1Authorizing the Department of General Services to survey certain 
2lands and buildings situate partly in the City of Harrisburg 
3and partly in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County; 
4authorizing the Department of Transportation, with the 
5approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to East Liberty 
6Development Corporation certain lands and improvements 
7situate in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County; 
8authorizing and directing the Department of General Services, 
9with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans 
10Affairs and the Governor, to grant and convey, at a price to 
11be determined through a competitive bid process, certain 
12lands, buildings and improvements situate in the City of 
13Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and the Borough of Pine Grove, 
14Schuylkill County; authorizing the Department of General 
15Services, with the approval of the Governor to remove and 
16release the restrictive use covenants imposed on certain real 
17property situate in the Borough of Blossburg, Tioga County; 
18authorizing the Department of General Services, with the 
19approval of the Department of Labor and Industry and the 
20Governor, to grant and convey to the Coatesville Area Senior 
21Center, or its successors or assigns, certain lands, 
22buildings and improvements situate in the City of 
23Coatesville, Chester County; authorizing the Department of 
24General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant 
25and convey to the Philadelphia Technician Training School 
26certain lands situate in the City of Philadelphia, 
27Philadelphia County; authorizing the Department of General 
28Services, with the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical 
29and Museum Commission and the Governor, to grant and convey 
30to Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society, certain lands situate in 
31the Borough of Waterford, Erie County; authorizing and 
32directing the Department of General Services, with the 
33approval of Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the

1State System of Higher Education and the Governor, to grant 
2and convey to Penn Manor School District certain lands 
3situate in the Borough of Millersville, Lancaster County, and 
4further authorizing and directing the Department of General 
5Services to accept, in exchange, a conveyance of certain 
6lands situate in the Borough of Millersville, Lancaster 
7County, from the Penn Manor School District; authorizing the 
8Department of General Services, with the approval of the 
9Governor, to remove and release the restrictive use and 
10reversionary covenants imposed on certain real property 
11situate in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County; partially 
12removing and releasing restrictive use covenants on certain 
13lands situate in Benner Township, Centre County; and 
14authorizing the Department of General Services, with the 
15approval of the Attorney General and the concurrence of the 
16Department of Environmental Protection, to lease to the City 
17of Philadelphia land within the bed of the Delaware River 
18within the City of Philadelphia.

19The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
20hereby enacts as follows:

21Section 1. Survey of land in Harrisburg and Susquehanna
22Township, Dauphin County.

23(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services is
24hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
25to conduct a comprehensive survey of the land described in
26subsection (b) together with any buildings, structures or
27improvements thereon, situate partly in the City of Harrisburg
28and partly in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County,

30(b) Property description.--Except as otherwise provided in
31subsection (c), the property to be surveyed pursuant to this
32section consists of the following described tract or tracts of
33land, and all improvements located thereon, bounded and more
34particularly described as follows:

35ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or tracts of land, and all
36improvements thereon erected, situate partly in the City of
37Harrisburg and partly in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County,
38known formerly as the Harrisburg State Hospital and Harrisburg
39State Hospital Farm, and now known in part as the DGS Annex

1Complex, and being Dauphin County Tax ID #62-026-004, acquired
2by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the following
3deeds recorded with the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds:

4Book Volume B-2, Page 453

5Book Volume C-27, Page 231

6Book Volume C-27, Page 233

7Book Volume C-27, Page 234

8Book Volume C-27, Page 236

9Book Volume C-27, Page 239

10Book Volume C-27, Page 241

11Book Volume D-3, Page 560

12Book Volume H-4, Page 317

13Book Volume H-6, Page 476

14Book Volume L-7, Page 367

15Book Volume L-22, Page 212

16Book Volume N-6, Page 215

17Book Volume N-22, Page 507

18Book Volume P-11, Page 1

19Book Volume Q-22, Page 498

20Book Volume T-2, Page 313

21Book Volume U-6, Page 551

22Book Volume V-6, Page 401

23Book Volume V-8, Page 555

24Book Volume W.B.-N, Page 416

25Book Volume X-25, Page 461

26Book Volume X-6, Page 221

27Book Volume Y-2, Page 333

28LESS AND EXCEPTING all prior conveyances appearing of record.

29(c) Survey requirements.--The final legal description of the
30property to be surveyed shall be established by a survey

1prepared by a Pennsylvania-licensed land surveyor under a
2contract with the Department of General Services. The property
3to be surveyed shall exclude the following Commonwealth-owned
4facilities, including suitable grounds therefore and such
5easements and other appurtenances as are necessary or desirable
6for the current and future operation of such facilities, each of
7which is currently located on a portion of the property:

8(1) Pennsylvania State Police Headquarters.

9(2) Pennsylvania Game Commission Headquarters.

10(3) Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Headquarters.

11(4) Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

13(5) Department of Agriculture Headquarters.

14(6) Department of Agriculture - Farm Show Complex or
15Parking Facilities.

16(7) Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - 28th
17Division Headquarters.

18(8) Department of Transportation - Materials Testing

20(9) Department of Transportation - Vehicle Maintenance

22(10) Pennsylvania Senate and Pennsylvania House of
23Representatives - Mailroom and Print Shop Facility.

24(11) Any other portion of the property required for
25Commonwealth operations as determined by the Department of
26General Services.

27The Department of General Services shall consult with each
28entity having jurisdiction and control over the facilities
29enumerated in this subsection or any other portion of the
30property before establishing final property boundaries to ensure

1that adequate property is retained for current and future
2operations. The subdivision of this property shall be exempt
3from the provisions of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
4No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,
5and local subdivision and land development ordinances.

6(d) Conditions.--A plan for conveyance shall be prepared
7that includes all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes
8and rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
9roadways, greenspace and rights of any telephone, telegraph,
10water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
11subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
12vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
13the land or improvements erected thereon.

14(e) Report.--Upon completion of the survey, the Department
15of General Services shall present a plan for conveyance to both
16Houses of the General Assembly that includes a recommended
17division of the property and the fair market value of each

19(f) Zoning.--The Department of General Services may seek a 
20zoning variance from Susquehanna Township during the conduct of 
21the survey.

22(g) Relocation.--The Department of General Services shall
23prepare other facilities to receive Commonwealth employees who
24will be displaced by the sale of the property.

25(h) Conveyance.--Following the receipt of the plan under
26subsection (e), the General Assembly shall <-authorize the 
27Department of General Services to convey the property described
28in subsection (b) within 18 legislative days. The General
29Assembly may add additional conditions or amendments to specific
30parcel transfers and other conditions as appropriate.

1Section 2. Conveyance in City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.

2(a) Authorization.--The Department of Transportation, with
3the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
4the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to East
5Liberty Development, Inc. certain lands and improvements situate
6in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, as described in
7subsection (b), for fair market value based on an appraisal and
8under terms and conditions to be established in an Agreement of

10(b) Description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant to
11subsection (a) consists of approximately .0473 acres more or
12less and all improvements thereon, being more particularly
13bounded and described as follows:

14All that certain parcel of ground situate in the 11th Ward,
15City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, and Commonwealth of
16Pennsylvania, being a portion of lands within the right of way
17of Penn Circle East, an 85 foot public right of way, being more
18fully described herewith:

19Beginning at a point on the westerly right of way line of
20Penn Circle East, where the same is intersected by the northerly
21line of Penn Avenue, a 100 foot public right of way, said point
22also being the southeast corner of lands now or formerly of
23Stanley S. Chen, thence along the westerly right of way line of
24Penn Circle East North 26 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds East for
25a distance of 144.96 feet to a point on the southerly line of
26Kirkwood Street, a 40 foot public right of way; thence by a line
27through Penn Circle East for the following seven courses and
28distances: First- South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East
29for a distance of 15.75 feet; Second - South 26 degrees 11
30minutes 00 seconds West for a distance of 22.00 feet; Third -

1North 63 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West for a distance of
21.00 feet; Fourth - South 26 degrees 42 minutes 40 Seconds West
3for a distance of 97.41 feet; Fifth - South 30 degrees 39
4minutes 30 seconds West for a distance of 20.06 feet; Sixth - by
5the arc of a circle curving to the right with a radius of 6.00
6feet for an arc distance of 8.97 feet; Seventh - North 63
7degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West for a distance of 6.29 feet
8to a point, said point being the intersection of the westerly
9right of way line of Penn Circle East and the northerly line of
10Penn Avenue, the place of beginning.

11(c) Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
12subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
13rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets and
14roadways, and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
15electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
16subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
17vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
18the land or improvements erected thereon.

19(d) Prohibited use.--The conveyance shall be made under and
20subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed
21of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be
22used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103
23(relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility
24authorized under the laws of this Commonwealth. The condition
25shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding
26upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the
27grantee, its successors or assigns, permit any portion of the
28property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in
29violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert
30to and revest in the grantor.

1(e) Deed.--The deed of conveyance shall be by quit claim
2deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of Transportation in
3the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

4(f) Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
5conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

6(g) Deposit of proceeds.--Proceeds from the sale shall be
7deposited into the Motor License Fund.

