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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2400



No. 1883 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 7, 1947 (P.L.1368, No.542), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act amending, revising and consolidating the
     3     laws relating to delinquent county, city, except of the first
     4     and second class and second class A, borough, town, township,
     5     school district, except of the first class and school
     6     districts within cities of the second class A, and
     7     institution district taxes, providing when, how and upon what
     8     property, and to what extent liens shall be allowed for such
     9     taxes, the return and entering of claims therefor; the
    10     collection and adjudication of such claims, sales of real
    11     property, including seated and unseated lands, subject to the
    12     lien of such tax claims; the disposition of the proceeds
    13     thereof, including State taxes and municipal claims recovered
    14     and the redemption of property; providing for the discharge
    15     and divestiture by certain tax sales of all estates in
    16     property and of mortgages and liens on such property, and the
    17     proceedings therefor; creating a Tax Claim Bureau in each
    18     county, except counties of the first and second class, to act
    19     as agent for taxing districts; defining its powers and
    20     duties, including sales of property, the management of
    21     property taken in sequestration, and the management, sale and
    22     disposition of property heretofore sold to the county
    23     commissioners, taxing districts and trustees at tax sales;
    24     providing a method for the service of process and notices;
    25     imposing duties on taxing districts and their officers and on
    26     tax collectors, and certain expenses on counties and for
    27     their reimbursement by taxing districts; and repealing
    28     existing laws," reviving provisions relating to extension of
    29     the period for discharge of tax claims.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3     Section 1.  Sections 308(a), 502 and 503 of the act of July
     4  7, 1947 (P.L.1368, No.542), known as the Real Estate Tax Sale
     5  Law, amended July 3, 1986 (P.L.351, No.81), are reenacted to
     6  read:
     7     Section 308.  Notice of Filing of Returns and Entry of
     8  Claim.--(a)  Not later than the thirty-first day of July of each
     9  year, the bureau shall give only one notice of the return of
    10  said taxes and the entry of such claim in one envelope for each
    11  delinquent taxable property, by United States registered mail or
    12  United States certified mail, return receipt requested, postage
    13  prepaid, addressed to the owners at the same address listed on
    14  the form returned by the tax collector for taxes that are
    15  delinquent. In the case of property owned by joint tenants,
    16  tenants in common, or husband and wife as tenants by the
    17  entireties, the bureau may give the notice required by this
    18  section by forwarding only one notice addressed to such joint
    19  tenants, tenants in common or husband and wife at the same post
    20  office address. If the owner of the property is unknown and has
    21  been unknown for a period of not less than five years, such
    22  notice shall be given only by posting on the property affected.
    23  If no post office address of the owner is known or if a notice
    24  mailed to an owner at such last known post office address is not
    25  delivered by the postal authorities, then notice as herein
    26  provided shall be posted on the property affected. If the
    27  property owner has entered into an agreement with the bureau for
    28  the payment of the delinquent taxes, the posting is not
    29  necessary. Each mailed and posted notice shall, (1) show all the
    30  information shown on the claim entered, (2) state that if
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     1  payment of the amount due the several taxing districts for said
     2  taxes is not made to the bureau on or before the thirty-first
     3  day of December next following, and no exceptions thereto are
     4  filed, the said claim shall become absolute, (3) state that on
     5  July first of the year in which such notice is given a one (1)
     6  year period for discharge of tax claim shall commence or has
     7  commenced to run, and that if full payment of taxes is not made
     8  during that period as provided by this act, the property shall
     9  be advertised for and exposed to sale under this act, (4) state
    10  that there shall be no redemption after the actual sale and (5)
    11  state that the owner of any owner-occupied real estate can apply
    12  for an extension of the period for discharge of tax claim for up
    13  to twelve (12) additional months under and subject to the
    14  provisions of sections 502 and 503 of this act.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 502.  Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
    17  of Tax Claim.--A county may at the option of its commissioners
    18  enact legislation extending the period for discharge of tax
    19  claim for real estate taxes for taxpayers for up to twelve (12)
    20  additional months.
    21     Section 503.  Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax
    22  Claim.--(a)  If the county commissioners of the county enact
    23  legislation pursuant to section 502, then the county
    24  commissioners, acting through the county tax claim bureau
    25  determine that a tax claim or tax claims constitute severe
    26  hardship to the taxpayer and that extenuating circumstances
    27  beyond the taxpayer's control have caused the tax claim or
    28  claims to be filed or remain unpaid and there is a reasonable
    29  probability that the taxpayer will be able to meet the
    30  indebtedness if granted an extension of the period for discharge
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     1  of tax claim for up to twelve (12) additional months, they shall
     2  have the authority in the event of an application for extension
     3  submitted by the taxpayer to:
     4     (1)  Extend the period for discharge of tax claim for owner-
     5  occupied real estate for up to twelve (12) additional months:
     6  Provided, That the taxpayer enters into an equitable apportioned
     7  payment schedule consistent therewith.
