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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2348



No. 1808 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, JULY 2, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Reducing or eliminating the most serious problems associated
     2     with short-term loans; creating an avenue for emergency
     3     short-term loans by incorporating significant consumer
     4     protections; preventing the use or threat to use the criminal
     5     courts to collect short-term loans; and providing for
     6     licensure of short-term lenders and short-term brokers by the
     7     Department of Banking and for examination and regulation of
     8     the short-term loan industry by the Department of Banking.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11                             CHAPTER 1
    12                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Short-Term
    15  Loan Act.
    16  Section 102.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     "Check."  A check as that term is defined in 13 Pa.C.S. §
     2  3104(f) (relating to negotiable instrument) which is drawn on a
     3  financial institution and is to be payable on demand at maturity
     4  of the short-term loan.
     5     "Consumer."  An individual who, singly or jointly with
     6  another individual, enters into a short-term loan.
     7     "Department."  The Department of Banking of the Commonwealth.
     8     "Short-term broker."  A person who markets, services or
     9  arranges, for a third party, a short-term loan for consumers for
    10  a fee, finance charge or other consideration.
    11     "Short-term broker licensee."  A person licensed by the
    12  Department of Banking to market, service or arrange, for a third
    13  party, a short-term loan for consumers for a fee, finance charge
    14  or other consideration.
    15     "Short-term lender."  A person who negotiates, arranges,
    16  places or originates a short-term loan for consumers for a fee,
    17  finance charge or other consideration.
    18     "Short-term lender licensee."  A person licensed by the
    19  Department of Banking to negotiate, arrange, place or originate
    20  a short-term loan for consumers for a fee, finance charge or
    21  other consideration.
    22     "Short-term loan."  A loan to a consumer in principal amount
    23  of $1,000 or less for a minimum of seven days to a maximum of 30
    24  days by a lender that, for a fee, finance charge or other
    25  consideration:
    26         (1)  Accepts a dated check from the consumer.
    27         (2)  Agrees to hold the check for a period of time prior
    28     to negotiation or deposit of the check.
    29         (3)  Pays to the consumer or credits to the consumer's
    30     account the amount of the check, less finance charges
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     1     permitted under section 203.
     2                             CHAPTER 2
     4  Section 201.  License requirements and exemptions.
     5     No person shall act as a short-term lender or short-term
     6  broker in this Commonwealth by extending or negotiating
     7  electronically or by other means a short-term loan for a person
     8  who resides in this Commonwealth without a license under this
     9  act.
    10  Section 202.  Written agreement requirements.
    11     Each short-term loan transaction and renewal shall be
    12  documented by a written short-term loan agreement and, if there
    13  is a renewal, by an amendment or a separate written agreement,
    14  signed by both the lender and consumer. The agreement shall
    15  contain:
    16         (1)  The name of the consumer.
    17         (2)  The transaction date.
    18         (3)  The amount of the check.
    19         (4)  A statement of the total amount of finance charges
    20     charged, expressed both as a dollar amount and an annual
    21     percentage rate.
    22         (5)  A date, not more than 30 days after the loan
    23     transaction date, upon which the check may be deposited or
    24     negotiated.
    25         (6)  The name, address, telephone number of the short-
    26     term loan lender licensee and the name and title of the
    27     individual employee who signs the agreement on behalf of the
    28     licensee.
    29         (7)  An itemization of the fees and interest charges to
    30     be paid by the consumer.
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     1         (8)  Disclosures required by the Truth in Lending Act
     2     (Public Law 90-321, 15 U.S.C. § 77aaa et seq.), regardless of
     3     whether the Truth in Lending Act applies to the particular
     4     short-term loan transaction.
     5         (9)  A clear description of the consumer's payment
     6     obligations under the loan.
     7         (10)  Disclosure that consumers may not obtain renewal
     8     for this loan more than one time for an additional period of
     9     not less than seven days nor more than 30 days of time
    10     mutually agreed to by the consumer and lender or broker.
    11         (11)  Disclosure in boldface print indicating the maximum
    12     loan amount and finance charge.
    13         (12)  Disclosure in boldface print indicating the
    14     prohibition on multiple loans.
    15         (13)  Disclosure in boldface print indicating the
    16     customer's right of rescission.
    17         (14)  Such other information the department shall
    18     require.
