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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2728



No. 1987 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a nursing loan forgiveness and scholarship program.

     2                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     3  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     4  Section 101.  Short title.
     5  Section 102.  Purpose.
     6  Section 103.  Definitions.
     7  Chapter 3.  Pennsylvania Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program
     8  Section 301.  Establishment.
     9  Section 302.  Repayment assistance.
    10  Section 303.  Eligibility.
    11  Section 304.  Amount of loan forgiveness.
    12  Section 305.  Administration.
    13  Chapter 5.  Scholarship Program

     1  Section 501.  Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship Program.
     2  Section 502.  Nursing Baccalaureate Degree Scholarship.
     3  Section 503.  Nursing Program Scholarship.
     4  Section 504.  Administration.
     5  Chapter 49.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     6  Section 4901.  Annual report.
     7  Section 4902.  Minimum nursing data set.
     8  Section 4903.  Appeals.
     9  Section 4904.  Regulations.
    10  Section 4905.  Funding.
    11  Section 4906.  Effective date.
    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14                             CHAPTER 1
    15                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    16  Section 101.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Nursing Loan
    18  Forgiveness and Scholarship Act.
    19  Section 102.  Purpose.
    20     The purpose of this act is to provide an incentive to
    21  Pennsylvania students to pursue higher education and training in
    22  nursing which is essential to the delivery of quality health
    23  care services in this Commonwealth.
    24  Section 103.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    29  Agency.
    30     "Approved course of study."  A program or curriculum offered
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     1  by a postsecondary educational institution that provides
     2  instruction in nursing and has been approved by the State Board
     3  of Nursing.
     4     "Approved educational institution."  A postsecondary
     5  educational institution located in this Commonwealth that is
     6  authorized to provide approved courses of study and diplomas or
     7  certificates approved by the Pennsylvania Higher Education
     8  Assistance Agency as an institution in which students may enroll
     9  to participate in the Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship Program.
    10     "Board."  The State Board of Nursing.
    11     "Licensed health care facility."  A health care facility that
    12  is enrolled in the Commonwealth's medical assistance program and
    13  is licensed pursuant to the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130,
    14  No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, or Article X of
    15  the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public
    16  Welfare Code.
    17     "Licensed practical nurse."  An individual licensed under the
    18  laws of this Commonwealth to practice practical nursing.
    19     "Nurse."  A licensed practical or registered nurse.
    20     "Registered nurse."  An individual licensed under the laws of
    21  this Commonwealth to practice professional nursing.
    22     "Student."  An individual domiciled in this Commonwealth who
    23  attends or is about to attend a postsecondary educational
    24  institution located in this Commonwealth.
    25     "Work requirement."  Postgraduate, full-time employment in
    26  direct patient care with a licensed health care facility located
    27  in this Commonwealth in an occupation related to an approved
    28  course of study under this act. The term does not include a paid
    29  student internship, a paid fellowship, volunteer service or
    30  employment before graduation.
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     1                             CHAPTER 3
     3  Section 301.  Establishment.
     4     There is hereby established in this Commonwealth the
     5  Pennsylvania Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program. The Pennsylvania
     6  Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program shall be for repayment of student
     7  loans for nurses providing direct patient care in licensed
     8  health care facilities and shall be administered by the agency.
     9  Section 302.  Repayment assistance.
    10     The agency may provide assistance for the repayment of an
    11  agency-administered student loan for education at an institution
    12  of higher learning received by a nurse. Repayment assistance may
    13  not be made for a loan that is in default at the time of the
    14  application or for an agency-administered loan being repaid
    15  through any other loan repayment assistance program. Repayment
    16  shall be made by the agency to the lending institution on behalf
    17  of the loan recipient.
    18  Section 303.  Eligibility.
    19     Consideration for loan repayment assistance shall be as
    20  follows:
    21         (1)  The applicant must be an individual who:
    22             (i)  has completed an approved course of study;
    23             (ii)  has been licensed by the board as a licensed
    24         practical nurse or a registered nurse;
    25             (iii)  is employed full time as a nurse in the
    26         provision of direct patient care in a licensed health
    27         care facility; and
    28             (iv)  is a resident of this Commonwealth.
