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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2213



No. 1776 Session of 1997

           SEPTEMBER 23, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 6, 1941 (P.L.861, No.323), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to create a uniform and exclusive system
     3     for the administration of parole in this Commonwealth;
     4     providing state probation services; establishing the
     5     'Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole'; conferring and
     6     defining its jurisdiction, duties, powers and functions;
     7     including the supervision of persons placed upon probation
     8     and parole in certain designated cases; providing for the
     9     method of appointment of its members; regulating the
    10     appointment, removal and discharge of its officers, clerks
    11     and employes; dividing the Commonwealth into administrative
    12     districts for purposes of probation and parole; fixing the
    13     salaries of members of the board and of certain other
    14     officers and employes thereof; making violations of certain
    15     provisions of this act misdemeanors; providing penalties
    16     therefor; and for other cognate purposes, and making an
    17     appropriation," further providing for parole consideration
    18     matters.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  Section 19 of the act of August 6, 1941 (P.L.861,
    22  No.323), referred to as the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    23  Parole Law, amended October 9, 1986 (P.L.1424, No.134), is
    24  amended to read:
    25     Section 19.  It shall be the duty of the board, upon the

     1  commitment to prison of any person whom said board is herein
     2  given the power to parole, to [investigate and inform itself
     3  respecting the circumstances of the offense for which said
     4  person shall have been sentenced, and, in addition thereto, it
     5  shall] procure information as full and complete as may be
     6  obtainable with regard to the character, mental characteristics,
     7  habits, antecedents, connections and environment of such person.
     8  [The board shall further procure the stenographic record, if
     9  any, of the trial, conviction and sentence, together with such
    10  additional information regarding the crime for which sentence
    11  was imposed as may be available.] The board shall further cause
    12  the conduct of the person while in prison and his physical,
    13  mental and behavior condition and history, his history of family
    14  violence and his complete criminal record, as far as the same
    15  may be known, to be investigated and reported. All public
    16  officials having possession of such records or information are
    17  hereby required and directed to furnish the same to the board
    18  upon its request and without charge therefor. Said investigation
    19  shall be made by the board so far as may be practicable while
    20  the case is recent, and in granting paroles the board shall
    21  consider [the nature and character of the offense committed,]
    22  any recommendation made by the trial judge, the general
    23  character and history of the prisoner and the written or
    24  personal statement or testimony of the victim or the victim's
    25  family submitted pursuant to section 22.1 of this act.
    26     The board shall, in all cases, consider the recommendations
    27  of the trial judge and of the district attorney and of each
    28  warden or superintendent, as the case may be, who has had charge
    29  of an applicant, each of whom is directed to submit to the board
    30  his recommendation and the reasons therefor, with respect to
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     1  each parole application.
     2     Section 2.  The amendment of section 19 of the act shall
     3  apply to parole decisions made on or after the effective date of
     4  this act.
     5     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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