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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2231



No. 1750 Session of 2001

           ROBERTS AND COLAFELLA, JUNE 14, 2001

           JUNE 14, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing medical assistance to certain eligible individuals for
     2     breast and cervical cancer treatment and follow-up care; and
     3     providing for the powers and duties of the Department of
     4     Public Welfare.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7                             CHAPTER 1
     8                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     9  Section 101.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Breast and
    11  Cervical Cancer Treatment Guarantee Act.

     1  Section 102.  Legislative findings.
     2     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     3         (1)  Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer
     4     in Pennsylvania among both women and the entire population
     5     and is the second-leading cause of female cancer deaths in
     6     Pennsylvania.
     7         (2)  Approximately 12,000 women, or an average of 33
     8     women each day, were diagnosed with new cases of breast
     9     cancer in this Commonwealth in 2000. This number represented
    10     33% of all female cancer diagnoses in Pennsylvania.
    11         (3)  In 2000, at least 2,180 women, or an average of six
    12     women each day, died from breast cancer.
    13         (4)  Approximately one of every ten women can expect to
    14     develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
    15         (5)  More than 600 new cases of cervical cancer were
    16     diagnosed in Pennsylvania women during the year 2000.
    17         (6)  Cervical cancer caused the death of over 200 women
    18     in Pennsylvania during the year 2000.
    19         (7)  Periodic screening mammography in conjunction with
    20     good health care and monthly self-examination can reduce a
    21     woman's risk of dying from breast cancer by 30%.
    22         (8)  Early detection of breast cancer is the most
    23     effective means to reduce breast and cervical cancer
    24     mortality. The five-year survival rate for localized breast
    25     cancer is greater than 96%.
    26         (9)  Breast and cervical mortality rates are
    27     significantly greater among racial and ethnic minority groups
    28     as well as in lower income areas.
    29         (10)  The Commonwealth currently provides free breast and
    30     cervical cancer screening for uninsured and underinsured
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     1     women, through the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early
     2     Detection Program of the Center for Disease Control.
     3         (11)  Numerous family planning, community health and
     4     other nonprofit groups provide screening programs to
     5     thousands of women throughout this Commonwealth for breast
     6     and cervical cancer.
     7         (12)  More than 10% of women examined for breast and
     8     cervical cancer will need further treatment.
     9         (13)  Although most women have access to necessary
    10     screening examinations for breast and cervical cancer, many
    11     women do not have adequate health care coverage or financial
    12     resources to seek necessary treatment.
    13         (14)  Due to the passage of the Breast and Cervical
    14     Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-354,
    15     42 U.S.C. § 330k et seq.), the Federal Government guarantees
    16     financial assistance to states, through enhanced Medicaid
    17     matching funds, to provide necessary treatment for uninsured
    18     and underinsured women.
    19  Section 103.  Purpose.
    20     Pursuant to the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality
    21  Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-354, 42 U.S.C. § 330k et
    22  seq.), the Commonwealth has established a screening program
    23  aimed at early detection of breast and cervical cancer in
    24  uninsured and underinsured persons, operated by the Department
    25  of Health under the approval of the National Breast and Cervical
    26  Cancer Early Detection Program of the Center for Disease
    27  Control. The program has discovered cancer in Pennsylvania
    28  residents at a rate that exceeds the national average and
    29  presents a serious threat to the general health and welfare of
    30  this Commonwealth and all of its inhabitants. Furthermore, under
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     1  the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990,
     2  persons screened under the program who are deemed to be in need
     3  of treatment for breast or cervical cancer and who do not have
     4  other means of public or private coverage for such treatment are
     5  eligible to receive Federal Medicaid and State medical
     6  assistance benefits, under an enhanced match formula, for the
     7  treatment of breast or cervical cancer. However, thousands of
     8  uninsured and underinsured individuals are screened for and
     9  often diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer by entities not
    10  included in the program. Lack of guaranteed coverage for breast
    11  or cervical cancer is a serious source of concern for people
    12  faced with inadequate financial resources for necessary
    13  treatment. The purpose of this act is to provide State Medical
    14  Assistance funds, as well as Federal Medicaid funds for eligible
    15  recipients authorized by the Breast and Cervical Cancer
    16  Mortality Prevention Act of 1990, for treatment for uninsured
    17  and underinsured individuals who have been diagnosed with breast
    18  or cervical cancer, regardless of the screening entity.
