing or adjudication on other criminal charges
     3  preclude a hearing on a charge of indirect criminal contempt.
     4  § 6113.1.  Private criminal complaints for violation of order or
     5             agreement.
     6     (a)  General rule.--A plaintiff may file a private criminal
     7  complaint against a defendant, alleging indirect criminal
     8  contempt for a noneconomic violation of any provision of an
     9  order or court-approved consent agreement issued under this
    10  chapter or a foreign protection order, with the court, the
    11  office of the district attorney or the magisterial district
    12  judge in the jurisdiction or county where the violation
    13  occurred, except that, in a city of the first class, a complaint
    14  may only be filed with the family division of the court of
    15  common pleas or the office of the district attorney.
    16     (b)  Procedure service.--Procedure for filing and service of
    17  a private criminal complaint shall be provided as set forth by
    18  local rule. No fees or costs associated with the prosecution of
    19  the private criminal complaint shall be assigned to the
    20  plaintiff at any stage of the proceeding, including, but not
    21  limited to, filing, service, failure to prosecute, withdrawal or
    22  dismissal. Nothing in this subsection is intended to expand or
    23  diminish the court's authority to enter an order pursuant to
    24  Pa.R.C.P. No. 1023.1 (relating to Scope. Signing of Documents.
    25  Representations to the Court. Violation).
    26     (c)  Fees and costs.--After a finding of indirect criminal
    27  contempt, fees and costs may be assessed against the defendant.
    28  The court shall waive fees and costs imposed pursuant to this
    29  chapter, upon a showing of good cause or when the court makes a
    30  finding that the defendant is not able to pay the costs
    20050H1717B2174                 - 61 -     

     1  associated with the indirect criminal contempt action. Nothing
     2  in this subsection is intended to expand or diminish the court's
     3  authority to enter an order pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. No. 1023.1.
     4     Section 12.  Sections 6114 and 6117 of Title 23 are amended
     5  to read:
     6  § 6114.  Contempt for violation of order or agreement.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Where the police, sheriff or the
     8  plaintiff have filed charges of indirect criminal contempt
     9  against a defendant for violation of a protection order issued
    10  under this chapter, a foreign protection order or a court-
    11  approved consent agreement, the court may hold the defendant in
    12  indirect criminal contempt and punish the defendant in
    13  accordance with law.
    14     (a.1)  Jurisdiction.--A court shall have jurisdiction over
    15  indirect criminal contempt charges for violation of a protection
    16  order issued pursuant to this chapter [or a foreign protection
    17  order] in the county where the violation occurred[.] and in the
    18  county where the protection order was granted. A court shall
    19  have jurisdiction over indirect criminal contempt charges for
    20  violation of a foreign protection order in the county where the
    21  violation occurred.
    22     (a.2)  Minor defendant.--Any defendant who is a minor and who
    23  is charged with indirect criminal contempt for allegedly
    24  violating a protection from abuse order shall be considered to
    25  have committed an alleged delinquent act as that term is defined
    26  in 42 Pa.C.S. § 6302 (relating to definitions) and shall be
    27  treated as provided in 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to juvenile
    28  matters).
    29     (b)  Trial and punishment.--
    30         (1)  A sentence for contempt under this chapter may
    20050H1717B2174                 - 62 -     

     1     include [imprisonment up to six months or a fine of not less
     2     than $100 nor more than $1,000, or both, and may include
     3     other relief set forth in this chapter. All moneys received
     4     under this section shall be forwarded to the Commonwealth and
     5     shall be used by the Pennsylvania State Police to establish
     6     and maintain the Statewide registry of protection orders
     7     provided for in section 6105 (relating to responsibilities of
     8     law enforcement agencies). The defendant shall not have a
     9     right to a jury trial on such a charge; however, the
    10     defendant shall be entitled to counsel.]:
    11             (i)  (A)  a fine of not less than $300 nor more than
    12             $1,000 and imprisonment up to six months; or
    13                 (B)  a fine of not less than $300 nor more than
    14             $1,000 and supervised probation not to exceed six
    15             months; and
    16             (ii)  an order for other relief set forth in this
    17         chapter.
    18         (2)  All money received under this section shall be
    19     distributed in the following order of priority:
    20             (i)  $100 shall be forwarded to the Commonwealth and
    21         shall be used by the Pennsylvania State Police to
    22         establish and maintain the Statewide registry of
    23         protection orders provided for in section 6105 (relating
    24         to responsibilities of law enforcement agencies).
    25             (ii)  $100 shall be retained by the county and shall
    26         be used to carry out the provisions of this chapter as
    27         follows:
    28                 (A)  $50 shall be used by the sheriff.
    29                 (B)  $50 shall be used by the court.
    30             (iii)  $100 shall be forwarded to the Department of
    20050H1717B2174                 - 63 -     