8Section 3. Conveyance in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.

9(a) Conveyance authorized.--The Department of General
10Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and
11Veterans Affairs and the Governor, is hereby authorized on
12behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey,
13at a price to be determined through competitive bidding, two
14tracts of land together with any buildings, structures or
15improvements thereon, situate in the City of Pittsburgh,
16Allegheny County.

17(b) Legal description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant
18to this section consists of two tracts containing approximately
191.839-acres of land and improvements located thereon, bounded
20and more particularly described as follows to wit:

21Tract 1

22All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the
23Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, being
24Lots #4, #5, #6 and #7 in the Bayard Place Plan of Lots laid out
25by Susan E. Bayard and Mary Bayard and of record in Allegheny
26County in Plan Book Volume 25, Page 26, together bounded and
27described as follows:

28Beginning on the Westerly side of Emerson Street at a point
29distant measured along said side of Emerson Street, South 11
30degrees and 26 minutes West 99.61 feet from the Southerly side

1of Alder Street, and at the dividing line between Lots #1 and #4
2in said plan; thence along said side of Emerson Street South 11
3degrees 26 minutes West 200 feet to the dividing line between
4Lots #7 and #8 in said plan; thence along said last mentioned
5dividing line North 78 degrees 34 minutes West 177.62 feet of
6the Easterly side of Carron Alley as shown on said plan; thence
7along said side of Carron Alley North 5 degrees 10 minutes East
8204.14 feet to the line of premises now or formerly of E.Z.
9Smith; thence along said Smith line and along the line dividing
10Lots #1, #2 and #3 in said Plan from Lot #4 in said plan, South
1175 degrees 44 minutes East 199.94 feet to the Westerly side of
12Emerson Street at the place of beginning.

13Containing approximately 0.884-acres.

14Being the same premises conveyed to the Commonwealth of
15Pennsylvania by deed from Susan E. Bayard and Mary Bayard, dated
16June 20, 1910 and recorded in the Allegheny County Recorder of
17Deeds Office in Deed Book Volume 1693, Page 1.

18Being a portion of Tax Parcel No. 84-L-283.

19Tract 2

20All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the
21Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, being
22Lots #8, #9, #10, #11 and part of #12 in Bayard Place Plan of
23Lots, laid out by Mary and Susan E. Bayard and of record in
24Allegheny County in Plan Book Volume 25, Pages 26 and 27,
25bounded and described as follows:

26Beginning on the Westerly side of Emerson Street at a point
27distant 299.61 feet Southwardly from the Southerly side of Alder
28Street and at the dividing line between Lots #7 and #8 in said
29plan; thence along said side of Emerson Street South 11 degrees
3026 minutes West 253.97 feet to a point; thence North 78 degrees

134 minutes West, 139.69 feet to the Easterly line of Carron Way;
2thence along Carron Way, North 71 degrees 04 minutes West 10.30
3feet to an angle in said Carron Way; thence along the Easterly
4side of Carron Way, North 5 degrees 10 minutes East 254.13 feet
5to the dividing line between Lots #7 and #8 aforesaid; thence
6along said dividing line, South 78 degrees 34 minutes East,
7177.62 feet to Emerson Street at the place of BEGINNING.

8Containing approximately 0.955-acres.

9Being the same premises conveyed to the Commonwealth of
10Pennsylvania by deed from Bertha Bayard Galbraith and William M.
11Galbraith, and others, dated July 17, 1916, and recorded in the
12Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds Office in Deed Book Volume
131848, Page 345.

14Being a portion of Tax Parcel No. 84-L-283.

15(c) Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and
16subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
17rights of others, including, but not confined to streets,
18roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
19electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
20subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
21vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
22the land or improvements erected thereon. The conveyance shall
23be subject to all the protections, responsibilities and duties
24placed upon the property by its designation as a historic
25structure under municipal and State law, including preservation
26of the structure's facade.

27(d) Perpetual easement.--The Secretary of General Services,
28on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is further
29authorized to convey to the successful bidder the perpetual
30easement associated with the property, acquired by the

1Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from Genefreda A. Swartz and John
2S. Swartz, by their deed dated April 1, 1916, and recorded in
3the Allegheny County Records of Deeds Office in Deed Book Volume
41848, Page 342.

5(e) Oil, gas and mineral rights.--The oil, gas and mineral
6rights associated with the property may be retained by the
7Department of General Services, on behalf of the Commonwealth of
8Pennsylvania, and may be leased by the Department of General
9Services in accordance with the authority granted in the act of
10October 8, 2012 (P.L.1194, No.147), known as the Indigenous
11Mineral Resources Development Act.

12(f) Discretion of Secretary of General Services.--The
13Secretary of General Services may impose any covenants,
14conditions or restrictions on the property at settlement as
15determined to be in the best interests of the Commonwealth.

16(g) Deed of conveyance.--The deed of conveyance shall be by
17Special Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of
18General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of

20(h) Deposit of proceeds.--The proceeds from the sale shall
21be deposited in the State Treasury Armory Fund.

22Section 4.  Conveyance in Pine Grove Borough, Schuylkill County.

23(a) Conveyance authorized.--The Department of General
24Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and
25Veterans Affairs and the Governor, is hereby authorized on
26behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey,
27at a price to be determined through competitive bidding, a tract
28of land together with any buildings, structures or improvements
29thereon, situate in the Borough of Pine Grove, Schuylkill

1(b)  Legal description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant
2to this section consists of a tract containing approximately
30.35-acres of land and improvements located thereon, bounded and
4more particularly described as follows to wit:

5Tract 1

6ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
7Borough of Pine Grove, Schuylkill County bounded and described
8as follows:

9BEGINNING at the corner of Mill and Tulpehocken Streets,
10thence along Tulpehocken Street, North 6 degrees 28 minutes East
1130 feet 3 inches; thence still along Tulpehocken Street, North 1
12degree 48 minutes East 69 feet 11 inches; thence South 84
13degrees East 154 feet 10.5 inches; thence at right angles to
14last line, South 6 degrees West 100 feet, to a corner on Mill
15Street; thence again at right angles and long Mill Street North
1684 degrees West 150 feet to the BEGINNING.

17CONTAINING approximately 0.35-acres.

18BEING the same premises conveyed to the Commonwealth of
19Pennsylvania by deed from Levi Miller, Sr., dated September 14,
201907, and recorded in the Schuylkill County Recorder of Deeds
21Office in Deed Book Volume 306, Page 483.

22BEING Schuylkill County Tax Parcel No. 58-07-0146.000.

23(c) Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and
24subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
25rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
26roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
27electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
28subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
29vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
30the land or improvements erected thereon.

1(d) Oil, gas and mineral rights.--The oil, gas and mineral
2rights associated with the property may be retained by the
3Department of General Services, on behalf of the Commonwealth of
4Pennsylvania and may be leased by the Department of General
5Services in accordance with the authority granted in the act of
6October 8, 2012 (P.L.1194, No.147), known as the Indigenous
7Mineral Resources Development Act.

8(e) Discretion of Secretary of General Services.--The
9Secretary of General Services may impose any covenants,
10conditions or restrictions on the property at settlement as
11determined to be in the best interests of the Commonwealth.

12(f) Deed of conveyance.--The deed of conveyance shall be by
13Special Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of
14General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of

16(g) Deposit of proceeds.--The proceeds from the sale shall
17be deposited in the State Treasury Armory Fund.

18Section 5. Release of restrictive use covenants in Borough of
19Blossburg, Tioga County.

20(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
21the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
22the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to remove and release the
23restrictive use covenants imposed on certain real property
24conveyed to North Penn Comprehensive Health Services,
25predecessor to Laurel Health Systems, by the Department of
26General Services pursuant to the authority contained in the act
27of December 11, 1986 (P.L.1508, No.163), entitled "Authorizing
28and directing the Department of General Services, with the
29approval of the Governor, to convey to Emsworth Borough 7.5
30acres of land, more or less, situate in Kilbuck Township,

1Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; authorizing and directing the
2Department of General Services, with the approval of the
3Governor and the Department of Agriculture, to convey to the
4County of Chester 230.693 acres of land, more or less, situate
5in Newlin and West Bradford Townships, Chester County,
6Pennsylvania; authorizing the Department of General Services,
7with the approval of the Governor and the Department of Public
8Welfare, to convey to North Penn Comprehensive Health Services
98.7 acres of land, more or less, situate in the Borough of
10Blossburg, Tioga County, Pennsylvania; authorizing and directing
11the Department of General Services, with the approval of the
12Governor and the Department of Environmental Resources, to
13convey to Gilbert Collussy, Lena M. Collussy, James T. Dresher
14and Virginia M. Dresher, a tract of land situate in North
15Shenango Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, in exchange
16for a tract of land in the same township, and for other
17consideration; authorizing and directing the Department of
18General Services, with the approval of the Governor and the
19Departments of Environmental Resources and Transportation, to
20convey to the Mid-State Regional Airport Authority a tract of
21land situate in Rush Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania; and
22authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
23approval of the Governor and the Secretary of Public Welfare, to
24sell and convey to West Bradford Township a tract of land
25situate in West Bradford Township, Chester County," upon the
26terms and conditions and for consideration acceptable to the
27Department of General Services.

