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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2514



No. 1872 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the second class
     3     and second class A; amending, revising, consolidating and
     4     changing the laws relating thereto," further regulating
     5     contracts and purchases.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known
     9  as the Second Class County Code, is amended by adding a section
    10  to read:
    11     Section 112.  Adjustments Based on Consumer Price Index.--(a)
    12  The Department of Labor and Industry shall determine the
    13  percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban
    14  Consumers for the twelve-month period ending September 30 of the
    15  calendar year in which this section becomes effective, and for
    16  each successive twelve-month period thereafter.
    17     (b)  The amounts at which competitive bidding, separate bids

     1  and written or telephonic price quotations are required under
     2  this act shall be adjusted annually. The positive percentage
     3  change, as determined in accordance with subsection (a), shall
     4  be multiplied by the applicable amount for the current year and
     5  the product thereof shall be added to the applicable amount for
     6  the current year, with the result rounded to the nearest
     7  multiple of ten dollars ($10).
     8     (c)  The annual determination required under subsection (a)
     9  and the calculation of the adjustments required under subsection
    10  (b) shall be made in the period between October 1 and November
    11  15 of the year following the effective date of this section, and
    12  annually between October 1 and November 15 of each successive
    13  year.
    14     (d)  The adjusted amounts obtained in accordance with
    15  subsection (b) shall become effective January 1 for the calendar
    16  year following the year in which the determination required
    17  under subsection (a) is made.
    18     (e)  The Department of Labor and Industry shall give notice
    19  in the Pennsylvania Bulletin prior to January 1 of each calendar
    20  year of the annual percentage change determined in accordance
    21  with subsection (a) and the amounts, whether adjusted or
    22  unadjusted in accordance with subsection (b), at which
    23  competitive bidding, separate bids and written or telephonic
    24  price quotations are required under this act for the calendar
    25  year beginning the first day of January after publication of the
    26  notice.
    27     Section 2.  Section 2001(a) and (d) of the act, amended
    28  November 30, 2004 (P.L.1439, No.186), are amended to read:
    29     Section 2001.  County Commissioners to Make Contracts.--The
    30  County Commissioners may make contracts for lawful purposes and
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     1  for the purposes of carrying into execution the provisions of
     2  this section and the laws of the Commonwealth.
     3     (a)  Except as provided in subsection (a.1), all contracts or
     4  purchases in excess of [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] twenty-
     5  five thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to annual adjustment
     6  under section 112, shall be in writing and, except those
     7  hereinafter mentioned and except as provided by the act of
     8  October 27, 1979 (P.L.241, No.78), entitled "An act authorizing
     9  political subdivisions, municipality authorities and
    10  transportation authorities to enter into contracts for the
    11  purchase of goods and the sale of real and personal property
    12  where no bids are received," shall not be made except with and
    13  from the lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting
    14  specifications, after due notice in at least one newspaper of
    15  general circulation, published or circulating in the county at
    16  least two (2) times, at intervals of not less than three (3)
    17  days where daily newspapers of general circulation are employed
    18  for such publication, or in case weekly newspapers are employed,
    19  then the notice shall be published once a week for two (2)
    20  successive weeks. The first advertisement shall be published not
    21  less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the opening
    22  of bids.
    23     * * *
    24     (d)  The contracts or purchases made by the commissioners
    25  involving an expenditure of over [ten thousand dollars
    26  ($10,000)] twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to
    27  annual adjustment under section 112, which shall not require
    28  advertising or bidding as hereinbefore provided are as follows:
    29     (1)  Those for maintenance, repairs or replacements for
    30  water, electric light, or other public works: Provided, That
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     1  they do not constitute new additions, extensions or enlargements
     2  of existing facilities and equipment. Security may be required
     3  by the county commissioners as in other cases of work done.
     4     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs and maintenance of
     5  any kind made or provided by the county through its own
     6  employes. This paragraph shall not apply to construction
     7  materials used in a street improvement.
     8     (3)  Those where particular types, models or pieces of new
     9  equipment, articles, apparatus, appliances, vehicles or parts
    10  thereof are desired by the county commissioners, which are
    11  patented and manufactured products or copyrighted products.
    12     (4)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
    13  company bonds, those made for public utility service and
    14  electricity, natural gas or telecommunication services:
    15  Provided, That, in the case of utilities not under tariffs on
    16  file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, contracts
    17  made without advertising and bidding shall be made only after
    18  receiving written or telephonic price quotations from at least
    19  three (3) qualified and responsible contractors, or in lieu of
    20  price quotations a memorandum shall be kept on file showing that
    21  fewer than three (3) qualified contractors exist in the market
    22  area within which it is practicable to obtain quotations. A
    23  written record of telephonic price quotations shall be made and
    24  contain at least the date of the quotation, the name of the
    25  contractor and the contractor's representative.
    26     (5)  Those involving personal or professional services,
    27  including, but not limited to, services of members of the
    28  medical or legal profession, registered architects, engineers,
    29  certified public accountants or other personal services
    30  involving professional expertise.
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     1     (6)  Those involving tangible client services provided by
     2  nonprofit agencies. For the purposes of this clause, the term
     3  "tangible client services" shall mean congregate meals, home-
     4  delivered meals, transportation and chore services provided
     5  through area agencies on aging.
     6     (6.1)  Those involving contracts entered into by nonprofit
     7  cooperative hospital service associations for hospitals and
     8  nursing homes which are part of the institutional district or
     9  which are owned by the county, operated by the county or
    10  affiliated with the county by the purchasing of or participating
    11  in contracts for materials, supplies and equipment.
    12     (7)  Those involving the purchase of milk.
