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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2526



No. 1857 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1988 (P.L.1262, No.156),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the licensing of
     3     eligible organizations to conduct games of chance, for the
     4     licensing of persons to distribute games of chance, for the
     5     registration of manufacturers of games of chance, and for
     6     suspensions and revocations of licenses and permits;
     7     requiring records; providing for local referendum by
     8     electorate; and prescribing penalties," further providing for
     9     prize limits and for sales limited; providing for the
    10     regulation of bingo; making editorial changes; and making a
    11     related repeal.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The title of the act of December 19, 1988
    15  (P.L.1262, No.156), known as the Local Option Small Games of
    16  Chance Act, amended December 19, 1990 (P.L.812, No.195), is
    17  amended to read:
    18                               AN ACT
    19  Providing for the licensing of eligible organizations to conduct
    20     games of chance, for the licensing of persons to distribute

     1     games of chance, for the registration of manufacturers of
     2     games of chance, and for suspensions and revocations of
     3     licenses and permits; requiring records; providing for local
     4     referendum by electorate; regulating the lawful conduct of
     5     bingo; and prescribing penalties.
     6     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a chapter heading to
     7  read:
     8                             CHAPTER 1
     9                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    10     Section 3.  Section 1 of the act is amended to read:
    11  Section [1] 101.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Local Option
    13  Small Games of Chance and Bingo Act.
    14     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a chapter heading to
    15  read:
    16                             CHAPTER 3
    18     Section 5.  Section 2 of the act is amended to read:
    19  Section [2] 301.  Legislative intent.
    20     The General Assembly hereby declares that the playing of
    21  small games of chance for the purpose of raising funds, by
    22  certain nonprofit associations, for the promotion of charitable
    23  or civic purposes, is in the public interest.
    24     It is hereby declared to be the policy of the General
    25  Assembly that all phases of licensing, operation and regulation
    26  of small games of chance be strictly controlled, and that all
    27  laws and regulations with respect thereto as well as all
    28  gambling laws should be strictly construed and rigidly enforced.
    29     The General Assembly recognizes the possibility of
    30  association between commercial gambling and organized crime, and
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     1  wishes to discourage commercialization of small games of chance,
     2  prevent participation by organized crime and prevent the
     3  diversion of funds from the purposes herein authorized.
     4     Section 6.  Section 3 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
     5  (P.L.812, No.195) and October 18, 2000 (P.L.602, No.79), is
     6  amended to read:
     7  Section [3] 302.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this [act]
     9  chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section
    10  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Bona fide member."  Any individual who holds a membership in
    12  the eligible organization as defined by that organization's
    13  constitution, charter, articles of incorporation or bylaws.
    14     "Charitable organization."  A not-for-profit group or body of
    15  persons which is created and exists for the purpose of
    16  performing a humane service; promoting the good and welfare of
    17  the aged, poor, infirm or distressed; combating juvenile
    18  delinquency; or advancing the spiritual, mental, social and
    19  physical improvement of young men and women.
    20     "Civic and service associations."  Any Statewide or branch,
    21  lodge or chapter of a nonprofit national or State organization
    22  which is authorized by its written constitution, charter,
    23  articles of incorporation or bylaws to engage in a civic or
    24  service purpose within this Commonwealth, which shall have
    25  existed in this Commonwealth for one year. The term also means a
    26  similar local nonprofit organization, not affiliated with a
    27  national or State organization, which is recognized by a
    28  resolution adopted by the governing body of the municipality in
    29  which the organization conducts its principal activities. The
    30  term shall include, but not be limited to, bona fide sportsmen's
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     1  and wildlife associations, federations or clubs, Statewide or
     2  local in nature, volunteer fire companies, volunteer rescue
     3  squads and volunteer ambulance associations and bona fide senior
     4  citizens organizations. In the case of bona fide senior citizens
     5  organizations, the licensing authority may accept alternative
     6  documentation for proof of purposes when there are no bylaws or
     7  articles of incorporation in existence. The term shall also
     8  include nonprofit organizations which are established to promote
     9  and encourage participation and support for extracurricular
    10  activities within the established primary and secondary public,
    11  private and parochial school systems. Such organizations must be
    12  recognized by a resolution adopted by the appropriate governing
    13  body. In the case of organizations associated with the public
    14  school system, the governing body shall be the school board of
    15  the school district. In the case of private or parochial school
    16  organizations, that body shall be either the board of trustees
    17  or the Archdiocese.
    18     "Club."  A club, as defined in section 102 of the act of
    19  April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, that
    20  qualifies as an exempt organization under section 501(c) or 527
    21  of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 3, 26 U.S.C. §
    22  501(c) or 527) and is licensed to sell liquor at retail and has
    23  a charitable, religious or civic purpose or is organized to
    24  benefit a political party.
    25     "Daily drawing."  A game in which a bona fide member selects
    26  or is assigned a number for a chance at a prize with the winner
    27  determined by a random drawing to take place on the eligible
    28  organization's premises during the same operating day. The term
    29  includes games commonly known as "member sign-in lotteries" and
    30  "half-and-half lotteries." Nothing in this [act] chapter shall
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     1  be construed to prohibit the carrying over of a jackpot where
     2  the winning number has not been entered in the game on a
     3  particular operating day. Daily drawing winners may be
     4  determined with the aid of a passive selection device or
     5  reference to drawings conducted by the department pursuant to
     6  the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State
     7  Lottery Law. Daily drawing chances may not be sold for an amount
     8  in excess of $1, and no more than one chance may be sold to an
     9  individual during the same operating day.
    10     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Dispensing machine."  A device designed exclusively for the
    12  dispensing of the games of chance authorized by this [act]
    13  chapter, including, but not limited to, ticket jars, fish bowls
    14  and stamp machines. Nothing in this [act] chapter shall be
    15  construed to authorize devices commonly known as "slot machines"
    16  or "video poker."
    17     "Eligible organizations."  Includes qualifying nonprofit
    18  charitable, religious, fraternal and veterans organizations,
    19  clubs and civic and service associations [as defined by this
    20  act]. In order to qualify as an eligible organization for
    21  purposes of this [act] chapter, an organization shall have been
    22  in existence and fulfilling its purposes for one year prior to
    23  the date of application for a license.
    24     "Fraternal organizations."  A nonprofit organization within
    25  this Commonwealth which is created and carried on for the mutual
    26  benefit of its members, has a limited membership and a a
    27  representative form of government and is a branch, lodge or
    28  chapter of a national or State organization. Such organizations
    29  shall have been in existence in this Commonwealth and fulfilling
    30  their purposes for one year prior to the date of application for
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     1  a license.
     2     "Games of chance."  Punchboards, daily drawings, weekly
     3  drawings, raffles and pull-tabs, as defined in this [act]
     4  chapter, provided that no such game shall be played by or with
     5  the assistance of any mechanical or electrical devices or media,
     6  other than a dispensing machine or passive selection device, and
     7  further provided that the particular chance taken by any person
     8  in any such game shall not be made contingent upon any other
     9  occurrence or the winning of any other contest, but shall be
    10  determined solely at the discretion of the purchaser. This
    11  definition shall not be construed to authorize any other form of
    12  gambling currently prohibited under any provision of Title 18 of
    13  the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to crimes and
    14  offenses). Nothing in this [act] chapter shall be construed to
    15  authorize games commonly known as "slot machines" or "video
    16  poker."
    17     "Law enforcement official."  A municipal police officer, a
    18  member of the Pennsylvania State Police, the sheriff of a county
    19  or a deputy sheriff.
    20     "License."  A license to conduct games of chance.
    21     "Licensing authority."  The county treasurer, or in any home
    22  rule county or city of the first class, where there is no
    23  elected treasurer, the designee of the governing authority.
    24     "Municipality."  A city, borough, incorporated town or
    25  township or a home rule municipality formerly classified as a
    26  city, borough, incorporated town or township.
    27     "Passive selection device."  A device which is used to hold
    28  or denote the universe of possible winning numbers or entrants
    29  in a daily drawing or raffle. Such a device may not have the
    30  capability of being utilized to conduct or aid in the conducting
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     1  of unauthorized or illegal forms of gambling.
     2     "Public interest purposes."  One or more of the following:
     3         (1)  Benefiting persons by enhancing their opportunity
     4     for religious or education advancement, by relieving or
     5     protecting them from disease, suffering or distress, by
     6     contributing to their physical, emotional or social well-
     7     being, by assisting them in establishing themselves in life
     8     as worthy and useful citizens or by increasing their
     9     comprehension of and devotion to the principles upon which
    10     this nation was founded.
    11         (2)  Initiating, performing or fostering worthy public
    12     works or enabling or furthering the erection or maintenance
    13     of public structures.
    14         (3)  Lessening the burdens borne by government or
    15     voluntarily supporting, augmenting or supplementing services
    16     which government would normally render to the people.
    17         (4)  Improving, expanding, maintaining or repairing real
    18     property owned or leased by an eligible organization and used
    19     for purposes specified in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3). The
    20     term does not include the erection or acquisition of any real
    21     property, unless the property will be used exclusively for
    22     one or more of the purposes specified in this definition.
    23     "Pull-tab."  A single folded or banded ticket or a strip
    24  ticket or card with a face covered to conceal one or more
    25  numbers or symbols, where one or more of each set of tickets or
    26  cards has been designated in advance as a winner.
    27     "Punchboard."  A board, placard or other device marked off in
    28  a grid or columns, in which each section contains a hidden
    29  number or numbers, or other symbol, which determines the winning
    30  chances.
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     1     "Raffle."  A game in which a participant buys a ticket for a
     2  chance at a prize with the winner determined by a random drawing
     3  of corresponding ticket stubs to take place at a location and
     4  date or dates printed upon each ticket. Such games shall include
     5  lotteries but not daily drawings. Raffle winners may be
     6  determined by reference to drawings conducted by the department
     7  pursuant to the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known
     8  as the State Lottery Law.
     9     "Religious organization."  A not-for-profit group or body of
    10  persons which is created and which exists for the predominant
    11  purpose of regularly holding or conducting religious activities
    12  or religious education, without pecuniary benefit to any
    13  officer, member or shareholder except as reasonable compensation
    14  for actual services rendered to the organization.
    15     "Veterans organization."  Any congressionally chartered
    16  organization within this Commonwealth, or any branch or lodge or
    17  chapter of a nonprofit national or State organization within
    18  this Commonwealth, the membership of which consists of
    19  individuals who were members of the armed services or armed
    20  forces of the United States. The term shall also include home
    21  associations. Such organizations shall have been in existence in
    22  this Commonwealth fulfilling their purposes for one year prior
    23  to the date of application for a license.
    24     "Weekly drawing."  A game in which a bona fide member selects
    25  or receives a number or numbers for a chance at a prize with the
    26  winner determined by a random drawing to take place on the
    27  eligible organization's premises at the end of a seven-day
    28  period. Nothing in this [act] chapter shall be construed to
    29  prohibit the carrying over of a jackpot where the winning number
    30  has not been entered in the game in a particular week. Weekly
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     1  drawing winners may be determined with the aid of a passive
     2  selection device or reference to drawings conducted by the
     3  Department of Revenue pursuant to the act of August 26, 1971
     4  (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State Lottery Law. Weekly drawing
     5  chances may not be sold for an amount in excess of $1.
     6     Section 7.  Section 4 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
     7  (P.L.812, No.195), is amended to read:
     8  Section [4] 303.  Games of chance permitted.
     9     Every eligible organization to which a license has been
    10  issued under the provisions of this [act] chapter may conduct
    11  games of chance for the purpose of raising funds for public
    12  interest purposes. All proceeds of games of chance shall be used
    13  exclusively for public interest purposes or for the purchase of
    14  games of chance as permitted by this [act] chapter.
    15     Section 8.  Section 5 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
    16  (P.L.812, No.195) and October 18, 2000 (P.L.602, No.79), is
    17  amended to read:
    18  [Section 5.  Prize limits.
    19     (a)  Individual prize limit.--The maximum cash value which
    20  may be awarded for any single chance shall be $500.
    21     (b)  Weekly limit.--No more than $5,000 in cash or
    22  merchandise shall be awarded by any eligible organization in any
    23  seven-day period.
    24     (c)  Limit on raffles.--No more than $5,000 in cash or
    25  merchandise shall be awarded in raffles in any calendar month.
    26     (d)  Exception.--An eligible organization may conduct a
    27  raffle and award a prize or prizes valued in excess of $500 each
    28  only under the following conditions:
    29         (1)  The licensing authority has issued a special permit
    30     for the raffle under section 11.
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     1         (2)  Eligible organizations shall be eligible to receive
     2     no more than two special permits in any licensed year except
     3     that volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue organizations shall
     4     be eligible to receive no more than three special permits in
     5     any licensed year.
     6         (3)  Only one raffle may be conducted under each special
     7     permit.
     8         (4)  The total cash value of all prizes shall be no more
     9     than $100,000 per calendar year.
    10     (e)  Limit on daily drawings.--Daily drawings shall be
    11  governed by the prize limitations contained in subsections (a)
    12  and (b). An eligible organization shall not conduct daily
    13  drawings during a period when a weekly drawing is taking place.
    14     (f)  Exception.--The prize limitation contained in
    15  subsections (a) and (b) may be exceeded by a daily drawing under
    16  the following circumstances: a daily drawing may award a prize
    17  where the cash value is in excess of $500 if such prize is the
    18  result of a carryover of a drawing or drawings which resulted
    19  from the winning number in such drawing or drawings not being
    20  among the eligible entrants in such drawings. Nothing contained
    21  herein shall authorize the prize limitations as contained in
    22  subsections (a) and (b) to be exceeded as a result of a failure
    23  to conduct a drawing on an operating day during which chances
    24  were sold for a daily drawing or for a daily drawing for which
    25  chances were sold in excess of $1 or for which more than one
    26  chance was sold to an eligible participant.
    27     (g)  Daily drawing and weekly drawing exception.--When a
    28  daily drawing or weekly drawing is set up or conducted in such a
    29  manner as to pay out or award 100% of the gross revenues
    30  generated from such drawing, the limitations contained in
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     1  subsection (b) shall not apply.
     2     (h)  Limit on weekly drawings.--Weekly drawings shall be
     3  governed by the prize limitations contained in subsection (b).
     4  The prize limitation contained in subsection (b) may be exceeded
     5  by a weekly drawing under the following circumstances: a weekly
     6  drawing may award a prize where the cash value is in excess of
     7  $5,000 if such prize is the result of a carryover of a drawing
     8  or drawings which resulted from the winning number or numbers in
     9  such drawing or drawings not being among the eligible entrants
    10  in such drawings. Nothing contained in this act shall authorize
    11  the prize limitations as contained in subsection (b) to be
    12  exceeded as a result of a failure to conduct a drawing for a
    13  week during which chances were sold for a weekly drawing or for
    14  a weekly drawing for which chances were sold in excess of $1. An
    15  eligible organization shall not conduct weekly drawings during a
    16  period when a daily drawing is taking place.]
    17  Section 304.  (Reserved).
    18     Section 9.  Sections 6 and 7 of the act, amended December 19,
    19  1990 (P.L.812, No.195), are amended to read:
    20  [Section 6.  Sales limited.
    21     No person shall sell, offer for sale or furnish games of
    22  chance for use within this Commonwealth except to an eligible
    23  organization or distributor licensed under this act. No game of
    24  chance, other than a raffle, sold, offered for sale or furnished
    25  for use within this Commonwealth shall contain, permit, depict
    26  or designate a prize having a cash value in excess of $500.]
    27  Section 305.  (Reserved).
    28  Section [7] 306.  Distributor licenses.
    29     (a)  License required.--No person shall sell, offer for sale
    30  or furnish games of chance to eligible organizations licensed
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     1  under this [act] chapter unless such person shall have obtained
     2  a distributor license as provided in this section.
     3     (b)  Application.--An applicant for the grant or renewal of a
     4  distributor license issued pursuant to this section shall
     5  provide to the department, upon the form prescribed, all of the
     6  following:
     7         (1)  The applicant's State sales tax number.
     8         (2)  The applicant's State corporate tax number.
     9         (3)  The applicant's State employer withholding tax
    10     number.
    11         (4)  The applicant's unemployment compensation account
    12     number.
    13         (5)  A statement that:
    14             (i)  all State tax reports have been filed and all
    15         State taxes paid;
    16             (ii)  all State taxes are subject to a timely
    17         administrative or judicial appeal; or
    18             (iii)  all State taxes are subject to a duly approved
    19         deferred payment plan.
    20         (6)  The names and business addresses of all owners,
    21     officers, directors, partners and sales personnel.
    22     (c)  Waiver of confidentiality.--An applicant for the grant
    23  or renewal of any license issued pursuant to this section shall,
    24  by the filing of an application insofar as it relates to the
    25  department, waive any confidentiality with respect to State tax
    26  information in the possession of the department, the Office of
    27  Attorney General or the Department of Labor and Industry
    28  regarding that applicant, regardless of the source of that
    29  information, and shall consent to the providing of that
    30  information to the department by the Office of Attorney General
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     1  or the Department of Labor and Industry.
     2     (d)  Review of tax status.--Upon receipt of any application
     3  for the grant or renewal of any license issued pursuant to this
     4  section, the department shall review the State tax status of the
     5  applicant. The department shall request State tax information
     6  regarding the applicant from the Office of Attorney General or
     7  the Department of Labor and Industry and that information shall
     8  be provided.
     9     (e)  Limitation on approval.--The department shall not
    10  approve any application for the grant or renewal of any license
    11  issued pursuant to this section where the applicant has failed
    12  to:
    13         (1)  provide any of the information required by
    14     subsection (b);
    15         (2)  file required State tax reports; or
    16         (3)  pay any State taxes not subject to a timely
    17     administrative or judicial appeal or subject to a duly
    18     authorized deferred payment plan.
    19     (f)  Records.--The licensee shall keep such records, reports
    20  and books as the department shall prescribe. Applicants shall be
    21  required to make such records, reports and books available as
    22  required by the department pursuant to regulation.
    23     (g)  Ineligibility.--The department shall not issue or renew
    24  a distributor license for the sale of games of chance to a
    25  person, including any corporation, firm or partnership which has
    26  as an officer, director or other person in a supervisory or
    27  management position, or employee eligible to make sales on
    28  behalf of the distributor, who:
    29         (1)  has been convicted of a felony in a state or Federal
    30     court within the past five years; or
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     1         (2)  has been convicted within ten years of the date of
     2     application in a state or Federal court of a violation of the
     3     former act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214, No.67), known as the
     4     Bingo Law, or of this act or of a gambling-related offense
     5     under Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
     6     (relating to crimes and offenses) or other comparable State
     7     or Federal law.
     8     (h)  License and renewal fees.--The fee for a distributor
     9  license shall be $1,000. Licenses shall be renewable on an
    10  annual basis.
    11     (i)  Exception.--This section shall not apply to the
    12  manufacture or distribution of raffle tickets.
    13     Section 10.  Section 8 of the act is amended to read:
    14  Section [8] 307.  Registration of manufacturers.
    15     (a)  Registration required.--No manufacturer of games of
    16  chance shall sell any games of chance to any person unless the
    17  manufacturer has registered with the department and has been
    18  issued a certificate of registration.
    19     (b)  Annual certificate; fee.--A certificate under this
    20  section shall be valid for one year. The annual fee for
    21  registration shall be $2,000.
    22     (c)  Prohibited sales.--A manufacturer shall not sell games
    23  of chance to any person not licensed as a distributor unless the
    24  manufacturer is also a licensed distributor.
    25     (d)  Exception.--This section shall not apply to the
    26  manufacture or distribution of raffle tickets.
    27     Section 11.  Section 9 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
    28  (P.L.812, No.195), is amended to read:
    29  Section [9] 308.  Regulations of department.
    30     (a)  Authorization.--The department shall promulgate
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     1  regulations to:
     2         (1)  Impose minimum standards and restrictions applicable
     3     to games of chance manufactured for sale in this
     4     Commonwealth, which may include standards and restrictions
     5     which specify the maximum number of chances available to be
     6     sold for any single game or prize and such other standards
     7     and restrictions as the department deems necessary for the
     8     purposes of this [act] chapter. The department shall consider
     9     standards adopted by the National Association of Gambling
    10     Regulatory Agencies and other standards commonly accepted in
    11     the industry.
    12         (2)  Establish procedures by which manufacturers may
    13     register and distributors of games of chance may apply for
    14     licensure on forms which the department shall provide.
    15         (3)  Provide for the suspension or revocation of
    16     distribution licenses or manufacturer certificates for
    17     violations of this [act] chapter or regulations of the
    18     department.
    19         (4)  Carry out other provisions of this [act] chapter.
    20     (b)  Limitation on recordkeeping requirements.--This section
    21  shall not be construed to authorize the department to promulgate
    22  regulations providing for recordkeeping requirements for
    23  eligible organizations which require unreasonable or unnecessary
    24  information or a repetitious listing of information. The
    25  department shall strive to keep such recordkeeping requirements
    26  from being an undue hardship or burden on eligible
    27  organizations. Under no circumstances shall the department
    28  require the retention of records for a period in excess of two
    29  years.
    30     Section 12.  Section 10 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
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     1  (P.L.812, No.195) and October 18, 2000 (P.L.602, No.79), is
     2  amended to read:
     3  Section [10] 309.  Licensing of eligible organizations to
     4                     conduct games of chance.
     5     (a)  License required.--No eligible organization shall
     6  conduct or operate any games of chance unless such eligible
     7  organization has obtained and maintains a valid license issued
     8  pursuant to this section. Auxiliary groups within eligible
     9  organizations shall be eligible to conduct small games of chance
    10  using the license issued to the eligible organization provided
    11  that the auxiliary group or groups are listed on the application
    12  and license of the eligible organization. No additional
    13  licensing fee shall be charged for an auxiliary group's
    14  eligibility under this [act] chapter. Auxiliary groups shall not
    15  include branches, lodges or chapters of a Statewide
    16  organization.
    17     (b)  Issuance and fees.--The licensing authority shall
    18  license, upon application, within 30 days any eligible
    19  organization meeting the requirements for licensure contained in
    20  this [act] chapter to conduct and operate games of chance at
    21  such locations within the county or in such manner as stated on
    22  the application as limited by subsection (b.1). The license fee
    23  to be charged to each eligible organization shall be $100,
    24  except for limited occasion licenses which shall be $10.
    25  Licenses shall be renewable annually upon the anniversary of the
    26  date of issue.
    27     (b.1)  Location of small games of chance.--Where there exists
    28  a location or premises which is the normal business or operating
    29  site of the eligible organization and is owned or leased by that
    30  eligible organization to conduct its normal business, that site
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     1  shall be the licensed premises for small games of chance
     2  conducted by the eligible organization. If that location
     3  consists of more than one building and the eligible organization
     4  wishes to conduct its games in a different building at that
     5  location from the one that is listed on its application and
     6  license, the eligible organization must notify, in writing, the
     7  district attorney and the licensing authority of the change in
     8  building site and the dates and times that will be affected.
     9  When an eligible organization does not own or lease a specific
    10  location to conduct its normal business, that eligible
    11  organization may use another eligible organization's premises to
    12  conduct its games or may make such other arrangements that are
    13  consistent with this [act] chapter, including, but not limited
    14  to, leasing a premise under a written agreement for a rental
    15  which is not determined by either the amount of receipts
    16  realized from the playing of games of chance nor the number of
    17  people attending except that an eligible organization may lease
    18  a facility for a banquet where a per head charge is applied in
    19  connection with the serving of a meal. When such eligible
    20  organization changes the site of its games from that which is
    21  listed on its application and license, the eligible organization
    22  must notify, in writing, the district attorney and licensing
    23  authority of the change in their games' site and dates and times
    24  that will be affected.
    25     (b.2)  Off-premises games of chance.--Notwithstanding any
    26  other provisions of this section, an eligible organization may
    27  conduct small games of chance at a location off its premises
    28  when such games are part of an annual carnival, fair, picnic or
    29  banquet held or participated in by that eligible organization on
    30  a historical basis. The eligible organization must notify, in
    20070H1857B2526                 - 17 -     