28(b) Property description.--The restrictions to be released
29pursuant to subsection (a) are on a tract of land totaling
30approximately 8.766-acres, formerly known as the Blossburg State

1General Hospital, more particularly described as follows:

2All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, together with
3the improvements located thereon, situate in the Borough of
4Blossburg, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described in
5accordance with a survey, dated August, 1979, prepared by Duane
6Wetmore under the direction of Boyer Kantz, R.S (revised April,
71986) as follows:

8Beginning at a point in the center line of Granger Street,
9said point being the northeast corner of lands now or formerly
10of Joseph W. Stempien and the southeast corner hereof; thence
11along lands of said Stempien, South 78 degrees 00 minutes 16
12seconds west a distance of 699.81 feet to a point in the center
13line of Ruah Street (said line passing over reference iron rods
14set 25.00 feet from the center line of Granger Street and 30.00
15feet from the center line of Ruah Street), the southwest corner
16hereof; thence north 19 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds west a
17distance of 381.94 feet to a point market by an iron rod set;
18thence along the former Railroad Street, north 44 degrees 01
19minutes 11 seconds west a distance of 343.00 feet to a point
20market by an iron rod set, the northwest corner hereof; thence
21north 48 degrees 58 minutes 49 seconds east a distance of 868.36
22feet to a point in the center line of Ruah Street; thence along
23lands now or formerly of Walter Kuzneski, north 48 degrees 58
24minutes 49 seconds east a distance of 338.64 feet to a point
25marked by an old iron rod found (said line passing through an
26iron rod set 25.00 feet from the center line of Ruah Street),
27the northernmost corner hereof; thence along lands now or
28formerly of Robert J. Kuzneski the following two courses and
29distances: (1) south 38 degrees 30 minutes 54 seconds east a
30distance of 200.00 feet to an old iron rod found; and (2) north

155 degrees 06 minutes 19 seconds east a distance of 113.66 feet
2to a point in the center line of Granger Street (said line
3passing through a utility pole located 11.06 feet from said
4center line), the northeasternmost corner thereof; thence along
5the center line of Granger Street, south 38 degrees 07 minutes
643 seconds east a distance of 92.93 feet to a point, the
7northeast corner of lands now or formerly of Larry Smith; thence
8along lands of said Smith the following three courses and
9distances: (1) south 51 degrees 42 minutes and 31 seconds west
10a distance of 223.35 feet to an iron rod set (said line passing
11over an old iron rod found 23.35 feet from the center line of
12Granger Street); (2) south 38 degrees 36 minutes east a distance
13of 375.00 feet to a point marked by an old iron rod found; and
14(3) north 52 degrees 24 minutes east a distance of 226.70 feet
15to a point in the center line of Granger Street (said line
16passing over an iron rod set 25.00 feet from said center line);
17thence along the center line of Granger Street the following
18four courses and distances: (1) south 39 degrees 06 minutes 17
19seconds east a distance of 73.56 feet; (2) south 42 degrees 01
20minutes 20 seconds east a distance of 81.39 feet; (3) south 35
21degrees 48 minutes 29 seconds east a distance of 189.94 feet;
22and (4) south 11 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds east a distance
23of 11.80 feet to the point and place of Beginning.

24Subject to the easement of right-of-way of Granger Street as
25indicated on said survey, and also subject to the easement of
26right-of-way of Ruah Street located on the western portion of
27said premises.

28Containing approximately 8.766-acres of land.

29Being the same property conveyed to North Penn Comprehensive
30Health Services by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by

1and through the Department of General Services, by its deed,
2dated December 3, 1987, and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds of
3Tioga County on March 7, 1988 in Deed Book 473, Page 1023.

4(c) Form of release.--Any legal instruments necessary to
5remove and release the restrictive use covenants shall be
6executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
7Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

8(d) Costs.--Any costs and fees incidental to the removal of
9the restrictive use covenants shall be borne by the Grantee.

10(e) Proceeds.--Proceeds received by the Department of
11General Services for the release of the restrictive use
12covenants shall be deposited into the General Fund.

13Section 6. Conveyance in City of Coatesville, Chester County.

14(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
15the approval of the Department of Labor and Industry and the
16Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of
17Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Coatesville Area Senior
18Center, or its successors or assigns, certain land and
19improvements thereon, being known as the Department of Labor and
20Industry's Office of Employment Security (Career Link), situate
21in the City of Coatesville, Chester County, for $281,000 and
22under terms and conditions to be established in an Agreement of
23Sale with the Department of General Services.

24(b) Property description.--The property to be conveyed
25pursuant to subsection (a) consists of a tract of land
26containing approximately 0.362-acres, including all improvements
27located thereon, more particularly described as follows:

28ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situated in the City of
29Coatesville, County of Chester, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
30bounded and described according to a survey made February 15,

11967 by DeArmit and Hayes, Consulting Engineers and Surveyors,
2as follows, to wit:

3BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the proposed
4South curb line of Harmony Street with the West curb line of
5South Third Avenue, said point being located Eight feet South of
6the existing South curb line of Harmony Street; thence along the
7West curb line of South Third Avenue, South Four degrees,
8sixteen minutes East, One hundred twenty-eight feet to a point,
9a corner of land remaining of N/F the City of Coatesville;
10thence leaving the said West curb line of South Third Avenue and
11along the land remaining of N/F the City of Coatesville, South
12Eighty-four degrees, sixteen minutes West, one hundred twenty-
13one and seventy-one one-hundredths feet to a point; thence
14continuing along the land remaining of N/F the City of
15Coatesville North Five degrees, forty-four minutes West, One
16hundred twenty-seven and ninety-six one-hundredths feet to a
17point in the aforementioned proposed South curb line of Harmony
18Street; thence along the same North Eighty-four degrees, sixteen
19minutes East, One hundred twenty-five feet to the first
20mentioned point and place of beginning.

21CONTAINING 15,786 square feet of land, more or less.

22BEING the same premises conveyed from the City of
23Coatesville, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, General State
24Authority, by deed dated June 28, 1967 and recorded July 3,
251967, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Chester
26County, in Deed Book Q-37, Page 311.

27ALSO BEING the same parcel and tract of land conveyed to the
28Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of General Services, by
29the General State Authority in its deed, dated June 16, 1989,
30and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for

1Chester County, in Deed Book 2098, Page 426.

2ALSO BEING Tax Parcel Number 16-05-0279.000E.

3(c) Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
4subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
5rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
6roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
7electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
8subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
9vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
10the land or improvements erected thereon.

11(d) Prohibited use.--Any conveyance authorized under this
12section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which
13shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of
14the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as
15defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any
16other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The
17condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be
18binding upon the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the
19Grantee, its successors or assigns, permit any portion of the
20property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in
21violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert
22to and revest in the Grantor.

23(e) Deed--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
24Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
25Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

26(f) Costs.--Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
27shall be borne by the Grantee.

28(g) Alternate disposition.--In the event that this
29conveyance is not executed per the terms and conditions as
30established in an Agreement of Sale, with the Department of

1General Services, the property may be disposed of in accordance
2with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
3No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.

4(h) Proceeds.--The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited
5in the General Fund.

6Section 7. Conveyance in City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia

8(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
9the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
10the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to
11Philadelphia Technician Training School certain land, and all
12improvements located thereon, situate in the City of
13Philadelphia, Philadelphia County for $2,200,000.

14(b) Property description.--The property to be conveyed
15pursuant to subsection (a) consists of approximately 1.53-acres
16of land and improvements thereon bounded and more particularly
17described as follows:

18ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the improvements
19thereon erected, situate in the 29th Ward of the City of
20Philadelphia, described according to a Survey and Plan of
21Property made for the Redevelopment Authority of the City of
22Philadelphia by Thomas J. Johnston, Surveyor and Regulator of
23the 3rd District, dated February 1, 1967, as follows, to wit:

24BEGINNING at a point of intersection formed by the Easterly
25side of 20th Street (46 feet wide) and the Northerly side of
26Girard Avenue (80 feet wide); thence extending North 11 degrees
2721 minutes East along the said Easterly side of 20th Street, the
28distance of 121 feet 1 7/8 inches to a point on the Southerly
29side of South College Avenue (60 feet wide); thence North 83
30degrees 03 minutes 07 seconds East along the said Southerly side

1of South College Avenue 155 feet 10 7/8 inches to a point;
2thence South 6 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds East, 94 feet 10
37/8 inches to a point on the Northerly side of a 3 feet wide
4alley by deeds, which leads Eastwardly and Westwardly connecting
5at its Easterly end with a 5 feet wide alley by deeds, which
6leads Eastwardly; thence South 78 degrees 39 minutes East along
7the Northerly side of said 3 feet wide alley by deeds and
8passing through said 5 feet wide alley by deeds 74 feet 9 3/8
9inches to a point in the bed of said 5 feet wide alley by deeds;
10thence North 6 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds West, partly
11crossing said 5 feet wide alley by deeds 118 feet 4 5/8 inches
12to a point on the said Southerly side of South College Avenue;
13thence North 83 degrees 03 minutes 07 seconds East along the
14said Southerly side of South College Avenue 192 feet 0 inches to
15a point on the Westerly side of 19th Street (50 feet wide);
16thence South 11 degrees 21 minutes West along the said Westerly
17side of 19th Street 252 feet 8 1/8 inches to a point on the said
18Northerly side of Girard Avenue; thence North 78 degrees 39
19minutes West along the said Northerly side of Girard Avenue 397
20feet 8 3/4 inches to a point on the said Easterly side of 20th
21Street, being the first mentioned point and place of BEGINNING.

