No. 1969 Session of 1975

           SHANE, NOVEMBER 25, 1975


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," withdrawing gradually the authority
     6     of school districts to levy taxes on real property;
     7     authorizing school districts and city councils coterminous
     8     with districts of the first class to levy a local school
     9     surtax upon personal income; increasing the share of
    10     financial participation by the Commonwealth and decreasing
    11     the share of school districts and revising State school
    12     subsidy formulae accordingly; and requiring a judicial
    13     hearing before counties, municipalities and townships may
    14     increase real property taxes beyond certain limits.

    15     WHEREAS, there now exists a constantly increasing criticism
    16  of the fairness and efficiency of real property taxation as the
    17  major source of revenues for local educational expenditures; and
    18     WHEREAS, there is increasing evidence of unequal distribution
    19  of the property tax base among school districts of the
    20  Commonwealth; and
    21     WHEREAS, the judiciary in other states are now reviewing the
    22  constitutional fairness of fiscal policies utilized to finance
    23  state educational responsibilities; the Supreme Court of New
    24  Jersey, whose Constitution provides in part that "The

     1  Legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a
     2  thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the
     3  instruction of all the children in this State between the ages
     4  of five and eighteen years" on April 3, 1973 struck down that
     5  state's system which provides for state and local financing of
     6  their public schools; and in this connection the Pennsylvania
     7  Constitution provides in Article III, section 14, that "The
     8  General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support
     9  of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve
    10  the needs of the Commonwealth," a similarity suggesting that the
    11  New Jersey Supreme Court rationale might be available to
    12  constitute a basis for judicial attack upon the Commonwealth's
    13  present method of financing public education;
    14     Therefore, the General Assembly now intends to reconsider and
    15  revise the fiscal basis for financing the educational needs of
    16  its citizens in accordance with responsible criticisms levied
    17  against the present financial system and to effectuate
    18  comprehensive tax reform by gradually withdrawing the power of
    19  school districts to tax real property as hereinafter set forth
    20  in this act and its companion acts containing amendments to the
    21  "Tax Reform Code of 1971," and the "Public Utility Realty Tax
    22  Act."
    23     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    24  hereby enacts as follows:
    25     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    26  as the "Public School Code of 1949," is amended by adding
    27  sections to read:
    28     Section 602.1.  Real Estate Taxes Levied in Fiscal Year
    29  Beginning in 1977 and Thereafter.--For the fiscal year beginning
    30  in 1977, the board of school directors of each school district
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     1  of the second, third and fourth class shall not, and the board
     2  of public education in districts of the first class with the
     3  authorization of city council shall not, and the board of public
     4  education in districts of the first class A shall not levy a tax
     5  on the assessed valuation of real property as certified to them
     6  at a millage rate which will produce greater revenue for the
     7  district for school purposes than eight-tenths of the actual net
     8  real property tax revenue produced for the fiscal year last
     9  concluded. The "actual net real property tax revenue produced
    10  for the fiscal year last concluded," shall be certified to the
    11  Department of Education, and shall hereinafter be referred to as
    12  the "base period revenues." For the three fiscal years
    13  subsequent to the one beginning in 1977, the school directors,
    14  members of the board and members of the city council, as
    15  aforesaid, shall levy a tax on the assessed valuation of real
    16  property at a millage rate which produces no greater revenue for
    17  school purposes than the base period revenues multiplied by six-
    18  tenths, four-tenths and two-tenths respectively; for the fiscal
    19  year beginning in 1981 and thereafter there shall be levied no
    20  taxes for school purposes upon the assessed valuation of real
    21  property.
    22     Section 602.2.  Personal Income Surtax Authorization.--The
    23  board of school directors of each school district of the second,
    24  third and fourth class and the board of public education in
    25  school districts of the first class with the authorization of
    26  the city council, and the board of public education in the
    27  district of the first class A, in addition to any other taxes
    28  authorized by law, may provide by ordinance or resolution for
    29  the levying of a tax upon the personal income of the residents
    30  of its district to be known as the "local school surtax," at a
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     1  rate not to exceed, for the calendar years: 1977, six-tenths per
     2  centum (.6%); 1978, one and two-tenths per centum (1.2%); 1979,
     3  one and eight-tenths per centum (1.8%); 1980, two and four-
     4  tenths per centum (2.4%); and 1981 and thereafter, three per
     5  centum (3%). If for the fiscal year beginning in 1976 and any
     6  fiscal year thereafter the school district levied and collected
     7  a tax on wages, salaries, commissions and other earned income of
     8  individuals as authorized by section 2 of the act of December
     9  31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as "The Local Tax Enabling
    10  Act," and limited by clause (3) of section 8 thereof, then the
    11  rate at which it is hereby authorized to levy a tax upon the
    12  personal income of the residents of its district shall not
    13  exceed two-thirds of the rate provided above for that period.
    14  "Personal income" shall mean the total income taxed under
    15  Article III of the act, added August 31, 1971 (P.L.362, No.93),
    16  known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971." In the ordinance or
    17  resolution levying a personal income tax, the collection agent
    18  shall be specifically authorized, which collection agent may be
    19  the Department of Revenue as provided in section 343 of the "Tax
    20  Reform Code of 1971."
