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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2322



No. 1807 Session of 2001

           McGEEHAN, HORSEY AND MYERS, JUNE 19, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing authority for urban homesteading and the procedure for
     2     establishing an urban homesteading program; expanding local
     3     government's authority in dealing with urban blight and
     4     decay; and providing exclusions from certain statutes.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7  Section 2.  Findings.
     8  Section 3.  Definitions.
     9  Section 4.  Urban homesteading.
    10  Section 5.  Qualifications.
    11  Section 6.  Land trust agreement.
    12  Section 7.  Homesteaded land free from liens.
    13  Section 8.  Rehabilitation loans.
    14  Section 9.  Federal funding.
    15  Section 10.  Default procedures.
    16  Section 11.  Code enforcement.
    17  Section 12.  Eminent domain.
    18  Section 13.  Assessments.

     1  Section 14.  Severability.
     2  Section 15.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Urban
     7  Homesteading and Rehabilitation Act.
     8  Section 2.  Findings.
     9     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    10         (1)  There is a need for strengthening the authority of
    11     local government in dealing with the problems of housing.
    12         (2)  Urban homesteading can be an effective tool in local
    13     government's continuing struggle against urban decay.
    14         (3)  In conjunction with other Federal, State and local
    15     programs, urban homesteading offers the unique potential of
    16     preserving our architectural heritage in addition to slowing
    17     and reversing the loss of existing urban housing units.
    18         (4)  While the concept of urban homesteading is being
    19     investigated by some in Pennsylvania, such programs should
    20     have some uniformity of purpose and design.
    21         (5)  For the concept of urban homesteading to work at an
    22     optimum level, such programs should be excluded from certain
    23     statutory limitations normally placed on local governments.
    24  Section 3.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Code official."  The director or individual responsible for
    29  the supervision of a bureau of department responsible for code
    30  enforcement.
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     1     "Council."  The elected body of officials governing a
     2  municipality.
     3     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
     4  Development of the Commonwealth.
     5     "Governing body."  The elected council of a municipality.
     6     "Homestead board" or "board."  A board created by section
     7  4(b) or an existing authority, board, commission or quasi-
     8  governmental nonprofit corporation in existence prior to the
     9  effective date of this act to which a council, by ordinance, has
    10  assigned the duty to administer the homestead program provided
    11  by this act.
    12     "Homesteader."  An individual, housing cooperative or
    13  nonprofit corporation conforming to the provisions and intent of
    14  this act.
    15     "Housing cooperative."  Any five or more persons, who shall
    16  have associated themselves together by written articles of
    17  association, such as described in 15 Pa.C.S. Pt. II, Subpt. D
    18  (relating to cooperative corporations) for the purpose of
    19  buying, selling, holding, leasing or improving lands, tenements
    20  or buildings.
    21     "Major code deficiencies."  All those deficiencies enumerated
    22  under section 11.
    23     "Municipality."  A political subdivision of this Commonwealth
    24  other than a school district.
    25     "Parcel."  That tract of land or unit of housing which, under
    26  existing local zoning regulations, would accommodate a single-
    27  family residence or housing cooperative. The term "parcel,"
    28  unmodified by the word "developed," shall include both developed
    29  and undeveloped tracts.
    30     "Trustee."  A board designated by a municipality.
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     1  Section 4.  Urban homesteading.
     2     (a)  Program established.--There is hereby established an
     3  urban homesteading program to be effective immediately and
     4  administered by option of the various municipalities of this
     5  Commonwealth, meeting certain requirements set forth in this
     6  act, and upon enactment of the necessary ordinances.
     7     (b)  Homestead board.--
     8         (1)  A governing body may establish and appoint members
     9     to a homestead board, whose purposes shall be to administer
    10     the shall be to administer the homestead program, except that
    11     nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted to prohibit
    12     the governing body from assigning such duties, by ordinance,
    13     to an existing authority, board, commission or existing
    14     quasi-governmental nonprofit corporation.
    15         (2)  Except where council has assigned homestead program
    16     duties to an existing authority, board, commission or quasi-
    17     governmental nonprofit corporation, the homestead board shall
    18     be composed of no less than three members. When possible,
    19     there shall be an equal representation of minority groups on
    20     the board, including at least one representative of a local
    21     community action agency, where such an agency exists.
    22         (3)  When possible, a simple majority of the board
    23     members shall have specific experience with municipal
    24     housing-related programs and at least one member of the board
    25     shall have specific experience with a historic preservation
    26     program.
