See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2118



No. 1728 Session of 1989

           HALUSKA AND LAUGHLIN, JUNE 20, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for licensing and placement of video poker machines in
     2     this Commonwealth, for powers and duties of the Department of
     3     Revenue, for local option and for distribution of revenues.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6  Section 2.  Definitions.
     7  Section 3.  Powers and duties of department.
     8  Section 4.  Use of enforcement agents.
     9  Section 5.  Unlawful use by minors.
    10  Section 6.  Direct dispensing.
    11  Section 7.  Local option.
    12  Section 8.  Authority to license.
    13  Section 9.  Distribution of proceeds.
    14  Section 10.  Local government revenues.
    15  Section 11.  Cities of the first class.
    16  Section 12.  Creation of account.
    17  Section 13.  Preemption of local taxes and license fees.
    18  Section 14.  Existing machines.

     1  Section 15.  Penalty.
     2  Section 16.  Exemption from State gambling laws.
     3  Section 17.  Exemption from Federal regulation.
     4  Section 18.  Effective date.
     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Video Poker
     9  Control Law.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Clubs."  Nonprofit establishments which have a valid club
    15  liquor license under the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21),
    16  known as the Liquor Code.
    17     "County."  A county of the first or second class.
    18     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    19     "Distributor."  An individual, partnership or corporation
    20  licensed under this act to buy, sell, lease or distribute video
    21  poker machines. The term excludes machine owners and
    22  manufacturers.
    23     "Gross proceeds."  The total amount of money placed into
    24  video poker machines by players.
    25     "Incentives."  A consideration, including a premium or bonus
    26  in cash or advance commission or merchandise offered from a
    27  machine owner to a licensed establishment in order to solicit
    28  its business.
    29     "Licensed establishment."  A restaurant, bar, tavern, hotel
    30  or club which has a valid liquor license under the Liquor Code
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     1  and which is located within a participating political
     2  subdivision.
     3     "Machine owner."  An individual, partnership or corporation
     4  licensed under this act that owns, services and maintains video
     5  poker machines for placing in various State-approved places.
     6     "Manufacturer."  An individual, partnership or corporation
     7  licensed under this act that manufactures or assembles video
     8  poker machines.
     9     "Net profits."  Gross proceeds after prizes, and license fees
    10  as provided for in section 8(a)(3), have been paid.
    11     "Operator."  A club or establishment licensed under this act
    12  to offer video poker by the placing and making available for
    13  play of video poker machines.
    14     "Participating political subdivision."  A city, township,
    15  borough or school district where video poker machines are in use
    16  under this act.
    17     "Video poker machine."  A device or machine which, upon
    18  insertion of a coin, is available to play or simulate the play
    19  of the game of poker utilizing a video display and
    20  microprocessors and in which, whether by the skill of the player
    21  or by chance, the player may receive free games or credits which
    22  can be redeemed for cash or anything of value.
    23  Section 3.  Powers and duties of department.
    24     (a)  General powers and duties.--The department has the power
    25  and duty:
    26         (1)  To promulgate regulations to:
    27             (i)  Provide for licensing procedures under this act.
    28             (ii)  Prescribe necessary application and reporting
    29         forms to be used under this act.
    30             (iii)  Prescribe electronic accounting devices
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     1         necessary to verify reports to be used in this act.
     2         (2)  To grant or deny license applications.
     3         (3)  To employ enforcement agents and other employees
     4     necessary to carry out the functions of the department under
     5     this act. Persons employed must be citizens of the United
     6     States. Persons employed must not have a direct or indirect
     7     interest in a person or entity licensed under this act.
     8     Persons employed shall be fingerprinted and bonded. The
     9     department may not employ persons who have done one of the
    10     following:
    11             (i)  Been convicted of or pleaded guilty or no
    12         contest to a felony.
    13             (ii)  Been convicted of, pleaded guilty or no contest
    14         to, paid a fine for, or forfeited a bond to appear in
    15         relation to a violation of a Federal or state statute
    16         concerning gambling or lottery devices, equipment or
    17         games.