    19  Section 203.  Authorized finance charge.
    20     A lender may charge a finance charge for each short-term loan
    21  that may not exceed $0.175 per $1 of the amount advanced. A
    22  lender shall prorate any charge, based upon the maximum charge
    23  of $0.175 per $1 of the amount advanced. The charge shall be
    24  deemed fully earned as of the date of the transaction unless the
    25  consumer rescinds the loan under section 204(b). The lender may
    26  charge only  charges authorized in this act in connection with a
    27  short-term loan.
    28  Section 204.  Maximum loan amount.
    29     (a)  General rule.--A lender may not lend an amount greater
    30  than $500 in a single transaction to any consumer. A licensee
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     1  may not make a loan to a consumer if the aggregate value, as
     2  verified through section 205, of outstanding loans exceeds
     3  $1,000.
     4     (b)  Right to rescind.--
     5         (1)  A consumer may rescind a short-term loan before the
     6     lender's close of business on the business day immediately
     7     following the day on which the short-term loan was made.
     8         (2)  In order to rescind a short-term loan, a consumer
     9     shall notify the lender of the consumer's desire to rescind
    10     the loan and return to the lender, at the time of giving
    11     notice, cash in the amount of the principal of the short-term
    12     loan.
    13         (3)  No finance charge or other charge or fee may be
    14     charged or collected by the lender when a loan is rescinded.
    15         (4)  The lender shall return to the consumer any check
    16     given to the lender in connection with the loan.
    17  Section 205.  Prohibition on multiple loans exceeding $1,000.
    18     (a)  General rule.--A lender shall not knowingly make a
    19  short-term loan or renewal of a loan if the consumer has another
    20  short-term loan with the licensee, its affiliate or any other
    21  licensee and the aggregate amount of all outstanding loans
    22  exceeds the maximum loan amount allowed under section 204(a).
    23     (b)  Verification.--A consumer shall verify in writing at the
    24  time of entering into a short-term loan transaction that the
    25  consumer does not have short-term loans outstanding which exceed
    26  the maximum loan allowed under section 204(a). A licensee shall
    27  confirm the accuracy of the verification by:
    28         (1)  A query of the licensee's own records; and
    29         (2)  A query of a subprime credit reporting service.
    30     (c)  Procedure to determine outstanding loans.--
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     1         (1)  Within 90 days after the effective date of this act,
     2     licensees shall subscribe to a subprime credit reporting
     3     service certified by the department which has the capability
     4     of verifying the number of loans and the amount of loans a
     5     consumer has outstanding with any licensee licensed under
     6     this act. Within 30 days after the effective date of this
     7     act, the department shall issue a "Request for Proposal" from
     8     subprime credit reporting services capable of verifying the
     9     information required to enforce section 205. Within 45 days
    10     after the effective date of this act, the department shall
    11     designate a service which is capable of providing
    12     verification to licensees.
    13         (2)  Licensees shall report to the subprime credit
    14     reporting service information necessary for the subprime
    15     credit reporting service to verify the number of loans and
    16     the amount of loans a consumer has outstanding with any
    17     licensee licensed under this act.
    18  Section 206.  Renewal of short-term loans.
    19     (a)  General rule.--A short-term loan may not be renewed more
    20  than once. The minimum term of renewal shall be seven days and
    21  the maximum term of the renewal shall be 30 days. After renewal,
    22  the consumer must pay the debt in cash or its equivalent. If the
    23  consumer fails to pay the debt, the lender may deposit the
    24  consumer's check.
    25     (b)  Additional finance charge limitation.--Upon renewal of a
    26  short-term loan, the lender may assess additional finance
    27  charges not to exceed $0.175 per $1 of the amount advanced. A
    28  lender shall prorate any charge, based upon the maximum charge
    29  of $0.175 per $1 of the amount advanced.
    30     (c)  Completed transaction.--A transaction is completed when
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     1  the lender receives payment or the consumer redeems the check by
     2  paying the full amount of the check to the holder. When the
     3  consumer has completed the short-term loan transaction, the
     4  consumer may enter into a new short-term loan agreement with the
     5  short-term lender licensee.
     6  Section 207.  Form of loan proceeds.
     7     (a)  General rule.--A lender licensee may pay the proceeds
     8  from a short-term loan to the consumer in the form of an
     9  immediately and locally cashable check, money order or cash.
    10     (b)  Prohibition.--A lender licensee may not charge the
    11  consumer an additional finance charge or fee for cashing the
    12  lender licensee's check.
