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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2609



No. 1991 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further defining "financial responsibility";
     3     providing for adjustment of financial responsibility; and
     4     further providing for additional coverage, for payments
     5     sufficient to satisfy judgments, for notice of available
     6     benefits and limits and for availability of uninsured,
     7     underinsured, bodily injury liability and property damage
     8     coverages and mandatory deductibles.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The definition of "financial responsibility" in
    12  section 1702 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    13  Statutes is amended to read:
    14  § 1702.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     * * *
    19     "Financial responsibility."  The ability to respond in
    20  damages for liability on account of accidents arising out of the
    21  maintenance or use of a motor vehicle in the amount of [$15,000]

     1  $50,000, as adjusted by the Insurance Department pursuant to
     2  section 1706 (relating to adjustment of financial
     3  responsibility), because of injury to one person in any one
     4  accident, in the amount of [$30,000] $100,000, as adjusted by
     5  the Insurance Department pursuant to section 1706, because of
     6  injury to two or more persons in any one accident and in the
     7  amount of [$5,000] $10,000 because of damage to property of
     8  others in any one accident. The financial responsibility shall
     9  be in a form acceptable to the Department of Transportation.
    10     * * *
    11     Section 2.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    12  § 1706.  Adjustment of financial responsibility.
    13     The Insurance Department shall adjust the amounts of coverage
    14  in the definition of "financial responsibility" under section
    15  1702 (relating to definitions) which are applicable either to
    16  injury to one person in any one accident or to injury to two or
    17  more persons in any one accident. These amounts shall be
    18  adjusted on July 1, 2004, and annually thereafter, by the rate
    19  of change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners for
    20  the immediately preceding calendar year, as reported by the
    21  United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor and
    22  Statistics. The department shall publish the adjustments as a
    23  notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    24     Section 3.  Sections 1754, 1774(a), 1791 and 1792(a) of Title
    25  75 are amended to read:
    26  § 1754.  Additional coverage.
    27     An eligible claimant who has no other source of applicable
    28  uninsured motorist coverage and is otherwise entitled to recover
    29  in an action in tort against a party who has failed to comply
    30  with this chapter may recover for losses or damages suffered as
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     1  a result of the injury up to [$15,000] $50,000, as adjusted by
     2  the Insurance Department pursuant to section 1706 (relating to
     3  adjustment of financial responsibility), subject to an aggregate
     4  limit for all claims arising out of any one motor vehicle
     5  accident of [$30,000] $100,000, as adjusted by the Insurance
     6  Department pursuant to section 1706. If a claimant recovers
     7  medical benefits under section 1753 (relating to benefits
     8  available), the amount of medical benefits recovered or
     9  recoverable up to $5,000 shall be set off against any amounts
    10  recoverable in this section.
    11  § 1774.  Payments sufficient to satisfy judgments.
    12     (a)  General rule.--For the purpose of this chapter only,
    13  judgments shall be deemed satisfied upon the occurrence of one
    14  of the following:
    15         (1)  When [$15,000] $50,000, as adjusted by the Insurance
    16     Department pursuant to section 1706 (relating to adjustment
    17     of financial responsibility), has been credited upon any
    18     judgment or judgments rendered in excess of that amount
    19     because of injury to one person as the result of any one
    20     accident.
    21         (2)  When [$30,000] $100,000, as adjusted by the
    22     Insurance Department pursuant to section 1706, has been
    23     credited upon any judgment or judgments rendered in excess of
    24     that amount because of injury to two or more persons as the
    25     result of any one accident.
    26         (3)  When [$5,000] $10,000 has been credited upon any
    27     judgment or judgments rendered in excess of that amount
    28     because of damage to property of others as the result of any
    29     one accident.
    30     * * *
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     1  § 1791.  Notice of available benefits and limits.
     2     It shall be presumed that the insured has been advised of the
     3  benefits and limits available under this chapter provided the
     4  following notice in bold print of at least ten-point type is
     5  given to the applicant at the time of application for original
     6  coverage, and no other notice or rejection shall be required:
     7                          IMPORTANT NOTICE
     8         Insurance companies operating in the Commonwealth of
     9         Pennsylvania are required by law to make available for
    10         purchase the following benefits for you, your spouse or
    11         other relatives or minors in your custody or in the
    12         custody of your relatives, residing in your household,
    13         occupants of your motor vehicle or persons struck by your
    14         motor vehicle:
    15             (1)  Medical benefits, up to at least $100,000.
    16             (1.1)  Extraordinary medical benefits, from $100,000
    17         to $1,100,000 which may be offered in increments of
    18         $100,000.
    19             (2)  Income loss benefits, up to at least $2,500 per
    20         month up to a maximum benefit of at least $50,000.
    21             (3)  Accidental death benefits, up to at least
    22         $25,000.
    23             (4)  Funeral benefits, $2,500.
    24             (5)  As an alternative to paragraphs (1), (2), (3)
    25         and (4), a combination benefit, up to at least $177,500
    26         of benefits in the aggregate or benefits payable up to
    27         three years from the date of the accident, whichever
    28         occurs first, subject to a limit on accidental death
    29         benefit of up to $25,000 and a limit on funeral benefit
    30         of $2,500, provided that nothing contained in this
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     1         subsection shall be construed to limit, reduce, modify or
     2         change the provisions of section 1715(d) (relating to
     3         availability of adequate limits).
     4             (6)  Uninsured, underinsured and bodily injury
     5         liability coverage up to at least $100,000 because of
     6         injury to one person in any one accident and up to at
     7         least $300,000 because of injury to two or more persons
     8         in any one accident or, at the option of the insurer, up
     9         to at least $300,000 in a single limit for these
    10         coverages, except for policies issued under the Assigned
    11         Risk Plan. Also, at least [$5,000] $10,000 for damage to
    12         property of others in any one accident.
    13         Additionally, insurers may offer higher benefit levels
    14         than those enumerated above as well as additional
    15         benefits. However, for certain benefits, an insured may
    16         elect to purchase lower benefit levels than those
    17         enumerated above.
    18         Your signature on this notice or your payment of any
    19         renewal premium evidences your actual knowledge and
    20         understanding of the availability of these benefits and
    21         limits as well as the benefits and limits you have
    22         selected.
    23         If you have any questions or you do not understand all of
    24         the various options available to you, contact your agent
    25         or company.
    26         If you do not understand any of the provisions contained
    27         in this notice, contact your agent or company before you
    28         sign.
    29  § 1792.  Availability of uninsured, underinsured, bodily injury
    30             liability and property damage coverages and mandatory
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     1             deductibles.
     2     (a)  Availability of coverages.--Except for policies issued
     3  under Subchapter D (relating to Assigned Risk Plan), an insurer
     4  issuing a policy of bodily injury liability coverage pursuant to
     5  this chapter shall make available for purchase higher limits of
     6  uninsured, underinsured and bodily injury liability coverages up
     7  to at least $100,000 because of injury to one person in any one
     8  accident and up to at least $300,000 because of injury to two or
     9  more persons in any one accident or, at the option of the
    10  insurer, up to at least $300,000 in a single limit for these
    11  coverages. Additionally, an insurer shall make available for
    12  purchase at least [$5,000] $10,000 because of damage to property
    13  of others in any one accident. However, the exclusion of
    14  availability relating to the Assigned Risk Plan shall not apply
    15  to damage to property of others in any one accident.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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