    29         (2)  An applicant who is qualified under paragraph (1)
    30     must agree to practice in a licensed health care facility as
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     1     a nurse for not less than three years.
     2  Section 304.  Amount of loan forgiveness.
     3     (a)  Licensed practical nurse.--A licensed practical nurse
     4  who is eligible under section 303 (relating to eligibility)
     5  shall be eligible to receive up to $3,000 in loan repayments
     6  based on the following repayment schedule:
     7         (1)  Year one, 30%.
     8         (2)  Year two, 35%.
     9         (3)  Year three, 35%.
    10     (b)  Registered nurse.--A registered nurse who is eligible
    11  under section 303 shall be eligible to receive up to $20,000 in
    12  loan repayments based on the following repayment schedule:
    13         (1)  Year one, 25%.
    14         (2)  Year two, 25%.
    15         (3)  Year three, 25%.
    16         (4)  Year four, 25%.
    17  Section 305.  Administration.
    18     (a)  Contracts.--A recipient of loan repayment assistance
    19  shall enter into a contract with the agency which shall be
    20  considered a contract with the Commonwealth. The contract shall
    21  include, but not be limited to, the following terms and
    22  conditions:
    23         (1)  The applicant shall agree to practice not less than
    24     three full years in a licensed health care facility at a
    25     repayment assistance schedule as provided in section 304
    26     (relating to amount of loan forgiveness).
    27         (2)  The applicant shall agree to practice on a full-time
    28     basis.
    29         (3)  The nurse shall permit the agency to monitor
    30     compliance with the work requirement.
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     1         (4)  The agency shall certify compliance with the terms
     2     of the contract for purposes of receipt by the nurse of loan
     3     repayment awards for years subsequent to the initial year of
     4     the loan.
     5         (5)  The contract shall be renewable on an annual basis
     6     upon certification by the agency that the nurse has complied
     7     with the terms of the contract.
     8         (6)  Upon the recipient's death or total or permanent
     9     disability, the agency shall nullify the work requirement of
    10     the recipient.
    11         (7)  If the board has determined that the recipient has
    12     committed an act of gross negligence or has suspended or
    13     revoked the license to practice, the agency shall have the
    14     authority to terminate the recipient's service in the program
    15     and demand repayment of the assistance rendered to date.
    16         (8)  Loan recipients who fail to begin or complete the
    17     obligations contracted for shall reimburse to the
    18     Commonwealth all amounts received under this chapter and
    19     interest thereon as determined by the agency. Falsification
    20     or misrepresentation on an application or in verification of
    21     service shall be construed to be a default. Determination as
    22     to the time of breach of contract shall be made by the
    23     agency. Both the recipient and the agency shall make every
    24     effort to resolve conflicts in order to prevent a breach of
    25     contract.
    26     (b)  Contract enforcement.--The agency shall have the
    27  authority to seek garnishment of wages for the collection of
    28  damages provided for in subsection (a)(8).
    29     (c)  Ineligibility.--The agency may deny loan forgiveness to
    30  a student who is convicted under section 8.2 of the act of
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     1  January 25, 1966 (1965 P.L.1546, No.541), referred to as the
     2  Higher Education Scholarship Law.
     3     (d)  Fraud.--Any person who knowingly or intentionally
     4  procures, obtains or aids another to procure or obtain loan
     5  forgiveness under this chapter through fraudulent means shall be
     6  disqualified from participation and shall be liable to the
     7  agency for an amount equal to three times the amount obtained.
     8     (e)  Verification.--The agency shall monitor and verify a
     9  student's fulfillment of all requirements under this chapter.