    27         (4)  Board members shall serve a term of three years and
    28     shall be eligible for reappointment.
    29         (5)  Members of the board shall receive no compensation
    30     but shall be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred in
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     1     connection with performing the duties prescribed by this act
     2     and shall by majority vote appoint a secretary of the board,
     3     who may or may not be a member of the board. The secretary
     4     shall receive such compensation as may be agreed to by the
     5     members of the homestead board.
     6         (6)  The members of the board may appoint and fix the
     7     compensation of such personnel as may be necessary to
     8     implement the homestead program, provided council has made
     9     funds available for such purposes.
    10     (c)  Powers and duties.--The board shall:
    11         (1)  Review and publicize, by newspaper advertising or
    12     some other effective method, the availability of homestead
    13     program properties and the procedure to apply for the
    14     properties. Such announcement shall include an estimated cost
    15     of bringing the properties up to municipal code standards.
    16         (2)  Receive applications, recording thereon the date and
    17     time received, and review applications in the order received
    18     as to applicants' compliance with criteria established by
    19     this act and local ordinance and the regulations promulgated
    20     thereunder.
    21         (3)  In order, according to date and time of receipt of
    22     application, approve and certify applicants as to their
    23     specific construction skills and ability in general to
    24     refurbish the assigned parcel.
    25         (4)  Recommend, in order, according to date and time of
    26     receipt of application, the execution by the governing body
    27     of a land trust agreement with the approved applicant. The
    28     land trust agreement shall grant a 24-month tax exemption for
    29     the assigned parcel and be recorded with the appropriate
    30     county officials. If the number of approved applicants
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     1     exceeds the number of parcels for which land trust agreements
     2     are recommended, agreements shall be negotiated in order,
     3     according to date and time of receipt of application, until
     4     all available parcels are subject to such agreements.
     5     Negotiations with those approved applicants who are without
     6     agreements shall be commenced in order, according to the date
     7     and time of receipt of application, as additional parcels
     8     become available.
     9         (5)  Approve and recommend the execution by the governing
    10     body of all documents necessary to convey fee simple title to
    11     the assigned parcel to the applicant upon the applicant's
    12     fulfillment of all conditions enumerated in section 6.
    13         (6)  Utilize the aid and assistance of other relevant
    14     municipal agencies in the furtherance of the duties and
    15     responsibilities of the board.
    16         (7)  Promulgate regulations consistent with the purpose
    17     and spirit of the homestead program which regulations shall
    18     be approved in their entirety by the governing body and by
    19     the municipality's solicitor as to form.
    20         (8)  Give notice to the code official which provides
    21     that, pursuant to the authority of the governing body under
    22     section 5(b), approved identified homesteaders who are
    23     rehabilitating existing structures are exempt from the
    24     enforcement of specific sections of the housing and property
    25     maintenance code during the period of rehabilitation or
    26     construction, except that no section relating to an
    27     individual's health and safety shall be waived.
    28         (9)  Give notice to the code officer who shall thereupon
    29     institute public nuisance proceedings against certain
    30     deteriorated and blighted structures for demolition or
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     1     rehabilitation through homesteading.
     2         (10)  Provide applicants with a report as to the
     3     structural deficiencies of the property and other pertinent
     4     information, including an estimate of the costs of bringing
     5     the property into compliance with the housing and property
     6     maintenance codes.
     7         (11)  Recommend to the council that a municipality
     8     homesteading map be prepared designating the location of
     9     properties to be included under the homesteading program to
    10     insure that the homesteading program is compatible with
    11     existing or proposed programs of other agencies of the
    12     municipality.
    13     (d)  Catalog of property.--In each municipality embarking
    14  upon an urban homesteading program, the bureau or department
    15  charged with the responsibilities of code enforcement, as
    16  specified in this act, shall, in conjunction with the municipal
    17  planning commission and its staff under the direction of the
    18  homestead board, compile and maintain a catalog of all
    19  unoccupied dwellings and vacant lots owned by the municipality
    20  or otherwise. From this catalog shall be determined which
    21  parcels and structures can be utilized for building or
    22  rehabilitation by homesteaders.
    23     (e)  Approval of governing body.--The governing body, upon
    24  recommendation of the municipal planning commission, shall by
    25  resolution approve the parcels cataloged under subsection (d)
    26  for disposition by the board for the public purpose of improving
    27  the quality of housing in accordance with the homestead program.
