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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2231



No. 1744 Session of 2005

           AND WOJNAROSKI, JUNE 15, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for approval of registration
     3     applications, for challenges, for hearings and for appeals to
     4     court of common pleas.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 1328, 1329, 1330 and 1602 of Title 25 of
     8  the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     9  § 1328.  Approval of registration applications.
    10     (a)  Examination.--Upon receiving a voter registration
    11  application, a commissioner, clerk or registrar of a commission
    12  shall do all of the following:
    13         (1)  Initial and date the receipt of the application.
    14         (1.1)  Notify by means of a postcard addressed to the
    15     applicant that the application has been received. This notice
    16     shall be given to the applicant no later than 20 days prior
    17     to the election.

     1         (2)  Examine the application to determine all of the
     2     following:
     3             (i)  Whether the application is complete.
     4             (ii)  Whether the applicant is a qualified elector.
     5             (iii)  Whether the applicant has an existing
     6         registration record. After the commission is connected to
     7         the SURE system, the commissioner, clerk or registrar
     8         shall search the SURE system on a Statewide basis to
     9         determine if the applicant has an existing registration
    10         record.
    11             (iv)  Whether the applicant is entitled or qualified
    12         to receive the requested transfer or change, if
    13         applicable.
    14     (b)  Decision.--A commission shall do one of the following:
    15         (1)  Record and forward a voter registration application
    16     to the proper commission if the commission finds during its
    17     examination under subsection (a) that the applicant does not
    18     reside within the commission's county but resides elsewhere
    19     in this Commonwealth.
    20         (2)  Reject a voter registration application, indicate
    21     the rejection and the reasons for the rejection on the
    22     application and notify the applicant by first class
    23     nonforwardable mail, return postage guaranteed of the
    24     rejection and the reason if the commission finds during its
    25     examination under subsection (a) any of the following:
    26             (i)  The application was not properly completed and,
    27         after reasonable efforts by the commission to ascertain
    28         the necessary information, the application remains
    29         incomplete or inconsistent.
    30             (ii)  The applicant is not a qualified elector.
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     1             (iii)  The applicant is not entitled to a transfer of
     2         registration or a change of address.
     3             (iv)  The applicant is not legally qualified for a
     4         change of name.
     5     A rejection shall be made no later than [ten] 15 days before
     6     the election succeeding the filing of the application.
     7         (3)  Process a voter registration application in
     8     accordance with subsection (c) if the commission finds during
     9     its examination under subsection (a) all of the following:
    10             (i)  The application requests registration.
    11             (ii)  The application contains the required
    12         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
    13         elector of the county.
    14         (4)  Process a voter registration application in
    15     accordance with subsection (c) and update its registration
    16     records if the commission finds during its examination under
    17     subsection (a) all of the following:
    18             (i)  The application requests registration.
    19             (ii)  The application contains the required
    20         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
    21         elector of the county.
    22             (iii)  The applicant is currently a registered
    23         elector of the county.
    24         (5)  Process a voter registration application in
    25     accordance with subsection (c) and request transfer of
    26     registration records in accordance with subsection (d) if the
    27     commission finds during its examination under subsection (a)
    28     all of the following:
    29             (i)  The application requests registration.
    30             (ii)  The application contains the required
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     1         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
     2         elector of the county.
     3             (iii)  The applicant is currently a registered
     4         elector of another county.
     5         (6)  Process a voter registration application in
     6     accordance with subsection (c) and request transfer of
     7     registration records in accordance with subsection (d) if the
     8     commission finds during its examination under subsection (a)
     9     all of the following:
    10             (i)  The application requests a transfer of
    11         registration.
    12             (ii)  The application contains the required
    13         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
    14         elector of the county.
    15             (iii)  The applicant is currently a registered
    16         elector of another county.
    17         (7)  Process a voter registration application in
    18     accordance with subsection (c) and update its registration if
    19     the commission finds during its examination under subsection
    20     (a) all of the following:
    21             (i)  The application requests a change of address.
    22             (ii)  The application contains the required
    23         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
    24         elector of the county.
    25             (iii)  The applicant is currently a registered
    26         elector of the county.
    27         (8)  Process a voter registration application in
    28     accordance with subsection (c) and update its registration
    29     records if the commission finds during its examination under
    30     subsection (a) all of the following:
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     1             (i)  The application requests a change of name.
