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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2545



No. 1951 Session of 2003

           SEPTEMBER 8, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
     3     for the payment of retirement allowances to officers,
     4     employes, firemen and police of political subdivisions and
     5     municipal authorities and of institutions supported and
     6     maintained by political subdivisions and municipal government
     7     associations and providing for the administration of the same
     8     by a board composed of the State Treasurer and others
     9     appointed by the Governor; imposing certain duties on the
    10     Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the actuary
    11     thereof; providing the procedure whereby political
    12     subdivisions and municipal authorities may join such system,
    13     and imposing certain liabilities and obligations on such
    14     political subdivisions and municipal authorities in
    15     connection therewith, and as to certain existing retirement
    16     and pension systems, and upon officers, employes, firemen and
    17     police of such political subdivisions, institutions supported
    18     and maintained by political subdivisions, and upon municipal
    19     authorities; providing for the continuation of certain
    20     municipal retirement systems now administered by the
    21     Commonwealth; providing certain exemptions from taxation,
    22     execution, attachment, levy and sale and providing for the
    23     repeal of certain related acts," further providing for
    24     service allowance, change of employment and military service
    25     relating to municipal employees, municipal firemen and
    26     municipal police.

    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Sections 204 and 305 of the act of February 1,
     2  1974 (P.L.34, No.15), known as the Pennsylvania Municipal
     3  Retirement Law, amended May 17, 1980 (P.L.135, No.50), are
     4  amended to read:
     5     Section 204.  Service Allowance; Change of Employment;
     6  Military Service.--In computing the length of service of a
     7  contributor for retirement purposes, full credit shall be given
     8  to each original member for each year of service rendered to the
     9  municipality prior to the time the municipality joined the
    10  system, whether or not such service was continuous.
    11     As soon as practicable, the board shall issue to each
    12  original member a certificate certifying the aggregate length of
    13  service rendered to the municipality prior to the time it joined
    14  the system. Such certificate shall be final and conclusive as to
    15  his prior service unless thereafter modified by the board, upon
    16  application of the member.
    17     The time during which a member was absent from service
    18  without pay shall not be counted in computing the service of a
    19  contributor in his certificate, or upon retirement, unless
    20  specifically allowed by the municipality, with the approval of
    21  the board.
    22     When a contributor leaves the employ of a municipality which
    23  has joined the system, and enters into the employ of another
    24  municipality which has also joined the system, his service
    25  credits shall remain unimpaired, but in such cases the unpaid
    26  municipal liability for prior service shall be prorated by the
    27  board between the municipalities on an equitable basis. Such
    28  basis will be determined, with the advice of the actuary,
    29  according to the number of years of service performed by the
    30  contributor for each municipality.
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     1     A contributor who has been employed by a municipality for a
     2  period of at least six months and is an active member of the
     3  system and who thereafter, heretofore, or hereafter, shall be
     4  inducted into the military service of the United States in times
     5  of war, armed conflict, or National emergency, so proclaimed by
     6  the President of the United States, shall have credited to his
     7  employment record, for pension or retirement benefits, all of
     8  the time spent by him in such military service during the
     9  continuance of such war, armed conflict, or National emergency
    10  if such person returns or has heretofore returned to his
    11  employment within six months after his separation from the
    12  service. The municipality shall, during the period of the
    13  member's intervening military service, continue to make current
    14  service contributions toward the municipal annuity of the
    15  member. An active member may file an application with the board
    16  for permission to purchase credit toward his member's share of
    17  the annuity for intervening military service. These
    18  contributions shall be computed by applying the member's
    19  contribution rate to his annual rate of compensation at the time
    20  of entry of the member into active military service, and
    21  multiplying the result by the number of years and fractional
    22  part of a year of creditable intervening military service,
    23  together with interest from date of return to employment to date
    24  of purchase. The amount due from the member shall be certified
    25  by the board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary,
    26  and may be paid by (1) regular monthly payments during active
    27  military service, or (2) a lump sum payment within thirty days
    28  or (3) it may be amortized with additional interest through
    29  salary deductions in amounts agreed upon by the member of the
    30  board.
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     1     An active member may also purchase credit for other than
     2  intervening military service performed for the United States [in
     3  times of war, armed conflict or National emergency, so
     4  proclaimed by the President of the United States,] for a period
     5  not to exceed five years: Provided, That the member has
     6  completed five years of service to the municipality subsequent
     7  to such military service. An active member may file an
     8  application with the board for permission to purchase credit for
     9  nonintervening military service upon completion of five years of
    10  subsequent service to the municipality. The type of service
    11  credit for such service shall be determined by the date of entry
    12  of the municipality into the system. If the date of the member's
    13  separation from military service is prior to the date on which
    14  the municipality joined the system, then the credit purchased
    15  shall be considered as prior service credit. In this case the
    16  amount due from the member shall be computed by applying the
    17  member's basic contribution rate plus the rate of contribution
    18  the municipality paid for current service during its first year
    19  of entry into the system to his prior salary and multiplying the
    20  result by the number of years and fractional part of a year of
    21  creditable nonintervening military service, plus interest from
    22  the date of the member's employment by the municipality to the
    23  date of purchase. If, on the other hand, the date of the
    24  member's separation from military service is later than the date
    25  of entry of the municipality into the system, then the credit
    26  purchased shall be considered as current service credit. In this
    27  case the amount due from the member shall be computed by
    28  applying the member's basic contribution rate plus the
    29  municipality's normal contribution rate for current service
    30  which was in effect on the date of the member's entry into
    20030H1951B2545                  - 4 -     