    19  Section 104.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    21  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    22  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25     "Health care facility."  A health care facility that provides
    26  clinically related health services. The term includes, but is
    27  not limited to, a general or special hospital, psychiatric
    28  hospital, rehabilitation hospital, ambulatory surgical facility,
    29  long-term care nursing facility, screening mammography facility,
    30  cancer treatment center using radiation therapy on an ambulatory
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     1  basis and an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility, both
     2  profit and nonprofit, a hospice and any similar facility
     3  operated by an ageny of State or local government. The term
     4  shall not include an office used primarily for the private or
     5  group practice by health care practitioners where no reviewable
     6  clinically related health service is offered, a facility
     7  providing treatment solely on the basis of prayer or spiritual
     8  means in accordance with the tenets of any church or religious
     9  denomination or a facility conducted by a religious organization
    10  for the purpose of providing health care services exclusively to
    11  clergy or other persons in a religious profession who are
    12  members of the religious denominations conducting the facility.
    13     "Health care provider."  A licensed hospital or health care
    14  facility, medical equipment supplier or person who is licensed,
    15  certified or otherwise regulated to provide health care services
    16  under the laws of this Commonwealth, including a physician,
    17  podiatrist, optometrist, psychologist, physical therapist,
    18  certified nurse practitioner, registered nurse, nurse midwife,
    19  physician's assistant, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist or an
    20  individual accredited or certified to provide behavioral health
    21  services.
    22     "In need of treatment."  An opinion of a physician who
    23  conducts a screen or of a physician with whom a patient
    24  consults, that deems the screen or subsequent diagnostic
    25  evaluation as indicating that the patient is in need of further
    26  treatment for breast or cervical cancer, including treatment for
    27  a precancerous condition of the breast or cervix.
    28     "Medical assistance."  The State program of medical
    29  assistance established under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    30  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
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     1     "Patient."  A natural person receiving health care in or from
     2  a health care provider.
     3     "Physician."  A medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy
     4  licensed under the laws of this Commonwealth to practice
     5  medicine or surgery within the scope of the act of October 5,
     6  1978 (P.L.1109, No.261), known as the Osteopathic Medical
     7  Practice Act, or the act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112),
     8  known as the Medical Practice Act of 1985.
     9     "Presumptive eligibility period."  The period of eligibility
    10  which:
    11         (1)  begins with the date on which a qualified entity
    12     determines, on the basis of preliminary information, that the
    13     family income of the individual does not exceed the maximum
    14     income level of eligibility under Chapter 3 or 5; and
    15         (2)  ends on the earlier of:
    16             (i)  the day on which the Department of Public
    17         Welfare makes a determination with respect to the
    18         eligibility of the individual for medical assistance
    19         under this act; or
    20             (ii)  the last day of the month following the month
    21         during which the individual was determined to be
    22         presumptively eligible.
    23     "Program."  The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early
    24  Detection Program of the Center for Disease Control established
    25  under Title XV of the Public Health Services Act (58 Stat. 682,
    26  42 U.S.C. § 201 et seq).
    27     "Qualified entity."  Any of the following:
    28         (1)  a physician;
    29         (2)  a hospital or other health care facility;
    30         (3)  an entity that:
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     1             (i)  is eligible to receive medical assistance
     2         payments pursuant to this act; and
     3             (ii)  provides health care services covered under
     4         this act; or
     5         (4)  an entity that is authorized by the Department of
     6     Public Welfare to determine presumptive eligibility of an
     7     individual seeking medical assistance pursuant to this act;
     8  that is duly licensed, certified or otherwise regulated to
     9  diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or provide health care services
    10  to a patient with cancer, under the laws of this Commonwealth.
    11     "Screening mammography facility."  An individual,
    12  organization, facility, institution or part thereof, staffed and
    13  equipped to provide screening mammography services.
    14     "Screening mammography services."  A radiologic procedure
    15  furnished to an asymptomatic woman for the purpose of early
    16  detection of breast cancer. The term includes a physician's
    17  interpretation of the results of the procedure.