    13  Section 208.  Endorsement of check.
    14     A lender licensee may not negotiate or present a check for
    15  payment unless the instrument is endorsed with the actual
    16  business name of the lender.
    17  Section 209.  Redemption of check.
    18     Prior to the lender licensee's negotiating or presenting the
    19  check, the consumer shall have the right to redeem any check
    20  held by a lender as a result of a short-term loan if the
    21  consumer pays the full amount of the check to the lender
    22  licensee. The redemption may be in connection with a rescission
    23  under section 204, minus the finance charge.
    24  Section 210.  Authorized dishonored check charge.
    25     (a)  General rule.--If a consumer's check held by a lender
    26  licensee as a result of a short-term loan is returned to the
    27  lender licensee from a payor financial institution due to
    28  insufficient funds, a closed account or a stop-payment order,
    29  the lender licensee:
    30         (1)  Shall have the right to exercise all civil means
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     1     authorized by law to collect the face value of the check.
     2         (2)  May contract for and collect from the consumer a
     3     returned check charge not to exceed $25 plus court costs
     4     consistent with 42 Pa.C.S. § 8304 (relating to damages in
     5     actions on bad checks).
     6         (3)  May not collect any other fees as a result of the
     7     default.
     8     (b)  When charge not allowed.--A returned check charge shall
     9  not be allowed:
    10         (1)  if the loan proceeds check from the lender licensee
    11     is dishonored by the financial institution;
    12         (2)  if the consumer places a stop-payment order due to
    13     forgery or theft; or
    14         (3)  if the cash loan proceeds are counterfeit.
    15  Section 211.  Posting of charges.
    16     A lender licensee offering a short-term loan shall post in
    17  large type in plain view of the public at any place of business
    18  where short-term loans are made a notice of the finance charges
    19  and any related charges such as dishonored check charges imposed
    20  for short-term loans.
    21  Section 212.  Notice on assignment or sale of checks.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Prior to sale or assignment of checks
    23  held by the lender licensee as a result of a short-term loan,
    24  the lender licensee shall place a notice on the sale or
    25  assignment check in at least ten-point type to read: This is a
    26  short-term loan instrument.
    27     (b)  Payoff of loan.--The consumer may pay off the short-term
    28  loan at the office of the original lender licensee. The lender
    29  licensee shall inform the consumer in writing immediately of the
    30  name, address and telephone number of the lender licensee to
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     1  which a short-term loan was assigned. Only a lender licensee may
     2  accept assignment or sale of a short-term loan from another
     3  lender licensee.
     4  Section 213.  No criminal culpability.
     5     A consumer shall not be subject to a criminal penalty:
     6         (1)  For entering into a short-term loan agreement.
     7         (2)  In the event the instrument is dishonored, unless
     8     the consumer's account on which the instrument was written
     9     was closed by the consumer before the agreed-upon date of
    10     negotiation, in which event the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. §
    11     4105 (relating to bad checks) shall apply.
    12  Section 214.  Unfair or deceptive practices.
    13     A person shall not engage in unfair or deceptive acts,
    14  practices or advertising in connection with a short-term loan. A
    15  violation of the provisions of this section shall also be a
    16  violation of the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387),
    17  known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law.
    18                             CHAPTER 3
    20  Section 301.  Application for license.
    21     (a)  Contents.--An application for a license to act as a
    22  short-term lender or short-term broker shall be on forms
    23  prescribed and provided by the department. Each application
    24  shall include the address or addresses where business is to be
    25  conducted, the full name, official title and business address of
    26  each director and principal officer of the business and any
    27  other information that may be required by the department. An
    28  applicant shall demonstrate to the department that policies and
    29  procedures have been developed to receive and process customer
    30  inquiries and grievances promptly and fairly.
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     1     (b)  Financial structure.--
     2         (1)  The applicant must establish that:
     3             (i)  at the time of application, the applicant has a
     4         minimum tangible net worth of $25,000 for the applicant's
     5         principal place of business and an additional $25,000 for
     6         each branch office, to a maximum of $250,000; and
     7             (ii)  the applicant will, at all times thereafter,
     8         maintain the minimum tangible net worth.
     9         (2)  An applicant for a short-term lender license or a
    10     short-term broker license must maintain a bond in the amount
    11     of $100,000 for the applicant's principal place of business
    12     prior to the issuance of the license.