     8     (2)  Abate, suspend, continue or stay the tax sale
     9  proceedings pending with respect to such owner-occupied
    10  residential real estate.
    11     (b)  The payment schedule authorized under subsection (a)
    12  shall permit the taxpayer to make payment of the amount due in
    13  at least four (4) separate payments, spaced at least thirty (30)
    14  days apart, and shall require the initial payment to be not more
    15  than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total indebtedness
    16  calculated to be due under such schedule. However, the
    17  provisions of this subsection and of section 603
    18  notwithstanding, the county commissioners may, in their
    19  discretion, in special hardship cases, establish payment
    20  schedules specifically suited to the capabilities of the
    21  particular affected taxpayer.
    22     (c)  The application for extension authorized in clause (1)
    23  of subsection (a) shall be made in such form as shall be
    24  provided by the bureau. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of
    25  such an application, the director of the bureau shall either
    26  allow or disallow such an extension. If such an extension is
    27  allowed, the bureau shall set the length of such extension. Any
    28  taxpayer aggrieved by the decision of the bureau may, within
    29  fifteen (15) days after notice thereof, appeal to the county
    30  court of common pleas for de novo review of the application.
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     1     (d)  For the purpose of this section the phrase "extenuating
     2  circumstances" means:
     3     (1)  Serious physical illness or injury or a combination of
     4  such illness or injury with a state of prolonged unemployment
     5  if: (i) the taxpayer is a permanent resident of the
     6  Commonwealth, (ii) the illness or injury, or combination
     7  thereof, occurred or persisted during any of the tax years for
     8  which the delinquent taxes were assessed or during the year
     9  immediately preceding any such delinquency, and (iii) the
    10  illness or injury, or combination thereof, has been a
    11  substantial cause of the taxpayer's failure to pay any such
    12  delinquent tax or taxes to the date of application for relief
    13  under this section.
    14     (2)  Unemployment if: (i) the taxpayer is a permanent
    15  resident of the Commonwealth, (ii) the unemployment occurred or
    16  persisted during any of the tax years for which the delinquent
    17  taxes were assessed or during the year immediately preceding any
    18  such delinquency, and (iii) the unemployment has been a
    19  substantial cause of the taxpayer's failure to pay any such
    20  delinquent tax or taxes to the date of application for relief
    21  under this section.
    22     (e)  For the purpose of this section an extension of the
    23  period for discharge of tax claim shall only apply to one (1)
    24  owner-occupied property per taxpayer.
    25     Section 2.  Section 5 of the act of November 6, 1985
    26  (P.L.305, No.76), entitled "An act amending the act of July 7,
    27  1947 (P.L.1368, No.542), entitled, as amended, 'An act amending,
    28  revising and consolidating the laws relating to delinquent
    29  county, city, except of the first and second class and second
    30  class A, borough, town, township, school district, except of the
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     1  first class and school districts within cities of the second
     2  class A, and institution district taxes, providing when, how and
     3  upon what property, and to what extent liens shall be allowed
     4  for such taxes, the return and entering of claims therefor; the
     5  collection and adjudication of such claims, sales of real
     6  property, including seated and unseated lands, subject to the
     7  lien of such tax claims; the disposition of the proceeds
     8  thereof, including State taxes and municipal claims recovered
     9  and the redemption of property; providing for the discharge and
    10  divestiture by certain tax sales of all estates in property and
    11  of mortgages and liens on such property, and the proceedings
    12  therefor; creating a Tax Claim Bureau in each county, except
    13  counties of the first and second class, to act as agent for
    14  taxing districts; defining its powers and duties, including
    15  sales of property, the management of property taken in
    16  sequestration, and the management, sale and disposition of
    17  property heretofore sold to the county commissioners, taxing
    18  districts and trustees at tax sales; providing a method for the
    19  service of process and notices; imposing duties on taxing
    20  districts and their officers and on tax collectors, and certain
    21  expenses on counties and for their reimbursement by taxing
    22  districts; and repealing existing laws,' reviving provisions
    23  relating to extension of the redemption period; authorizing
    24  counties to extend the redemption period at the option of the
    25  county commissioners; and making a repeal," is repealed.
    26     Section 3.  The provisions of this act shall apply to all tax
    27  claims against owner-occupied property which has not yet been
    28  sold on the effective date of this act. The court of common
    29  pleas of the county upon petition of the Tax Claims Bureau shall
    30  stay the sale under this act of owner-occupied property subject
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     1  to a tax claim for which the period for discharge of tax claims
     2  of section 501(a) of the act has expired on or before the
     3  effective date of this act or for which the period for discharge
     4  of tax claims will expire in less than 90 days from the
     5  effective date of this act. The stay shall be for such period as
     6  the court determines necessary for the bureau to comply with the
     7  provisions of this act.
     8     Section 4.  Sections 308(a)(5), 502 and 503, reenacted by
     9  this amendatory act, shall expire January 1, 1991.
    10     Section 5.  This act shall be retroactive to December 31,
    11  1987.
    12     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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