    10     (f)  Tax.--Loan forgiveness repayments received by a student
    11  shall not be considered taxable income for purposes of Article
    12  III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
    13  Reform Code of 1971.
    14                             CHAPTER 5
    15                        SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM
    16  Section 501.  Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship Program.
    17     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established the
    18  Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship Program within the agency, to
    19  consist of the Nursing Baccalaureate Degree Scholarship and the
    20  Nursing Program Scholarship.
    21     (b)  Issuance of grants.--The agency may provide scholarship
    22  grants to an eligible student who is a resident of this
    23  Commonwealth upon confirmation from an approved educational
    24  institution that the student is enrolled in an approved course
    25  of study. Scholarship grants shall only be for the amount set
    26  forth in sections 502(a) (relating to nursing baccalaureate
    27  degree scholarship) and 503(a) (relating to nursing program
    28  scholarship) and shall only be used for educational costs as
    29  determined by the agency.
    30     (c)  Other funding.--Prior to making a grant under this act,
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     1  the agency shall first apply Federal Pell Grant and State grants
     2  available for educational costs related to an undergraduate
     3  program prior to determining the amount of the scholarship
     4  grant.
     5     (d)  Eligibility.--To receive a scholarship grant under this
     6  chapter, a student shall meet all of the following requirements:
     7         (1)  Graduation from a high school in this Commonwealth,
     8     or earned general educational development (GED) diploma or
     9     the equivalent thereof.
    10         (2)  Maintenance of domicile in Pennsylvania during the
    11     term of the scholarship grants.
    12         (3)  Compliance with any conditions placed on the
    13     scholarship grant by the agency.
    14         (4)  Maintenance of satisfactory progress as established
    15     by the approved educational institution's written policies.
    16         (5)  Entrance into a written agreement with the agency
    17     to:
    18             (i)  Complete an approved course of study.
    19             (ii)  Commence employment involving direct patient
    20         care with a licensed health care facility in this
    21         Commonwealth within one year after completion of an
    22         approved course of study for a period of one year for
    23         each academic year the student received a scholarship
    24         grant under this chapter unless the agency determines
    25         that there are extenuating circumstances.
    26             (iii)  Reimburse the Commonwealth all amounts
    27         received under this chapter and interest thereon, as
    28         determined by the agency, if the student fails to comply
    29         with subparagraphs (i) and (ii).
    30     (e)  Application.--A student shall apply to the agency for a
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     1  scholarship grant as prescribed by the agency, to include the
     2  provision of all information and documentation required by the
     3  agency. The application of a student under 18 years of age shall
     4  include the signature of a parent or guardian.
     5     (f)  Work requirement.--The work requirement under subsection
     6  (d)(5)(ii) shall begin after completion of the approved course
     7  of study.
     8     (g)  Termination.--If a student terminates enrollment in the
     9  approved educational institution during the academic year or
    10  prior to completion of the approved course of study, the
    11  approved education institution shall notify the agency in
    12  writing and shall return all unused portions of the scholarship
    13  grant. Returned amounts shall be used to fund other scholarship
    14  grants under this chapter.
    15     (h)  Transfer.--A scholarship under this chapter is only
    16  transferrable to another educational institution if approved by
    17  the agency.
    18     (i)  Limitation.--Grants awarded under the Pennsylvania Nurse
    19  Scholarship Program shall be limited to funds appropriated for
    20  that purpose. First priority for awarding grants shall be given
    21  to renewal applicants. Thereafter, grants shall be awarded on a
    22  first-come, first-served basis.
    23     (j)  Minors.--A person under 18 years of age who otherwise
    24  qualifies for scholarship grants under this section shall not be
    25  disqualified based upon age.
    26     (k)  Ineligibility.--The agency may deny a scholarship grant
    27  to a student who is convicted under section 8.2 of the act of
    28  January 25, 1966 (1965 P.L.1546, No.541), referred to as the
    29  Higher Education Scholarship Law.
    30     (l)  Fraud.--Any person who knowingly or intentionally
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     1  procures, obtains or aids another to procure or obtain a grant
     2  under this chapter through fraudulent means shall be
     3  disqualified from participation in the Pennsylvania Nurse
     4  Scholarship Program and shall be liable to the agency for an
     5  amount equal to three times the amount obtained.