    13         (3)  The applicant must also establish to the
    14     satisfaction of the department that the applicant has an
    15     otherwise adequate financial structure.
    16  Section 302.  Annual license fee.
    17     (a)  General rule.--An applicant for a license shall pay to
    18  the department at the time an application is filed an initial
    19  license fee for the principal place of business of $1,000 and an
    20  additional license fee for each branch office of $1,000. On or
    21  before February 1 of each year, a licensee shall pay a license
    22  renewal fee for the principal place of business and for each
    23  branch office.
    24     (b)  Recovery of costs.--No abatement of a licensee fee shall
    25  be made if the license is issued for a period of less than one
    26  year. The department shall be entitled to recover any cost of
    27  investigation in excess of license or renewal fees from the
    28  licensee or from a person who is not licensed under this act but
    29  who is presumed to be engaged in business contemplated by this
    30  act.
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     1  Section 303.  Issuance of license.
     2     (a)  Time limit.--Within 60 days after a completed
     3  application is received, the department shall either issue a
     4  license or, for any reason for which the department may suspend,
     5  revoke or refuse to renew a license under section 308, refuse to
     6  issue a license. Upon receipt of an application for a license,
     7  the department shall conduct such investigation as it deems
     8  necessary to determine that the applicant and its officers,
     9  directors and principals are of good character and ethical
    10  reputation.
    11     (b)  Appeal of denial.--If the department refuses to issue a
    12  license, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the denial,
    13  the reason therefor and the applicant's right to appeal the
    14  denial to the Commonwealth Court. An appeal from the
    15  department's refusal to approve an application for a license
    16  shall be filed by the applicant within 30 days of notice of
    17  refusal.
    18     (c)  Contents of license.--Each license issued by the
    19  department shall specify:
    20         (1)  The name and address of the licensee and the address
    21     of the licensee's principal place of business within this
    22     Commonwealth.
    23         (2)  The licensee's reference number.
    24         (3)  Any other information the department shall require
    25     to carry out the purposes of this act.
    26     (d)  Denial of license due to conviction.--
    27         (1)  The department may deny a license if it finds that
    28     the applicant or a director, officer, partner, agent or
    29     ultimate equitable owner of 10% or more of the applicant has
    30     been convicted of a felony in any jurisdiction or of a crime
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     1     which, if convicted in this Commonwealth, would constitute a
     2     felony. For the purposes of this act, a person shall be
     3     deemed to have been convicted of a crime if the person:
     4             (i)  pleads guilty or nolo contendere to a criminal
     5         charge before a court or Federal magistrate;
     6             (ii)  is found guilty by the decision or judgment of
     7         a court or Federal magistrate or by the verdict of a
     8         jury, irrespective of the pronouncement of sentence or
     9         the suspension thereof,
    10     unless the plea of guilty or nolo contendere or the decision,
    11     judgment or verdict is set aside, vacated, reversed or
    12     otherwise abrogated by lawful judicial process.
    13         (2) (i)  In connection with any initial application
    14         submitted to the department for a short-term lender
    15         license or a short-term broker license, an applicant
    16         shall submit the applicant's fingerprints to the
    17         department or to such other international, Federal, State
    18         or local government agency or designee thereof selected
    19         by the department, including the Pennsylvania State
    20         Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in order
    21         for the department to receive criminal history record
    22         information from any international, Federal, State or
    23         local government agency or designee thereof, including
    24         criminal history record information from the Pennsylvania
    25         State Police or national criminal history record
    26         information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
    27         department shall send or receive the criminal history
    28         record information or national criminal history record
    29         information to or from the Pennsylvania State Police, the
    30         Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other
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     1         international, Federal, State or local government agency,
     2         or designee thereof, in a manner satisfactory to the
     3         department. National criminal history record information
     4         received by the department shall be handled or maintained
     5         in accordance with Federal Bureau of Investigation
     6         policy.
     7             (ii)  An individual who later occupies a position
     8         that would have required the person to submit criminal
     9         history record information at the time an application for
    10         a short-term lender license or a short-term broker
    11         license was submitted to the department shall comply with
    12         the requirements of paragraph (1) at the time an
    13         application to renew an existing covered license is
    14         submitted to the department.