     2             (ii)  The applicant is legally qualified to a change
     3         of name.
     4             (iii)  The application contains the required
     5         information indicating that the applicant is a qualified
     6         elector of the county.
     7             (iv)  The applicant is currently a registered elector
     8         of the county.
     9     (c)  Processing of voter registration.--
    10         (1)  When a commission has accepted a voter registration
    11     application under subsection (b)(3), the commission shall
    12     assign each applicant a unique identification number in the
    13     SURE system. The commission shall mail a wallet-sized voter's
    14     identification card to the individual by first class
    15     nonforwardable mail, return postage guaranteed, which shall
    16     serve as notice of the acceptance of the application. [The
    17     card shall contain all of the following:] The card shall be
    18     mailed no later than 14 days prior to the election and shall
    19     contain all of the following:
    20             (i)  Name and address of the individual.
    21             (ii)  Name of municipality of residence.
    22             (iii)  Identification of the individual's ward and
    23         district.
    24             (iv)  The effective date of registration.
    25             (v)  Designation of party enrollment and date of
    26         enrollment.
    27             (vi)  A space for the individual's signature or mark.
    28             (vii)  The unique identification number of the
    29         individual.
    30             (viii)  A statement that the individual must notify
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     1         the commission within [ten] five business days from the
     2         date it was mailed if any information on the card is
     3         incorrect; otherwise, the information shall be deemed
     4         correct for voter registration purposes.
     5         (2)  When a commission has accepted a voter registration
     6     application under subsection (b)(4), (5), (6), (7) or (8),
     7     the commission shall mail a wallet-sized voter's
     8     identification card to the individual by first class
     9     nonforwardable mail, return postage guaranteed, which shall
    10     serve as notice of the acceptance of the application. [The
    11     card shall contain all of the following:] The card shall be
    12     mailed no later than 14 days prior to the election and shall
    13     contain all of the following:
    14             (i)  Name and address of the individual.
    15             (ii)  Name of municipality of residence.
    16             (iii)  Identification of the individual's ward and
    17         district.
    18             (iv)  The effective date of registration.
    19             (v)  Designation of party enrollment and date of
    20         enrollment.
    21             (vi)  A space for the individual's signature or mark.
    22             (vii)  The SURE registration number of the
    23         individual.
    24             (viii)  A statement that the individual must notify
    25         the commission within [ten] five business days from the
    26         date it was mailed if any information on the card is
    27         incorrect; otherwise, the information shall be deemed
    28         correct for voter registration purposes.
    29         (3)  An envelope containing a voter identification card
    30     shall be marked on the outside with a request to the
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     1     postmaster to return it within five days if it cannot be
     2     delivered to the addressee at the address given.
     3         (4)  (i)  If an envelope containing a voter
     4         identification card has been mailed in accordance with
     5         paragraphs (1) and (3) and has not been returned to the
     6         commission by the postmaster within ten days from the
     7         date it was mailed, the individual shall be deemed a
     8         registered elector of the county and the commission shall
     9         enter the individual's registration information in the
    10         general register. The unique identification number shall
    11         be entered as the registered elector's SURE registration
    12         number. No person shall be deemed a registered elector of
    13         the county until ten days after the voter identification
    14         card has been mailed.
    15             (ii)  If an envelope containing a voter
    16         identification card has been mailed in accordance with
    17         paragraphs (2) and (3) and has not been returned to the
    18         commission by the postmaster within ten days from the
    19         date it was mailed, the individual shall be deemed a
    20         registered elector of the county and the commission shall
    21         enter the individual's registration information in the
    22         general register. No person shall be deemed a registered
    23         elector of the county until ten days after the voter
    24         identification card has been mailed.
    25             [(5)]  (iii)  If an envelope containing a voter
    26         identification card is returned by the postmaster because
    27         the envelope is undeliverable at the given address, the
    28         commission shall investigate. If the commission finds
    29         that the individual is not qualified to register from the
    30         address, the commission shall reject the application and
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     1         shall notify the individual by first class forwardable
     2         mail of this action.
     3     (d)  Transfer of registration records.--
     4         (1)  If, during application, an individual discloses that
     5     the individual is a registered elector of another county, the
     6     commission of the individual's new county of residence shall
     7     direct a cancellation notice to the commission of the
     8     individual's former county of residence in accordance with
     9     regulations promulgated under this part.