22BEING the same premises acquired by the General State
23Authority (predecessor to the Pennsylvania Department of General
24Services) from the Redevelopment Authority of the City of
25Philadelphia by deed, dated February 27, 1968, and recorded with
26the Philadelphia Recorder of Deeds at D-041-232.

27(c) Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
28subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
29rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
30roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,

1electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
2subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
3vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
4the land or improvements erected thereon.

5(d) Prohibited use.--Any conveyance authorized under this
6section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which
7shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of
8the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as
9defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any
10other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The
11condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be
12binding upon the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the
13Grantee, its successors or assigns, permit any portion of the
14property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in
15violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert
16to and revest in the Grantor.

17(e) Deed.--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
18Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
19Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

20(f) Costs.--Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
21shall be borne by the Grantee.

22(g) Alternate disposition.--In the event that the Department
23of General Services and the Grantee cannot reach a mutually
24acceptable agreement of sale within one year from the effective
25date of this section, the property may be disposed of in
26accordance with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929
27(P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.

28Section 8.  Conveyance of Washington Monument Park in Borough of
29Waterford, Erie County.

30(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with

1the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
2Commission and the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
3the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Fort
4LeBoeuf Historical Society certain lands and any improvements
5thereon described in subsection (b), the property being known
6locally as the Washington Monument Park, situate in the Borough
7of Waterford, Erie County, for $1.

8(b) Description of property.--The property to be conveyed
9pursuant to this section consists of approximately 0.104-acres,
10including any improvements located thereon, more particularly
11described as follows:

12Tract 1

13ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the
14Borough of Waterford, County of Erie, and Commonwealth of
15Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

16BEGINNING at a point fifty (50) feet west of the west line of
17High Street and twenty (20) feet north of the north line of
18First Alley; thence southwardly, parallel with High Street, four
19(4) feet and eight (8) inches to a point; thence eastwardly and
20parallel with First Alley, four (4) feet and eight (8) inches to
21a point; thence northerly and parallel with High Street, four
22(4) feet and eight (8) inches to a point; thence westwardly,
23parallel with First Alley, four (4) feet and eight (8) inches to
24the place of BEGINNING.

25BEING the same property conveyed to the Commonwealth of
26Pennsylvania, from the Fort LeBoeuf Chapter, Daughters of
27American Colonists, by deed dated April 11, 1945, and recorded
28in Erie County Deed Book No. 454, Page 396.

29Tract 2

30ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or lot of land situated in the Borough

1of Waterford, in the County of Erie, and Commonwealth of
2Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

3COMMENCING at the southeast corner of what is N/F known as
4the Eagle Hotel Lot on High Street; thence westwardly along
5same, eighty-two and one-half (82 1/2) feet; thence southwardly
6along said lot and parallel with High Street, fifty-five (55)
7feet to First Alley; thence eastwardly, eighty-two and one-half
8(82 1/2) feet to High Street; thence along High Street
9northwardly, fifty-five (55) feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.

10BEING the same property conveyed to the Commonwealth of
11Pennsylvania, from the Fort LeBoeuf Chapter, Daughters of
12American Colonists, by deed dated August 16, 1950, and recorded
13in Erie County in Deed Book 573, Page 131.

14EXCEPTING THEREFROM, however, a piece of land four (4) feet
15and eight (8) inches square, heretofore conveyed by the Fort
16LeBoeuf Chapter, Daughters of the American Colonists, to the
17Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by deed dated April 11, 1945, and
18recorded in Deed Book 454, Page 396.

19Being Parcel ID #46-9-57-2

20(c) Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and
21subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
22rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
23roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
24electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
25subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
26vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
27the land or improvements erected thereon.

28(d) Gaming restriction.--Any conveyance authorized under
29this section shall be made under and subject to the condition,
30which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no

1portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed
2facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to
3definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized
4under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with
5the land and shall be binding upon the grantee and its
6successors. Should the grantee, or its successors, permit any
7portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this
8section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title
9shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

10(e) Restrictive covenant.--The following restrictive
11covenants shall be included in the deed of conveyance:

12Declaration of Covenants

13Washington Monument Park

14Borough of Waterford, Erie County, Pennsylvania

15(1) Covenants.

16(a) The deed of transfer of this property, which
17property shall hereinafter be described in this
18agreement as "Washington Monument Park," shall
19contain the following language: "Fort LeBoeuf
20Historical Society and its successors, (hereafter
21referred to as "FLHS") covenants and agrees to assume
22responsibility for the maintenance, preservation, and
23administration of the property in a manner that is
24satisfactory to the Pennsylvania Historical and
25Museum Commission ("Commission") for a demonstrable
26public benefit in perpetuity; under and subject to
27the condition that the buildings and lands conveyed
28herein shall be accessible to the public."

29(b)  The provisions of these covenants, hereinafter
30expressed as covenants running with the land, are

1herein set forth so as to ensure the maintenance and
2preservation of the qualities, natural resources and
3historical characteristics of Washington Monument

5(2)  Standards for Historic Preservation.

6(a)  Washington Monument Park shall be maintained and
7preserved in accordance with the Secretary of the
8Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic

10(b)  No construction, alteration, rehabilitation,
11remodeling, demolition, site development, ground
12disturbance, or other action shall be undertaken or
13permitted to said property without the prior written
14permission from the Commission.

15(c)  Prior to the commencement of work, FLHS agrees to
16notify, in writing, the Commission of all such work
17on said property in advance.

18(d)  The Commission will be given forty-five (45) days
19from receipt of the notice (sent via certified mail)
20to review and approve in writing the appropriateness
21of said work. If no response is provided within
22forty-five (45) days, consent shall be implied.

23(3)  Requirements and Standards for Archaeological

25(a)  For work that involves ground disturbance, the
26Commission may require archaeological investigation,
27for which FLHS shall have financial responsibility.

28(b)  In the event that archaeological materials are
29discovered during ground-disturbing activities, work
30shall temporarily cease, and the Commission shall be

1consulted for instructions prior to proceeding with
2the work.

3(c)  Any archaeological work shall be conducted in
4accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's
5Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological
6Documentation (48FR 447344-37) and any such standards
7and guidelines as the Commission may specify.

8(4)  Access.

9FLHS shall allow the Commission, at all reasonable times
10and upon reasonable advance notice to FLHS, access to
11inspect said property to ensure compliance with this
12preservation covenant.

13(5)  Right of Reverter.

14(a)  The deed of conveyance shall contain a clause that
15the title to the property shall immediately revert to
16and revest in the Commonwealth should FLHS sell or
17transfer the property or permit the property to be
18used for any purpose other than as a museum, or
19related business and/or curatorial offices, for any
20length of time.

21(b)  FLHS may petition the Commission for a waiver of
22this provision if a proposed usage would meet the
23spirit of this agreement.

24(c)  The Commission must specifically approve any waiver
25of this provision.

26(6)  Binding in Perpetuity.

27(a)  This covenant is binding on FLHS and its successors
28in perpetuity.

29(b)  This covenant shall be binding servitude upon the
30property and shall be deemed to run with the land.

1(c)  Execution of this covenant shall constitute evidence
2that FLHS agrees to be bound by the foregoing
3conditions and restrictions and to perform the
4obligations herein set forth.

5(f) Deed of conveyance.--The deed of conveyance shall be
6executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
7Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

8(g) Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
9conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

10(h) Expiration.--In the event that the conveyance is not
11effectuated within one year of the effective date of this
12section, the authority contained in this section shall expire.

13Section 9.  Conveyance of Fort LeBoeuf Museum in Borough of
14Waterford, Erie County.

15(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
16the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
17Commission and the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
18the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Fort
19LeBoeuf Historical Society certain lands and any improvements
20thereon described in subsection (b), the property being known
21locally as the Fort LeBoeuf Museum situate in the Borough of
22Waterford, Erie County, for $1.

23(b) Description of property.--The property to be conveyed
24pursuant to this section consists of approximately 1.17-acres,
25including any improvements located thereon, more particularly
26described as follows:

27ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the
28Borough of Waterford, Erie County, Pennsylvania, being a
29rectangle 155 feet by 330 feet, on the east side of High Street
30(Route #19), bounded by First Alley, Cherry Street (unopened)

1and Water Street (unopened).