    21     If it is determined to levy, relevy, increase or decrease the
    22  local school surtax, as authorized herein, the chief
    23  administrative officer of the school district shall so certify
    24  to the collection agent. The collection agent shall remit to
    25  each school district all such taxes collected by it on their
    26  behalf within sixty (60) days after receipt of same.
    27     Section 2.  Clauses (12) and (14) of section 2501 of the act,
    28  clause (12) amended June 26, 1974 (P.L.370, No.125), and clause
    29  (14) added February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1642, No.580), are amended
    30  to read:
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     1     Section 2501.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this article
     2  the following terms shall have the following meanings:
     3     * * *
     4     (12)  "State's Share of Total Cost." For the school year
     5  [1966-1967 and each school year thereafter] 1975-1976 the
     6  State's share of total reimbursable cost shall be fifty percent
     7  (50%) and for the school years thereafter, the State's share of
     8  total reimbursable cost shall be:
     9            school year 1976-1977, 56%;
    10                        1977-1978, 62%;
    11                        1978-1979, 68%;
    12                        1979-1980, 74%;
    13                        1980-1981 and thereafter, 80%.
    14  Total reimbursable cost shall be the lesser of actual expense
    15  per WADM as defined in clause (11.1) or a maximum amount to be
    16  fixed by the General Assembly from time to time to represent the
    17  estimated average actual expense per WADM in the year for which
    18  the reimbursement is to be payable. For the school year
    19  commencing the first day of July, 1973 and each school year
    20  thereafter, the maximum amount shall be seven hundred fifty
    21  dollars ($750). The Secretary of Education annually shall
    22  calculate the State average "actual instruction expense per
    23  weighted average daily membership" and shall supply the same to
    24  the General Assembly to assist the General Assembly in
    25  evaluating the adequacy of such maximum amount.
    26     * * *
    27     (14)  "Aid Ratio" shall represent the Commonwealth's share of
    28  reimbursable cost as defined in clause (12). The aid ratio shall
    29  be determined in the following manner: [(a) divide the market
    30  value per weighted average daily membership of the district by
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     1  the market value per weighted average daily membership of the
     2  State; (b) determine the product of (a) multiplied by district's
     3  share of total cost; (c) subtract the resultant product in (b)
     4  from one (1.0000) to determine the aid ratio.
     5                                 District MV/WADM
     6            Aid Ratio = 1.0000 -  ================    X 0.50]
     7                                 State MV/WADM
     8  for the school years 1976-1977, .8 (Formula A) + .2 (Formula B);
     9                       1977-1978, .6 (Formula A) + .4 (Formula B);
    10                       1978-1979, .4 (Formula A) + .6 (Formula B);
    11                       1979-1980, .2 (Formula A) + .8 (Formula B);
    12                       1980-1981 and thereafter, (Formula B);
    13  where "Formula A" shall be one (1) minus fifty percent (50%) of
    14  the market value per weighted average daily membership of the
    15  district divided by the market value per weighted average daily
    16  membership of the State,
    17                                  District MV/WADM
    18            (Formula A = 1.0000 - ================    X 0.50)
    19                                  State MV/WADM
    20  "Formula B" shall be one (1) minus twenty percent (20%) of the
    21  personal income per weighted average daily membership of the
    22  district divided by the personal income per weighted average
    23  daily membership of the State,
    24                                  District PI/WADM
    25            (Formula B = 1.0000 - ================    X 0.20)
    26                                  State PI/WADM
    27     "Personal Income" shall mean the total income taxed under
    28  Article III of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," as certified for
    29  each district each year by the Secretary of Revenue to the
    30  Secretary of Education.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 3.  The relief from taxes upon real property granted
     3  under this act shall not be eroded by county, municipality and
     4  township governments so as to defeat the purpose of this act in
     5  providing such relief. Any political subdivision which increases
     6  the rate of its real estate taxes by 10% or more subsequent to
     7  the enactment of this act shall petition the court of common
     8  pleas located in its county for authority to raise such real
     9  estate taxes; the said court shall hold a hearing thereon which
    10  shall be advertised at least once a week for three weeks prior
    11  thereto in a newspaper circulated in the political subdivision
    12  and in the legal journal published for the judicial district.
    13  Any person objecting to the increase in the rate of real estate
    14  tax may file an appearance in the proceeding and appear for the
    15  purpose of testifying as to the inappropriateness of said
    16  increase in tax in so far as said increase erodes the tax relief
    17  made available under this act.
    18     Section 4.  The authority contained in section 2 of the act
    19  of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as "The Local Tax
    20  Enabling Act" for the levying and collecting of a tax on wages,
    21  salaries, commissions and other earned income of individuals is
    22  hereby repealed except as to such taxes levied and actually
    23  collected by a political subdivision prior to its fiscal year
    24  beginning in 1977; any such tax levied and collected in fiscal
    25  year 1976 may continue to be levied and collected thereafter by
    26  a political subdivision, but the rate actually levied and
    27  collected shall not thereafter be increased. It is the intent of
    28  the General Assembly that the personal income tax, and where
    29  actually levied and collected by a school district, the so-
    30  called earned income tax shall become the principal tax base for
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     1  school districts, while political subdivisions other than school
     2  districts shall look primarily to real property as their
     3  principal tax base.
     4     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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