    28  Section 5.  Qualifications.
    29     (a)  Qualifications enumerated.--Homestead program property
    30  shall be limited to that property which, when rehabilitated, is
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     1  a single-family residence or housing cooperative and which will
     2  be offered to qualified applicants at no initial cost on a land
     3  trust agreement provided that the applicant:
     4         (1) (i)  is at least 18 years of age or is the head of a
     5         family; and
     6             (ii)  is a citizen of the United States or a resident
     7         alien as determined by the United States Immigration and
     8         Naturalization Service, or its successor; or
     9             (iii)  is a recognized nonprofit community group,
    10         corporation or housing cooperative acting as an agent for
    11         a homesteader.
    12         (2)  Has financial resources and the mechanical skills to
    13     rehabilitate an existing dwelling or construct a new
    14     dwelling, as the case may be.
    15         (3)  Upon assignment, contractually agrees to
    16     rehabilitate, or construct on, as the case may be, the parcel
    17     assigned to the applicant and further agrees to:
    18             (i)  bring the assigned parcel up to housing and
    19         property maintenance code standards, as provided in this
    20         act, within 18 months after assignment of the parcel to
    21         the applicant;
    22             (ii)  permit quarterly inspections by the code
    23         enforcement personnel for determination by the homestead
    24         board that reasonable, satisfactory progress is being
    25         made by the homesteader in rehabilitating or constructing
    26         on the parcel assigned to the applicant; and
    27             (iii)  live in, occupy and maintain as a single-
    28         family dwelling or a housing cooperative to the housing
    29         and property maintenance code standards, the parcel
    30         assigned to the applicant for a period of not less than
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     1         five years.
     2     (b)  Land trust agreement.--After approval of an applicant
     3  pursuant to section 4(c)(3), the governing body shall negotiate
     4  and execute a land trust agreement with the prospective
     5  homesteader, thereby assigning the parcel. The agreement shall
     6  specify, in as much detail as reasonably possible, a schedule of
     7  improvements the homesteader shall make to bring the dwelling
     8  into conformity with the municipal housing and property
     9  maintenance code within 18 months. The agreement shall be in
    10  sufficient detail so that a homesteader shall be able to know
    11  what actions must be taken and by what date to fulfill the
    12  conditions of the agreement.
    13     (c)  Conveyance upon fulfillment.--If and when the conditions
    14  of the land trust agreement are fulfilled, as determined and
    15  certified by the code enforcement bureau, the governing body
    16  shall execute all documents necessary to convey a fee simple
    17  title to the assigned parcel to the homesteader.
    18  Section 6.  Land trust agreement.
    19     The agreement between the homesteader and the governing body
    20  shall be a land trust agreement and shall contain the following
    21  minimal conditions:
    22         (1)  The homesteader of the agreement has the first right
    23     to the title of the real estate, upon completion of the land
    24     trust agreement.
    25         (2)  The homesteader's interest in the trust agreement
    26     shall be considered personal property.
    27         (3)  The homesteader has the right of possession,
    28     management, control and operation of the property.
    29         (4)  The homesteader has the duty of maintenance and
    30     repair of the property in accordance with the provisions of
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     1     the agreement.
     2         (5)  The homesteader takes the property in an "as is"
     3     condition.
     4         (6)  The homesteader, from the time of the execution of
     5     the trust agreement, accepts responsibility for all known or
     6     unknown conditions, apparent and nonapparent, of the property
     7     that were created before the execution of the agreement or
     8     are in existence at the time of the execution of the
     9     agreement or are coming into or will come into existence
    10     either before, during or after the execution of the
    11     agreement.
    12         (7)  The homesteader shall not act as the agent of the
    13     trustee.
    14         (8)  The trustee does not assume any liability for the
    15     acts, or omissions to act, of the homesteader that result in
    16     injury or damage to other parties or their property.
    17         (9)  The homesteader shall carry insurance on the
    18     property as the board may require. As a minimum, the
    19     insurance shall be sufficient to pay off any loans taken in
    20     accordance with this act and reimburse the municipality for
    21     its costs in acquiring the property. The municipality and
    22     lending institutions, if applicable, shall be named as joint
    23     beneficiary with the homesteader of this policy.
    24         (10)  The homesteader, within 18 months after the
    25     municipality assigns the homesteader a dwelling, promises and
    26     covenants to bring the assigned dwelling up to housing and
    27     property maintenance code standards and maintain it at code
    28     standards throughout the homestead agreement.