2BEING the same piece or parcel of land acquired by the
3Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pursuant to Declaration of Taking,
4filed in the Office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common
5Pleas of Erie County on September 30, 1968, at No. 2782 A Term
61968, with a notice of the Declaration of Taking recorded at the
7Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Erie County at Book 990, Page

9BEING Parcel ID #46-9-58-4.

10(c) Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and
11subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
12rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
13roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
14electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
15subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
16vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
17the land or improvements erected thereon.

18(d) Gaming restriction.--Any conveyance authorized under
19this section shall be made under and subject to the condition,
20which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no
21portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed
22facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to
23definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized
24under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with
25the land and shall be binding upon the grantee and its
26successors. Should the grantee, or its successors, permit any
27portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this
28section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title
29shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

30(e) Restrictive covenant.--The following restrictive

1covenants shall be included in the deed of conveyance:

2Declaration of Covenants

3Fort LeBoeuf Museum

4Borough of Waterford, Erie County, Pennsylvania

5(1)  Covenants.

6(a)  The deed of transfer of this property, which
7property shall hereinafter be described in this
8agreement as "Fort LeBoeuf Museum," shall contain the
9following language: "Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society
10and its successors, (hereafter referred to as "FLHS")
11covenants and agrees to assume responsibility for the
12maintenance, preservation, and administration of the
13property in a manner that is satisfactory to the
14Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
15("Commission") for a demonstrable public benefit in
16perpetuity; under and subject to the condition that
17the buildings and lands conveyed herein shall be
18accessible to the public."

19(b)  The provisions of these covenants, hereinafter
20expressed as covenants running with the land, are
21herein set forth so as to ensure the maintenance and
22preservation of the qualities, natural resources and
23historical characteristics of Fort LeBoeuf Museum.

24(2)  Standards for Historic Preservation.

25(a)  Fort LeBoeuf Museum shall be maintained and
26preserved in accordance with the Secretary of the
27Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic

29(b)  No construction, alteration, rehabilitation,
30remodeling, demolition, site development, ground

1disturbance, or other action shall be undertaken or
2permitted to said property without the prior written
3permission from the Commission.

4(c)  Prior to the commencement of work, FLHS agrees to
5notify, in writing, the Commission of all such work
6on said property in advance.

7(d)  The Commission will be given forty-five (45) days
8from receipt of the notice (sent via certified mail)
9to review and approve in writing the appropriateness
10of said work. If no response is provided within
11forty-five (45) days, consent shall be implied.

12(3)  Requirements and Standards for Archaeological

14(a)  For work that involves ground disturbance, the
15Commission may require archaeological investigation,
16for which FLHS shall have financial responsibility.

17(b)  In the event that archaeological materials are
18discovered during ground-disturbing activities, work
19shall temporarily cease, and the Commission shall be
20consulted for instructions prior to proceeding with
21the work.

22(c)  Any archaeological work shall be conducted in
23accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's
24Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological
25Documentation (48FR 447344-37) and any such standards
26and guidelines as the Commission may specify.

27(4)  Access.

28FLHS shall allow the Commission, at all reasonable times
29and upon reasonable advance notice to FLHS, access to
30inspect said property to ensure compliance with this

1preservation covenant.

2(5)  Right of Reverter.

3(a)  The deed of conveyance shall contain a clause that
4the title to the property shall immediately revert to
5and revest in the Commonwealth should FLHS sell or
6transfer the property or permit the property to be
7used for any purpose other than as a museum, or
8related business and/or curatorial offices, for any
9length of time.

10(b)  FLHS may petition the Commission for a waiver of
11this provision if a proposed usage would meet the
12spirit of this agreement.

13(c)  The Commission must specifically approve any waiver
14of this provision.

15(6)  Binding in Perpetuity.

16(a)  This covenant is binding on FLHS and its successors
17in perpetuity.

18(b)  This covenant shall be binding servitude upon the
19property and shall be deemed to run with the land.

20(c)  Execution of this covenant shall constitute evidence
21that FLHS agrees to be bound by the foregoing
22conditions and restrictions and to perform the
23obligations herein set forth.

24(f) Deed of conveyance.--The deed of conveyance shall be
25executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
26Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

27(g) Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
28conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

29(h) Expiration.--In the event that the conveyance is not
30effectuated within one year of the effective date of this

1section, the authority contained in this section shall expire.

2Section 10.  Conveyance of Judson House in Borough of Waterford,
3Erie County.

4(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
5the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
6Commission and the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
7the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Fort
8LeBoeuf Historical Society certain lands and any improvements
9thereon described in subsection (b), the property being known
10locally as the Judson House situate in the Borough of Waterford,
11Erie County, for $1.

12(b) Description of property.--The property to be conveyed
13pursuant to this section consists of approximately 0.5871-acres,
14including any improvements located thereon, more particularly
15described as follows:

16Tract 1

17ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the
18Borough of Waterford, County of Erie and Commonwealth of
19Pennsylvania, being Lots Nos. Seven (7) and Eight (8) of
20Garrison Lots in said Borough.

21The said lots are situate at the southeast intersection of
22High Street and First Street, in said Borough, and front for a
23distance of 105 feet on the south side of First Street and
24extends southerly therefrom a distance of 155 feet on the east
25side of High Street.

26Excepting and reserving however, from the above described
27land all that easterly portion consisting of a 60 foot frontage
28on First Street and extending to a depth of 155 feet therefrom
29in a southerly direction.

30BEING the same piece or parcel of land conveyed to the

1Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from Frank R. Johnston, et al, by
2deed dated July 8, 1949, and recorded in Erie County Deed Book
3542, Page 549.

4Tract 2

5ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the
6Borough of Waterford, County of Erie and Commonwealth of
7Pennsylvania, being the east sixty (60) feet fronting on the
8southerly side of First Street to an alley, and extending
9southwardly at a uniform depth of one hundred fifty-five (155)
10feet, of lots Nos. 7 and 8 of the Garrison Lots in the Borough
11of Waterford, more fully bounded and described as follows, to

13BEGINNING at a point in the south line of First Street, one
14hundred five (105) feet eastwardly from the point of
15intersection of the south line of First Street with the east
16line of High Street; thence southwardly parallel with the east
17line of High Street, one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet, more
18or less, to the north line of an alley; thence eastwardly along
19the north line of said alley, and parallel with the south line
20of First Street, sixty (60) feet to a point; thence northwardly
21parallel with the east line of High Street, one hundred and
22fifty-five (155) feet, more or less, to the south line of First
23Street; and thence westwardly along the south line of First
24Street, sixty (60) feet to the place of BEGINNING.

25BEING the same piece or parcel of land conveyed to the
26Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from Miriam Kuhns, unmarried, and
27Cynthia Ensworth, widow, by deed dated March 21, 1950, and
28recorded in Erie County Deed Book 560, Page 348.

29BEING Parcel ID #46-9-58-1.

30(c) Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and

1subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
2rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
3roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
4electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
5subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
6vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
7the land or improvements erected thereon.

8(d) Gaming restriction.--Any conveyance authorized under
9this section shall be made under and subject to the condition,
10which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no
11portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed
12facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to
13definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized
14under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with
15the land and shall be binding upon the grantee and its
16successors. Should the grantee, or its successors, permit any
17portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this
18section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title
19shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

20(e) Restrictive covenant.--The following restrictive
21covenants shall be included in the deed of conveyance:

22Declaration of Covenants

23Judson House

24Borough of Waterford, Erie County, Pennsylvania

25(1)  Covenants.

26(a)  The deed of transfer of this property, which
27property shall hereinafter be described in this
28agreement as "Judson House," shall contain the
29following language: "Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society
30and its successors, (hereafter referred to as "FLHS")

1covenants and agrees to assume responsibility for the
2maintenance, preservation, and administration of the
3property in a manner that is satisfactory to the
4Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
5("Commission") for a demonstrable public benefit in
6perpetuity; under and subject to the condition that
7the buildings and lands conveyed herein shall be
8accessible to the public."

9(b)  The provisions of these covenants, hereinafter
10expressed as covenants running with the land, are
11herein set forth so as to ensure the maintenance and
12preservation of the qualities, natural resources and
13historical characteristics of Judson House.

14(2)  Standards for Historic Preservation.

15(a)  Judson House shall be maintained and preserved in
16accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's
17Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

18(b)  No construction, alteration, rehabilitation,
19remodeling, demolition, site development, ground
20disturbance, or other action shall be undertaken or
21permitted to said property without the prior written
22permission from the Commission.

23(c)  Prior to the commencement of work, FLHS agrees to
24notify, in writing, the Commission of all such work
25on said property in advance.

26(d)  The Commission will be given forty-five (45) days
27from receipt of the notice (sent via certified mail)
28to review and approve in writing the appropriateness
29of said work. If no response is provided within
30forty-five (45) days, consent shall be implied.