    18     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
    19  Commonwealth.
    20                             CHAPTER 3
    22  Section 301.  Establishment.
    23     Any person meeting the criteria established under this
    24  chapter shall be eligible to receive medical assistance for
    25  treatment and follow-up care for diagnosed incidences of breast
    26  cancer or cervical cancer.
    27  Section 302.  Eligibility.
    28     In order to receive medical assistance for treatment and
    29  follow-up care for diagnosed incidences of breast cancer or
    30  cervical cancer, an individual must:
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     1         (1)  Not be otherwise eligible for medical assistance
     2     under Article IV of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21),
     3     known as the Public Welfare Code.
     4         (2)  Have been screened for breast or cervical cancer
     5     under the program.
     6         (3)  Be in need of treatment for breast or cervical
     7     cancer, including treatment for a precancerous condition of
     8     the breast or cervix.
     9         (4)  Not otherwise have access to creditable coverage for
    10     needed treatment, as defined in section 2701(c) of the Public
    11     Health Services Act (58 Stat. 682, 42 U.S.C. § 201 et seq).
    12         (5)  Not have attained 65 years of age.
    13         (6)  Have family income that does not exceed 300% of the
    14     Federal poverty level, as established for that year by the
    15     Department of Health and Human Services, for the same size
    16     family.
    17  Section 303.  Limitation on eligibility.
    18     Medical assistance made available to an individual under this
    19  chapter shall be limited to the duration and scope of treatment
    20  required for breast or cervical cancer. A patient may be
    21  eligible to receive medical assistance under this act during
    22  more than one noncontinuous period of time in each calendar
    23  year, provided that the patient qualifies under the eligibility
    24  criteria specified in section 302.
    25  Section 304.  Application for medical assistance.
    26     An individual eligible to receive medical assistance under
    27  this act must complete and submit an application, as established
    28  in section 902, to the department by the last day of the month
    29  following the month during which a determination of presumptive
    30  eligibility was made or treatment begun. The department shall
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     1  make a determination on the application within 30 days of
     2  filing. If the time period set forth in this section is not met,
     3  the application shall be deemed approved.
     4                             CHAPTER 5
     6  Section 501.  Establishment.
     7     A person meeting the criteria established under this chapter
     8  shall be eligible to receive medical assistance for treatment
     9  and follow-up care for diagnosed incidences of breast cancer or
    10  cervical cancer.
    11  Section 502.  Eligibility.
    12     In order to receive medical assistance for treatment and
    13  follow-up care for diagnosed incidences of breast cancer or
    14  cervical cancer, a patient must:
    15         (1)  Not be otherwise eligible for medical assistance
    16     under Article IV of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21),
    17     known as the Public Welfare Code.
    18         (2)  Have been screened for breast or cervical cancer by
    19     a health care provider who is duly licensed, certified or
    20     otherwise regulated to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or
    21     provide health care services to a patient with cancer, under
    22     the laws of this Commonwealth.
    23         (3)  Be in need of treatment for breast or cervical
    24     cancer, including treatment for a precancerous condition of
    25     the breast or cervix.
    26         (4)  Not otherwise have access to creditable coverage for
    27     needed treatment, as defined in section 2701(c) of the Public
    28     Health Services Act (58 Stat. 682, 42 U.S.C. § 201 et seq).
    29         (5)  Not have attained 65 years of age.
    30         (6)  Have family income that does not exceed 300% of the
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     1     Federal poverty level, as established for that year by the
     2     Department of Health and Human Services, for the same size
     3     family.
     4  Section 503.  Limitation on eligibility.
     5     Medical assistance made available to an individual under this
     6  chapter shall be limited to the duration and scope of treatment
     7  required for breast or cervical cancer. A patient may be
     8  eligible to receive medical assistance under this act during
     9  more than one noncontinuous period of time in each calendar
    10  year, provided that the patient qualifies under the eligibility
    11  criteria specified in section 502.
    12  Section 504.  Application for medical assistance.
    13     An individual eligible to receive medical assistance under
    14  this act must complete and submit an application, as established
    15  in section 902, to the department no later than the last day of
    16  the month following the month during which a determination of
    17  presumptive eligibility was made, or treatment begun. The
    18  department shall make a determination on the application within
    19  30 days of filing. If the time period set forth in this section
    20  is not met, the application shall be deemed approved.
