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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2582



No. 1977 Session of 2003

           ROSS, SATHER AND E. Z. TAYLOR, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003

           SEPTEMBER 11, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for lyme and related tick-borne disease diagnosis and
     2     treatment, for denial, revocation or suspension of license or
     3     discipline of treating physicians and doctors of osteopathy
     4     and for professional misconduct proceedings.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Lyme and
     9  Related Tick-borne Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Board."  The State Board of Medicine or the State Board of
    15  Osteopathy.
    16     "Licensee."  A licensed physician or doctor of osteopathy.
    17     "Long-term antibiotic or antimicrobial therapy."
    18  Administration of oral, intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics

     1  or antimicrobial medications, singly or in combination, for
     2  periods of greater than four weeks.
     3     "Lyme disease."  The clinical diagnosis of the presence in a
     4  patient of signs and symptoms compatible with acute infection
     5  with Borrelia burgdorferi or related Borrelioses, or with late
     6  stage or chronic infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, or with
     7  complications related to such an infection. The term includes
     8  infection which meets the surveillance criteria set forth by the
     9  United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
    10  also includes other acute and chronic manifestations of such an
    11  infection as determined by the physician.
    12     "Related tick-borne illnesses." Cases of Bartonellosis,
    13  Babesiosis/Piroplasmosis and other tick-transmissible illnesses
    14  as may be empirically associated with lyme disease.
    15     "Therapeutic purpose."  The use of antibiotics to control a
    16  patient's symptoms determined by the physician as reasonably
    17  related to lyme disease and its sequelae or related tick-borne
    18  illnesses.
    19  Section 3.  Long-term antibiotic and microbial treatment.
    20     A licensee may prescribe, administer or dispense antibiotic
    21  or antimicrobial therapy for therapeutic purposes to a person
    22  diagnosed with and having symptoms of lyme disease or related
    23  tick-borne illnesses if this diagnosis and treatment plan have
    24  been documented in the licensee's medical record for that
    25  patient. No licensee shall be subject to professional misconduct
    26  proceedings or to disciplinary action by the board solely for
    27  prescribing, administering or dispensing long-term antibiotic or
    28  antimicrobial therapy for a therapeutic purpose for a patient
    29  clinically diagnosed with lyme disease or related tick-borne
    30  illnesses if this diagnosis and treatment plan have been
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     1  documented in the licensee's medical record for that patient.
     2  Section 4.  Denial, revocation or suspension of license or
     3                 discipline of licensee.
     4     Nothing in this section shall diminish the right of the board
     5  to deny, revoke or suspend the license of a licensee or
     6  discipline a licensee who prescribes, administers or dispenses
     7  long-term antibiotic or antimicrobial therapy for a
     8  nontherapeutic purpose, who fails to monitor the ongoing care of
     9  a patient receiving long-term antibiotic or antimicrobial
    10  therapy or who fails to keep complete and accurate ongoing
    11  records of the diagnosis and treatment of a patient receiving
    12  long-term antibiotic or antimicrobial therapy.
    13  Section 5.  Professional misconduct proceedings.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Whenever the board initiates or has
    15  initiated professional misconduct proceedings against a licensee
    16  as a result of a complaint filed by an insurance company,
    17  pharmacy benefit manager or comprehensive health services plan
    18  pursuant to this act, which in whole or in part concerns the
    19  licensee's diagnosis or treatment of lyme disease or any related
    20  tick-borne illness, a copy of the complaint shall be disclosed
    21  to the licensee within ten days after the licensee's request.
    22     (b)  Requirements of charges.--Whenever charges are made
    23  which, in whole or in part, concern a licensee's diagnosis or
    24  treatment of lyme disease or any related tick-borne illness, the
    25  charges shall contain a statement of facts sufficient to allow a
    26  judicial determination as to whether the charges are proper
    27  under this section.
    28     (c)  Notice of hearing.--Whenever a notice of hearing is
    29  served in which the charges or allegations against the licensee
    30  in whole or in part concern the licensee's diagnosis or
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     1  treatment of lyme disease or any related tick-borne illness or
     2  the administration of long-term antibiotic or antimicrobial
     3  therapy or concern any patient who has been diagnosed with lyme
     4  disease or any related tick-borne illness, the notice shall
     5  contain the identity of any experts consulted by the board or to
     6  be called to testify by the board and the substance of the
     7  opinion of each such expert.
     8  Section 6.  Applicability.
     9     This act shall apply to all applicable proceedings pending on
    10  the effective date of this act.
    11  Section 7.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect immediately.

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