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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2622



No. 1903 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for definitions, for
     3     authority, for income eligibility, for application procedure
     4     and for attachment and satisfaction of liens; and providing
     5     for reimbursement to school districts.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 8572, 8573, 8574, 8576 and 8578(a) and
     9  (b) of Title 53 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are
    10  amended to read:
    11  § 8572.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    13  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Base payment."  The amount of property tax paid by an
    16  applicant in the base year.

     1     "Base year."  The tax year preceding the first tax year for
     2  which a taxing authority implements the provisions of this
     3  subchapter or the tax year immediately preceding an applicant's
     4  entry into the tax deferral program.
     5     "Claimant."  [A person whose household income does not exceed
     6  the limit provided for in section 8574 (relating to income
     7  eligibility).] The term shall have the same meaning as defined
     8  under section 1303 of the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess.,
     9  P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act.
    10     "Household income."  All income as defined [in the act of
    11  March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the Senior Citizens
    12  Rebate and Assistance Act,] under section 1303 of the act of
    13  June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the
    14  Taxpayer Relief Act, received by the claimant and by the
    15  claimant's spouse during the calendar year immediately preceding
    16  the tax year for which a tax deferral is claimed.
    17     "Increase in real property taxes."  An increase in the
    18  property taxes above the base payment resulting from a millage
    19  increase, a change in the assessment ratio or method or by a
    20  revaluing of all properties.
    21     "Taxpayer Relief Act."  The act of June 27, 2006 (1st
    22  Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act.
    23  § 8573.  Authority.
    24     (a)  Political subdivisions.--All political subdivisions,
    25  other than school districts, shall have the power and authority
    26  to grant annual tax deferrals in the manner provided in this
    27  subchapter.
    28     (b)  School districts.--All school districts shall grant
    29  annual tax deferrals beginning with the first tax year
    30  immediately following the effective date of this subsection.
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     1  § 8574.  Income eligibility.
     2     A claimant shall be eligible for a tax deferral if the
     3  claimant and the claimant's spouse have a household income not
     4  exceeding the maximum household income eligibility limitations
     5  set forth [in the act of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known
     6  as the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act.] under section
     7  1304(a)(2)(i) of the Taxpayer Relief Act.
     8  § 8576.  Application procedure.
     9     (a)  [Initial application] Application.--Any person eligible
    10  for a tax deferral under this subchapter may apply annually to
    11  the political subdivision. In political subdivisions other than
    12  school districts, the application shall be filed by January 30
    13  of the tax year for which tax deferral is sought. In school
    14  districts, the application shall be filed by May 15 of the tax
    15  year immediately preceding the tax year for which tax deferral
    16  is sought. [In the initial year of application, the] The
    17  following information shall be provided in the manner required
    18  by the political subdivision:
    19         (1)  A statement of request for the tax deferral.
    20         (2)  A certification that the applicant or the applicant
    21     and his or her spouse jointly are the owners in fee simple of
    22     the homestead upon which the real property taxes are imposed.
    23         (3)  A certification that the applicant's homestead is
    24     adequately insured under a homeowner's policy to the extent
    25     of all outstanding liens.
    26         (4)  Receipts showing timely payment of the immediately
    27     preceding year's nondeferred real property tax liability.
    28         (5)  Proof of income eligibility under section 8574
    29     (relating to income eligibility).
    30         (6)  Any other information required by the political
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     1     subdivision.
     2     (a.1)  Notice of applications and deadlines.--The political
     3  subdivision shall provide sufficient notice to the public
     4  regarding the availability of the deferral program and
     5  application and the filing deadline. Applications shall be made
