No. 1914 Session of 1993

           JUNE 23, 1993

           JUNE 23, 1993

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1309, No.317),
     2     entitled "An act regulating the awarding and execution of
     3     certain public contracts; providing for contract provisions
     4     relating to the retention, interest, and payment of funds
     5     payable under the contracts; and repealing inconsistent
     6     acts," further providing for prompt payment schedules.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of November 26, 1978
    10  (P.L.1309, No.317), referred to as the Public Works Contract
    11  Regulation Law, is amended by adding definitions to read:
    12  Section 1.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases, when used in this section,
    14  shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly
    15  indicates otherwise:
    16     * * *
    17     "Contractor."  A person who enters into a public contract
    18  with a contracting body.

     1     "Design professional."  An architect licensed under the act
     2  of December 14, 1982 (P.L.1227, No.281), known as the
     3  "Architects Licensure Law," a professional engineer or
     4  professional land surveyor licensed under the act of May 23,
     5  1945 (P.L.913, No.367), known as the "Professional Engineers and
     6  Professional Land Surveyors Registration Law," or a landscape
     7  architect licensed under the act of January 24, 1966 (1965
     8  P.L.1527, No.535), known as the "Landscape Architects'
     9  Registration Law."
    10     "Local government unit."  Any county, city, borough,
    11  incorporated town, township, school district, vocational school
    12  district, county institution, local authority or any joint or
    13  cooperative body of local government units or any
    14  instrumentality, authority or corporation thereof which has
    15  authority to enter into a public contract.
    16     * * *
    17     "Subcontractor."  A person who has contracted to furnish
    18  labor or materials to, or has performed labor for, a contractor
    19  or another subcontractor in connection with a public contract.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    22  Section 6.1.  Performance by contractor or subcontractor.
    23     (a)  Performance by a contractor in accordance with the
    24  provisions of a public contract shall entitle the contractor to
    25  payment by the contracting body.
    26     (b)  Performance by a subcontractor in accordance with the
    27  provisions of a contract shall entitle the subcontractor to
    28  payment from the contractor with whom the subcontractor has
    29  contracted.
    30  Section 6.2.  Contracting body's payment obligations.
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     1     (a)  The contracting body shall pay the contractor or design
     2  professional strictly in accordance with the terms of the public
     3  contract.
     4     (b)  If the public contract does not contain a term governing
     5  payment, the contractor or design professional shall be entitled
     6  to make application for payment from the contracting body for
     7  progress payments and the contracting body shall make payment to
     8  the contractor or design professional within 30 calendar days of
     9  the date the application for payment is received.
    10     (c)  Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, if any
    11  progress payment is not made to a contractor or design
    12  professional by the due date established in the contract or in
    13  subsection (b), the contracting body shall pay to the contractor
    14  or design professional, in addition to the amount due, one and
    15  one-half times the current commercial prime rate of interest on
    16  the amount due, compounded every 30 days.
    17     (d)  In the event that the public contract does not contain a
    18  grace period and if a contractor or design professional is not
    19  paid by the payment date required by subsection (b), no interest
    20  penalty payment required under this section shall be paid if
    21  payment is made on or before the 15th calendar day after the
    22  payment date required under this act.
    23  Section 6.3.  Contractors' and subcontractors' payment
    24                 obligations.
    25     (a)  Performance by a subcontractor in accordance with the
    26  provisions of the contract shall entitle the subcontractor to
    27  payment from the party with whom the subcontractor has
    28  contracted.
    29     (b)  A contractor or subcontractor shall disclose to a
    30  subcontractor, before a subcontract is executed, the due date
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     1  for receipt of progress payments from the contracting body.
     2  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, if a
     3  contractor or a subcontractor fails to accurately disclose the
     4  due date to a subcontractor, the contractor or subcontractor
     5  shall be obligated to pay the subcontractor as though the due
     6  dates established in subsection (c) were met by the contracting
     7  body.
     8     (c)  When a subcontractor has performed in accordance with
     9  the provisions of the contract, a contractor shall pay to the
    10  subcontractor, and each subcontractor shall in turn pay to its
    11  subcontractors, the full or proportional amount received for
    12  each such subcontractor's work and material, based on work
    13  completed or services provided under the subcontract, 14 days
    14  after receipt of a progress payment.
    15     (d)  If any progress payment is not made to a subcontractor
    16  by the due date established in the contract or in subsection
    17  (c), the contractor shall pay to the subcontractor, in addition
    18  to the amount due, one and one-half times the current commercial
    19  prime rate of interest on the amount due, compounded every 30
    20  days.
    21     (e)  In the event that the contract does not contain a grace
    22  period and if a subcontractor is not paid by the payment date
    23  required by subsection (c), no interest penalty payment required
    24  under this section shall be paid if payment is made on or before
    25  the 15th calendar day after the payment date required under this
    26  act.
    27  Section 6.4.  Withholding of payment for good faith claims.
    28     The contracting body may withhold payment for deficiency
    29  items in accordance with the terms of the public contract:
    30  Provided, however, That all other items appearing on the
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     1  application for payment will be paid as per the schedule. If the
     2  contracting body withholds payment from a contractor or design
     3  professional pursuant to this section, it must notify the
     4  contractor or design professional of the deficiency within seven
     5  calendar days of the date that the application for payment is
     6  received. If a contractor withholds payment from subcontractors
     7  or suppliers pursuant to this section, it must notify the
     8  subcontractor or supplier and the contracting body of the reason
     9  within seven calendar days of the date the application for
    10  payment is received.
    11  Section 6.5.  Penalty and attorney fees.
    12     (a)  If arbitration or litigation is commenced to recover
    13  payment due under this act and it is determined that the
    14  contracting body, contractor or subcontractor has failed to
    15  comply with the payment of terms of this act, the arbitrator or
    16  court shall award, in addition to all other damages due, a
    17  penalty equal to 1% per month of the amount that was wrongfully
    18  withheld. An amount shall not be deemed to have been wrongfully
    19  withheld to the extent it was withheld pursuant to section 6.4.
    20     (b)  Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the
    21  substantially prevailing party in any proceeding to recover any
    22  payment under this act shall be awarded a reasonable attorney
    23  fee in an amount to be determined by the court or arbitrator,
    24  together with expenses.
    25  Section 6.6.  Public contracts involving Federal aid.
    26     If any provision of this act conflicts with a Federal statute
    27  or regulation or with conditions attached to the receipt of
    28  Federal aid, this act shall not operate to prevent receipt of
    29  the Federal aid in accordance with any Federal statute or
    30  regulation.
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     1  Section 6.7.  Certain provisions unenforceable.
     2     A provision in the public contract making it subject to the
     3  laws of another state or requiring that any litigation,
     4  arbitration or other dispute resolution process on the contract
     5  occurs in another state shall be unenforceable.
     6  Section 6.8.  Applicability.
     7     (a)  This act shall apply to public contracts bid on or after
     8  the effective date of this act.
     9     (b)  Section 6.2 shall not apply when a local government
    10  unit's nonpayment on a particular project is caused by failure
    11  of the Federal or State government to pay funds designated for
    12  the specific project. Nothing in this act shall be construed to
    13  require payment of interest penalties by the Federal or State
    14  government.
    15     (c)  This act shall not apply to any of the following:
    16         (1)  A municipality determined to be distressed under the
    17     act of July 10, 1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the
    18     "Municipalities Financial Recovery Act."
    19         (2)  A school district which has been determined to be a
    20     distressed school district under section 691 of the act of
    21     March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School
    22     Code of 1949."
    23     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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