     1  writing, the district attorney and licensing authority of the
     2  location, date and times of such events where it will be
     3  conducting small games of chance.
     4     (b.3)  Limited occasion licenses.--Eligible organizations
     5  which do not own their own premises or which do not lease a
     6  specific location to conduct their normal business may apply for
     7  a limited occasion license to conduct small games of chance on
     8  not more than three occasions covering a total of seven days
     9  during a licensed year. A limited occasion license entitles
    10  eligible organizations holding such a license to conduct no more
    11  than two raffles during a licensed year where prizes may not
    12  exceed the established limits for regular monthly raffles.
    13  Holders of limited occasion licenses may not apply or be granted
    14  any other license or special permit under this [act] chapter. No
    15  holder of a regular license or special permit under this [act]
    16  chapter shall apply or be granted a limited occasion license.
    17     (b.4)  Gambling facility prohibited.--It shall be unlawful
    18  for a person, corporation, association, partnership or other
    19  business entity to offer for rent or offer for use a building or
    20  facility to be used exclusively for the conducting of small
    21  games of chance. It shall also be unlawful for any eligible
    22  organization to lease under any terms a facility or building
    23  which used exclusively for the conducting of small games of
    24  chance.
    25     (c)  Display.--Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall
    26  be publicly displayed at the site of the small games of chance.
    27     (d)  Operation.--Each licensed eligible organization shall
    28  comply with the following restrictions and rules governing the
    29  operation of games of chance:
    30         (1)  No person under 18 years of age shall be permitted
    20070H1857B2526                 - 18 -     