     6  Section 502.  Nursing Baccalaureate Degree Scholarship.
     7     (a)  Amount of grants.--The agency shall award a Nursing
     8  Baccalaureate Degree Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 per
     9  academic year, or a lesser amount following application of
    10  Federal and State grants under section 501(c) (relating to
    11  Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship Program) to a student enrolled
    12  full time in an approved educational institution pursuing a
    13  bachelor's degree in nursing. The student shall take at least 12
    14  semester hours, or its equivalent, in an approved course of
    15  study.
    16     (b)  Term of grant.--The grant shall be for a maximum of four
    17  academic years.
    18  Section 503.  Nursing Program Scholarship.
    19     (a)  Amount of grants.--The agency shall award a Nursing
    20  Program Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 per academic year or
    21  a lesser amount following application of Federal or State grants
    22  under section 501(c) (relating to Pennsylvania Nurse Scholarship
    23  Program) to a student enrolled full time in an approved
    24  educational institution pursuing an associate's degree, diploma
    25  or certificate. A student who is enrolled part time and is
    26  pursuing an associate's degree, diploma or certificate is
    27  eligible for a grant of 50% of educational costs as determined
    28  by the agency.
    29     (b)  Term of grant.--The grant shall be for a maximum of two
    30  academic years or for up to three academic years if the student
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     1  is enrolled in an approved course of study that, according to
     2  the board, requires three academic years to complete. In order
     3  to qualify for a grant in a third academic year, the student
     4  must be in compliance with section 501(d) and the institution
     5  must determine that the student is making satisfactory progress
     6  toward completing an associate's degree or the requirements of
     7  the diploma or certificate program.
     8  Section 504.  Administration.
     9     (a)  Verification.--The agency shall monitor and verify a
    10  student's fulfillment of all work requirements under this
    11  chapter.
    12     (b)  Enforcement.--The agency shall enforce repayment of all
    13  scholarship grants for a student who does not comply with the
    14  provisions of this chapter, to include use of all lawful
    15  collection procedures and the use of private collection
    16  agencies.
    17     (c)  Tax.--Scholarship grants received by a student under
    18  this chapter shall not be considered taxable income for purposes
    19  of Article III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known
    20  as the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    21     (d)  Financial assistance.--Scholarship grants received by a
    22  student under this chapter shall not be considered financial
    23  assistance or appropriations to the approved educational
    24  institution.
    25     (e)  Customized job training.--No funds under this chapter
    26  shall be granted to a person enrolled in a customized job
    27  training partnership program or continuing education course from
    28  a postsecondary educational institution for which an employer is
    29  providing over 50% of the financial support, directly or
    30  indirectly, and for which the student is not being charged
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     1  tuition or fees.
     2                             CHAPTER 49
     3                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     4  Section 4901.  Annual report.
     5     (a)  Development of report.--The agency shall publish a
     6  report by September 1, 2006, and every year thereafter for the
     7  immediately preceding fiscal year. The report shall include
     8  information regarding the operation of the programs established
     9  under this act, including:
    10         (1)  The number of applications received for the Nursing
    11     Baccalaureate Degree Scholarship, the Nursing Program
    12     Scholarship and the Pennsylvania Nurse Loan Forgiveness
    13     Program.
    14         (2)  The number, type and amount of Nursing Baccalaureate
    15     Degree Scholarships and Nursing Program Scholarships awarded.
    16         (3)  The number and amount of nursing loan forgiveness
    17     contracts executed and contracts renewed for licensed
    18     practical nurses and registered nurses.
    19         (4)  The number of scholarship grantees who withdraw from
    20     the scholarship programs, reported by cause.
    21         (5)  The number of defaulted loan forgiveness program
    22     contracts, reported by cause.
    23         (6)  The number of full-time and part-time students
    24     receiving scholarships, reported by type of institution
    25     attending, including four-year educational institutions,
    26     community colleges, independent two-year colleges, private
    27     licensed schools, hospital-based courses of study and
    28     certificate programs.