     1  employment with the municipality to his average annual rate of
     2  compensation over the first five years of his subsequent
     3  employment and multiplying the result by the number of years and
     4  fractional part of a year of creditable nonintervening military
     5  service being purchased, plus interest from the date of
     6  employment by the municipality to date of purchase.
     7     The amount due from the member shall be certified by the
     8  board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary, and
     9  may be paid in a lump sum within thirty days or it may be
    10  amortized with additional interest through salary deductions in
    11  amounts agreed upon by the member and the board.
    12     The rate of interest to be charged to members on their
    13  purchase of credit for intervening or nonintervening military
    14  service shall be the rate being credited by the system to
    15  member's contribution accounts in effect on the date of the
    16  member's application, compounded annually.
    17     A member may purchase credit for intervening or
    18  nonintervening military service only if his discharge or
    19  separation from the service was granted under other than
    20  dishonorable conditions.
    21     A member may not purchase credit for any military service for
    22  which he is entitled to receive, eligible to receive now or in
    23  the future, or is receiving retirement benefits for such service
    24  under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially
    25  paid for by any other governmental agency, or private employer.
    26     Applications for permission to purchase credit for military
    27  service must be accompanied by proof of the nature of his
    28  discharge or separation from the military service.
    29     Section 305.  Service Allowance; Change of Employment;
    30  Military Service.--In computing the length of service of a
    20030H1951B2545                  - 5 -     