     1     to operate or play games of chance.
     2         (2)  No eligible organization shall permit any person who
     3     has been convicted of a felony in a Federal or State court
     4     within the past five years or has been convicted in a Federal
     5     or State court within the past ten years of a violation of
     6     the former act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214, No.67), known as
     7     the Bingo Law, or of this act to manage, set up, supervise or
     8     participate in the operation of games of chance.
     9         [(3)  No eligible organization shall pay any compensation
    10     to any person for conducting any games of chance. Games of
    11     chance may only be conducted by managers, officers,
    12     directors, bar personnel and bona fide members of the
    13     eligible organization.]
    14         (4)  Games shall be conducted only on the licensed
    15     premises or as otherwise provided by this [act] chapter.
    16         (5)  The eligible organization shall not lease such
    17     premises under either an oral or a written agreement for a
    18     rental which is determined by either the amount of receipts
    19     realized from the playing of games of chance or the number of
    20     people attending, except that an eligible organization may
    21     lease a facility for a banquet where a per head charge is
    22     applied in connection with the serving of a meal. An eligible
    23     organization shall not lease such premises from any person
    24     who has been convicted of a violation of this [act] chapter
    25     within the past ten years.
    26         (6)  Games, other than raffles, daily drawings and weekly
    27     drawings, shall be purchased only from manufacturers and
    28     distributors approved by the department.
    29         (7)  No licensed eligible organization shall permit its
    30     premises to be used for small games of chance by another
    20070H1857B2526                 - 19 -     

     1     licensed eligible organization at the same time that it is
     2     conducting small games of chance on the premises. When a
     3     licensed eligible organization is permitting another licensed
     4     eligible organization to use its premises for purposes of
     5     small games of chance, it must cease the operation of its own
     6     small games of chance during the period that the other
     7     licensed eligible organization is conducting its games on the
     8     premises.
     9         (8)  Raffle tickets may be sold off the licensed premise
    10     in any municipality in this Commonwealth which has adopted
    11     the provisions of this [act] chapter by an affirmative vote
    12     in a municipal referendum. A licensed eligible organization
    13     which plans to sell raffle tickets in a municipality located
    14     in a county other than the county in which the eligible
    15     organization is licensed must notify that county's district
    16     attorney and licensing authority as to the location and the
    17     dates that the eligible organization plans to sell raffle
    18     tickets.
    19     (e)  Application for license.--Each eligible organization
    20  shall apply to the licensing authority for a license on a form
    21  to be prescribed by the Secretary of Revenue. The form shall
    22  contain an affidavit to be affirmed by the executive officer or
    23  secretary of the eligible organization stating that:
    24         (1)  No person under 18 years of age will be permitted by
    25     the eligible organization to operate or play games of chance.
    26         (2)  The facility in which the games of chance are to be
    27     played has adequate means of ingress and egress and adequate
    28     sanitary facilities available in the area.
    29         (3)  The eligible organization is not leasing such
    30     premises from the owner thereof under an oral agreement, nor
    20070H1857B2526                 - 20 -     

     1     is it leasing such premises from the owner thereof under a
     2     written agreement at a rental which is determined by the
     3     amount of receipts realized from the playing of games of
     4     chance or by the number of people attending, except that an
     5     eligible organization may lease a facility for a banquet
     6     where a per head charge is applied in connection with the
     7     serving of a meal.
     8     (f)  List of licensees.--The licensing authority, on a
     9  semiannual basis, shall send a copy of all licensees to the
    10  Department of Revenue.
    11     (g)  List of municipalities.--The licensing authority shall
    12  include with any license or renewal issued to an eligible
    13  organization, an up-to-date listing of those municipalities
    14  within the licensing county which have approved the referendum
    15  question on small games of chance.
    16     Section 13.  Sections 11 and 12 of the act, amended December
    17  19, 1990 (P.L.812, No.195), are amended to read:
    18  Section [11] 310.  Special permits.
    19     (a)  Issuance and fee.--The licensing authority shall issue a
    20  special permit for each raffle in which the licensee proposes to
    21  award individual prizes having a cash value in excess of $500.
    22  The licensing authority may establish and collect a fee not to
    23  exceed $25 for the issuance of special permits under this
    24  section.
    25     (b)  Permit application.--Each special permit application
    26  shall specify the location where the actual drawing will be
    27  held, the number of chances to be sold, the price per chance and
    28  the cash value of the prize or prizes to be awarded.
    29  Section [12] 311.  Revocation of licenses.
    30     (a)  Grounds.--The licensing authority shall revoke or refuse
    20070H1857B2526                 - 21 -     

     1  to renew the license of any eligible organization whenever the
     2  district attorney finds upon complaint and investigation that:
     3         (1)  Any of the funds derived from the operation of games
     4     of chance are used for any purpose other than for public
     5     interest purposes or for the purchase of games of chance as
     6     permitted by this [act] chapter.
     7         (2)  Any person under 18 years of age is operating or
     8     playing games of chance [as defined in this act].
     9         (3)  The eligible organization has permitted any person
    10     who has been convicted of a felony in a Federal or State
    11     court within the past five years or has been convicted in a
    12     Federal or State court within the past ten years of a
    13     violation of the former act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214,
    14     No.67), known as the Bingo Law, or of this act, to manage,
    15     set up, supervise or participate in the operation of games of
    16     chance.
    17         (4)  The facility in which the games of chance are played
    18     does not have adequate means of ingress and egress and does
    19     not have adequate sanitary facilities available in the area.
    20         [(5)  Any person or persons other than a manager,
    21     officer, director, bar personnel or a bona fide member of an
    22     eligible organization have been involved in managing, setting
    23     up, operating or running games of chance.
    24         (6)  Any person has received compensation for conducting
    25     games of chance.
    26         (7)  Any prize has been awarded in excess of the limits
    27     permitted under this act.]
    28         (8)  The eligible organization has violated any condition
    29     of a special permit issued pursuant to section [11] 310.
    30         (9)  The eligible organization conducts the games of
    20070H1857B2526                 - 22 -     