    13     (8)  Those made with any public body, including, but not
    14  limited to, the sale, lease or loan of any supplies or materials
    15  to the county by a public body, provided that the price thereof
    16  shall not be in excess of that fixed by the public body. The
    17  requirements of 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to
    18  intergovernmental cooperation) shall not apply when a county
    19  purchases cooperatively with another public body which has
    20  entered into a contract for supplies or materials. As used in
    21  this paragraph, "public body" shall mean any of the following:
    22     (i)  the Federal Government;
    23     (ii)  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
    24     (iii)  any other state;
    25     (iv)  a political subdivision, local or municipal authority
    26  or other similar local entity of the Commonwealth or any other
    27  state; or
    28     (v)  an agency of the Federal Government, the Commonwealth or
    29  any other state.
    30     (9)  Those exclusively involving construction management
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     1  services.
     2     (10)  Those involving computer software.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 3.  Section 2517(a) of the act, amended December 9,
     5  2002 (P.L.1383, No.170), is amended to read:
     6     Section 2517.  Separate Specifications and Contracts for
     7  Certain Items.--(a)  In the preparation of specifications for
     8  the erection, construction and alteration of any public
     9  building, when the entire cost of such work shall exceed [ten
    10  thousand dollars ($10,000)] twenty-five thousand dollars
    11  ($25,000), subject to annual adjustment under section 112, the
    12  architect, engineer or other person preparing such
    13  specifications shall prepare separate specifications for the
    14  plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical work. The board of
    15  commissioners shall receive separate bids upon each of the said
    16  branches of work and award the contract for the same to the
    17  lowest responsible bidder for each of said branches.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 4.  Section 2511-A(a), (b), (b.1) and (h) of the act,
    20  added October 30, 2000 (P.L.616, No.85), are amended to read:
    21     Section 2511-A.  Competition in Award of Contracts.--(a)  All
    22  construction, reconstruction, repairs or work of any nature made
    23  by any Authority, where the entire cost, value or amount of such
    24  construction, reconstruction, repairs or work, including labor
    25  and materials, shall exceed [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)]
    26  twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to annual
    27  adjustment under section 112, except construction,
    28  reconstruction, repairs or work done by employes of said
    29  Authority or by labor supplied under agreement with any Federal
    30  or State agency with supplies and materials purchased, as
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     1  hereinafter provided, shall be done only under contract or
     2  contracts to be entered into by the Authority with the lowest
     3  responsible bidder upon proper terms, after due public notice
     4  has been given asking for competitive bids hereinafter provided.
     5  No contract shall be entered into for construction or
     6  improvement or repair of any project or portion thereof unless
     7  the contractor shall give an undertaking, with a sufficient
     8  surety or sureties approved by the Authority and in an amount
     9  fixed by the Authority, for the faithful performance of the
    10  contract. All such contracts shall provide, among other things,
    11  that the person or corporation entering into such contract with
    12  the Authority will pay for all materials furnished and services
    13  rendered for the performance of the contract and that any person
    14  or corporation furnishing such materials or rendering such
    15  services may maintain an action to recover for the same against
    16  the obligor in the undertaking as though such person or
    17  corporation was named therein, provided the action is brought
    18  within one (1) year after the time the cause of action accrued.
    19  Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the power of
    20  the Authority to construct, repair or improve any project or
    21  portion thereof or any addition, betterment or extension thereto
    22  directly by the officers, agents and employes of the Authority
    23  or otherwise than by contract.
    24     (b)  All supplies and materials costing [ten thousand dollars
    25  ($10,000)] twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to
    26  annual adjustment under section 112, or more shall be purchased
    27  only after due advertisement as hereinafter provided. The
    28  Authority shall accept the lowest bid or bids, kinds, quality
    29  and material being equal, but the Authority shall have the right
    30  to reject any or all bids or select a single item from any bid.
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     1  The provisions as to bidding shall not apply to the purchase of
     2  patented and manufactured products offered for sale in a non-
     3  competitive market or solely by a manufacturer's authorized
     4  dealer.
     5     (b.1)  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
     6  three (3) qualified and responsible contractors shall be
     7  requested for all contracts that exceed [four thousand dollars
     8  ($4,000)] ten thousand dollars ($10,000), subject to annual
     9  adjustment under section 112, but are less than the amount
    10  requiring advertisement and competitive bidding, or, in lieu of
    11  price quotations, a memorandum shall be kept on file showing
    12  that fewer than three (3) qualified contractors exist in the
    13  market area within which it is practicable to obtain quotations.
    14  A written record of telephonic price quotations shall be made
    15  and shall contain at least the date of the quotation, the name
    16  of the contractor and the contractor's representative, the
    17  construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance or work which
    18  was the subject of the quotation and the price. Written price
    19  quotations, written records of telephonic price quotations and
    20  memoranda shall be retained for a period of three (3) years.
    21     * * *
    22     (h)  An Authority shall not evade the provisions of this
    23  section as to advertising for bids or purchasing materials or
    24  contracting for services piecemeal for the purpose of obtaining
    25  prices under [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] twenty-five
    26  thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to annual adjustment under
    27  section 112, upon transactions which should, in the exercise of
    28  reasonable discretion and prudence, be conducted as one
    29  transaction amounting to more than [ten thousand dollars
    30  ($10,000)] twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), subject to
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     1  annual adjustment under section 112. This provision is intended
     2  to make unlawful the practice of evading advertising
     3  requirements by making a series of purchases or contracts each
     4  for less than the advertising requirement price or by making
     5  several simultaneous purchases or contracts each below said
     6  price when in either case the transaction involved should have
     7  been made as one transaction for one price.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 5.  This act shall apply to contracts and purchases
    10  advertised on or after January 1 of the year following the
    11  effective date of this section.
    12     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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