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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2498



No. 1856 Session of 2005

           JULY 3, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), entitled
     2     "An act relating to cities of the third class; and amending,
     3     revising, and consolidating the law relating thereto,"
     4     further regulating contracts as to purchasing and advertising
     5     requirements.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 1901(a), (b) and (d) of the act of June
     9  23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), known as The Third Class City Code,
    10  reenacted and amended June 28, 1951 (P.L.662, No.164), amended
    11  March 25, 1988 (P.L.289, No.32) and July 11, 1996 (P.L.647,
    12  No.109), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1901.  Power to Make Contracts; Regulations
    14  Concerning Contracts.--(a)  Each city may make contracts for
    15  carrying into execution the provisions of this act and the laws
    16  of the Commonwealth. The council shall, by ordinance, provide
    17  for and regulate the award of all contracts. All contracts or

     1  purchases not in excess of [ten] twenty-five thousand dollars,
     2  subject to annual adjustment under section one thousand nine
     3  hundred and three of this act, shall be by note or memorandum in
     4  writing, signed by the officer or employe making the purchase or
     5  contract.
     6     (b)  All services and personal properties required by any
     7  city, or any department thereof, where the amount exceeds the
     8  sum of [ten] twenty-five thousand dollars, subject to annual
     9  adjustment under section one thousand nine hundred and three of
    10  this act, shall be furnished and performed under written
    11  contract, and the contract shall be awarded and given to the
    12  lowest responsible bidder, after advertising two times, each
    13  publication on a different day, in not more than two newspapers,
    14  in accord with the provisions of section one hundred and nine of
    15  this act, and the bids shall not be opened until at least ten
    16  days have elapsed after the first advertisement. A notice of the
    17  advertisement for contracts or purchases shall also be posted at
    18  the city hall.
    19     * * *
    20     (d)  The contracts or purchases made by council involving an
    21  expenditure of over [ten] twenty-five thousand dollars, subject
    22  to annual adjustment under section one thousand nine hundred and
    23  three of this act, which shall not require advertising or
    24  bidding, as hereinbefore provided are as follows:
    25     (1)  Those for maintenance, repairs or replacements for
    26  water, electric light or other public works of the city,
    27  provided they do not constitute new additions, extensions or
    28  enlargements of existing facilities and equipment, but a bond
    29  may be required by council as in other cases of work done.
    30     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs and maintenance of
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     1  any kind made or provided by any city through its own employes:
     2  Provided, however, That this shall not apply to construction
     3  materials used in a street improvement.
     4     (3)  Those where particular types, models or pieces of new
     5  equipment, articles, apparatus, appliances, vehicles, or parts
     6  thereof, are desired by council, which are patented and
     7  manufactured or copyrighted products.
     8     (4)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
     9  company bonds; those made for public utility service under
    10  tariffs on file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission;
    11  those made with another political subdivision or a county, the
    12  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Federal government, any agency
    13  of the Commonwealth or the Federal government, or any municipal
    14  authority, including the sale, leasing or loan of any supplies
    15  or materials by the Commonwealth or the Federal government, or
    16  their agencies, but the price thereof shall not be in excess of
    17  that fixed by the Commonwealth, the Federal government, or their
    18  agencies.
    19     (5)  Those involving personal or professional services.
    20     (6)  Those made during a state of emergency declared by the
    21  mayor or chief executive in accord with section one thousand two
    22  hundred and three of this act.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 2.  Section 1902 of the act, amended March 25, 1988
    25  (P.L.289, No.32), is amended to read:
    26     Section 1902.  Evasion of Advertising Requirements.--No
    27  member or members of council shall evade the provisions of the
    28  preceding section as to advertising for bids by purchasing or
    29  contracting for services and personal properties piecemeal for
    30  the purpose of obtaining prices under [ten] twenty-five thousand
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     1  dollars, subject to annual adjustment under section one thousand
     2  nine hundred and three of this act, upon transactions which
     3  should, in the exercise of reasonable discretion and prudence,
     4  be conducted as one transaction amounting to more than [ten]