    29         (11)  The homesteader promises and covenants to permit
    30     quarterly inspections, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4
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     1     p.m., or at a mutually agreed time, and at reasonable
     2     frequencies, by housing and property maintenance code
     3     enforcement personnel for the determination of the
     4     municipality that reasonable and satisfactory progress is
     5     being made by the homesteader in rehabilitating the dwelling
     6     assigned to the homesteader.
     7         (12)  The homesteader promises and covenants to occupy
     8     and live in the dwelling assigned to the homesteader for a
     9     period of not less than five years.
    10         (13)  The homesteader's personal property interest in the
    11     possession, management, control and operation of the dwelling
    12     may pass according to the rules applicable to personal
    13     property except that, before the personal property right
    14     passes, the municipality must approve the heir, assign or
    15     successor of the original homesteader. The heir, assign or
    16     successor of the homesteader, before any personal right vests
    17     in that homesteader, must meet the requirements of an
    18     applicant for the program and independently agree to be held
    19     responsible to the homesteading agreement. An attempt to pass
    20     the personal property right in any manner or to any degree
    21     without obtaining the required approval and making the
    22     required commitment will be void, and the homesteader's
    23     personal property right will automatically be extinguished.
    24     Approved transferees of the original homesteader may deduct
    25     the original homesteader's residence time from the required
    26     five years.
    27         (14)  The homesteader recognizes and agrees that, if the
    28     homesteader, after occupying the dwelling, abandons the
    29     dwelling for a period of more than 60 days or the dwelling is
    30     abandoned 60 days without permission of the urban
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     1     homesteading board, the homesteader's right to the
     2     possession, management, control and operation of the dwelling
     3     will be automatically extinguished.
     4         (15)  The trustee, after the homesteader has fulfilled
     5     the conditions of the land trust agreement, will execute all
     6     documents necessary to convey a fee simple title to the
     7     homesteader.
     8         (16)  The board may allow for extenuating circumstances,
     9     including, but not limited to, serious illness of the
    10     homesteader.
    11         (17)  The homesteader must elect the person to whom the
    12     property will be transferred upon the death of the
    13     homesteader. This transfer must be for a consideration of $1.
    14  Section 7.  Homesteaded land free from liens.
    15     During the period of a land trust agreement, the real
    16  property being homesteaded shall be free of all liens and
    17  encumbrances.
    18  Section 8.  Rehabilitation loans.
    19     (a)  Low-interest loans.--To assist local municipalities in
    20  the elimination of slums and blighted or deteriorated areas, in
    21  preventing the spread of slums, blight or deterioration and in
    22  providing maximum opportunity for redevelopment, rehabilitation
    23  and conservation of such areas by private enterprise, a
    24  governing body may obtain low-interest loans for the
    25  rehabilitation of properties designated as suitable for
    26  homesteading.
    27     (b)  Debt authorized.--The municipality may borrow up to
    28  $300,000 or $10 per capita, whichever is greater, without
    29  considering such debt within the statutory borrowing limitations
    30  prescribed by law.
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     1     (c)  Financing of rehabilitation.--The municipal body
     2  administering this act may, through the utilization of local
     3  public and private resources where feasible, make financing
     4  available through the board, as provided in this act, to the
     5  homesteaders in order to finance the rehabilitation of such
     6  property. No financing shall be made available under this
     7  section unless all of the following are met:
     8         (1)  Rehabilitation is required to make the property
     9     conform to applicable code requirements and to carry out the
    10     objectives of a homestead plan for the area.
    11         (2)  The applicant is unable to secure the necessary
    12     funds from other sources upon comparable terms and
    13     conditions.
    14         (3)  The resulting obligation is an acceptable risk
    15     taking into consideration the need for the rehabilitation,
    16     the security available for the debt and the ability of the
    17     applicant to repay the debt.
    18         (4)  The board has first caused to be prepared a full and
    19     complete list of all major code deficiencies and has caused
    20     bid specifications and cost estimates for the rectification
    21     of these deficiencies to be prepared. Based on those
    22     specifications, the board must advertise for bids, either
    23     individually or collectively with other homestead properties,
    24     all those deficiencies the homesteader indicates cannot be
    25     rectified by the homesteader, and if the homesteader agrees
    26     to the bid, to be responsible for the payments of the bid.