     1         Public Welfare for use for victims of domestic violence
     2         in accordance with the provisions of section 2333 of the
     3         act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
     4         Administrative Code of 1929.
     5             (iv)  Any additional money shall be forwarded to the
     6         Commonwealth and shall be used by the Pennsylvania State
     7         Police to establish and maintain the Statewide registry
     8         of protection orders provided for in section 6105.
     9         (3)  The defendant shall not have a right to a jury trial
    10     on a charge of indirect criminal contempt. However, the
    11     defendant shall be entitled to counsel.
    12         (4)  Upon conviction for indirect criminal contempt and
    13     at the request of the plaintiff, the court shall also grant
    14     an extension of the protection order for an additional term.
    15         (5)  Upon conviction for indirect criminal contempt, the
    16     court shall notify the sheriff of the jurisdiction which
    17     issued the protection order of the conviction.
    18         (6)  The minimum fine required by subsection (b)(1)
    19     allocated pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(i) and (iii) shall be
    20     used to supplement and not to supplant any other source of
    21     funds received for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
    22     of this chapter.
    23     (c)  Notification upon release.--The appropriate releasing
    24  authority or other official as designated by local rule shall
    25  use all reasonable means to notify the victim sufficiently in
    26  advance of the release of the offender from any incarceration
    27  imposed under subsection (b). Notification shall be required for
    28  work release, furlough, medical leave, community service,
    29  discharge, escape and recapture. Notification shall include the
    30  terms and conditions imposed on any temporary release from
    20050H1717B2174                 - 64 -     

     1  custody. The plaintiff must keep the appropriate releasing
     2  authority or other official as designated by local rule advised
     3  of contact information; failure to do so will constitute waiver
     4  of any right to notification under this section.
     5     (d)  Multiple remedies.--Disposition of a charge of indirect
     6  criminal contempt shall not preclude the prosecution of other
     7  criminal charges associated with the incident giving rise to the
     8  contempt, nor shall disposition of other criminal charges
     9  preclude prosecution of indirect criminal contempt associated
    10  with the criminal conduct giving rise to the charges.
    11  § 6117.  Procedure and other remedies.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise indicated in this
    13  chapter, a proceeding under this chapter shall be in accordance
    14  with applicable general rules and shall be in addition to any
    15  other available civil or criminal remedies. The plaintiff and
    16  the defendant may seek modification of an order issued under
    17  section 6108 (relating to relief) at any time during the
    18  pendency of an order. [Modification] Except as otherwise
    19  indicated in this chapter, modification may be ordered after the
    20  filing of a petition for modification, service of the petition
    21  and a hearing on the petition.
    22     (b)  Remedies for bad faith.--Notwithstanding any other
    23  provision of law, upon finding that an individual commenced a
    24  proceeding under this chapter in bad faith, a court shall direct
    25  the individual to pay to the defendant actual damages and
    26  reasonable attorney fees. Failure to prove an allegation of
    27  abuse by a preponderance of the evidence shall not, by itself,
    28  result in a finding of bad faith.
    29     Section 13.  Title 23 is amended by adding sections to read:
    30  § 6119.  Immunity.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 65 -     

     1     (a)  General rule.--Law enforcement agencies and their
     2  employees, including police officers and sheriffs, shall, except
     3  as provided in subsection (b), be immune from civil liability
     4  for actions taken in good faith to carry out their duties
     5  relating to the seizure and relinquishment of firearms, other
     6  weapons and ammunition as provided for in this chapter, except
     7  for gross negligence, intentional misconduct or reckless,
     8  willful or wanton misconduct.
     9     (b)  Exception.--Law enforcement agencies and their
    10  employees, including police officers and sheriffs, shall be
    11  liable to the lawful owner of confiscated, seized or
    12  relinquished firearms in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. § 6105(f)
    13  (relating to persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control,
    14  sell or transfer firearms) and shall be liable to the lawful
    15  owner of confiscated, seized or relinquished other weapons or
    16  ammunition for any loss, damage or substantial decrease in the
    17  value of the other weapons or ammunition that is a direct result
    18  of a lack of reasonable care by the law enforcement agency or
    19  its employees.
    20  § 6120.  Inability to pay.
    21     (a)  Order for installment payments.--Upon plea and proof
    22  that a person is without the financial means to pay a fine, a
    23  fee, economic relief ordered under section 6108(a)(8) (relating
    24  to relief) or a cost, a court may order payment of money owed in
    25  installments appropriate to the circumstances of the person and
    26  shall fix the amounts, times and manner of payment. Installment
    27  payments shall not exceed two years.
    28     (b)  Use of credit cards.--The treasurer of each county may
    29  allow the use of credit cards and bank cards in the payment of
    30  money owed under this chapter.
    20050H1717B2174                 - 66 -     

     1  § 6121.  Warrantless searches.
     2     Except as provided in section 6113 (relating to arrest for
     3  violation of order), nothing in this chapter shall authorize a
     4  warrantless search for firearms, other weapons or ammunition.
     5  § 6122.  Construction.
     6     Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude an
     7  action for wrongful use of civil process pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S.
     8  Ch. 83 Subch. E (relating to wrongful use of civil proceedings)
     9  or criminal prosecution for a violation of 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 49
    10  (relating to falsification and intimidation).
    11     Section 14.  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    12  Delinquency shall submit a report to the General Assembly three
    13  years after the effective date of this section on the progress
    14  of the Firearms License to Carry Modernization Fund.
    15     Section 15.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    16         (1)  The addition or amendment of 18 Pa.C.S. § 6109(e)(3)
    17     introductory paragraph, (i), (ii), (v) and (vi) shall take
    18     effect in 90 days.
    19         (2)  The addition or amendment of 18 Pa.C.S. §
    20     6109(e)(3)(iii), (iv) and (4) shall take effect upon
    21     publication of the notice under 18 Pa.C.S. § 6109(h)(2) or
    22     five years and 60 days, whichever is first.
    23         (3)  This section shall take effect immediately.
    24         (4)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
    25     days.

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