    18         (4)  Inspect and approve a video poker machine
    19     representative of each type of machine to be used in video
    20     poker games and conduct spot inspections of video poker
    21     machines on premises where they are being played to ensure
    22     that the devices comply with this act and regulations
    23     promulgated under paragraph (1) and that the devices do not
    24     vary in a meaningful manner from the inspected and approved
    25     representative device of the same type.
    26     (b)  License approval.--The department may not grant an
    27  applicant a machine owner or licensed establishment license
    28  unless:
    29         (1)  If the applicant is an individual all of the
    30     following apply:
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     1             (i)  The applicant is an honest person of good
     2         character and integrity and is qualified and has adequate
     3         financing from suitable sources.
     4             (ii)  The applicant is a citizen of the United States
     5         and a resident of this Commonwealth for at least two
     6         years previous to the application.
     7             (iii)  The applicant has not been convicted of nor
     8         pleaded guilty or no contest to a felony.
     9             (iv)  The applicant has not been convicted of,
    10         pleaded guilty or no contest to, paid a penalty for, nor
    11         forfeited a bond to appear in relation to a violation of
    12         a Federal or state statute concerning gambling or lottery
    13         devices, equipment or games.
    14             (v)  The applicant has no direct or indirect interest
    15         in a person or entity holding a type of license other
    16         than the type for which the applicant is applying.
    17         (2)  If the applicant is a partnership, the partners,
    18     general and limited, qualify as individuals under paragraph
    19     (1).
    20         (3)  If the applicant is a corporation all of the
    21     following apply:
    22             (i)  It is a registered Pennsylvania corporation for
    23         at least two years.
    24             (ii)  At least 50% of its directors are Pennsylvania
    25         residents for at least two years.
    26             (iii)  All officers qualify as individuals under
    27         paragraph (1).
    28             (iv)  Its stockholders are individuals.
    29             (v)  Every stockholder owning 5% or more of the stock
    30         of the corporation qualifies as an individual under
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     1         paragraph (1).
     2     (c)  Hearing.--A person who was denied a license has the
     3  right to a hearing before the department. The hearing shall be
     4  conducted under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice
     5  and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
     6     (d)  Winning percentage.--The department shall prescribe
     7  necessary machine accounting information under subsection
     8  (a)(1)(iii). Video poker machines shall be set to award players
     9  minimum winnings of 78%. Video poker machines shall have
    10  electronic accounting devices to verify revenue due and winning
    11  percentages.
    12     (e)  Violations.--The department shall investigate, penalize
    13  civilly and suspend or revoke licenses for violations of this
    14  act and shall hold hearings in which to consider these matters.
    15  A license may not be suspended or revoked until a hearing is
    16  completed. The fine for a violation of this act may not exceed
    17  $5,000 for the first violation and $15,000 for each subsequent
    18  violation. In addition to the fine, interest on any moneys held
    19  improperly, as the department may prescribe, shall be collected.
    20  Section 4.  Use of enforcement agents.
    21     (a)  Powers.--Employees of the department designated as
    22  enforcement agents are empowered to investigate the background
    23  and associates of license applicants to whatever extent is
    24  judged necessary by the department. No investigation may be
    25  undertaken prior to the submission of an application for a
    26  license by a party. No investigation may continue subsequent to
    27  the granting of a license, the denial of a license or the
    28  withdrawal of a license application.
    29     (b)  Authority.--Enforcement agents are empowered to be peace
    30  officers and shall have police power and authority throughout
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     1  this Commonwealth to arrest, on view or under warrant, a person
     2  who is violating a criminal provision of this act.
     3     (c)  Investigation and report.--Enforcement agents may
     4  investigate alleged illegal activities concerning video poker
     5  machines and their operation, maintenance and placement.
     6  Findings shall be reported in writing to the department. The
     7  department shall relay suspected criminal activity or violations
     8  of the law to the appropriate district attorney for prosecution.