1(3)  Requirements and Standards for Archaeological

3(a)  For work that involves ground disturbance, the
4Commission may require archaeological investigation,
5for which FLHS shall have financial responsibility.

6(b)  In the event that archaeological materials are
7discovered during ground-disturbing activities, work
8shall temporarily cease, and the Commission shall be
9consulted for instructions prior to proceeding with
10the work.

11(c)  Any archaeological work shall be conducted in
12accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's
13Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological
14Documentation (48FR 447344-37) and any such standards
15and guidelines as the Commission may specify.

16(4)  Access.

17FLHS shall allow the Commission, at all reasonable times
18and upon reasonable advance notice to FLHS, access to
19inspect said property to ensure compliance with this
20preservation covenant.

21(5)  Right of Reverter.

22(a)  The deed of conveyance shall contain a clause that
23the title to the property shall immediately revert to
24and revest in the Commonwealth should FLHS sell or
25transfer the property or permit the property to be
26used for any purpose other than as a museum, or
27related business and/or curatorial offices, for any
28length of time.

29(b)  FLHS may petition the Commission for a waiver of
30this provision if a proposed usage would meet the

1spirit of this agreement.

2(c)  The Commission must specifically approve any waiver
3of this provision.

4(6)  Binding in Perpetuity.

5(a)  This covenant is binding on FLHS and its successors
6in perpetuity.

7(b)  This covenant shall be binding servitude upon the
8property and shall be deemed to run with the land.

9(c)  Execution of this covenant shall constitute evidence
10that FLHS agrees to be bound by the foregoing
11conditions and restrictions and to perform the
12obligations herein set forth.

13(f) Deed of conveyance.--The deed of conveyance shall be by
14Special Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of
15General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of

17(g) Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
18conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

19(h) Expiration.--In the event that the conveyance is not
20effectuated within one year of the effective date of this
21section, the authority contained in this section shall expire.

22Section 11. Conveyance in Borough of Millersville, Lancaster

24(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
25the approval of Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the
26State System of Higher Education and the Governor, is hereby
27authorized and directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of
28Pennsylvania to grant and convey to Penn Manor School District
29certain land and improvements thereon situate in the Borough of
30Millersville, Lancaster County, and is further authorized and

1directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to accept
2in exchange certain land and improvements thereon to be conveyed
3by the Penn Manor School District to the Commonwealth of
4Pennsylvania, acting by and through the Department of General
5Services, and to add the same to the existing lands of the
6Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Millersville University of

8(b) Property to be conveyed to Penn Manor School District.--
9The property to be conveyed to Penn Manor School District
10pursuant to subsection (a) consists of approximately 0.890-acres
11of land and improvements thereon bounded and more particularly
12described as follows:

13All that certain tract of land tract of land situate
14southwest of Circle Drive in the Borough of Millersville,
15Lancaster County, Pennsylvania shown as "Area B" on the Layout
16Plan Subdivision/Lot Add-On Plan for Millersville University
17prepared by RETTEW Associates, Inc. drawing number 015372001,
18dated February 2012, and being more fully bounded and described

20BEGINNING AT A POINT the easternmost corner of the herein
21described tract, said point being the southeast corner of lands,
22now or formerly, of Penn Manor School District; thence extending
23in and through lands, now or formerly, of The General State
24Authority the following three (3) courses and distances: 1)
25South 57° 23' 34" West, a distance of 105.181' to an iron pin to
26be set; 2) South 66° 32' 49" West, a distance of 395.148' to an
27iron pin to be set; and 3) North 63° 31' 42" West, a distance of
28180.821' to an iron pin to be set along lands, now or formerly,
29of Penn Manor School District; thence along the same North 77°
3043' 38" East, a distance of 627.305' to the POINT AND place of


2CONTAINING 0.8907 acres of land, more or less.

3(c) Property to be conveyed to the Commonwealth.--The land
4to be accepted in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
5acting by and through the Department of General Services
6pursuant to subsection (a) consists of approximately 2.328 acres
7of land and improvements thereon and is bounded and more
8particularly described as follows:

9ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate southwest of Circle Drive
10in the Borough of Millersville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
11shown as "Area A" on the Layout Plan Subdivision/Lot Add On Plan
12for Millersville University prepared by RETTEW Associates, Inc.
13drawing number 015372001, dated February 2012, and being more
14fully bounded and described below:

15BEGINNING AT A POINT, the northeast corner of the herein
16described tract, said point being a corner of lands, now or
17formerly, of Penn Manor School District; thence along lands, now
18or formerly, of Ted E. and Diane T. Silar, South 24° 12' 04"
19East, a distance of 400.74' to an iron pin to be set, a corner
20of Area A; thence along the same South 77° 04' 29" West, a
21distance of 265.01' to an iron pin to be set along lands, now or
22formerly, of The General State Authority; thence along the same
23North 23° 37' 37" West, a distance of 384.77' to a point, a
24corner of lands, now or formerly, of Penn Manor School District;
25thence along the same North 73° 45' 55" East, a distance of
26258.53' to a point, a corner of lands, now or formerly, of Ted
27E. and Diane T. Silar; the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING.

28CONTAINING 2.328 acres of land.

29(d) Easements.--The conveyances shall be made under and
30subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and

1rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
2roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
3electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
4subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
5vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
6the land or improvements erected thereon.

7(e) Deeds.--

8(1) The deed of conveyance for the property to be
9conveyed to Penn Manor School District by the Department of
10General Services pursuant to subsection (a) shall be a
11special warranty deed and shall be executed by the Secretary
12of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of

14(2) The deed of conveyance for the property to be
15conveyed to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and
16through the Department of General Services, by Penn Manor
17School District pursuant to subsection (a) shall be a special
18warranty deed and shall be executed by the appropriate
19officers of the school district.

20(f) Authority granted to Secretary of General Services.--The
21Secretary of General Services is hereby authorized to grant or
22reserve any easements on Commonwealth-owned real property at
23Millersville University of Pennsylvania as may be necessary to
24effectuate the purposes of this section or to otherwise protect
25the interests of the Commonwealth.

26(g) Costs.--The costs and fees incidental to the conveyances
27hereby authorized shall be borne equally by the Penn Manor
28School District and Millersville University of Pennsylvania of
29the State System of Higher Education.

30Section 12. Release of restrictive use and reversionary

1covenants in City of Scranton, Lackawanna County.

2(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
3the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
4the Commonwealth to remove and release the restrictive use and
5reversionary covenants imposed on certain real property conveyed
6to Scranton Primary Health Care Center, Inc., by the Department
7of General Services pursuant to the authority contained in the
8act of February 14, 1980 (P.L.9, No.6), entitled "Authorizing
9and directing the Department of General Services, with the
10approval of the Governor, to convey to the Scranton Primary
11Health Care Center, Inc., a certain parcel of land together with
12a building erected thereon, situate in the City of Scranton,
13County of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania," on such terms, conditions
14and for consideration to be established in a legally binding
15agreement acceptable to the Secretary of General Services.

16(b) Property description.--The restrictions to be released
17pursuant to subsection (a) are on a tract of land totaling
18approximately 0.50-acres, more particularly described as

20All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the
21City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, described as follows:

22Lots Number Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24) in Square
23or Block Number Two Hundred Twenty-six (226) and situate upon a
24street called and known as Wyoming Avenue upon the plot of
25Scranton, intended to be duly registered and recorded, said lots
26being together eighty (80) feet in front and one hundred sixty-
27seven (167) feet in depth; and rectangular with an alley in the
28rear sixteen (16) feet wide for public use.

29Containing approximately 0.50-acres of land.

30Being the same property conveyed to Scranton Primary Health

1Care Center, Inc., by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting
2by and through the Department of General Services, by its deed,
3dated August 1, 1980, and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds of
4Lackawanna County at Deed Book 228, Page 570 through Page 573.

5(c) Form of release.--Any legal instruments necessary to
6remove and release the restrictive use and reversionary
7covenants shall be executed by the Secretary of General Services
8in the name of the Commonwealth.

9(d) Costs.--Any costs and fees incidental to the removal of
10the restrictive use and reversionary covenants shall be borne by
11the Grantee.

12(e) Proceeds.--Proceeds received by the Department of
13General Services for the release of the restrictive use and
14reversionary covenants shall be deposited into the General Fund.

15Section 13. Partial removal and release of restrictive use
16covenants in Benner Township, Centre County.

17(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
18the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
19the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to partially remove and release
20the restrictive covenants as to sole use for passive
21recreational open space, but not as to that portion of the
22restrictive covenants relating to the benefit of the public at
23large, and to remove and release the restrictive covenant as to
24the conveyance and recordation of a perpetual conservation
25easement, under terms, conditions and for consideration
26acceptable to the Department of General Services, imposed on
27certain real property in Benner Township, Centre County,
28conveyed to Benner Township by the Department of General
29Services pursuant to the authority contained in section 2(d) of
30the act of July 9, 2010 (P.L.401, No.55), entitled "An act

1authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
2approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to The
3Pennsylvania State University, certain lands situate in Benner
4Township, Centre County; authorizing the Department of General
5Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey
6to Benner Township, certain lands situate in Benner Township,
7Centre County; authorizing the Department of General Services,
8with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to the
9Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, certain lands situate in
10Benner Township, Centre County; and authorizing the Department
11of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant
12and convey to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, certain lands
13situate in Benner Township, Centre County," upon the terms and
14conditions and for consideration acceptable to the Department of
15General Services.