    27         (5)  The resulting bids received shall be from the lowest
    28     responsible bidder and acceptable to the homesteader.
    29         (6)  The board has caused to be created an inspection
    30     schedule to assure that specifications are being met and that
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     1     the work is progressing at a sufficient rate to meet the
     2     schedule for code deficiency rectification provided under
     3     this act.
     4         (7)  A contractual agreement, between the board and the
     5     approved contractor, and acceptable to the homesteader,
     6     stipulating both a performance and payment schedule, as well
     7     as any other item determined necessary by the board, has been
     8     prepared. Such payments shall be made, or authorized, by the
     9     board according to the agreed-to schedule.
    10     (d)  Limitations.--Rehabilitation financing made under this
    11  section shall be subject to the following limitations:
    12         (1)  The debt shall be subject to such terms and
    13     conditions as may be prescribed by the governing body.
    14         (2)  The term of the debt may not exceed 30 years or
    15     three-fourths of the remaining economic life of the structure
    16     after rehabilitation, whichever is less.
    17         (3)  The principal shall bear interest at such rate as
    18     determined by the homestead board, but in no case shall it
    19     exceed 0.5% per year the interest rate obtained by council,
    20     and the board may prescribe such other charges as it finds
    21     necessary, including service charges, and appraisal,
    22     inspection and other fees.
    23         (4)  The amount of the debt may not exceed the amount of
    24     an obligation which would result in a monthly payment by the
    25     applicant of more than 25% of his average monthly income.
    26     (e)  First payment for occupancy not required.--In no case
    27  shall the homesteader's first payment on the financial
    28  obligation to the board be required prior to occupancy of the
    29  homestead property.
    30  Section 9.  Federal funding.
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     1     (a)  Training.--Participants in the homesteading program
     2  shall, to the extent possible, take advantage of training
     3  programs funded in whole or in part through the Workforce
     4  Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220, 112 Stat. 936).
     5     (b)  Loans.--Participants shall also take advantage of any
     6  grants or loans made available through the Community Services
     7  Block Grant Act (Public Law 97-35, 95 Stat. 511), and other
     8  sources, as administered by the department.
     9  Section 10.  Default procedures.
    10     (a)  Explanation of agreement.--
    11         (1)  Before the homesteader executes the land trust
    12     agreement, the board or its designee shall explain to the
    13     homesteader the conditions of the land trust agreement, the
    14     homesteader's obligations thereunder, the appeal procedures
    15     under this act and the consequences of failure to comply with
    16     the conditions of the land trust agreement.
    17         (2)  After the board or its designee makes the
    18     explanation contained in this subsection and the homesteader
    19     understands the material explained, the homesteader shall
    20     sign a statement that the information contained in this
    21     subsection has been explained to the homesteader and that the
    22     homesteader understands it and agrees to be bound in
    23     accordance thereof.
    24         (3)  The homesteader's signature shall constitute prima
    25     facie evidence that the homesteader knowingly and
    26     understandingly executed the land trust agreement. Only clear
    27     and convincing evidence to the contrary may rebut this
    28     evidence.
    29     (b)  Noncompliance.--
    30         (1)  (i)  If a code official in a quarterly inspection
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     1         determines that the homesteader has not or is not
     2         complying with the conditions of the land trust
     3         agreement, the code official shall give the homesteader
     4         an oral warning that the homesteader is in default of the
     5         land trust agreement. Within seven days from the date of
     6         the oral warning, the code official shall send a written
     7         warning to the homesteader.
     8             (ii)  The warning shall contain the information that
     9         the homesteader is in default and specify, with
    10         reasonable particularity, what the homesteader must do to
    11         bring the parcel into compliance with the land trust
    12         agreement.
    13             (iii)  The homesteader shall be entitled to not less
    14         than 30 nor more than 60 days from the date of the
    15         mailing of the written warning to bring the parcel into
    16         compliance with the land trust agreement.
    17             (iv)  The code official shall send a copy of the
    18         written warning to the board and maintain at least one
    19         copy of the warning with the code enforcement bureau.
    20             (v)  At the expiration of the time period indicated
    21         in the written warning notice, the code official shall
    22         again inspect the parcel to verify the homesteader's
    23         compliance with the warning and land trust agreement.
    24         (2)  If the code official determines that the homesteader
    25     has complied with or substantially complied with the warning
    26     notice and brought the parcel up to the agreed-upon standard,
    27     the code official shall so inform the homesteader and file a
    28     written report of the compliance in the code enforcement
    29     office and with the board and shall send a copy of same to
    30     the homesteader.