     9     (d)  State and local police.--In addition to any other person
    10  authorized to enforce the provisions of this act, the
    11  Pennsylvania State Police and police of participating political
    12  subdivisions are empowered to enforce this act.
    13  Section 5.  Unlawful use by minors.
    14     (a)  Minors.--No person under 21 years of age may use or play
    15  the video poker machines. A minor using or playing or attempting
    16  to use or play a video poker machine commits a summary offense
    17  and shall, upon conviction, pay a fine not in excess of $1,000.
    18     (b)  Licensees.--A licensed establishment which permits a
    19  person under 21 years of age to play or use the video poker
    20  machines, whether or not that licensed establishment is actually
    21  aware of the minor's age, commits a summary offense and shall,
    22  upon conviction, pay a fine not in excess of $5,000. The
    23  establishment of the following facts by a person allowing a
    24  minor to operate the video poker machines constitutes a defense
    25  to prosecution under this subsection:
    26         (1)  The minor falsely represented in writing that the
    27     minor was 21 years of age or older.
    28         (2)  The appearance of the minor was such that an
    29     ordinary person of prudent judgment would believe the minor
    30     to be 21 years of age or older.
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     1         (3)  The permission to operate the video poker machines
     2     was made in good faith, relying upon written representation
     3     and appearance and in the reasonable belief that the minor
     4     was actually 21 years of age or older.
     5  Section 6.  Direct dispensing.
     6     A video poker machine may not directly dispense coins, cash,
     7  tokens or any other article of exchange or value except for
     8  receipts tickets. Such tickets shall be dispensed by pressing
     9  the ticket-dispensing button on the machine at the end of one's
    10  turn of play. The ticket shall indicate the total amount of
    11  credits and prize money won, and the player shall turn in this
    12  ticket to the appropriate person at the licensed establishment
    13  to receive his prize money. The cost of a credit shall be 25¢
    14  and the number of credits played per game shall not exceed four.
    15  No prize for any individual game shall exceed $400. A video
    16  poker machine shall be designed and manufactured to record all
    17  use of the device and the amounts deposited in the device.
    18  Section 7.  Local option.
    19     (a)  Placement on ballot.--A majority of the voters of a
    20  county have the option to approve or rescind approval of the
    21  placement of video poker machines within its boundaries if
    22  approval or rescission of approval is in conformity with the act
    23  of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania
    24  Election Code. The question shall be placed upon the ballot of
    25  that county for the next regularly scheduled election if 15% of
    26  the registered voters of that county sign a petition requesting
    27  that the question be put on the ballot. Votes shall be totaled
    28  by municipality and the question shall only be considered
    29  approved in a particular municipality if a majority of the
    30  voters voting in both the county and that municipality voted
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     1  affirmatively on the question. The results shall be transmitted
     2  to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who shall have the duty of
     3  informing the department of the result.
     4     (b)  Special election.--No special election shall be held to
     5  answer this question. However, if a special election is held to
     6  decide other matters, this question may properly be placed on
     7  that ballot along with the other matters to be decided.
     8     (c)  Restriction.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
     9  subsections (a) and (b), no election for the purpose of deciding
    10  whether video poker machines may be placed in licensed
    11  establishments within any municipality in any county or
    12  rescinding such a decision may be held within two years of any
    13  prior election in which such a question appeared on the ballot.
    14  Section 8.  Authority to license.
    15     (a)  Types of license.--After approving the proper
    16  applications, the department may issue the following licenses:
    17         (1)  A manufacturer's license may be issued to an
    18     individual, partnership or corporation that manufactures,
    19     assembles or produces video poker machines for use in this
    20     Commonwealth. The annual fee shall be $25,000.
    21         (2)  A distributor's license may be issued to an
    22     individual, partnership or corporation that buys, sells,
    23     leases or distributes video poker machines in this
    24     Commonwealth. The annual fee shall be $10,000.
    25         (3)  A machine owner's license may be issued to a person
    26     who owns, services and maintains video poker machines for
    27     placement in licensed establishments. The annual fee shall be
    28     $25,000 for the first 50 individual video poker machine
    29     licenses. For each additional video poker machine, the annual
    30     fee shall be $500 per machine. Every video poker machine in
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     1     use in this Commonwealth must have a current $500 license
     2     displayed. Every video poker machine licensed under this act
     3     must be manufactured by an individual, partnership or
     4     corporation licensed under paragraph (1).
