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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2137



No. 1732 Session of 1999

           LEH, ROHRER, SEYFERT AND STEIL, JUNE 21, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for products liability.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Product
     6  Liability Limitation Act.
     7  Section 2.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Manufacturer."  Any of the following:
    12         (1)  A person that designs, produces, packages or labels
    13     a product or component of a product.
    14         (2)  A product seller that holds itself out as a
    15     manufacturer to the user of the product.
    16  The term includes a United States domestic sales subsidiary of a
    17  foreign manufacturer if the foreign manufacturer has a

     1  controlling interest in the domestic sales subsidiary.
     2     "Products liability action."  An action for damages for
     3  wrongful death or injury to person or injury to property,
     4  arising out of the sale of a product in a defective condition.
     5  The term does not include an action for breach of warranty under
     6  13 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 (relating to general obligation and
     7  construction of contract).
     8     "Product seller."  A person that, in the course of a business
     9  conducted for that purpose, sells, distributes, leases or
    10  installs a product; assembles a product according to the
    11  manufacturer's design or specifications; packages, labels or
    12  markets a product; or repairs or maintains a product. The term
    13  does not include any of the following:
    14         (1)  A seller of real property.
    15         (2)  A provider of professional services in a case in
    16     which the sale or use of a product is incidental to the
    17     transaction, and the essence of the transaction is the
    18     furnishing of judgment, skill or services.
    19         (3)  A person that acts in only a financial capacity with
    20     respect to the sale of a product.
    21     "Strict liability."  Liability which is:
    22         (1)  to an ultimate user or consumer of a product sold in
    23     a defective condition unreasonably dangerous to a user or
    24     consumer or to the property of a user or consumer for injury
    25     to person or injury to property; and
    26         (2)  imposed regardless of whether the seller has
    27     exercised all reasonable care in the preparation and sale of
    28     the product.
    29  Section 3.  Limitation of liability.
    30     (a)  General rule.--In a products liability action against a
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     1  product seller, the product seller shall not, except as provided
     2  in subsection (b), be subject to strict liability if all of the
     3  following apply:
     4         (1)  The product seller files, within 15 days of
     5     initiation of the action against the product seller, an
     6     affidavit identifying the manufacturer of the product.
     7         (2)  At the time of the filing of the affidavit under
     8     paragraph (1), the manufacturer has:
     9             (i)  a known agent, facility or other presence within
    10         the United States; and
    11             (ii)  attachable assets.
    12     (b)  Exception.--Subsection (a) does not apply if any of the
    13  following apply:
    14         (1)  The product seller has exercised significant control
    15     over the design, manufacture, packaging or labeling of the
    16     product relative to the alleged defect in the product which
    17     caused the death or injury to person or property.
    18         (2)  The product seller knew or had reason to know of the
    19     defect in the product which caused the death or injury to
    20     person or property.
    21  Section 4.  Applicability.
    22     This act shall apply to causes of action which arise on or
    23  after the effective date of this act.
    24  Section 5.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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