16(b) Property description.--The restrictions to be partially
17removed and released pursuant to subsection (a) are on two
18tracts of land totaling approximately 5.0000 acres and 13.6033
19acres, respectively, of land, gross area, more particularly
20described as follows:


22ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL or tract of land in Benner Township,
23Centre County, Pennsylvania identified as "PARCEL BENNER A" on
24plans prepared by Sweetland Engineering and Associates, Inc.,
25more fully bounded and described as follows:

26Beginning at a point in the centerline of Rock Road, Benner
27Township Road T-376, at the common southwestern corner of
28"Parcel PGC A" and the northwestern corner of the herein
29described parcel, said point having coordinates referenced to
30the Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinate System North Zone, North

1American Datum of 1983 of Northing 249820.5919 and Easting

3Thence along "Parcel Benner A" the following three (3) courses:

41. N 24-17-11 E a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; Thence

52. N 17-58-42 E a distance of 342.76 feet to a point; Thence

63. S 68-49-38 E a distance of 572.82 feet to a point;

7Thence along "Parcel DGS\DOC A" S 17-44-53 W a distance of
8420.75 feet to a point;

9Thence along the centerline of Rock Road the following two (2)

111. N 57-27-33 W a distance of 206.98 feet to a point; Thence

122. N 65-42-49 W a distance of 377.40 feet to the point of

14Containing 217,799 square feet or 5.0000 acres of land, gross
15area, be the same more or less.


17Beginning at a point in the northern right-of-way line of
18SR0150, the Benner Pike, a variable width right-of-way at the
19intersection with the northeastern line of Prison Road "D", said
20point having coordinates referenced to the Pennsylvania State
21Plane Coordinate System North Zone, North American Datum of 1983
22of Northing 255155.4238 and Easting 1960011.9833;

23Thence along Prison Road "D" the following four (4) courses:

241. N 74-54-54 W a distance of 97.10 feet to a point; Thence

252. along a curve to the left having a radius of 555.00,
26central angle of 32° 40' 16", chord bearing and distance of S
2788-44-58 W a distance of 312.20 feet, an arc distance of 316.47
28feet to a point; Thence

293. S 72-24-50 W a distance of 316.85 feet to a point; Thence

304. S 78-33-51 W a distance of 236.71 feet to a point;

1Thence along the southern right-of-way line of SR6026, Section
2C03 the following four (4) courses:

31. N 41-04-29 E a distance of 77.10 feet to a point; Thence

42. N 36-07-17 E a distance of 700.65 feet to a point; Thence

53. along a curve to the right having a radius of 2759.79,
6central angle of 14° 31' 53", chord bearing and distance of N
743-23-13 E a distance of 698.06 feet, an arc distance of 699.94
8feet to a point; Thence

94. along a curve to the right having a radius of 255.00,
10central angle of 41° 33' 59", chord bearing and distance of N
1171-26-09 E a distance of 180.96 feet, an arc distance of 184.99
12feet to a point;

13Thence along the northern right-of-way line of SR0150, the
14Benner Pike, the following five (5) courses:

151. S 25-13-03 E a distance of 123.39 feet to a point; Thence

162. S 15-05-06 W a distance of 294.87 feet to a point; Thence

173. S 12-13-21 W a distance of 200.25 feet to a point; Thence

184. S 15-05-06 W a distance of 453.78 feet to a point; Thence

195. S 15-52-44 E a distance of 35.97 feet to the point of

21Containing 592,560 square feet or 13.6033 acres of land, gross
22area, be the same more or less.

23(c) Form of partial removal and release.--Any legal
24instruments necessary to partially remove and release the
25restrictive use covenants shall be executed by the Secretary of
26General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
27Pennsylvania, provided that the portion of the restrictive use
28covenants relating to the benefit of the public at large may not
29be removed and released in such instruments.

30(d) Costs.--Any costs and fees incidental to the partial

1removal and release of the restrictive use covenants shall be
2borne by the Grantee.

3(e) Proceeds.--Any proceeds received by the Department of
4General Services for the partial removal and release of the
5restrictive use covenants shall be deposited into the General

7Section 14. Land within the Delaware River bed.

8(a)  Authorization.--The Commonwealth owns the lands within
9the bed of the Delaware River, a portion of which is located in
10the 5th Ward of the City of Philadelphia. Such lands located in
11the 5th Ward are commonly known as Premises A (an area
12immediately north of Pier No. 27 North), Pier No. 27 North, Pier
13No. 27.5 North, Pier No. 31 North, Pier No. 32 North, Pier No.
1433 North, Pier No. 34 North and Pier No. 35 North, and referred
15to collectively as the "Properties," all of which are more fully
16described in subsection (b).

17(b) Property description.--The land to be leased is more
18particularly described as follows:


20ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
21and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
22City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
231080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
24Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

25BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Christopher
26Columbus Boulevard (On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open). Said
27point being located the following two courses and distances
28southwardly from the intersection of the easterly side of
29Delaware Avenue (On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) with the
30southeasterly side of Penn Street (On City Plan, 60' wide,

1Legally Open);

21.) S.18º17'00"W along the said Delaware Avenue, and then 
3continuing along the said easterly side of Christopher Columbus 
4Boulevard the distance of 862.843' to a point of intersection of 
5the said easterly side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly 
6side of Penn Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

72.) S.15º16'00"W along the said Christopher Columbus Boulevard,
8the distance of 216.875 to an angle point;

9THENCE extending S.74º44'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
10Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
119/10/1940 the distance of 553.380' to a point on the Pierhead
12Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

14THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
15distance of 159.031' to a point;

16THENCE extending N.73º55'50"W. and partly crossing the said
17Bulkhead Line the distance of 515.436' to a point on the said
18easterly side of Christopher Columbus Boulevard (On City Plan,
19150' wide, Legally Open);

20THENCE extending N.15º16'00"E. along the said easterly side of
21Christopher Columbus Boulevard the distance of 147.204' to a
22point, being the first mentioned point and place of beginning;

23Being Known As: Premises "A" on the above mentioned plan.

24AREA OF PARCEL: 80,661 Square Feet 1.85173 Acres.


26ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
27and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
28City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
291080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
30Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

1BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Christopher
2Columbus Boulevard (On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a
3distance of 800.531' southwardly from the intersection of the
4easterly side of Delaware Avenue (On City Plan, 150' wide,
5Legally Open) with the southeasterly side of Penn Street (On
6City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

7THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
8Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
99/10/1940 the distance of 611.597' to a point on the Pierhead
10Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

12THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
13distance of 253.729' to a point;

14THENCE extending N.74º44'00"W. and partly crossing the said
15Bulkhead Line the distance of 553.380' to a point on the said
16easterly side of Christopher Columbus Boulevard;

17THENCE extending N.15º16"00"E. along the said easterly side of
18Christopher Columbus Boulevard the distance of 216.875' to an
19angle point;

20THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. along the said easterly side of
21Christopher Columbus Boulevard the distance of 62.312' to a
22point, being the first mentioned point and place of beginning;

23Being Known As: Pier #27 on the above mentioned plan.

24AREA OF PARCEL: 153,806 Square Feet 3.53092 Acres.


26ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
27and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
28City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
291080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
30Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

1BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Christopher
2Columbus Boulevard (On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a
3distance of 676.448' southwardly from the intersection of the
4easterly side of Delaware Avenue (On City Plan, 150' wide,
5Legally Open) with the southeasterly side of Penn Street (On
6City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

7THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
8Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
99/10/1940 the distance of 635.267' to a point on the Pierhead
10Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

12THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
13distance of 126.302' to a point;

14THENCE extending N.71º40'00"W. and partly crossing the said
15Bulkhead Line the distance of 611.597' to a point on the said
16easterly side of Christopher Columbus Boulevard;

17THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E.along the said easterly side of
18Christopher Columbus Boulevard the distance of 124.083' to a
19point, being the first mentioned point and place of beginning;

20Being Known As: Pier #27 1/2 on the above mentioned plan.

21AREA OF PARCEL: 77,357 Square Feet 1.77589 Acres.


23ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
24and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
25City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
261080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
27Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

28BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Delaware Avenue
29(On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a distance of
30513.552'southwardly from the intersection of the said easterly

1side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly side of Penn
2Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

3THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
4Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
59/10/1940 the distance of 666.362' to a point on the Pierhead
6Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

8THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
9distance of 165.809' to a point;

10THENCE extending N.71º40'00"W. and partly crossing the said
11Bulkhead Line the distance of 635.267' to a point on the
12easterly side of Christopher Columbus Boulevard (On City Plan,
13150' wide, Legally Open);

14THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. partly along the said easterly
15side of Christopher Columbus Boulevard and, also partly along
16the said easterly side of Delaware Avenue the distance of
17162.896' to a point, being the first mentioned point and place
18of beginning;

19Being Known As: Pier #31 on the above mentioned plan.