     5         (4)  A licensed establishment shall obtain a licensed
     6     establishment license in order to have video poker machines
     7     on its premises. The annual fee for the license shall be as
     8     follows:
     9             (i)  Class I - $500 (for up to and including three
    10         video poker machines).
    11             (ii)  Class II - $1,500 (for up to and including five
    12         video poker machines).
    13             (iii)  Class III - $5,000 (for up to and including
    14         ten video poker machines).
    15     (b)  Requirements.--For a licensed establishment which uses
    16  video poker machines, the number of video poker machines allowed
    17  shall be two for the first 500 square feet of serving area
    18  within the establishment and one for each additional 500 square
    19  feet of serving area within the establishment and the maximum
    20  number of video poker machines allowed shall be ten. No video
    21  poker machines may be placed in a licensed establishment unless
    22  the owner, or, in the case of a club, the proper authority of
    23  the licensed establishment, has entered into a contract with a
    24  machine owner for the placement of the machines for a minimum
    25  term of one year.
    26     (c)  Licensees.--No person may hold more than one type of
    27  license, directly or indirectly, or have any interest therein.
    28     (d)  Incentives.--A machine owner may not give and a licensed
    29  establishment may not receive an incentive. A person who
    30  violates this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the third
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     1  degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
     2  $1,000, or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
     3  Section 9.  Distribution of proceeds.
     4     (a)  Collection.--Gross proceeds shall be collected by the
     5  machine owner for each licensed video poker machine.
     6     (b)  Manner of distribution.--The net profits derived from a
     7  video poker machine shall be distributed by the machine owner as
     8  follows:
     9         (1)   Thirty percent to the machine owner.
    10         (2)  Twenty-five percent to the licensed establishment
    11     where the machine is located.
    12         (3)   Twenty-five percent to the treasurer of the county
    13     in which the machine is located for general county purposes.
    14         (4)   Twenty percent to local governments to be used for
    15     property tax relief as set forth in section 10.
    16     (c)  Reports.--The machine owner shall make a report to the
    17  county treasurer and the department each month with the
    18  following information:
    19         (1)  Serial number of each video poker machine electronic
    20     accounting device.
    21         (2)  Name and address of premises where machine is
    22     located.
    23         (3)  Computer printout of the net profits of each machine
    24     taken directly from the electronic accounting device.
    25  Section 10.  Local government revenues.
    26     (a)  Distribution.--The owner of each video poker machine
    27  shall send a monthly report and the 20% of machine net profits
    28  to the treasurer of the county where the machines are located to
    29  be distributed to municipalities and school districts where the
    30  machines are located within 30 days as follows:
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     1         (1)  Fifty percent to school districts.
     2         (2)  Fifty percent to municipalities.
     3     (b)  Purpose.--It is the intent of the General Assembly that
     4  the moneys distributed under this section be used to reduce
     5  property taxes.
     6  Section 11.  Cities of the first class.
     7     (a)  Manner of distribution.--The net profits derived from a
     8  video poker machine in a city of the first class shall be
     9  distributed as follows:
    10         (1)  Thirty percent to the machine owner.
    11         (2)  Twenty-five percent to the licensed establishment
    12     where the machine is located.
    13         (3)  Twenty percent to the city for general purposes.
    14         (4)  Ten percent to the city for local tax relief.
    15         (5)  Ten percent to the school district for local tax
    16     relief.
    17         (6)  Five percent for nonresident wage tax reduction.
    18     (b)  Collection.--Net profits shall be collected by the
    19  machine owner for each licensed video poker machine.
    20     (c)  Reports.--The machine owner shall make a report to the
    21  city treasurer and the department each month with the following
    22  information:
    23         (1)  Serial number of each video poker machine electronic
    24     accounting device.