    15             (iii)  During the initial or renewal license
    16         application process, the department may deem the license
    17         application incomplete and therefore not commence the
    18         review period stated in the respective licensing statutes
    19         if the department has not received evidence from the
    20         applicant that national criminal history record
    21         information and other criminal history record information
    22         required under this section have been requested from the
    23         Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania State
    24         Police or any other international, Federal, State or
    25         local government agency or designee thereof for criminal
    26         history record information.
    27             (iv)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,
    28         the department may suspend its processing and
    29         consideration of an initial or renewal license
    30         application submitted to the department under this act
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     1         until the department receives all national criminal
     2         history record information from the Federal Bureau of
     3         Investigation or criminal history record information from
     4         the Pennsylvania State Police or any other international,
     5         Federal, State or local government agency responsible for
     6         such recordkeeping. If the department does not receive
     7         the criminal history record information, including
     8         national criminal history record information, required
     9         under this section, the department may deny the initial
    10         or renewal license application.
    11             (v)  Notwithstanding subparagraphs (iii) and (iv),
    12         the department's approval or denial of a license
    13         application under a licensing statute without receiving
    14         criminal history record information or national criminal
    15         history record information regarding covered individuals
    16         as required under this section shall not prohibit the
    17         department from taking any action authorized by law,
    18         including suspension or revocation of the license. The
    19         department may deny an application or suspend or revoke a
    20         license based on the contents of criminal history record
    21         information, the untimely receipt or failure to provide
    22         criminal history record information or misleading or
    23         inaccurate information provided by the applicant or
    24         covered individual under this section, any other statute
    25         or other applicable law, including 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91
    26         (relating to criminal history record information).
    27             (vi)  The cost of any criminal history record
    28         information, including national criminal history record
    29         information, obtained by the department under this
    30         section shall be paid by the initial or renewal license
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     1         applicant or the individual whose criminal history is
     2         being checked. The cost shall be paid in the manner and
     3         monetary amount required jointly and severally by the
     4         Pennsylvania State Police, the Federal Bureau of
     5         Investigation, the department or any other applicable
     6         international, Federal, State or local government agency
     7         or designee thereof.
     8     (e)  Denial of license for other reason.--The department may
     9  deny a license or otherwise restrict a license if it finds that
    10  the applicant or a director, officer, partner, agency or
    11  ultimate equitable owner of 10% or more of the applicant:
    12         (1)  has had a license application or license issued by
    13     the department denied, suspended or revoked;
    14         (2)  is the subject of an order of the department
    15     denying, suspending or revoking a license as a lender; or
    16         (3)  has violated or failed to comply with any provision
    17     of this act or any rule, regulation or order of the
    18     department.
    19  Section 304.  License duration.
    20     A license issued by the department shall:
    21         (1)  Be renewed on February 1 of each year upon payment
    22     of the annual renewal fee and after the department determines
    23     that the licensee is conducting business in accordance with
    24     this act. No refund of any portion of the license fee shall
    25     be made if the license is voluntarily surrendered to the
    26     department or suspended or revoked by the department prior to
    27     its expiration date.
    28         (2)  Be invalid if the lender's charter is voided under
    29     any law of this Commonwealth or any other state.
    30         (3)  Not be assignable or transferable by operation of
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     1     law or otherwise without the written consent of the
     2     department.
     3  Section 305.  Licensee requirements.
     4     (a)  Requirements of licensee.--A licensee shall:
     5         (1)  Conspicuously display its license at each licensed
     6     place of business.
     7         (2)  Maintain at its principal place of business within
     8     this Commonwealth, or at such place within or outside this
     9     Commonwealth if agreed to by the department, the original or
    10     a copy of any books, accounts, records and documents, or
    11     electronic or similar access thereto, of the business
    12     conducted under the license as prescribed by the department
    13     to enable the department to determine whether the business of
    14     the licensee is being conducted in accordance with the
    15     provisions of this act and the orders, rules and regulations
    16     issued under this act. The department shall have free access
    17     to and authorization to examine records maintained outside
    18     this Commonwealth. The costs of the examination, including
    19     travel costs, shall be borne by the licensee. The department
    20     may deny or revoke the authority to maintain records outside
    21     this Commonwealth for good cause in the interest of consumer
    22     protection for Commonwealth borrowers.
    23         (3)  Annually, before July 1, file a report with the
    24     department which shall set forth such information as the
    25     department shall require concerning the business conducted as
    26     a licensee during the preceding calendar year. The report
    27     shall be on a form in writing and under oath, provided by the
    28     department. Licensees which fail to file the required report
    29     by July 1 shall be subject to a penalty of $100 for each day
    30     after July 1.