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     1         (3)  If the code official determines that the homesteader
     2     has not complied with or has not substantially complied with
     3     the warning notice and has not brought the parcel up to the
     4     agreed-upon standard, the code official shall file a written
     5     report with the board. Such report shall specify with
     6     reasonable particularity the facts upon which the code
     7     official based his decision of noncompliance and shall be
     8     delivered to the homesteader at the same time it is filed
     9     with the board.
    10     (c)  Formal hearing.--
    11         (1)  (i)  Within ten days of the receipt of the code
    12         official's report of noncompliance, the board shall
    13         schedule a hearing and appoint no less than three members
    14         from the board to determine whether the urban homesteader
    15         has breached the land trust agreement and extinguished
    16         his personal property right under the agreement. The
    17         decision of the board members so appointed shall have the
    18         full force and effect of a decision by the entire
    19         membership of the board.
    20             (ii)  Within three days after the scheduling of the
    21         hearing, the board shall cause personal service of a
    22         hearing notice to be made either on the homesteader or
    23         someone capable of accepting service on the homesteader's
    24         behalf, ordering the homesteader to appear before the
    25         board and show cause why the board should not declare the
    26         homesteader in breach of the agreement and extinguish the
    27         homesteader's personal property right in the land trust
    28         agreement. The hearing notice shall notify the
    29         homesteader of the homesteader's right to be represented
    30         by counsel and, if indigent, the homesteader's right to
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     1         have counsel appointed on the homesteader's behalf.
     2         (2)  If the board decides that the homesteader has
     3     fulfilled the homesteader's responsibilities under the land
     4     trust agreement, it shall so note and provide copies of its
     5     decision to the urban homesteader and the code enforcement
     6     bureau.
     7         (3)  If the board decides that the homesteader has not
     8     fulfilled the homesteader's responsibilities under the land
     9     trust agreement, the board may:
    10             (i)  declare the homesteader in breach of the land
    11         trust agreement and issue a final decision to extinguish
    12         the homesteader's personal property right in the land
    13         trust agreement and shall so inform the homesteader; or
    14             (ii)  issue an interim order which grants the
    15         homesteader not less than 30 nor more than 60 days from
    16         the interim order to bring the parcel into compliance
    17         with the land trust agreement.
    18         (4)  (i)  If the board has issued an interim order
    19         pursuant to paragraph (3)(ii), the code official shall
    20         file a reinspection report with the board within three
    21         days of the expiration of the period granted for
    22         compliance pursuant to the interim order.
    23             (ii)  If the code official determines that the
    24         homesteader has complied with or substantially complied
    25         with the interim order and brought the parcel up to the
    26         agreed-upon standard, then the code official shall file
    27         with the board a written report so stating and
    28         terminating the land trust agreement breach declaration
    29         procedure.
    30             (iii)  If the code official determines that the
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     1         homesteader has not complied with the interim order, the
     2         code official shall file a written report with the board
     3         so stating.
     4             (iv)  The code official shall provide the homesteader
     5         with a copy of all reports filed with the board pursuant
     6         to this section.
     7         (5)  Upon receipt of the code official's report of the
     8     homesteader's noncompliance with the board's interim order,
     9     the board may proceed as set forth in paragraph (3)(i).
    10     (d)  Decision and appeal.--
    11         (1)  After a final decision by the board that the
    12     homesteader is in violation of his land trust agreement, the
    13     homesteader shall have 14 business days to file an appeal
    14     from that decision with the court of common pleas of the
    15     county.
    16         (2)  (i)  If within the 14 days the homesteader does not
    17         appeal to the court of common pleas, the board shall
    18         record its final determination extinguishing the
    19         homesteader's personal property interest under the land
    20         trust agreement. The board shall, the date it records its
    21         final decision, send a copy of the final judgment to the
    22         homesteader and notice that, if within 21 days the
    23         homesteader does not vacate the premises, the board will
    24         initiate summary ejectment procedures against the
    25         homesteader.
    26             (ii)  If within the 21 days the homesteader does not
    27         vacate the premises, the board shall initiate summary
    28         ejectment proceedings against the homesteader.