     5  twenty-five thousand dollars, subject to annual adjustment under
     6  section one thousand nine hundred and three of this act. This
     7  provision is intended to make unlawful the practice of evading
     8  advertising requirements by making a series of purchases or
     9  contracts, each for less than the advertising requirement price,
    10  or by making several simultaneous purchases or contracts, each
    11  below said price, when, in either case, the transactions
    12  involved should have been made as one transaction for one price.
    13  Any members of council who so vote in violation of this
    14  provision and who know that the transaction upon which they so
    15  vote is or ought to be a part of a larger transaction and that
    16  it is being divided in order to evade the requirements as to
    17  advertising for bids, shall be jointly and severally subject to
    18  surcharge for ten per centum of the full amount of the contract
    19  or purchase. Wherever it shall appear that a member of council
    20  may have voted in violation of this section but the purchase or
    21  contract on which he so voted was not approved by council, this
    22  section shall be inapplicable.
    23     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24     Section 1903.1.  Adjustments Based on Consumer Price Index
    25  for All Urban Consumers.--(a)  The Department of Labor and
    26  Industry shall determine the percentage change in the Consumer
    27  Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the twelve-month period
    28  ending September 30 of the calendar year in which this section
    29  becomes effective, and for each successive twelve-month period
    30  thereafter.
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     1     (b)  The amounts at which competitive bidding and separate
     2  bids are required under this act shall be adjusted annually. The
     3  positive percentage change, as determined in accordance with
     4  subsection (a), shall be multiplied by the applicable amount for
     5  the current year and the product thereof shall be added to the
     6  applicable amount for the current year, with the result rounded
     7  to the nearest multiple of ten dollars.
     8     (c)  The annual determination required under subsection (a)
     9  and the calculation of the adjustments required under subsection
    10  (b) shall be made in the period between October 1 and November
    11  15 of the year following the effective date of this section, and
    12  annually between October 1 and November 15 of each successive
    13  year.
    14     (d)  The adjusted amounts obtained in accordance with
    15  subsection (b) shall become effective January 1 for the calendar
    16  year following the year in which the determination required
    17  under subsection (a) is made.
    18     (e)  The Department of Labor and Industry shall give notice
    19  in the Pennsylvania Bulletin prior to January 1 of each calendar
    20  year of the annual percentage change determined in accordance
    21  with subsection (a) and the amounts, whether adjusted or
    22  unadjusted in accordance with subsection (b), at which
    23  competitive bidding, advertising and separate bids are required
    24  under this act for the calendar year beginning the first day of
    25  January after publication of the notice.
    26     Section 4.  Section 1909 of the act, amended March 25, 1988
    27  (P.L.289, No.32), is amended to read:
    28     Section 1909.  Separate Bids for Plumbing, Heating,
    29  Ventilating and Electrical Work, Elevators and Moving Stairs.--
    30  In the preparation of specifications for the erection,
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     1  construction, and alteration of any public building, when the
     2  entire cost of such work shall exceed [ten] twenty-five thousand
     3  dollars, subject to annual adjustment under section one thousand
     4  nine hundred and three of this act, the architect, engineer, or
     5  other person preparing such specifications, shall prepare only
     6  the following separate specifications; (1) plumbing, (2)
     7  heating, (3) ventilating, (4) electrical work, (5) elevators and
     8  moving stairs, and (6) one complete set of specifications for
     9  all the other work to be done in such erection, construction and
    10  alteration. The person or persons authorized to enter into
    11  contracts for the erection, construction, or alteration of such
    12  public buildings shall receive separate bids upon each of the
    13  said branches of work, and award the contract for the same to
    14  the lowest responsible bidder for each of said branches,
    15  including the balance of the work in addition to the plumbing,
    16  heating, ventilating and electrical work and elevators and
    17  moving stairs. Where it is desired to install an air
    18  conditioning unit, the heating and ventilating so involved may
    19  be regarded as one branch of work having only one set of
    20  specifications, and bids may be received and a contract awarded
    21  thereon as hereinbefore provided.
    22     Section 5.  This act shall apply to contracts and purchases
    23  advertised on or after January 1 of the year following the
    24  effective date of this section.
    25     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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