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     1         (4)  Be subject to examination by the department at its
     2     discretion, at which time the department shall have free
     3     access, during regular business hours, to the licensee's
     4     place or places of business in this Commonwealth and to all
     5     instruments, documents, accounts, books and records which
     6     pertain to a licensee's loan business, whether maintained in
     7     or outside this Commonwealth. The department may examine a
     8     licensee at any time if the department deems the examination
     9     to be necessary or desirable. The cost of any such
    10     examination shall be borne by the licensee.
    11         (5)  Include in all advertisements language indicating
    12     that the licensee is licensed by the department.
    13     (b)  Accounting records.--The licensee's accounting records
    14  must be constructed and maintained in compliance with generally
    15  accepted accounting principles or as provided by department
    16  regulation. All instruments, documents, accounts, books and
    17  records shall be kept separate and apart from the records of any
    18  other business conducted by the licensee and shall be preserved
    19  and kept available for investigation or examination by the
    20  department for a period determined by the department.
    21     (c)  Copies.--If copies of instruments, documents, accounts,
    22  books or records are maintained under subsection (a)(2), they
    23  may be photostatic, microfilm or electronic copies or copies
    24  provided in some other manner approved by the department. Access
    25  to information required by the department shall be maintained at
    26  all times within this Commonwealth.
    27  Section 306.  Licensee limitations.
    28     A licensee shall not:
    29         (1)  Transact any business under this act under any other
    30     name except those designated in its license. A licensee that
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     1     changes its name or place or places of business shall
     2     immediately notify the department, which shall issue a
     3     certificate to the licensee, if appropriate, which shall
     4     specify the licensee's new name or address.
     5         (2)  Conduct a business other than a business regulated
     6     by the department in a place of business licensed under this
     7     act without at least 30 days' prior written notification to
     8     the department.
     9  Section 307.  Authority of department.
    10     (a)  Regulations.--The department shall have the authority
    11  to:
    12         (1)  Examine any instrument, document, account, book,
    13     record or file of a licensee or any person having a
    14     connection to the licensee or make such other investigation
    15     as may be necessary to administer the provisions of this act.
    16     The costs of the examination shall be borne by the licensee
    17     or the entity subject to the examination.
    18         (2)  Conduct administrative hearings on any matter
    19     pertaining to this act, issue subpoenas to compel the
    20     attendance of witnesses and the production of instruments,
    21     documents, accounts, books and records at any such hearing.
    22     The instruments, documents, accounts, books and records may
    23     be retained by the department until the completion of all
    24     proceedings in connection with which the materials were
    25     produced. A department official may administer oaths and
    26     affirmations to a person whose testimony is required. In the
    27     event a person fails to comply with a subpoena issued by the
    28     department or to testify on a matter concerning which he may
    29     be lawfully interrogated, on application by the department,
    30     the Commonwealth Court may issue an order requiring the
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     1     attendance of the person, the production of instruments,
     2     documents, accounts, books and records and the giving of
     3     testimony.
     4         (3)  Request and receive information or records of any
     5     kind, including reports of criminal history record
     6     information from any Federal, State, local or foreign
     7     government entity regarding an applicant for a license,
     8     licensee or person related in any way to the business of the
     9     applicant or licensee, at a cost to be paid by the applicant
    10     or licensee.
    11         (4)  Impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each
    12     offense under section 309. The department may require the
    13     offender to pay investigative costs, if any.
    14         (5)  Suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license issued
    15     by the department in accordance with the provisions of
    16     section 509.
    17         (6)  Prohibit or permanently remove an individual
    18     responsible for a violation of this chapter from working in
    19     his or her present capacity or in any other capacity related
    20     to activities regulated by the department.
    21         (7)  Order a person to cease and desist any violation of
    22     this chapter and to make restitution for actual damages to
    23     consumers.
    24         (8)  Impose such other conditions as the department deems
    25     appropriate.
    26     (b)  Hearings.--A person aggrieved by a decision of the
    27  department that has a direct interest in the decision may appeal
    28  the decision of the department to the Secretary of Banking. The
    29  appeal shall be conducted under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A
    30  (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
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     1     (c)  Injunctions.--The department may maintain an action for
     2  an injunction or other process against a person to restrain and
     3  prevent the person from engaging in an activity violating this
     4  act.