     1     chance under a lease which calls for:
     2             (i)  leasing such premises from the owner thereof
     3         under an oral agreement; or
     4             (ii)  leasing such premises from the owner thereof
     5         under a written agreement at a rental which is determined
     6         by the amount of receipts realized from the playing of
     7         games of chance.
     8         (10)  False or erroneous information was provided in the
     9     original application.
    10         (11)  An eligible organization has been convicted of a
    11     violation of this [act] chapter as evidenced by a certified
    12     record of the conviction.
    13         (12)  The eligible organization has permitted another
    14     eligible organization to conduct small games of chance on its
    15     licensed premises without suspending its own operation of
    16     small games of chance during the period that the other
    17     licensed eligible organization is conducting its games on the
    18     premises.
    19     (b)  Production of records.--The district attorney may
    20  require licensees to produce their books, accounts and records
    21  relating to the conduct of games of chance in order to determine
    22  whether a license should be revoked or renewal thereof denied.
    23  Licensees shall also be required to produce their license,
    24  books, accounts and records relating to the conduct of games of
    25  chance to other law enforcement officials upon proper request.
    26     Section 14.  Section 13 of the act is amended to read:
    27  Section [13] 312.  Enforcement.
    28     (a)  District attorney.--The district attorney shall
    29  investigate alleged violations of this [act] chapter. If the
    30  district attorney finds probable cause to believe that a
    20070H1857B2526                 - 23 -     

     1  violation has occurred, he may file a complaint against the
     2  alleged violator in the court of common pleas of said county,
     3  except in counties of the first class where the complaint may be
     4  filed in the municipal court. In addition, the district attorney
     5  shall prosecute said complaint in the manner provided by law.
     6     (b)  Other law enforcement officials.--Nothing in this [act]
     7  chapter shall be interpreted to restrict the power of State,
     8  county or local law enforcement officials to conduct
     9  investigations and enforce the provisions of this [act] chapter.
    10     Section 15.  Section 14 of the act, amended or added July 11,
    11  1990 (P.L.449, No.108) and December 19, 1990 (P.L.812, No.195),
    12  is amended to read:
    13  Section [14] 313.  Local option.
    14     (a)  Election to be held.--In any municipality, an election
    15  may be held on the date of the primary election immediately
    16  preceding any municipal election, but not more than once in four
    17  years, to determine the will of the electors with respect to the
    18  issuance of licenses within the limits of such municipality
    19  under the provisions of this act. Where an election shall have
    20  been held at the primary election preceding a municipal election
    21  in any year, another election may be held under the provisions
    22  of this [act] chapter at the primary election occurring the
    23  fourth year after such prior election. Whenever electors equal
    24  to at least 25% of the highest vote cast for any office in the
    25  municipality at the last preceding general election shall file a
    26  petition with the county board of elections of the county, or
    27  the governing body of the municipality adopts, by a majority
    28  vote, a resolution to place such a question on the ballot and a
    29  copy of the resolution is filed with the board of elections of
    30  the county, for a referendum on the question of issuing
    20070H1857B2526                 - 24 -     

     1  licenses, the county board of elections shall cause a question
     2  to be placed on the ballot or on the voting machine board and
     3  submitted at the primary election immediately preceding the
     4  municipal election. The question shall be in the following form:
     5         Do you favor the issuance of licenses
     6         to conduct small games of chance in the
     7                          of                     ?
     8     (b)  Vote.--If a majority of the electors voting on the
     9  question vote "yes," then licenses shall be issued by the
    10  licensing authority in such municipality, but if a majority of
    11  the electors voting on any such question vote "no," then the
    12  licensing authority shall have no power to issue or to renew,
    13  upon their expiration, any licenses in such municipality, unless
    14  and until, at a later election, a majority of the voting
    15  electors vote "yes" on such question.
    16     (c)  Voting proceedings.--Proceedings under this section
    17  shall be in accordance with the provisions of the act of June 3,
    18  1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election
    19  Code.
    20     (d)  Applicability.--This act applies only to those eligible
    21  organizations located in municipalities which have adopted the
    22  provisions of this act by an affirmative vote in a municipal
    23  referendum in accordance with the provisions of this section.
    24     (e)  Withdrawal of approval.--The referendum procedure
    25  contained in this section shall also be available to withdraw
    26  the approval of the issuance of such licenses within such
    27  municipality which was granted through a prior referendum.
    28     [(f)  Special exception.--Notwithstanding any other provision
    29  of this act to the contrary, in any municipality except a city
    30  of the first class where an election was held pursuant to this
    20070H1857B2526                 - 25 -     

     1  section on May 16, 1989, and a majority of the electors voted
     2  "NO" on the question, the municipality shall be able to resubmit
     3  the question, in accordance with the procedures set forth in
     4  this section, at the general election immediately following the
     5  effective date of this amendatory act.]
     6     Section 16.  Section 15 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
     7  (P.L.812, No.195), is amended to read:
     8  Section [15] 314.  Advertising.
     9     It shall be unlawful for any eligible organization or person
    10  to advertise the prizes or their dollar value to be awarded in
    11  games of chance, provided that prizes may be identified on
    12  raffle tickets. Notwithstanding the prohibition of advertising
    13  contained within this section, an eligible organization may
    14  advertise prizes and values thereof in periodic publications
    15  which are limited in their circulation to members of the
    16  eligible organization.
    17     Section 17.  Section 16 of the act is amended to read:
    18  Section [16] 315.  Certain persons prohibited.
    19     No [distributor nor any] person who has been convicted of a
    20  felony or of a violation of the former act of July 10, 1981
    21  (P.L.214, No.67), known as the Bingo Law, or of this act or of
    22  any comparable State or Federal law shall have a pecuniary
    23  interest in the operation or proceeds of games of chance.
    24     Section 18.  Section 17 of the act, amended December 19, 1990
    25  (P.L.812, No.195), is amended to read:
    26  Section [17] 316.  Penalties.
    27     (a)  Eligible organizations.--Any eligible organization
    28  violating the provisions of this [act] chapter shall be guilty
    29  of a summary offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
    30  sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000 and shall for a
    20070H1857B2526                 - 26 -     

     1  first offense, forfeit the license to conduct games of chance
     2  issued to the eligible organization for the remainder of the
     3  licensing period or six months, whichever is longer, for a
     4  second offense, forfeit the license issued to the eligible
     5  organization for the remainder of the current licensing period
     6  and be ineligible to be licensed for the following licensing
     7  period, for a third or subsequent offense, forfeit the license
     8  issued to the eligible organization and be ineligible for a
     9  license renewal for 30 months thereafter.
    10     (b)  Individuals.--Any person who conducts or assists in the
    11  conducting of games of chance in violation of the provisions of
    12  this [act] chapter is guilty of a summary offense for a first
    13  violation. A second violation of this [act] chapter shall be
    14  punishable as a misdemeanor of the third degree. A third or
    15  subsequent violation shall be punishable as a misdemeanor of the
    16  first degree.
    17     (c)  Distributors and manufacturers.--Any person who
    18  distributes games of chance without a license or in violation of
    19  any provision of this [act] chapter or applicable regulations,
    20  and any manufacturer of games of chance who delivers games of
    21  chance for sale or distribution in this Commonwealth who fails
    22  to obtain a permit therefor is guilty of a misdemeanor of the
    23  first degree, provided that no license or permit shall be
    24  required for the manufacture or distribution of raffle tickets.
    25     (d)  Rigging.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first
    26  degree if, with intent to prevent a game of chance from being
    27  conducted in accordance with the requirements of this [act]
    28  chapter or the rules and usages governing the game, he:
    29         (1)  confers or offers or agrees to confer any benefit
    30     upon or threatens any injury to a participant or other person
    20070H1857B2526                 - 27 -     

     1     associated with the game;
     2         (2)  tampers with any person or games; or
     3         (3)  solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit.
     4     (e)  Contingent fees.--Any person who distributes,
     5  manufactures or operates a small game of chance and who
     6  requires, for equipment furnished or to play a game, payment
     7  equal to a percentage of the total winnings of any game commits
     8  a misdemeanor of the first degree.
     9     Section 19.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    10                             CHAPTER 5
    11                               BINGO
    12  Section 501.  Scope.
    13     This chapter relates to the regulation of bingo.
    14  Section 502.  Legislative intent.
    15     The General Assembly hereby declares that the playing of
    16  bingo for the purpose of raising funds, by certain nonprofit
    17  associations, for the promotion of charitable or civic purposes,
    18  is in the public interest.
    19     It is hereby declared to be the policy of the General
    20  Assembly that all phases of licensing, operation and regulation
    21  of the game of bingo be strictly controlled, and that all laws
    22  and regulations with respect thereto as well as all gambling
    23  laws should be strictly construed and rigidly enforced.
    24     The General Assembly recognizes the possibility of
    25  association between commercial gambling and organized crime, and
    26  wishes to discourage commercialization of the game of bingo,
    27  prevent participation by organized crime and prevent the
    28  diversion of funds from the purposes herein authorized.
    29  Section 503.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    20070H1857B2526                 - 28 -     