    21                             CHAPTER 7
    22                      PRESUMPTIVE ELIGIBILITY
    23  Section 701.  Authorization to determine presumptive
    24                 eligibility.
    25     A qualified entity may determine an individual to be eligible
    26  for medical assistance under this act for a presumptive
    27  eligibility period prior to a final determination of
    28  eligibility, under section 302 or 502, from the department.
    29  Section 702.  Procedure.
    30     A qualified entity that determines an individual to be
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     1  presumptively eligible for medical assistance shall:
     2         (1)  Notify the department of the determination within
     3     five working days after the date on which the determination
     4     of presumptive eligibility is made.
     5         (2)  Inform the individual at the time a determination of
     6     presumptive eligibility is made that such a determination is
     7     only temporary and services may be discontinued unless the
     8     individual completes and submits an application for medical
     9     assistance, as established in section 902, no later than the
    10     last day of the month following the month during which the
    11     determination of presumptive eligibility was made.
    12  Section 703.  Limitations.
    13     An individual shall be eligible for one presumptive
    14  eligibility period during each 12-month period. If an individual
    15  is determined to be presumptively eligible for medical
    16  assistance under this act and subsequently determined not to be
    17  eligible for medical assistance by the department, the
    18  individual that was determined to be presumptively eligible for
    19  medical assistance shall reimburse the department for all funds
    20  expended by the department in paying for treatment during the
    21  period of presumptive eligibility.
    22                             CHAPTER 9
    24  Section 901.  Federal Medicaid matching funds.
    25     The department shall:
    26         (1)  Submit a State medical assistance plan amendment, as
    27     well as any additional required documentation, to the Health
    28     Care Financing Administration within 60 days of the effective
    29     date of this act.
    30         (2)  Seek to maximize the receipt of Federal Medicaid
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     1     matching funds authorized by the participation of eligible
     2     individuals under this act.
     3  Section 902.  Application for medical assistance.
     4     (a)  Requirements.--A person applying for medical assistance
     5  under this act shall be required to sign a statement setting
     6  forth that person's family income and such other facts as may be
     7  required by the department, in order to determine whether that
     8  person is entitled to medical assistance. Every such applicant
     9  shall make affidavit that the facts set forth in such statement
    10  are true and correct. Every person employed in the
    11  administration of medical assistance shall have power to
    12  administer oaths for the purpose of carrying into effect the
    13  provisions of this section. As a condition of eligibility for
    14  medical assistance, all applicants and recipients shall
    15  cooperate with the department in providing and verifying
    16  information necessary for the department to determine initial or
    17  continued eligibility in accordance with the provisions of this
    18  act.
    19     (b)  Specific information.--An individual applying for
    20  medical assistance pursuant to this act shall complete an
    21  application, established by the secretary, containing such
    22  information required to establish eligibility. The application
    23  shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
    24         (1)  Names of the individuals to receive aid.
    25         (2)  Birth date of the individual to receive aid.
    26         (3)  Social Security number of the individual to receive
    27     aid or proof of application for such Social Security number.
    28         (4)  Place of residence for the individual to receive
    29     aid.
    30         (5)  The family income of the individual to receive aid.
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     1  Section 903.  Report to General Assembly.
     2     The department shall make an annual report to the General
     3  Assembly on the implementation of this act.
     4  Section 904.  Rules and regulations.
     5     The department shall be responsible for the administration of
     6  this act and shall promulgate further rules and regulations
     7  necessary to implement and enforce its provisions.
     8                             CHAPTER 11
     9                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    10  Section 1101.  Funding.
    11     (a)  Annual appropriation.--The General Assembly shall
    12  include in the appropriation to the department in the General
    13  Appropriation Act an annual appropriation from the General Fund
    14  in an amount sufficient to provide medical assistance for the
    15  purpose of providing coverage for the treatment of breast or
    16  cervical cancer to uninsured and underinsured women pursuant to
    17  this act.
    18     (b)  Federal Medicaid funding.--The department shall utilize
    19  all Federal Medicaid funding received for the purpose of
    20  carrying out the provisions of this act.
    21  Section 1102.  Repeals.
    22     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    23  inconsistent with this act.
    24  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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