    29         (3)  (i)  In case of an appeal to the court of common
    30         pleas, the homesteader shall have the right to counsel
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     1         and, if the homesteader is indigent, counsel will be
     2         appointed in the homesteader's behalf. The court shall
     3         hear the homesteader's appeal within 30 days from the
     4         date the appeal is filed with the court.
     5             (ii)  If the court decides that the homesteader has
     6         not fulfilled the homesteader's responsibilities under
     7         the land trust agreement, it shall affirm the decision of
     8         the board and cause copies of its decision to be provided
     9         to the urban homesteader, the code enforcement agency and
    10         the board. The decision of the court shall be final.
    11             (iii)  The board, on the date it receives the court
    12         decision, shall send a copy to the homesteader together
    13         with notice that, if within 21 days the homesteader does
    14         not vacate the premises, the board will initiate summary
    15         ejectment procedures against the homesteader.
    16             (iv)  If the homesteader does not vacate the premises
    17         within 21 days after the court enters judgment, the board
    18         shall initiate summary ejectment proceedings against the
    19         homesteader.
    20  Section 11.  Code enforcement.
    21     (a)  Housing and property maintenance code requirement.--The
    22  municipality or municipalities in which urban homesteading is to
    23  be initiated by a homestead board under this act must have a
    24  housing and property maintenance code which establishes
    25  standards for the protection of the public's health, safety and
    26  welfare.
    27     (b)  Provisions of code.--The housing and property
    28  maintenance code shall establish standards for basic equipment
    29  and facilities, for light, ventilation and heating, for space,
    30  use and location, and for safe and sanitary maintenance of all
    20010H1807B2322                 - 20 -

     1  dwellings now in existence or thereafter constructed. As minimum
     2  requirements, the housing and property maintenance code shall
     3  provide that:
     4         (1)  Dangerous walls shall be replaced or repaired,
     5     including the replacement of defective wood lintels and
     6     defective wood sills.
     7         (2)  The property shall be weatherproofed by replacing or
     8     repairing any defective siding, shingles or other defects in
     9     exterior walls.
    10         (3)  Gutters and downspouts shall be repaired or replaced
    11     if they cause the entry of water into the property or onto
    12     adjacent property or cause any public nuisances.
    13         (4)  Porches or access stairways on the inside or outside
    14     of the structure shall be made safe for use. Defective
    15     porches or access stairways shall be repaired or replaced.
    16         (5)  Missing and dangerously defective individual steps
    17     shall be replaced or repaired.
    18         (6)  Chimneys shall be properly lined and repaired to
    19     service the connected facilities.
    20         (7)  Roofs shall be leakproof.
    21         (8)  Window frames and doors shall fit properly and be
    22     operable.
    23         (9)  The electric service shall be adequate for the type
    24     of structure and in a safe and operable condition.
    25         (10)  Every single-family residence shall have a complete
    26     bath consisting of a tub, a toilet and a basin. Each kitchen
    27     shall have a sink.
    28         (11)  Water pipes, drainpipes and soilpipes shall be
    29     operable and capable of providing the intended service.
    30         (12)  Each dwelling shall have a water heater in operable
    20010H1807B2322                 - 21 -

     1     condition.
     2         (13)  Every dwelling unit shall have a room or space for
     3     the preparation and cooking of food, including space and
     4     connections for a stove or other cooking facilities. Adequate
     5     electric service shall be provided for connecting electric
     6     refrigerators and other electrical kitchen appliances.
     7         (14)  Rotted and defective load carrying members shall be
     8     replaced or repaired.
     9         (15)  Termite infested wood members shall be properly
    10     treated or replaced.
    11         (16)  Rodent and vermin infestation shall be eliminated
    12     and rat-proofing shall be performed, if necessary.
    13         (17)  Every dwelling shall contain heating facilities,
    14     properly designed and installed, in good and safe working
    15     condition, capable of heating those rooms and areas to be
    16     inhabited. Systems shall be operated to prevent freezing of
    17     pipes and plumbing.
    18         (18)  Habitable rooms shall contain a window opening
    19     directly to the outside.
    20         (19)  The premises shall be maintained in a clean and
    21     sanitary condition at all times. Refuse shall be placed in
    22     proper receptacles for collection.
    23     (c)  Administration and enforcement.--The housing and
    24  property maintenance code shall also:
    25         (1)  Establish the responsibilities of owners, operators
    26     and occupants of dwellings, including multifamily dwellings.