20AREA OF PARCEL: 106,015 Square Feet 2.43378Acres.


22ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
23and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
24City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
251080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
26Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

27BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Delaware Avenue
28(On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a distance of
29448.614' southwardly from the intersection of the said easterly
30side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly side of Penn

1Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

2THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
3Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
49/10/1940 the distance of 678.754' to a point on the Pierhead
5Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

7THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the 
8distance of 66.099' to a point;

9THENCE extending N.71º40'00"W. and partly crossing the said
10Bulkhead Line the distance of 666.362' to a point on the said
11easterly side of Delaware Avenue;

12THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. along the said easterly side of
13Delaware Avenue the distance of 64.938' to a point, being the
14first mentioned point and place of beginning;

15Being Known As: Pier #32 on the above mentioned plan.

16AREA OF PARCEL: 43,674 Square Feet 1.00263 Acres.


18ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
19and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
20City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
211080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
22Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

23BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Delaware Avenue
24(On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a distance of
25328.281' southwardly from the intersection of the said easterly
26side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly side of Penn
27Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

28THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
29Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
309/10/1940 the distance of 701.718' to a point on the Pierhead

1Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

3THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
4distance of 122.485' to a point;

5THENCE extending N.71º40'00"W. and partly crossing the said
6Bulkhead Line the distance of 678.754' to a point on the said
7easterly side of Delaware Avenue;

8THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. along the said easterly side of
9Delaware Avenue the distance of 120.333' to a point, being the
10first mentioned point and place of beginning;

11Being Known As: Pier #33 on the above mentioned plan.

12AREA OF PARCEL: 83,058 Square Feet 1.90675 Acres.


14ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
15and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
16City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
171080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
18Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

19BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Delaware Avenue
20(On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a distance of
21241.239' southwardly from the intersection of the said easterly
22side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly side of Penn
23Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

24THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
25Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
269/10/1940 the distance of 718.328' to a point on the Pierhead
27Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

29THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the
30distance of 88.599' to a point;

1THENCE extending N.71º40'00"W. and partly crossing the said
2Bulkhead Line the distance of 701.718' to a point on the said
3easterly side of Delaware Avenue;

4THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. along the said easterly side of
5Delaware Avenue the distance of 87.042' to a point, being the
6first mentioned point and place of beginning;

7Being Known As: Pier #34 on the above mentioned plan.

8AREA OF PARCEL: 61,801 Square Feet 1.41877 Acres.


10ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings
11and improvements erected thereon. SITUATE in the 5th Ward of the
12City of Philadelphia and described according to a Site Plan (FF-
131080 / 2012-309) made by Herman P. Ledger, P.L.S., Surveyor and
14Regulator of the Fifth Survey District, dated January 29, 2013:

15BEGINNING at the point on the easterly side of Delaware Avenue
16(On City Plan, 150' wide, Legally Open) at a distance of
17118.562' southwardly from the intersection of the said easterly
18side of Delaware Avenue with the southeasterly side of Penn
19Street (On City Plan, 60' wide, Legally Open);

20THENCE extending S.71º40'00"E. and partly crossing the Bulkhead
21Line Established 1/5/1894, Approved by the Secretary Of War
229/10/1940 the distance of 741.739' to a point on the Pierhead
23Line Established 1/20/1891, and Approved by the Secretary Of War

25THENCE extending S.29º05'21"W along the said Pierhead Line the 
26distance of 124.871' to a point;

27THENCE extending N.71º40'00W. and partly crossing the said
28Bulkhead Line the distance of 718.328' to a point on the said
29easterly side of Delaware Avenue;

30THENCE extending N.18º17'00"E. along the said easterly side of

1Delaware Avenue the distance of 122.677' to a point, being the
2first mentioned point and place of beginning;

3Being Known As: Pier #35 on the above mentioned plan.

4AREA OF PARCEL: 89,588 Square Feet 2.05597 Acres.

5(c)  Lease agreement.--The Department of General Services,
6with the approval of the Attorney General and the concurrence of
7the Department of Environmental Protection, acting on behalf of
8the Commonwealth, is hereby authorized to enter into a lease of
9the Properties to the City of Philadelphia (the "Lease") for a
10term of 99 years, with an option in favor of the City of
11Philadelphia to extend such term for all or any portion of the
12Properties for up to 99 years. The Lease shall provide rent
13payable to the Commonwealth upon the execution of the Lease, in
14an amount to be determined by the Secretary of General Services,
15and shall include such other terms and conditions as the
16Department of General Services shall establish, with the
17concurrence of the Department of Environmental Protection. The
18Lease shall grant the City of Philadelphia the right to
19sublease, and to permit the further subsubleasing,
20subsubsubleasing and so on, of all or any portion of the
21Properties for Maritime Purposes and/or for residential, office,
22commercial, condominium, hotel, marina or other public uses. As
23used in this section, the term "Maritime Purposes" means
24activities directly related to the handling of cargo or
25passengers for import or export through the Port of

27(d)  Nondisturbance agreement.--The Department of General
28Services, with the concurrence of the Department of
29Environmental Protection, acting on behalf of the Commonwealth,
30is hereby authorized to enter into one or more nondisturbance

1agreements with any sublessee of all or any portion of the
2Properties pursuant to which the Commonwealth will agree that,
3if the Commonwealth succeeds to the interest of the sublessor
4under such sublessee's sublease, the Commonwealth will not
5terminate such sublease unless the sublessee is in default.

6(e)  Improvements.--The Department of General Services, with
7the approval of the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to
8permit, on behalf of the Commonwealth, any declaration or other
9documents necessary to submit the Properties or any portion
10thereof and any improvements thereon to the provisions of 68
11Pa.C.S. Pt. II Subpt. B (relating to condominiums) as a
12leasehold condominium. Development of the parcels authorized to
13be leased in this section shall be consistent with public and
14Maritime Purposes.

15(f)  Free public assess.--

16(1) The City of Philadelphia, all sublessees and their
17respective successors and assigns shall provide and maintain
18at least the following free public access to the riverfront
19for recreation activities:

20(i) Public walkways on the riverfront, including
21water edge promenades along the entire water edge of the
22Properties and adjacent to the water and providing free
23public access to the water and allowing for passive and
24active recreational activities year around.

25(ii) A free public park area along the public
26walkway near the water.

27(iii) Public parking. A minimum of ten free public
28parking spaces available at all times located proximate
29to the public walkway near the water edge and signage
30indicating the free public parking.

1(iv) Public access to the Delaware River which is
2consistent with the Waterfront Setback requirements set
3forth in Section 14-216(6)(g) of the Philadelphia Code
4(enacted into law by an Ordinance enacting Bill No.
5050465, passed by the City Council on June 16, 2005, and
6signed by the Mayor on July 8, 2005).

7(2) Should the lessee, any sublessee or any of their
8respective successors or assigns wish to modify the public
9access and parking required by this section, the lessee,
10sublessee or the respective successor or assign must obtain
11the prior written approval of the Department of Environmental
12Protection and the Department of General Services, which
13approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The public
14access and parking shall be completed and open to the public
15no later than the date the first tenant or resident occupies
16either the leasehold or the land adjacent to the leasehold.

17(g)  Land use restriction.--All leases authorized or referred
18to under this section shall be made under and subject to the
19condition, which shall be contained in the lease documents, that
20no portion of the parcels shall be used as a licensed facility
21as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions) or any
22other similar type of facility authorized under the laws of this
23Commonwealth. This condition shall be a covenant running with
24the land and shall be binding upon the lessee and sublessees and
25their respective successors and assigns. Should any portion of
26any parcel authorized to be leased under this section be used in
27violation of this subsection, the lease shall terminate

29(h)  Other required measures.--Nothing in this section shall
30affect or otherwise limit the requirements of the provisions of

1the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, No.325), known as the
2Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, which may require further
3measures to provide for public access and use of the land and
4adjacent water.

5(i)  Conditions binding.--The conditions imposed under this
6section shall be covenants that run with the land and shall be
7binding upon the lessee, any sublessee and their respective
8successors and assigns. Should the lessee, any sublessee or any
9of their respective successors or assigns permit the parcels
10authorized to be leased under this section, or any portion
11thereof, to be used in a manner inconsistent with the conditions
12contained in this section, all rights and interests in the lease
13authorized by this section shall terminate immediately.

14(j)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to the lease
15authorized by this section shall be borne by the lessee.

16(k)  Expiration.--In the event that the lease authorized by
17this section does not occur within three years following the
18effective date of this section, the authority contained in this
19section shall be void.

20Section 15. Effective date.

21This act shall take effect as follows:

22(1) Sections 8, 9 and 10 shall take effect in 60 days.

23(2) The remainder of this act shall take effect