     1  shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
     2  meanings given to them in this section:
     3     "Association."  A volunteer fire company or an ambulance,
     4  religious, charitable, fraternal, veterans, civic, county fair
     5  or agricultural association, or any separately chartered
     6  auxiliary of any of the above associations, organized as a
     7  nonprofit organization which shall have existed, and conducted
     8  business in furtherance of their written constitution, charter,
     9  articles of incorporation or bylaw express purpose, for two
    10  years prior to application for a license: Provided, however,
    11  That an association whose membership consists exclusively of
    12  elderly residents of a senior citizen housing project may apply
    13  for a license immediately upon its being organized as such and
    14  need not meet the two-year waiting requirement. This term shall
    15  not be interpreted to include political organizations as
    16  associations eligible for a bingo license. An association shall
    17  not be denied a bingo license because its name denotes
    18  affiliation with a political organization if in fact the
    19  association is not a political organization as evidenced by its
    20  written constitution, charter, articles of incorporation or
    21  bylaw express purpose.
    22     "Bingo."  A game in which each player has a card or an
    23  electronic representation of a card or board which contains
    24  numbers and symbols. Any preannounced combination of spaces when
    25  completed by a player constitutes bingo if the numbers or
    26  symbols are announced and covered. A wheel or other mechanical
    27  device, including a random number or symbol generator, may be
    28  used by any person physically calling or electronically
    29  displaying the game of bingo and any person may award a prize to
    30  any player or players first completing any combination
    20070H1857B2526                 - 29 -     

     1  constituting bingo.
     2     "Bingo supplies."  Paper, pull tabs or daubers used in
     3  conjunction with the game of bingo.
     4     "Bona fide member."  Any individual who holds a full
     5  membership in the association as defined by the association's
     6  constitution, charter, articles of incorporation or bylaws and
     7  has been a member of the association for at least one year. The
     8  term shall also include those individuals who are members of an
     9  auxiliary or recognized junior affiliate of the parent
    10  association.
    11     "Charitable purpose."  Benevolent or philanthropic purpose.
    12     "Civic purpose."  Community purpose.
    13     "Elderly residents of a senior citizen housing project."
    14  Persons aged 62 years or older who reside in an elderly housing
    15  project receiving rental assistance pursuant to the Housing and
    16  Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat.
    17  633).
    18     "Electronic bingo device."  An electronic or mechanical
    19  device that is used by a bingo player to mark representations of
    20  bingo card faces stored in the device and shall not include any
    21  device into which coin, currency or tokens are inserted directly
    22  into the device to activate play. An electronic bingo device may
    23  be used to participate in any lawful form of bingo.
    24     "Equipment."  Tables, chairs, cards, microphones, amplifiers,
    25  monitors, speakers and all other machinery and articles used to
    26  conduct a game of bingo.
    27     "Law enforcement official."  A municipal police officer, a
    28  member of the Pennsylvania State Police, the sheriff of a county
    29  or a deputy sheriff.
    30     "Lessor."  A person that permits the conduct of bingo on a
    20070H1857B2526                 - 30 -     

     1  premises owned by or leased to the person.
     2     "Licensing authority."  The county treasurer or, in any home
     3  rule county or city of the first class where there is no elected
     4  treasurer, the designee of the governing authority.
     5     "Per bingo session."  Authorized bingo games played until the
     6  maximum amount of prize money, not including the progressive
     7  jackpot, has been given out.
     8     "Prize."  The maximum allowed to be paid out by an
     9  association during a bingo game not including any progressive
    10  jackpot.
    11     "Progressive jackpot."  An amount given along with the
    12  regular prize if a win is obtained in the predetermined number
    13  of balls or less. If the win is not obtained in the
    14  predetermined number of balls or less, the regular game shall
    15  continue.
    16  Section 504.  Associations permitted to conduct bingo.
    17     Any association, for a charitable or civic purpose, when
    18  licensed pursuant to this chapter, may conduct the game of bingo
    19  as herein defined.
    20  Section 505.  Rules for licensing and operation.
    21     (a)  Issuance and fee.--The licensing authority shall
    22  license, upon application, any association as defined in section
    23  503 to conduct the game of bingo at one location in the county,
    24  which, when in a county of the second class, shall only be in
    25  the city, borough or township where the main business office or
    26  headquarters of the association is located. The county treasurer
    27  of a county of the second class shall indicate on each license
    28  the city, borough or township where the association may conduct
    29  bingo. The single municipal location limitation shall not apply
    30  to a group of licensed associations conducting bingo at a
    20070H1857B2526                 - 31 -     

     1  central location. The license fee to be charged to each
     2  nonprofit association shall be $100 per annum except to those
     3  recognized senior citizens' groups who conduct bingo for their
     4  members only the fee shall be $50 per annum. The license fee to
     5  be charged to each agricultural association or county fair shall
     6  be $100 per annum. Associations which conduct bingo only one
     7  period each year for not more than three consecutive days shall
     8  be charged $15 for the issuance of their license. The fees
     9  collected pursuant to this section shall be paid by the
    10  licensing authority into the general fund of the county and used
    11  for county purposes. All records retained by the licensing
    12  authority relating to the issuance of bingo licenses and bingo
    13  permits shall be public information.
    14     (b)  Display.--Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall
    15  be publicly displayed at games conducted by licensees.
    16     (c)  Operation.--Each licensed association shall comply with
    17  the following restrictions and rules governing the operation of
    18  bingo:
    19         (1)  No person under the age of 18 shall be permitted to
    20     play bingo unless accompanied by an adult. Children under 18
    21     years of age shall not be permitted to play bingo using an
    22     electronic bingo device.
    23         (2)  No association shall conduct bingo more than four
    24     times in any one week, except an association shall be
    25     permitted to conduct the game of bingo for a period not to
    26     exceed four days at the association's exposition, carnival or
    27     fair site in addition to the regularly scheduled games.
    28         (3)  No more than $10,000 in prizes shall be awarded in
    29     any calendar day. The value of a progressive jackpot shall
    30     not be subject to the prize limitation under this paragraph.
    20070H1857B2526                 - 32 -     

     1         (4)  (Reserved)
     2         (5)  The association shall own the equipment used in
     3     playing bingo or shall sign a written agreement leasing the
     4     equipment from another licensed association for a fee which
     5     is not determined by the amount of receipts realized from the
     6     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
     7     games. Joint ownership of bingo equipment shall be permitted
     8     only if both owners of the equipment are licensed
     9     associations. This paragraph shall not apply to associations
    10     contracting charitable organizations or outside operators to
    11     conduct bingo at expositions, carnivals or fairs. The
    12     association can be charged a per use fee on an electronic
    13     bingo device used during the bingo occasion. The per use fee
    14     may not be determined by the amount of receipts realized from
    15     the playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
    16     games.
    17         (6)  The association shall own both the premises upon
    18     which bingo is played and the personal property used in the
    19     conduct of the game, or if it does not, the association shall
    20     sign a written agreement leasing such premises or personal
    21     property from the owner thereof for a fee which is not
    22     determined by either the amount of receipts realized from the
    23     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
    24     games. An association shall not lease such premises or
    25     personal property from any person who has been convicted of a
    26     felony or a violation of this chapter.
    27         (7)  Each association shall keep written records of the
    28     moneys and merchandise collected and distributed for each day
    29     they conduct bingo. These records shall indicate the total
    30     proceeds collected, the total prize money distributed, the
    20070H1857B2526                 - 33 -     