    27         (2)  Provide procedures for the administration and
    28     enforcement of the housing and property maintenance code,
    29     either by the municipality directly or by contractual
    30     arrangements with a county, regional or intergovernmental
    20010H1807B2322                 - 22 -

     1     code enforcement bureau, including penalties for violations.
     2     (d)  Adoption of other codes.--A municipality may adopt by
     3  reference a county housing and property maintenance code which
     4  meets the minimum standards required by this section and which
     5  may be or is in existence at the time the municipality enters
     6  into a homesteading program as provided for in this act.
     7     (e)  Review of code.--The housing and property maintenance
     8  code shall be reviewed every 24 months and shall be in effect at
     9  the time the homestead board, municipality or municipalities
    10  exercise any provisions of this act.
    11     (f)  Condemnation.--A property which has been cited by a
    12  municipality as being substandard and unfit for human habitation
    13  under provisions of a housing and property maintenance code may
    14  be subject to condemnation by that municipality or by a
    15  homestead board designated by the municipality under the
    16  following conditions:
    17         (1)  A preliminary notice outlining the housing and
    18     property maintenance code violations shall be sent by
    19     registered mail to the owner or owners of any property found
    20     to be unfit for human habitation.
    21         (2)  If within 30 days the owner or owners make no
    22     attempt to correct the violations and bring the property into
    23     code compliance or contact the municipality regarding their
    24     intentions to do so, a second and final notice shall be
    25     forwarded by registered mail to the owner or owners giving
    26     them 120 days from the date of the final notice to bring the
    27     property into code compliance or, in the case of a hardship,
    28     to notify the municipality of same.
    29         (3)  If, after 120 days of receipt of the final notice,
    30     the property owner or owners have not brought the property
    20010H1807B2322                 - 23 -

     1     into code compliance, the property may be subject to
     2     condemnation as provided for in this act either by the
     3     municipality or by an acquiring agency designated by the
     4     municipality.
     5         (4)  If the municipality or board determines that the
     6     property which is unfit for human habitation has not been
     7     brought into code compliance under provisions of the
     8     municipality's housing and property maintenance code after
     9     150 days, and after proper notification as provided for in
    10     this act, and if the municipality determines that the
    11     property would be suitable for urban homesteading as set
    12     forth in this act, either through rehabilitation and resale
    13     of the home or building or through demolition and resale of
    14     the land, the municipality or the board may proceed to
    15     acquire the property under the act of June 22, 1964
    16     (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6), known as the Eminent Domain Code.
    17  Section 12.  Eminent domain.
    18     The act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6), known as
    19  the Eminent Domain Code, shall be applicable to acquisitions of
    20  property by municipalities for urban homesteading under this
    21  act.
    22  Section 13.  Assessments.
    23     (a)  Change in assessed valuation.--Notwithstanding the
    24  provision of any other law, the proper authorities may change
    25  the assessed valuation of real property when a property is being
    26  rehabilitated as a homestead property. In such case, the
    27  homestead property will be assessed for taxing purposes at 20%
    28  of assessed value the second year and at 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%
    29  during the successive four years, respectively.
    30     (b)  Notice of sale.--Whenever a property is sold pursuant to
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     1  this act as a homestead property, a notice listing the address
     2  of the property and the individual or individuals to whom the
     3  property is to be sold shall be forwarded to the office of the
     4  chief assessor of the county in which the property is located.
     5  The tax on said property shall be computed at the end of each
     6  year on the following basis:
     7         (1)  Year 2          20% of assessed value
     8         (2)  Year 3          40% of assessed value
     9         (3)  Year 4          60% of assessed value
    10         (4)  Year 5          80% of assessed value
    11         (5)  Year 6         100% of assessed value
    12     (c)  Construction of section.--This section shall not alter
    13  or affect the ratio to market value in effect in any one county
    14  but merely changes the base proportionately as the property is
    15  rehabilitated, at which time the property is taxed on full
    16  market value. All homestead properties shall be assessed prior
    17  to the initial sale and then in the third year of ownership and
    18  again before title passes following the fifth year of occupancy.
    19     (d)  Waiver of delinquent taxes.--At the request of any
    20  municipality administering a homesteading program, any other
    21  taxing bodies shall have the option of waiving any and all
    22  delinquent taxes for the express purpose of homesteading the
    23  parcel in question for the five-year period as provided for in
    24  this act.
    25  Section 14.  Severability.
    26     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    27  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    28  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    29  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    30  the invalid provision or application.
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     1  Section 15.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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