     6  available at least 60 days before the filing deadline.
     7     (a.2)  Denial of application.--The political subdivision
     8  shall provide to each claimant whose application is denied a
     9  written notice of denial by first class mail no later than 30
    10  days after the filing deadline. Failure to provide notice under
    11  this subsection shall be deemed to be approval of the
    12  application.
    13     (a.3)  Appeals to governing body.--A claimant aggrieved by an
    14  application denial may appeal the denial to the governing body
    15  of the political subdivision. An appeal shall be limited to the
    16  issue of whether the claimant meets the eligibility requirements
    17  of this subchapter.
    18     (b)  Subsequent years.--After the initial entry into the
    19  program, a claimant shall remain eligible for tax deferral in
    20  subsequent years so long as the claimant continues to meet the
    21  eligibility requirements of this subchapter.
    22  § 8578.  Attachment and satisfaction of liens.
    23     (a)  Nature of lien.--[All]
    24         (1)  In political subdivisions other than school
    25     districts, all taxes deferred under this subchapter shall
    26     constitute a prior lien on the homestead of the claimant in
    27     favor of the political subdivision and shall attach as of the
    28     date and in the same manner as other real estate tax liens.
    29     The deferred taxes shall be collected as other real estate
    30     tax liens, but the deferred taxes shall be due, payable and
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     1     delinquent only as provided in subsection (b).
     2         (2)  In school districts, all taxes deferred under this
     3     subchapter shall constitute a prior lien on the homestead of
     4     the claimant in favor of the Commonwealth and shall attach as
     5     of the date and in the same manner as other real estate tax
     6     liens. The deferred taxes shall be collected as other real
     7     estate tax liens, but the deferred taxes shall be due,
     8     payable and delinquent only as provided in subsection (b).
     9     (b)  Payment.--
    10         (1)  [All] Except as provided under paragraph (4), all or
    11     part of the deferred taxes may at any time be paid to the
    12     political subdivision.
    13         (2)  [In] Except as provided under paragraph (4), in the
    14     event that the deferred taxes are not paid by the claimant or
    15     the claimant's spouse during his or her lifetime or during
    16     their continued ownership of the homestead, the deferred
    17     taxes shall be paid either:
    18             (i)  prior to the conveyance of the homestead to any
    19         third party; or
    20             (ii)  prior to the passing of the legal or equitable
    21         title, either by will or by statute, to the heirs of the
    22         claimant or the claimant's spouse.
    23         (3)  The surviving spouse of a claimant shall not be
    24     required to pay the deferred taxes by reason of his or her
    25     acquisition of the homestead due to death of the claimant as
    26     long as the surviving spouse maintains his or her domicile in
    27     the property. The surviving spouse may continue to
    28     participate in the tax deferral program in subsequent years
    29     provided he or she is eligible under the provisions of this
    30     subchapter.
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     1         (4)  Payment of deferred taxes in a school district under
     2     paragraph (1) or (2) shall be made to the Commonwealth, shall
     3     be deposited in the Property Tax Relief Fund and shall be
     4     calculated in the annual certification made by the Secretary
     5     of the Budget under section 503 of the Taxpayer Relief Act.
     6     Section 2.  Title 53 is amended by adding a section to read:
     7  § 8579.  Reimbursement to school districts.
     8     (a)  Report.--By July 30, 2008, and each July 30 thereafter,
     9  each school district shall report to the Secretary of the Budget
    10  the aggregate amount of deferred taxes under this subchapter.
    11     (b)  Notice.--The Secretary of the Budget shall provide
    12  notice to the State Treasurer of the aggregate amount of
    13  deferred taxes in each school district in this Commonwealth by
    14  August 15, 2008, and each August 15 thereafter.
    15     (c)  Payment.--The State Treasurer shall pay from the
    16  Property Tax Relief Fund, as reimbursement, to each school
    17  district an amount equal to the aggregate amount of deferred
    18  taxes in the school district for the current tax year. The State
    19  Treasurer shall cause the payment to be made pursuant to the
    20  payment schedule provided under section 505(b) of the Taxpayer
    21  Relief Act.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately, or
    23  December 31, 2007, whichever is sooner.

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