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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2437



No. 1949 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.492, No.116),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the establishment,
     3     implementation and administration of a customized job
     4     training program; and imposing additional powers and duties
     5     on the Department of Education," further defining "entry
     6     level trainee" and "training program"; and further providing
     7     for powers and duties of department and for powers and duties
     8     of board of trustees.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The definitions of "entry level trainee" and
    12  "training program" in section 3 of the act of December 20, 1985
    13  (P.L.492, No.116), known as the Customized Job Training Act,
    14  amended December 7, 1994 (P.L.859, No.125), are amended to read:
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *
    20     "Entry level trainee."  An individual who is a prospective

     1  employee [of a private company] and is enrolled in a training
     2  program designed to enable that individual to obtain and retain
     3  an entry level position, paying at least the currently allowable
     4  minimum wage or to obtain job readiness skills or advanced
     5  technological skills necessary to meet the needs of an industry
     6  located in the area of the local educational agency.
     7     * * *
     8     "Training program."  A systematic program, generally no
     9  longer than six months in duration, designed to provide a
    10  trainee with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet a
    11  private company's specifications for a particular occupation or
    12  trade or for a particular industry located in the area of the
    13  local educational agency, the successful completion of which
    14  results in the trainee being employed full time by that private
    15  company. Such programs may involve classroom instruction within
    16  the local educational agency or within the private company plant
    17  or on-the-job training or any combination thereof.
    18     Section 2.  Sections 4 and 5 of the act, amended December 7,
    19  1994 (P.L.859, No.125), are amended to read:
    20  Section 4.  Powers and duties of department.
    21     The department shall have sole authority for the
    22  establishment, implementation and administration of the
    23  Customized Job Training Program. Funds provided through this act
    24  shall be used [exclusively] for training grants to local
    25  educational agencies to meet the advanced technological needs of
    26  the industries located in the area of the local educational
    27  agency or on behalf of private companies either located or
    28  locating in Pennsylvania. The department shall be responsible
    29  for all of the following:
    30         (1)  Promulgate such regulations, develop such forms and
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     1     institute such procedures as may be necessary to implement
     2     this act.
     3         (2)  Approve or disapprove any request for grants
     4     according to the procedures outlined in this act.
     5         (3)  Require such information and records from each local
     6     educational agency as it deems necessary.
     7  Section 5.  Grant procedure.
     8     (a)  [Private company] Grant commitments.--
     9         (1)  An application for a grant [shall] may be initiated
    10     by a private company and shall be submitted to a local
    11     educational agency.
    12         (2)  An application for a grant may also be initiated by
    13     a local educational agency to train individuals to meet the
    14     technological needs of an industry located in the area of the
    15     local educational agency.
    16     (b)  Eligibility.--
    17         (1)  A company seeking a grant for customized job
    18     training must be able to provide to the department a
    19     statement that demonstrates that both the training for which
    20     a grant is to be made and State funds are necessary for the
    21     location of the private company, creation of jobs, expansion
    22     of positions, improvement of productivity or the retention of
    23     otherwise lost jobs. It is not the intent of the General
    24     Assembly to provide a grant to a private company that would
    25     have otherwise conducted the training itself.
    26         (2)  A local educational agency seeking a grant for
    27     customized job training must be able to provide to the
    28     department a statement that demonstrates that both the
    29     training for which the grant is to be made and State funding
    30     are necessary to meet the needs of an industry, the creation
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     1     of jobs, the expansion of positions, improvement of
     2     productivity or retention of otherwise lost jobs. A grant
     3     made under this section shall not be subject to the
     4     requirements of section 9(a) and (b).
     5     (c)  Grant applications.--
     6         (1)  The local educational agency shall be responsible
     7     for:
     8             (i)  Preparing and submitting the application.
     9             (ii)  Preparing a detailed outline of the proposed
    10         training program in cooperation with the private company
    11         or the industry, if the grant is to meet the needs of an
    12         industry located in the area of the local educational
    13         agency.
    14             (iii)  Contacting the local Job Center Office and the
    15         local county board of assistance, when the application
    16         includes plans for training entry level employees, to
    17         solicit referrals of candidates for the training program.
    18         If the local Job Center Office does not have appropriate
    19         qualified candidates registered, the local educational
    20         agency should inform the private company that the Job
    21         Center Office can assist in the recruitment of qualified
    22         entry level trainees.
    23             (iv)  Assuring compliance with the approved contact.
    24             (v)  Monitoring in-school, in-plant or on-the-job
    25         training programs.
    26             (vi)  Preparing and submitting reports as required by
    27         the department.
    28             (vii)  Maintaining accurate reports to substantiate
    29         expenditures.
    30             (viii)  Reporting to the department the number of
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     1         people who, 180 days after the completion of the training
     2         program, are employed by the private company requesting
     3         the training or received full-time employment as a result
     4         of industry training by a local educational agency.
     5         (2)  The private company shall be responsible for:
     6             (i)  Establishing criteria for the selection of
     7         trainees in consultation with the local educational
     8         agency.
     9             (ii)  Recruiting trainees for the entry level
    10         customized job training program in conjunction with the
    11         local educational agency, the local Job Center Office and
    12         the local county board of assistance.
    13             (iii)  Determining the number of individuals to be
    14         trained for the available entry level positions. This
    15         figure may provide for reasonable attrition during the
    16         training period.
    17             (iv)  Selecting trainees.
    18             (v)  Reporting to the local educational agency
    19         accurate training records and expenditure reports upon
    20         which payments can be documented and audits performed.
    21         Payments will be based on documented expenditures.
    22             (vi)  Selecting individuals from its current
    23         workforce to participate in any upgrading course. In
    24         making such selection, the private company must assure
    25         the local educational agency:
    26                 (A)  the positions for which employees are being
    27             upgraded are positions which are not regularly
    28             available to entry level employees and for which
    29             adequately trained persons are not available within
    30             the private company;
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     1                 (B)  the positions for which employees are being
     2             upgraded offer higher wages, would have been lost if
     3             customized job retraining had not been conducted or
     4             are necessary for the company's competitiveness in
     5             the market;
     6                 (C)  the successful completion of the upgrading
     7             course will result in continued employment with the
     8             private company in the occupation for which the
     9             employee is being upgraded; and
    10             (vii)  Reporting to the local educational agency the
    11         number of trainees who were employed by the private
    12         company 180 days after completion of the training
    13         program.
    14     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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