    25         (2)  Name and address of premises where machine is
    26     located.
    27         (3)  Computer printout of the net profits of each machine
    28     taken directly from the electronic accounting device.
    29     (d)  Distribution.--The owner of each video poker machine
    30  shall send a monthly report and the 50% of machine net profits
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     1  to the city treasurer to be distributed within 30 days.
     2  Section 12.  Creation of account.
     3     Revenues from licenses and fines under this act shall be
     4  placed in a restricted revenue account to fund the operation of
     5  the department as required by this act, including, but not
     6  limited to, salaries and administrative expenses. The department
     7  shall allocate a minimum of $1,000,000 annually to be used for
     8  treatment of compulsive gamblers by Gamblers Anonymous in
     9  accordance with regulations to be adopted by the department.
    10  Section 13.  Preemption of local taxes and license fees.
    11     Video poker machines located in participating political
    12  subdivisions shall be exempt from taxes levied under the act of
    13  August 5, 1932 (Sp.Sess., P.L.45, No.45), referred to as the
    14  Sterling Act, the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
    15  known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, or the act of April 13,
    16  1972 (P.L.184, No.62), known as the Home Rule Charter and
    17  Optional Plans Law.
    18  Section 14.  Existing machines.
    19     Video poker machines manufactured and sold to machine owners
    20  or distributors prior to the effective date of this act must
    21  conform with or be made to conform with this act and the
    22  regulations promulgated hereunder, in order to be licensed for
    23  use in this Commonwealth.
    24  Section 15.  Penalty.
    25     (a)  Manufacture.--A person may not manufacture, assemble or
    26  produce a video poker machine in this Commonwealth unless the
    27  person has a valid manufacturer's license issued under section
    28  8(a)(1).
    29     (b)  Distribution.--A person may not sell, distribute, lease
    30  or market a video poker machine in this Commonwealth unless the
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     1  person has a valid distributor's license issued under section
     2  8(a)(2).
     3     (c)  Use.--A person may not offer, enable or allow the
     4  playing of video poker at an establishment unless that
     5  establishment has a valid licensed establishment license issued
     6  under section 8(a)(4). A person with a valid licensed
     7  establishment license may not have more than ten video poker
     8  machines in a licensed establishment at the same time. No
     9  licensee shall permit any customer to play a video poker machine
    10  when said customer is visibly intoxicated.
    11     (d)  Tampering.--A person may not manipulate the outcome or
    12  payoff of a video poker machine through interference with the
    13  proper functioning of the mechanism.
    14     (e)  Classification.--
    15         (1)  A person who violates this section commits a
    16     misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon conviction,
    17     be sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000, or to imprisonment for
    18     not more than one year, or both.
    19         (2)  A person who violates this section a second time
    20     commits a misdemeanor of the second degree and shall, upon
    21     conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $2,000, or to
    22     imprisonment for not more than two years, or both.
    23         (3)  A person who violates this section a third and
    24     subsequent time commits a misdemeanor of the first degree and
    25     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $5,000,
    26     or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
    27         (4)  Any person who violates this section shall be liable
    28     to any persons on account of any damages incurred by them
    29     resulting from any violation of this section.
    30  Section 16.  Exemption from State gambling laws.
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     1     Video poker machines and their use are exempt from 18 Pa.C.S.
     2  § 5513 (relating to gambling devices, gambling, etc).
     3  Section 17.  Exemption from Federal regulation.
     4     The General Assembly declares that the Commonwealth is exempt
     5  from section 2 of the Gambling Devices Transportation Act (64
     6  Stat. 1134, 15 U.S.C. § 1172). Shipments of video devices into
     7  this Commonwealth in compliance with sections 3 and 4 of the
     8  Gambling Devices Transportation Act (64 Stat. 1134, 15 U.S.C. §§
     9  1173 and 1174) shall be deemed legal shipments into this
    10  Commonwealth.
    11  Section 18.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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