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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2238



No. 1821 Session of 1999

           SEPTEMBER 20, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for definitions, for
     3     hearings for relinquishment of parental rights, for
     4     alternative procedure for relinquishment of parental rights,
     5     for counseling in termination or relinquishment of parental
     6     rights, for home study and preplacement reports in adoption,
     7     for reports of intention to adopt and for intermediary
     8     reports in adoption.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The definition of "agency" in section 2102 of
    12  Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended
    13  and the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    14  § 2102.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    16  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    17  meanings given to them in this section:
    18     * * *

     1     "Agency."  Any incorporated or unincorporated organization,
     2  society, institution or other entity, public or voluntary, which
     3  may receive or provide for the care of children, [supervised]
     4  approved by the Department of Public Welfare and providing
     5  adoption services in accordance with standards established by
     6  the department.
     7     * * *
     8     "Home study."  An agency's formal assessment of the capacity
     9  and readiness of prospective adoptive parents to adopt a child.
    10  The term includes the agency's written report and
    11  recommendations conducted in accordance with the regulations of
    12  the Department of Public Welfare.
    13     * * *
    14     "Preplacement report."  A preliminary home study.
    15     "Putative father."  The alleged father of a child conceived
    16  or born out of wedlock.
    17     Section 2.  Sections 2503(d), 2504(c), 2505(a) and (d), 2530
    18  and 2531(b) of Title 23 are amended to read:
    19  § 2503.  Hearing.
    20     * * *
    21     (d)  Putative father.--If a putative father will not file a
    22  petition to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights pursuant
    23  to section 2501 (relating to relinquishment to agency) or 2502
    24  (relating to relinquishment to adult intending to adopt child),
    25  regardless of whether he has filed an acknowledgment of
    26  paternity or claim of paternity under section 5103, and has been
    27  given notice of the hearing being held pursuant to this section
    28  [and], the court may enter a decree terminating his parental
    29  rights under subsection (c) if any of the following apply:
    30         (1)  The putative father fails to [either]:
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     1             (i)  appear at that hearing for the purpose of
     2         objecting to termination of his parental rights; or
     3             (ii)  file a written objection to such termination
     4         with the court prior to the hearing [and has not filed an
     5         acknowledgment of paternity or claim of paternity
     6         pursuant to section 5103, the court may enter a decree
     7         terminating the parental rights of the putative father
     8         pursuant to subsection (c)].
     9         (2)  The court determines, after hearing, that the
    10     putative father has failed to:
    11             (i)  provide substantial financial support for the
    12         child; or
    13             (ii)  make substantial and ongoing provision for the
    14         child's care.
    15     * * *
    16  § 2504.  Alternative procedure for relinquishment.
    17     * * *
    18     (c)  Putative father.--If a putative father will not execute
    19  a consent to an adoption as required by section 2711, regardless
    20  of whether he has filed an acknowledgment of paternity or a
    21  claim of paternity under section 5103 (relating to
    22  acknowledgment and claim of paternity), and has been given
    23  notice of the hearing being held pursuant to this section [and],
    24  the court may enter a decree terminating his parental rights
    25  under subsection (b) if any of the following apply:
    26         (1)  The putative father fails to [either]:
    27             (i) appear at that hearing for the purpose of
    28         objecting to termination of his parental rights; or
    29             (ii)  file a written objection to such termination
    30         with the court prior to the hearing [and has not filed an
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     1         acknowledgment of paternity or claim of paternity
     2         pursuant to section 5103 (relating to acknowledgment and
     3         claim of paternity), the court may enter a decree
     4         terminating the parental rights of the putative father
     5         pursuant to subsection (b)].
     6         (2)  The court determines, after hearing, that the
     7     putative father has failed to:
     8             (i)  provide substantial financial support for the
     9         child; or
    10             (ii)  make substantial and ongoing provision for the
    11         child's care.
    12     * * *
    13  § 2505.  Counseling.
    14     (a)  [List of counselors] Information.--Any hospital or other
    15  facility providing maternity care shall provide to its maternity
    16  patients who are known to be considering relinquishment or
    17  termination of parental rights pursuant to this part a list of
    18  available counselors and counseling services compiled pursuant
    19  to subsection (b) [to its maternity patients who are known to be
    20  considering relinquishment or termination of parental rights
    21  pursuant to this part] and information about the counseling fund
    22  and how to access it for patients who are unable to pay for
    23  counseling. The patient shall sign an acknowledgment of receipt
    24  of such list prior to discharge, a copy of which receipt shall
    25  be provided to the patient.
    26     * * *
    27     (d)  Application for counseling.--
    28         (1)  Any parent who has filed a petition to relinquish
    29     his or her parental rights, or has executed a consent to
    30     adoption, and is in need of counseling concerning the
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     1     relinquishment or consent, and the alternatives thereto, may
     2     apply to the court for referral to an agency or qualified
     3     counselor listed by a court pursuant to subsection (b) for
     4     the purpose of receiving such counseling. The court, in its
     5     discretion, may make such a referral where it is satisfied
     6     that this counseling would be of benefit to the parent.
     7         (2)  A parent who is contemplating relinquishment or
     8     termination of parental rights may apply to the court for
     9     referral to a qualified counselor, counseling services or
    10     adoption agency identified by subsection (b) for the purpose
    11     of obtaining counseling concerning relinquishment or
    12     termination of parental rights or the alternatives. Costs
    13     approved by the court for counseling may be paid from the
    14     counseling fund established in subsection (e).
    15     * * *
    16  § 2530.  Home study and preplacement report.
    17     (a)  General rule.--No intermediary shall place a child in