     1     total value of all merchandise awarded as a prize and the
     2     amount of moneys paid as rentals or wages and to whom such
     3     rentals or wages were paid. All prizes or progressive
     4     jackpots awarded having a value greater than $250 shall be
     5     specifically described in the association's records.
     6         (8)  Each association shall deposit with a financial
     7     institution all proceeds for each day's bingo game in an
     8     account in the association's name. This deposit shall be made
     9     before any of the proceeds may be used for any other purpose,
    10     except for payment of prize money and compensation to members
    11     employed in the operation of the game. The following shall
    12     apply:
    13             (i)  No supplier of equipment, bingo supplies or
    14         electronic bingo devices shall sell, offer to sell or
    15         deliver any equipment, bingo supplies or electronic bingo
    16         devices to any licensed organization in this Commonwealth
    17         and no organization shall buy or accept delivery of any
    18         equipment, bingo supplies or electronic bingo devices,
    19         except on terms of immediate payment or on terms
    20         requiring payment no later than the 15th day following
    21         that on which actual delivery is made. If any payment is
    22         not made when due, the supplier shall immediately notify
    23         the district attorney of the county in which the
    24         organization is located of the default, after which no
    25         person shall sell any equipment, bingo supplies or
    26         electronic bingo devices to the organization in default
    27         on any other terms than immediate payment, until
    28         otherwise authorized by the district attorney. Under
    29         penalty of suspension of its license, the organization
    30         which is in default shall pay its obligation in full
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     1         within 30 days from the date it became due.
     2             (ii)  No supplier of equipment, bingo supplies or
     3         electronic bingo devices shall accept payment from a
     4         licensed organization for any equipment, bingo supplies
     5         or electronic bingo devices unless that payment is in the
     6         form of a check bearing the organization's license number
     7         and drawn on the organization's separate charitable
     8         gaming account.
     9             (iii)  Any licensee who violates this section may
    10         have its license suspended for not more than 60 days for
    11         a first or a subsequent offense. Each failure of an
    12         organization to make payment for any default before the
    13         expiration of the period suspension constitutes a
    14         subsequent offense. Additionally, the organization may be
    15         required to make payments for all equipment, bingo
    16         supplies or electronic bingo devices subsequently
    17         purchased.
    18         (9)  An association shall permit any person who is a bona
    19     fide member of the association or an employee of a lessor to
    20     manage, set up, supervise or participate in the operation of
    21     the association's bingo games. No association shall permit
    22     any person who has been convicted of a felony or a violation
    23     of this chapter to manage, set up, supervise or participate
    24     in the operation of the association's bingo games. Nothing
    25     contained in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit
    26     individuals under 18 years of age from participating in the
    27     operation of the game and being compensated therefor if
    28     written permission is obtained from their parent or guardian.
    29         (10)  Associations which obtain a license for the purpose
    30     of conducting bingo at an exposition, carnival or fair for a
    20070H1857B2526                 - 35 -     

     1     period not exceeding ten days shall be permitted to contract
     2     a charitable organization to manage, set up, supervise or
     3     participate in the operation of the bingo game provided only
     4     merchandise prizes are awarded. Only bona fide members of the
     5     contracted charitable organization shall be permitted to
     6     participate in the operation of the bingo game. If no
     7     charitable organizations are available, the association may
     8     contract an outside operator to conduct the game for
     9     merchandise at the exposition, carnival or fair site.
    10     (d)  Application for license.--Each association shall apply
    11  to the licensing authority for a license on a form to be
    12  prescribed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Said form shall
    13  contain an affidavit to be affirmed by the executive officer or
    14  secretary of the association stating that:
    15         (1)  No person under 18 years of age will be permitted by
    16     the association to play bingo unless accompanied by an adult.
    17     Children under 18 years of age shall not be permitted to play
    18     bingo using an electronic bingo device.
    19         (2)  The facility in which any game of bingo is to be
    20     played does have adequate means of ingress and egress and
    21     adequate sanitary facilities available in the area.
    22         (3)  The association is the sole or joint owner with a
    23     licensed association of the equipment used in playing bingo
    24     or it leases the equipment from another licensed association
    25     under a written agreement for a fee which is not determined
    26     by the amount of receipts realized from the playing of bingo
    27     or the number of people attending bingo games. This paragraph
    28     shall not apply to associations contracting with charitable
    29     organizations or outside operators to conduct bingo at
    30     expositions, carnivals or fairs.
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     1         (4)  The association is the owner of both the premises
     2     upon which bingo is played and the personal property used in
     3     the conduct of the game or, if it is not, that the
     4     association is not leasing such premises or personal property
     5     from the owner thereof under an oral agreement, nor is it
     6     leasing such premises or personal property from the owner
     7     thereof under a written agreement at a rental which is
     8     determined by either the amount of receipts realized from the
     9     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
    10     games, nor is it leasing such premises or personal property
    11     from a person who has been convicted of a felony or a
    12     violation of this chapter.
    13         (5)  The association will not conduct the playing of
    14     bingo more than four times per week in any one week, except
    15     those associations conducting bingo at expositions, carnivals
    16     or fairs.
    17         (6)  The association in any bingo session will not award
    18     a total of more than $10,000 in prizes.
    19         (7)  The association is a nonprofit association as
    20     defined in this chapter.
    21     (e)  Compensation.--Any person compensated shall be paid
    22  individually by check or by cash, in which case the payee shall
    23  sign a written receipt.
    24  Section 505.1.  Progressive jackpots.
    25     (a)  Permitted.--A licensed charitable organization or
    26  organizations playing at the same location may deposit a
    27  predetermined amount of money before each licensed call bingo
    28  session into a special account in order to offer a progressive
    29  jackpot prize.
    30     (b)  Participating organizations.--A participating
    20070H1857B2526                 - 37 -     

     1  organization may conduct a progressive jackpot game which shall
     2  be in conjunction with the organization's regular bingo games.
     3     (c)  Contents.--A progressive jackpot shall consist of all
     4  contributions made by participating organizations.
     5     (d)  Method of winning.--A progressive jackpot is won along
     6  with a regular jackpot prize when a player achieves a win in a
     7  predetermined number of balls or less. If the win is not
     8  obtained in the predetermined number of balls or less, the
     9  organization's regular game shall continue.
    10     (e)  Checking account.--A separate checking account shall be
    11  opened by the participating organization for the progressive
    12  jackpot. The following shall apply:
    13         (1)  The account shall be in the name of "Charitable
    14     Gaming Progressive Jackpot Account" which shall be imprinted
    15     on all checks. Checks from this account shall require two
    16     signatures.
    17         (2)  If the organizations are using a lessor, the lessor
    18     shall designate a representative who shall make deposits of
    19     all funds contributed to the progressive jackpot by 10:00
    20     a.m. on the next banking day and who shall be responsible for
    21     maintaining the checking account in accordance with generally
    22     accepted accounting principles.
    23         (3)  Designated representatives of the lessor and each
    24     participating organization shall be authorized signatories on
    25     the account and shall be in attendance at the location at the
    26     conclusion of each respective organization's progressive
    27     jackpot game for the purpose of issuing a check bearing
    28     signatures of the lessor representative and the organization
    29     representative from the special account to the winner. If no
    30     lessor is involved, the organization shall have two of its
    20070H1857B2526                 - 38 -     

     1     representatives at the location to sign and issue a check.
     2         (4)  All banking fees and costs shall be borne by the
     3     lessor or the organization, if no lessor is involved.
     4     (f)  Contribution.--Each participating organization shall
     5  submit a check to the designated lessor representative for the
     6  predetermined amount prior to the commencement of the
     7  organization's scheduled call bingo session made payable to the
     8  charitable gaming progressive jackpot account. The contribution
     9  shall be nonrefundable except in the event of premises closure.
    10  Each predetermined contribution shall constitute part of the
    11  total amount of prizes awarded during that call bingo session.
    12  If no lessor is involved, the organization shall make a check
    13  payable to its charitable gaming progressive jackpot account.
    14  The contribution shall be nonrefundable except in the event of
    15  premises closure. Each predetermined contribution shall
    16  constitute part of the total amount of prizes awarded during
    17  that call bingo session. The following shall apply:
    18         (1)  The dollar amount of the progressive jackpot shall
    19     be continuously and conspicuously displayed during all bingo
    20     sessions conducted by participating organizations at the
    21     location within view of all patrons purchasing progressive
    22     jackpot cards.
    23         (2)  All checks written to a charitable gaming
    24     progressive jackpot account shall be reported as part of the
    25     bingo reports when requested by the local district attorney's
    26     office.
    27         (3)  The organization involved in the progressive jackpot
    28     may establish a maximum cap. Participating organizations may,
    29     prior to the progressive jackpot being won, raise but may not
    30     lower the maximum jackpot or cap. The following shall apply:
    20070H1857B2526                 - 39 -     