    10         (2)  Upon receipt of a notice transmitted in accordance
    11     with paragraph (1), the commission of the individual's former
    12     county of residence shall investigate. If the commission
    13     finds that the individual is a registered elector of the
    14     county, the commission shall verify the address change with
    15     the registered elector in accordance with this part. Upon
    16     verifying that the registered elector has moved to another
    17     county of residence, the commission shall cancel the
    18     registered elector's registration, transfer a copy of the
    19     canceled registration record to the commission of the
    20     registered elector's new county of residence and retain a
    21     record of the transfer. The commission of both counties shall
    22     promptly update information contained in their registration
    23     records.
    24     (e)  Challenges.--All challenges to applications for
    25  registration shall be made as provided in section 1329 (relating
    26  to challenges).
    27  § 1329.  Challenges.
    28     (a)  Standing.--An individual claiming the right to be
    29  registered may be challenged by a commissioner, registrar or
    30  clerk or by a qualified elector of the municipality.
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     1     (b)  Complaint.--To make a challenge, a complainant must file
     2  a challenge affidavit in a form prescribed by the secretary
     3  containing the following information:
     4         (1)  Name of challenged individual.
     5         (2)  Address of challenged individual.
     6         (3)  Name of complainant.
     7         (4)  Address of complainant.
     8         (5)  Date of affidavit.
     9         (6)  Reason for challenge.
    10     (c)  Response.--An individual who is challenged must respond
    11  to the challenge affidavit as set forth in subsection (b) in a
    12  written statement sworn or affirmed by the individual. [The
    13  challenged individual must produce such other evidence as may be
    14  required to satisfy the registrar or commissioner as to the
    15  individual's qualifications as a qualified elector.] The
    16  challenged individual must produce sufficient evidence to
    17  satisfy the registrar or commissioner as to the individual's
    18  qualification as a qualified elector. A receipt or stamped
    19  application, administered by the county voter registration
    20  office or Department of Transportation shall establish a
    21  presumption of registration.
    22     (d)  Resolution.--If the challenged individual establishes to
    23  the satisfaction of the commission the right to be registered as
    24  required by this part, the challenged individual shall be
    25  registered. If the challenged individual does not establish to
    26  the satisfaction of the commission the right to be registered as
    27  provided in this part, the challenged individual's registration,
    28  if any, shall be canceled, and the commission shall promptly
    29  update information contained in its registration records.
    30  § 1330.  Appeals.
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     1     (a)  Right.--An individual whose application to be registered
     2  has been denied may file with the commission a petition to be
     3  registered, setting forth the grounds of the petition under oath
     4  or affirmation. The petition must be filed by the [15th] seventh
     5  business day prior to an election.
     6     (b)  Hearing.--
     7         (1)  The commission shall fix a time for a public hearing
     8     at its office not later than the [tenth] fifth business day
     9     prior to the election.
    10         (2)  The commission shall give the person responsible for
    11     the rejection 48 hours' notice of the hearing.
    12         (3)  At the hearing, a clerk, inspector of registration
    13     or qualified elector of the county may offer evidence as to
    14     why the petitioner should not be registered.
    15         (4)  The commission, if satisfied that the petitioner is
    16     entitled to be registered, shall direct registration.
    17  § 1602.  Court of common pleas.
    18     (a)  Standing.--The following have standing to appeal an
    19  action of a commission to the appropriate court of common pleas:
    20         (1)  An applicant whose claim for registration has been
    21     denied.
    22         (2)  An individual whose registration has been canceled
    23     by a commission.
    24         (3)  A qualified elector of a municipality whose rights
    25     are impaired by any general order made by a commission.
    26     (b)  Time.--An appeal under subsection (a) must be made by
    27  the [seventh] fifth day preceding an election.
    28     (c)  Grounds.--The appeal must request relief and set forth
    29  the grounds for relief.
    30     (d)  Hearing.--Upon timely receipt of an appeal under this
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     1  section, the court shall conduct a hearing.
     2     (e)  Order.--If the court finds that an injustice has been
     3  done, it shall reverse or modify the ruling of the commission
     4  and issue appropriate injunctive relief.
     5     (f)  Costs.--
     6         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the court may
     7     award costs for the appeal to the prevailing party.
     8         (2)  Costs may not be assessed against a commission or a
     9     county.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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