     5     (d)  Final orders.--A decision of the Secretary of Banking
     6  shall be a final order of the department and shall be
     7  enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction. The department
     8  shall publish the final adjudication issued under this section,
     9  subject to redaction or modification to preserve
    10  confidentiality.
    11     (e)  Appeals.--A person that has a direct interest in a
    12  decision of the Secretary of Banking may appeal the decision
    13  under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch A. (relating to judicial review of
    14  Commonwealth agency action).
    15  Section 308.  Suspension, revocation or refusal.
    16     (a)  Departmental action.--The department may suspend, revoke
    17  or refuse to renew a license issued under this act if a licensee
    18  has:
    19         (1)  Made a material misstatement in an application.
    20         (2)  Failed to comply with or violated a provision of
    21     this act or a rule, regulation or order promulgated by the
    22     department under this act.
    23         (3)  Engaged in dishonest, fraudulent or illegal
    24     practices or conduct in a business or unfair or unethical
    25     practices or conduct in connection with the short-term loan
    26     business.
    27         (4)  Been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony.
    28         (5)  Permanently or temporarily been enjoined by a court
    29     of competent jurisdiction from engaging in or continuing
    30     conduct or a practice involving an aspect of the short-term
    20030H1808B2348                 - 20 -     

     1     loan business.
     2         (6)  Become the subject of an order of the department
     3     denying, suspending or revoking a license as a short-term
     4     lender or short-term broker.
     5         (7)  Become the subject of a United States Postal Service
     6     fraud order.
     7         (8)  Failed to comply with the requirements of this act
     8     to make and keep records prescribed by rule or order of the
     9     department, to produce records required by the department or
    10     to file financial reports or other information that the
    11     department by rule or order may require.
    12         (9)  Become the subject of an order of the department
    13     denying, suspending or revoking a license under the
    14     provisions of a law administered by the department.
    15         (10)  Failed to comply with a cease and desist order
    16     issued by the department.
    17         (11)  Demonstrated negligence or incompetence in
    18     performing an act for which the licensee is required to hold
    19     a license under this act.
    20     (b)  Reinstatement.--The department may reinstate a license
    21  which was previously refused for renewal if:
    22         (1)  The condition which warranted the original action
    23     has been corrected.
    24         (2)  The department has reason to believe that the
    25     condition is not likely to reoccur.
    26         (3)  The licensee satisfies the requirements of this act.
    27  Section 309.  Penalties.
    28     (a)  Nonlicensees.--A person who is not licensed by the
    29  department and is not exempted from the licensing requirements
    30  of this act who engages in the business of a short-term loan
    20030H1808B2348                 - 21 -     

     1  lender or short-term loan broker commits a felony of the third
     2  degree.
     3     (b)  Nonlicensees subject to the provisions of this act.--A
     4  person subject to the provisions of this act and not licensed by
     5  the department who violates a provision to which the person is
     6  subject may be fined by the department up to $2,000 for each
     7  offense.
     8     (c)  Violation by licensee.--
     9         (1)  A person licensed under this act or director,
    10     officer or agent of a licensee who violates a provision of
    11     this act shall be subject to a fine levied by the department
    12     of up to $2,000 for each offense.
    13         (2)  It shall be an affirmative defense for a licensee
    14     that, prior to an alleged violation of section 205, the
    15     licensee complied with the following:
    16             (i)  Required a consumer to verify in writing that
    17         the consumer does not have any outstanding short-term
    18         loan with the licensee, its affiliate or any other
    19         licensee.
    20             (ii)  Accessed a private credit reporting service to
    21         determine whether the consumer had any outstanding short-
    22         term loans.
    23                             CHAPTER 4
    24                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    25  Section 401.  Applicability.
    26     The provisions of this act shall apply to a short-term loan
    27  which:
    28         (1) is made or executed within this Commonwealth; or
    29         (2)  is negotiated, offered or otherwise transacted
    30     within this Commonwealth, in whole or in part, whether by the
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     1     ultimate lender or any other person.
     2  Section 402.  Report to General Assembly.
     3     Three years from the effective date of this act, the
     4  department shall report to the General Assembly on the status of
     5  the short-term loan industry, including, but not limited to, the
     6  number of licensed short-term lenders and short-term brokers
     7  operating in this Commonwealth, a summary of the number of loans
     8  issued, the average short-term loan amount and any other
     9  information as determined by the department.
    10  Section 403.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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