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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2350



No. 1809 Session of 2003

           JULY 3, 2003

           JULY 3, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a commercial manure hauler and broker
     2     certification program; and establishing requirements.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Commercial
     7  Manure Hauler and Broker Certification Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Agricultural operation" or "operation."  Animals, facilities
    13  and land used for the production or management of crops,
    14  livestock or poultry. The term shall include all land owned or
    15  leased by the agricultural operator where manure from the
    16  facility may be applied.

     1     "Agricultural operator."  An individual, partnership,
     2  corporation or other entity that has management control of an
     3  agricultural operation, including the animals and animal
     4  facilities.
     5     "Best management practice" or "BMP."  A practice or
     6  combination of practices determined by the State Conservation
     7  Commission to be effective and practicable, given technological,
     8  economic and institutional considerations, to manage nutrients
     9  to protect surface and groundwater, taking into account
    10  applicable nutrient requirements for crop utilization. Best
    11  management practices include, but are not limited to:
    12         (1)  Conservation tillage.
    13         (2)  Crop rotation.
    14         (3)  Soil testing.
    15         (4)  Manure testing.
    16         (5)  Diversions.
    17         (6)  Manure storage facilities.
    18         (7)  Storm water management practices.
    19         (8)  Nutrient application.
    20     "Board."  The Nutrient Management Advisory Board created
    21  under section 8 of the act of May 20, 1993 (P.L.12, No.6), known
    22  as the Nutrient Management Act.
    23     "Commercial manure broker."  An individual or business
    24  entity, not working for or under the control of an agricultural
    25  operator, that assumes temporary control or ownership of manure
    26  from an agricultural operation and arranges for transport to and
    27  utilization at an importing operation.
    28     "Commercial manure hauler."  An individual or business entity
    29  that transports or land-applies manure as a contract agent for
    30  an agricultural operator or commercial manure broker under the
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     1  direction of the operator or broker.
     2     "Commission."  The State Conservation Commission established
     3  under the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), known as the
     4  Conservation District Law.
     5     "Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation" or "CAFO."  An
     6  agricultural operation that meets the criteria established for
     7  designating certain animal feeding operations under the Federal
     8  Water Pollution Control Act (62 Stat. 1155, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et
     9  seq.) and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
    10  (NPDES) Program regulations 40 CFR 122.23 (relating to
    11  concentrated animal feeding operations (applicable to State
    12  NPDES programs)) and required to follow the DEP Final Strategy
    13  for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
    14     "Concentrated Animal Operation" or "CAO."  An agricultural
    15  operation that meets the criteria established under the act of
    16  May 20, 1993 (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient Management
    17  Act.
    18     "DEP."  The Department of Environmental Protection of the
    19  Commonwealth.
    20     "DEP Final Strategy for Concentrated Animal Feeding
    21  Operations."  The document entitled "Final Strategy for Meeting
    22  Federal Requirements for Controlling the Water Quality Impacts
    23  of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations" adopted by the
    24  Department of Environmental Protection and published in the
    25  Pennsylvania Bulletin on March 13, 1999, and all subsequent
    26  revisions thereto.
    27     "Department" or "PDA."  The Department of Agriculture of the
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     "Importer" or "importing operation."  An agricultural
    30  operation that receives and utilizes or processes manure not
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     1  produced by poultry or livestock that are part of that
     2  agricultural operation.
     3     "Manure Management Manual."  The publication referenced by
     4  and authorized under the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987,
     5  No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law and 25 Pa. Code Ch. 91
     6  (relating to environmental protection).
     7     "Nutrient."  A substance or recognized plant nutrient,
     8  element or compound that is used or sold for its plant nutritive
     9  content or its claimed nutritive value. The term includes, but
    10  is not limited to, livestock and poultry manures, compost used
    11  as fertilizer, commercially manufactured chemical fertilizers,
    12  sewage sludge or combinations thereof.
    13     "Nutrient balance sheet" or "NBS."  A document used to
    14  determine appropriate manure, fertilizer and other nutrient
    15  source application rates necessary to protect water resources
    16  from the misapplication of crop nutrients. The NBS:
    17         (1)  Documents the analysis the agricultural operator
    18     undertakes to determine the appropriate nutrient application
    19     rate for crops grown on an agricultural operation based on
    20     expected crop yields, residual soil nitrogen and nutrient
    21     content of the nutrient sources utilized.
    22         (2)  Accounts for all nutrients generated and/or used by
    23     the agricultural operation, including on-farm manure,
    24     imported manure, sewage sludge, commercially manufactured
    25     fertilizers and any other nutrient source intended to be
    26     utilized during the crop year under consideration.
    27         (3)  Includes a description of the planned application
    28     schedule and procedures to be used, including soil
    29     incorporation.
    30         (4)  Utilizes nutrient application criteria that are