    18  the physical care or custody of a prospective adoptive parent or
    19  parents unless a home study containing a favorable
    20  recommendation for placement of a child with the prospective
    21  parent or parents has been completed within three years prior
    22  thereto and which has been supplemented within one year prior
    23  thereto. The home study shall be conducted by a local public
    24  child-care agency[,] or an adoption agency [or a licensed social
    25  worker designated by the court to perform such study].
    26     (b)  Preplacement report.--A preplacement report shall be
    27  prepared by the agency [or person] conducting the home study.
    28         (1)  The preplacement report shall set forth all
    29     pertinent information relating to the fitness of the adopting
    30     parents as parents.
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     1         (2)  The preplacement report shall be based upon a study
     2     which shall include an investigation of the home environment,
     3     family life, parenting skills, age, physical and mental
     4     health, social, cultural and religious background, facilities
     5     and resources of the adoptive parents and their ability to
     6     manage their resources. The preplacement report shall also
     7     include the information required by section 6344(b) (relating
     8     to information relating to prospective child-care personnel).
     9         (3)  The preplacement report shall include a
    10     determination regarding the fitness of the adopting parents
    11     as parents.
    12         (4)  The preplacement report shall be dated and verified.
    13     (c)  Interim placement.--Where a home study required under
    14  this section is in process, but not yet completed, an
    15  intermediary may place a child in the physical care or custody
    16  of a prospective adoptive parent or parents if all of the
    17  following conditions are met:
    18         (1)  The intermediary has no reason to believe that the
    19     prospective adoptive parent or parents would not receive a
    20     favorable recommendation for placement as a result of the
    21     home study.
    22         (2)  The [individual or] agency conducting the home study
    23     assents to the interim placement.
    24         (3)  The intermediary immediately notifies the court of
    25     the interim placement and the identity of the [individual or]
    26     agency conducting the home study. If at any time prior to the
    27     completion of the home study the court is notified by the
    28     [individual or] agency conducting the home study that it
    29     withdraws its assent to the interim placement, the court may
    30     order the placement of the child in temporary foster care
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     1     with an agency until a favorable recommendation for placement
     2     is received.
     3  § 2531.  Report of intention to adopt.
     4     * * *
     5     (b)  Contents.--The report shall set forth:
     6         (1)  The circumstances surrounding the persons receiving
     7     or retaining custody or physical care of the child, including
     8     the date upon which a preplacement investigation was
     9     concluded.
    10         (2)  The name, sex, racial background, age, date and
    11     place of birth and religious affiliation of the child.
    12         (3)  The name and address of the intermediary.
    13         (4)  An itemized accounting of moneys and consideration
    14     paid or to be paid to the intermediary.
    15         (5)  Whether the parent or parents whose parental rights
    16     are to be terminated have received counseling with respect to
    17     the termination and the alternatives thereto. If so, the
    18     report shall state the dates on which the counseling was
    19     provided and the name and address of the counselor or agency
    20     which provided the counseling.
    21         (6)  The name, address and signature of the person or
    22     persons making the report. Immediately above the signature of
    23     the person or persons intending to adopt the child shall
    24     appear the following statement:
    25             I acknowledge that I have been advised or know and
    26         understand that the natural parent may revoke the consent
    27         to the adoption of this child until a court has entered a
    28         decree terminating the parental rights and, unless a
    29         decree terminating parental rights has been entered, the
    30         natural parent may revoke the consent until a court
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     1         enters the final adoption decree.
     2         (7)  A copy of the preplacement report prepared pursuant
     3     to section 2530 (relating to home study and preplacement
     4     report). A copy of the home study must be provided to the
     5     court within 30 days of filing the report of intention to
     6     adopt.
     7  When a person receives or retains custody or physical care of a
     8  child from an agency, the report shall set forth only the name
     9  and address of the agency, the circumstances surrounding such
    10  person receiving or retaining custody or physical care of the
    11  child and a copy of the preplacement report or home study
    12  prepared pursuant to section 2530.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 3.  Section 2533(d) of Title 23 is amended by adding
    15  a paragraph to read:
    16  § 2533.  Report of intermediary.
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  Permissible reimbursement of expenses.--Payments made by
    19  the adoptive parents to an intermediary or a third party for
    20  reimbursement of the following expenses, calculated without
    21  regard to the income of the adoptive parents, are permissible
    22  and are not in violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4305 (relating to
    23  dealing in infant children):
    24         * * *
    25         (3.1)  Reasonable expenses incurred by the natural parent
    26     for counseling services regarding relinquishment or
    27     termination of parental rights or the alternatives.
    28         * * *
    29     Section 4.  (a)  Within six months of the effective date of
    30  this act, the Department of Public Welfare shall submit to the
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     1  Aging and Youth Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Youth
     2  Committee of the House of Representatives a detailed summary of
     3  specific recommendations for improvement in existing adoption
     4  agency service regulations that reflect the comments and
     5  suggestions of individuals and providers interested in adoption
     6  issues. The committees, either jointly or separately, shall hold
     7  public hearings to gather additional information and suggestions
     8  which can be forwarded to the department.
     9     (b)  The Department of Public Welfare shall initiate the
    10  rulemaking process so that final regulations implementing this
    11  act are submitted, within 18 months of the effective date of
    12  this act, to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in
    13  the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    14     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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