     1  contributor for retirement purposes, full credit shall be given
     2  to each original member for each year of service rendered to the
     3  municipality prior to the time the municipality joined the
     4  system.
     5     As soon as practicable, the board shall issue to each
     6  original member a certificate certifying the aggregate length of
     7  service rendered to the municipality prior to the time it joined
     8  the system. Such certificate shall be final and conclusive as to
     9  his prior service unless thereafter modified by the board, upon
    10  application of the member.
    11     The time during which a member was absent from service
    12  without pay, except for military service, shall not be counted
    13  in computing the service of a contributor in his certificate, or
    14  upon retirement unless specially allowed by the municipality,
    15  with the approval of the board.
    16     When a contributor leaves the employ of a municipality which
    17  has joined the system, and enters into the employ of another
    18  municipality which has also joined the system, his service
    19  credits shall remain unimpaired, but in such cases the unpaid
    20  municipal liability for prior service shall be prorated by the
    21  board between the municipalities on an equitable basis. The
    22  basis will be determined, with the advice of the actuary,
    23  according to the number of years of service performed by the
    24  contributor for each municipality.
    25     Any municipal fireman or municipal policeman employed by a
    26  municipality who has been a regularly appointed fireman or
    27  policeman for a period of at least six months and is an active
    28  member of the system and who thereafter, heretofore, or
    29  hereafter, shall be inducted into the military service of the
    30  United States in times of war, armed conflict, or National
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     1  emergency, so proclaimed by the President of the United States,
     2  shall have credited to his employment record, for pension or
     3  retirement benefits, all of the time spent by him in such
     4  military service during the continuance of such war, armed
     5  conflict, or National emergency if such person returns or has
     6  heretofore returned to his employment within six months after
     7  his separation from the service. The municipality shall, during
     8  the period of the member's intervening military service,
     9  continue to make current service contributions toward the
    10  municipal annuity of the member. An active member may file an
    11  application with the board for permission to purchase credit
    12  toward his member's share of the annuity for intervening
    13  military service. These contributions shall be computed by
    14  applying the member's contribution rate to his annual rate of
    15  compensation at the time of entry of the member into active
    16  military service, and multiplying the result by the number of
    17  years and fractional part of a year of creditable intervening
    18  military service, together with interest from date of return to
    19  employment to date of purchase. The amount due from the member
    20  shall be certified by the board in accordance with methods
    21  approved by the actuary, and may be paid by (1) regular monthly
    22  payments during active military service, or (2) a lump sum
    23  payment within thirty days, or (3) it may be amortized with
    24  additional interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed
    25  upon by the member and the board.
    26     An active member may also purchase credit for other than
    27  intervening military service performed for the United States [in
    28  times of war, armed conflict or National emergency, so
    29  proclaimed by the President of the United States,] for a period
    30  not to exceed five years: Provided, That the member has
    20030H1951B2545                  - 7 -     

     1  completed five years of service to the municipality subsequent
     2  to such military service. An active member may file an
     3  application with the board for permission to purchase credit for
     4  nonintervening military service upon completion of five years of
     5  subsequent service to the municipality. The type of service
     6  credit for such service shall be determined by the date of entry
     7  of the municipality into the system. If the date of the member's
     8  separation from military service is prior to the date on which
     9  the municipality joined the system, then the credit purchased
    10  shall be considered as prior service credit. In this case the
    11  amount due from the member shall be computed by applying the
    12  member's basic contribution rate plus the rate of contribution
    13  the municipality paid for current service during its first year
    14  of entry into the system to his prior salary and multiplying the
    15  result by the number of years and fractional part of a year of
    16  creditable nonintervening military service, plus interest from
    17  the later of the date of entry into the system and the date of
    18  the member's employment by the municipality to the date of
    19  purchase. The amount due from the member shall be certified by
    20  the board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary,
    21  and may be paid in a lump sum within thirty days or it may be
    22  amortized with additional interest through salary deductions in
    23  amounts agreed upon by the member and the board. If, on the
    24  other hand, the date of the member's separation from military
    25  service is later than the date of entry of the municipality into
    26  the system, then the credit purchased shall be considered as
    27  current service credit. In this case the amount due from the
    28  member shall be computed by applying the member's basic
    29  contribution rate plus the municipality's normal contribution
    30  rate for current service which was in effect on the date of the
    20030H1951B2545                  - 8 -     

     1  member's entry into employment with the municipality to his
     2  average annual rate of compensation over the first five years of
     3  his subsequent employment and multiplying the result by the
     4  number of years and fractional part of a year of creditable
     5  nonintervening military service being purchased, plus interest
     6  from the date of employment by the municipality to date of
     7  purchase.
     8     The amount due from the member shall be certified by the
     9  board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary, and
    10  may be paid in a lump sum within thirty days or it may be
    11  amortized with additional interest through salary deductions in
    12  amounts agreed upon by the member and the board.
    13     The rate of interest to be charged to members on their
    14  purchase of credit for intervening or nonintervening military
    15  service shall be the rate being credited by the system to
    16  member's contribution accounts in effect on the date of the
    17  member's application, compounded annually.
    18     A member may purchase credit for intervening or
    19  nonintervening military service only if his discharge or
    20  separation from the service was granted under other than
    21  dishonorable conditions.
    22     A member may not purchase credit for any military service for
    23  which he is entitled to receive a retirement allowance from the
    24  United States Government.
    25     Applications for permission to purchase credit for military
    26  service must be accompanied by proof of the nature of his
    27  discharge or separation from the military service.
    28     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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