    29         (7)  The number of nurses participating in the loan
    30     forgiveness program, reported by type of institution
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     1     attended, including four-year educational institutions,
     2     community colleges, independent two-year colleges, private
     3     licensed schools, hospital-based courses of study and
     4     certificate programs.
     5         (8)  The number and type of enforcement actions taken by
     6     the agency.
     7     (b)  Submission.--The annual report shall be submitted to the
     8  Governor, the chairman and minority chairman of the
     9  Appropriations Committee of the Senate, the chairman and
    10  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    11  of Representatives, the chairman and minority chairman of the
    12  Education Committee of the Senate, the chairman and minority
    13  chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the
    14  Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the Health and
    15  Human Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
    16  Section 4902.  Minimum nursing data set.
    17     (a)  Duty of State Board of Nursing.--It shall be the duty of
    18  the State Board of Nursing to collect, store and make available
    19  nursing work force information regarding all of the categories
    20  of nurses.
    21     (b)  Information.--The information to be collected as part of
    22  the routine licensure renewal process on nurses shall include,
    23  but not be limited to:
    24         (1)  Demographics, including:
    25             (i)  Year of birth.
    26             (ii)  Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino; Native Americans;
    27         Alaska Native; Asian; Pacific Islander; African American,
    28         not of Hispanic origin; White, not of Hispanic origin.
    29             (iii)  Zip code of residence.
    30         (2)  Basic education, including:
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     1             (i)  Program type: LPN, hospital-based, ADN, BSN and
     2         MS.
     3             (ii)  Year graduated.
     4             (iii)  State in which basic program is located.
     5         (3)  Highest education attained, including:
     6             (i)  Program type: LPH, hospital-based, AA/AND,
     7         BS/BSN, MS/MSN and PhD/EdD.
     8             (ii)  Year graduated.
     9             (iii)  Preparation as advanced nurse practitioner,
    10         nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, clinical nurse
    11         specialist and nurse anesthetist.
    12         (4)  Employment, including:
    13             (i)  Current employment.
    14             (ii)  Number of hours worked in typical week.
    15             (iii)  Setting of primary employer: hospital, long-
    16         term care, ambulatory care, physician office, public
    17         health, home health care or other.
    18             (iv)  Setting of secondary employer: hospital, long-
    19         term care, ambulatory care, physician office, public
    20         health care, home health care or other.
    21             (v)  Type of position: staff nurse, educator,
    22         management, utilization/case management, advanced
    23         practice or other.
    24             (vi)  Zip code of primary employer.
    25             (vii)  Currently unemployed in nursing: student;
    26         seeking nursing employment; seeking employment in other
    27         health-related field; seeking employment in other field;
    28         employed in other health-related field; employed in other
    29         field; not seeking nursing employment; not seeking
    30         employment or retired.
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     1             (viii)  Intention to remain employed in nursing, one
     2         to three years; three to five years; five to ten years or
     3         greater than ten years.
     4         (5)  Licensure, including:
     5             (i)  State issuing first license.
     6             (ii)  Year first license issued.
     7             (iii)  States where current licensure is held.
     8             (iv)  Name under which license issued or number of
     9         license for each state in which nurse is licensed.
    10     (c)  Duty of Department of Labor and Industry.--It shall be
    11  the duty of the Department of Labor and Industry, through its
    12  Center for Workforce Information and Analysis, to regularly
    13  analyze and publish the information collected by the board in
    14  combination with information obtained from employers to better
    15  understand the supply and demand for nurses in this Commonwealth
    16  and to assist in work force planning and development.
    17  Section 4903.  Appeals.
    18     The provisions of this act shall be subject to 22 Pa. Code
    19  Ch. 121 (relating to student financial aid).
    20  Section 4904.  Regulations.
    21     The agency shall adopt regulations and procedures necessary
    22  to carry out the purposes of this act.
    23  Section 4905.  Funding.
    24     Loan forgiveness repayments and scholarship awards shall be
    25  made to the extent that funds are appropriated by the General
    26  Assembly for this act.
    27  Section 4906.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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