     1             (i)  In the event that the maximum progressive
     2         jackpot or cap established is reached, the organizations
     3         may continue to make contributions to the charitable
     4         gaming progressive jackpot account in order to accumulate
     5         a second or subsequent jackpot. Once the maximum jackpot
     6         or cap is reached, the participating organizations shall
     7         not offer any subsequent progressive jackpot prize until
     8         the time that the first progressive jackpot prize is won.
     9             (ii)  The dollar amount of the maximum jackpot or cap
    10         as established by the organizations shall be continuously
    11         and conspicuously displayed with the current dollar
    12         amount of the progressive jackpot.
    13     (g)  Investigation of association.--The licensing authority
    14  may request an investigation to verify the statements made in
    15  any application for a license.
    16  Section 506.  Revocation of licenses.
    17     (a)  Grounds.--The licensing authority shall revoke or refuse
    18  to renew the license of any association whenever the district
    19  attorney finds upon investigation that:
    20         (1)  Any of the funds derived from the operation of the
    21     game of bingo are used for any purpose which does not support
    22     the nonprofit purposes of the association.
    23         (2)  Any person under the age of 18 unaccompanied by an
    24     adult is playing bingo as herein defined.
    25         (3)  The facility in which any game of bingo is played
    26     does not have adequate means of ingress and egress or does
    27     not have adequate sanitary facilities available in the area.
    28         (4)  (Reserved).
    29         (5)  The association conducts bingo using bingo equipment
    30     which it does not own solely or jointly with another licensed
    20070H1857B2526                 - 40 -     

     1     association or which it leases in violation of the statement
     2     contained in its license application provided by section
     3     505(d)(3).
     4         (6)  The association conducts bingo upon premises which
     5     it does not own or with personal property it does not own and
     6     is either:
     7             (i)  leasing such premises or personal property used
     8         in the conduct of the game from the owner thereof under
     9         an oral agreement;
    10             (ii)  leasing such premises or personal property from
    11         the owner thereof under a written agreement at a rental
    12         which is determined by either the amount of receipts
    13         realized from the playing of bingo or the number of
    14         people attending bingo games; or
    15             (iii)  leasing such premises or personal property
    16         from a person who has been convicted of a felony or a
    17         violation of this chapter.
    18         (7)  False or erroneous information was provided in the
    19     original notarized application.
    20         (8)  An association has been convicted of a violation of
    21     this chapter as evidenced by a certified record of the
    22     conviction.
    23     (b)  Production of records.--The district attorney may
    24  require the licensees to produce their books, accounts and
    25  records relating to the conduct of bingo in order to determine
    26  whether a license should be revoked or renewal thereof denied.
    27  Licensees shall also be required to produce their license,
    28  books, accounts and records relating to the conduct of bingo to
    29  other law enforcement officials upon proper request.
    30     (c)  Possible revocation.--The licensing authority may revoke
    20070H1857B2526                 - 41 -     

     1  the license of any association if he finds that the association
     2  has knowingly employed any person in the operation of their
     3  bingo game who has been convicted of a violation of this
     4  chapter.
     5  Section 506.1.  Special permits to conduct bingo for
     6                     entertainment.
     7     (a)  Issuance and fee.--Upon application each year, the
     8  licensing authority may issue to community recognized nonprofit
     9  organizations a special permit to conduct bingo for
    10  entertainment purposes only. No fee shall be charged for the
    11  issuance of a special permit.
    12     (b)  Operation.--Organizations issued special permits shall
    13  not conduct bingo for the purpose of making a profit. All prizes
    14  awarded shall be of nominal value. No person who has been
    15  convicted of a felony or a violation of this chapter shall be
    16  permitted to manage, set up, supervise or participate in the
    17  operation of the bingo game.
    18     (c)  Application for permit.--Each organization shall apply
    19  to the licensing authority on a form to be prescribed by the
    20  Secretary of the Commonwealth. Said form shall contain an
    21  affidavit to be affirmed by the executive officer or secretary
    22  of the organization stating that:
    23         (1)  The organization is a nonprofit community recognized
    24     organization.
    25         (2)  No person under the age of 18 will be permitted by
    26     the organization to play bingo unless accompanied by an
    27     adult.
    28         (3)  The organization is conducting bingo for
    29     entertainment purposes only and all prizes awarded will be of
    30     nominal value.
    20070H1857B2526                 - 42 -     

     1  Section 506.2.  Revocation of special permits.
     2     (a)  Grounds.--The licensing authority shall revoke or refuse
     3  to renew the special permit of any organization whenever the
     4  district attorney finds upon investigation that:
     5         (1)  The organization is conducting bingo for purposes of
     6     making a profit.
     7         (2)  Any person under the age of 18 unaccompanied by an
     8     adult is playing bingo as herein defined.
     9         (3)  Compensation prohibited by this chapter has been
    10     paid to or received by any person.
    11         (4)  False or erroneous information was provided in the
    12     original notarized application.
    13         (5)  The organization has been convicted of a violation
    14     of this chapter as evidenced by a certified record of the
    15     conviction.
    16     (b)  Possible revocation.--The licensing authority may revoke
    17  the special permit of any organization if it finds that the
    18  organization has knowingly employed any person in the operation
    19  of their bingo game who has been convicted of a violation of
    20  this chapter.
    21  Section 506.3.  Service of food or drink.
    22     It shall be unlawful to serve food or drink, with or without
    23  charge, at the location of an association's bingo game unless
    24  there has been compliance with the health laws and regulations
    25  of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.
    26  Section 507.  Penalty.
    27     (a)  Summary offense.--Any association violating the
    28  provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a summary offense,
    29  and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
    30  exceeding $1,000 and shall forfeit any license issued to the
    20070H1857B2526                 - 43 -     

     1  association, and it shall be ineligible for a license renewal
     2  for 30 months thereafter.
     3     (b)  Misdemeanor.--Any person who conducts or assists in the
     4  conducting of bingo in violation of the provisions of this
     5  chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
     6  Section 508.  Additional powers of the district attorney.
     7     The district attorney shall investigate alleged violations of
     8  this chapter. If the district attorney finds probable cause to
     9  believe that a violation has occurred, he may file a complaint
    10  against the alleged violator in the court of common pleas in the
    11  court of said county, except in counties of the first class
    12  where the complaint may be filed in the municipal court. In
    13  addition, the district attorney shall prosecute said complaint
    14  in the manner provided by law.
    15  Section 508.1.  Enforcement powers of law enforcement officials
    16                     not restricted.
    17     Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to restrict the
    18  power of State, county or local law enforcement officials to
    19  conduct investigations and enforce the provisions of this
    20  chapter.
    21  Section 509.  Repeal.
    22     The provisions of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    23  Statutes (relating to crimes and offenses) are repealed to the
    24  extent that they are inconsistent with this chapter.
    25     Section 20.  Repeals are as follows:
    26         (1)  The General Assembly declares that the repeal under
    27     paragraph (2) is necessary to effectuate the addition of
    28     Chapter 5 of the act.
    29         (2)  The act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214, No.67), known as
    30     the Bingo Law, is repealed.
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     1     Section 21.  The addition of Chapter 5 of the act is a
     2  continuation of the act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214, No.67), known
     3  as the Bingo Law. Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 5 of
     4  the act, all activities initiated under the Bingo Law shall
     5  continue and remain in full force and effect and may be
     6  completed under Chapter 5 of the act. Orders, regulations, rules
     7  and decisions which were made under the Bingo Law and which are
     8  in effect on the effective date of section 20 of this act shall
     9  remain in full force and effect until revoked, vacated or
    10  modified under Chapter 5 of the act. Contracts, obligations and
    11  collective bargaining agreements entered into under the Bingo
    12  Law are not affected nor impaired by the repeal of the Bingo
    13  Law.
    14     Section 21.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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