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     1     consistent with those set forth in the Manure Management
     2     Manual, the regulations promulgated under the authority of
     3     the act of May 20, 1993 (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient
     4     Management Act, and the criteria established for the DEP
     5     Final Strategy for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
     6     "Nutrient management plan."  A written site-specific plan
     7  which incorporates best management practices to manage the use
     8  of manure and other plant nutrients for crop production and
     9  water quality protection and water quality protection consistent
    10  with the criteria established under the act of May 20, 1993
    11  (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient Management Act.
    12  Section 3.  Commercial manure hauler and broker certification
    13                 program.
    14     (a)  Duty and responsibility of the department:
    15         (1)  The department shall establish, within one year of
    16     the effective date of this act, in consultation with the
    17     commission and the board, a commercial manure hauler and
    18     broker certification program for the purpose of certifying
    19     individuals as certified manure haulers or brokers. The
    20     department shall by regulation establish such terms,
    21     conditions and fees for certification as it deems
    22     appropriate.
    23         (2)  For purposes of the certification program, the
    24     department shall develop, in consultation with the commission
    25     and the board, such training and educational requirements,
    26     testing and other criteria as it deems necessary for
    27     certification. Training shall at a minimum address the
    28     following topics:
    29             (i)  Laws and regulations pertaining to manure
    30         application.
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     1             (ii)  Information necessary for understanding and
     2         following a nutrient management plan and nutrient balance
     3         sheet.
     4             (iii)  Best management practices with respect to
     5         manure hauling and application, transport safety
     6         procedures, calibration of application rates for various
     7         types of application equipment, setbacks from water
     8         sources and property lines, nutrient runoff concerns and
     9         incorporation techniques.
    10             (iv)  Recordkeeping determined by the department to
    11         be necessary for both agricultural operations generating
    12         excess manure and manure importing operations to meet all
    13         regulatory requirements of the act of May 20, 1993
    14         (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient Management Act, and
    15         the DEP Final Strategy for Concentrated Animal Feeding
    16         Operations.
    17             (v)  Certified manure broker training shall include
    18         procedures necessary for the development and filing of an
    19         NBS.
    20     (b)  Training program approval.--The department shall have
    21  the authority to approve, for the purposes of training and
    22  education, programs developed by The Pennsylvania State
    23  University and other educational institutions or entities that
    24  meet the requirements of this section.
    25  Section 4.  Requirements for commercial manure haulers and
    26             brokers.
    27     (a)  General rule.--All commercial manure haulers and
    28  brokers, prior to engaging in transporting or land-applying
    29  manure on behalf of an agricultural operation, shall have
    30  successfully completed a manure hauler or broker certification
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     1  program approved by the department and received the appropriate
     2  certification by the department.
     3     (b)  Land-applying of manure.--All certified manure haulers
     4  and certified manure brokers shall, when land-applying manure on
     5  behalf of an agricultural producer required under the provisions
     6  of section 5 to use a certified hauler or broker, do so only in
     7  accordance with the provisions of an approved nutrient
     8  management plan or nutrient balance sheet.
     9     (c)  Records.--All certified manure haulers and brokers shall
    10  maintain such records of all manure they broker, transport or
    11  land-apply as the department, in consultation with the
    12  commission and the board, determines to be necessary to meet the
    13  requirements of this act, the regulations promulgated under the
    14  act of May 20, 1993 (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient
    15  Management Act, and the DEP Final Strategy for Concentrated
    16  Animal Feeding Operations. The records shall, at minimum,
    17  include the information necessary to document that the manure
    18  was utilized in accordance with the Manure Management Manual.
    19  Section 5.  Exporting requirements.
    20     In order to export manure to other agricultural operations,
    21  all concentrated animal operations and concentrated animal
    22  feeding operations, as required by their nutrient management
    23  plan, shall:
    24         (1)  Prepare and have approved a nutrient balance sheet
    25     for all importing operations receiving manure from the
    26     operation.
    27         (2)  Utilize only certified manure haulers or certified
    28     manure brokers for the transport and application of manure
    29     exported from the operation.
    30         (3)  Maintain records sufficient to:
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     1             (i)  meet all regulatory requirements with respect to
     2         manure export, transport and land application or other
     3         use at an importing operation established by the
     4         commission, in consultation with the department and the
     5         board, under the authority of the act of May 20, 1993
     6         (P.L.12, No.6), known as the Nutrient Management Act; and
     7             (ii)  meet the requirements of the DEP Final Strategy
     8         for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
     9  Section 6.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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