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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2619



No. 1996 Session of 2003

           AND GEIST, SEPTEMBER 18, 2003

           SEPTEMBER 18, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 62 (Procurement) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for guaranteed energy savings and
     3     contracts.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 3752, 3753 and 3754 of Title 62 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     8  § 3752.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Allowable capital costs."  Capital costs that:
    13         (1)  the governmental unit reasonably believes will be
    14     incurred during the term of the guaranteed energy savings
    15     contract; and

     1         (2)  are documented by industry engineering standards.
     2     "Energy conservation measure."  A [training] program or
     3  facility alteration designed to reduce energy consumption or
     4  operating costs. The term may include, without limitation:
     5         (1)  Insulation of the building structure or systems
     6     within the building.
     7         (2)  Storm windows or doors, caulking or weather
     8     stripping, multiglazed windows or doors, heat-absorbing or
     9     heat-reflective glazed and coated window or door systems,
    10     additional glazing, reductions in glass area or other window
    11     and door system modifications that reduce energy consumption.
    12         (3)  Automated or computerized energy control systems.
    13         (4)  Heating, ventilating or air conditioning system
    14     modifications or replacements.
    15         (5)  Replacement or modification of lighting fixtures to
    16     increase the energy efficiency of the lighting system without
    17     increasing the overall illumination of a facility, unless an
    18     increase in illumination is necessary to conform to
    19     applicable State or local building codes for the lighting
    20     system after the proposed modifications are made.
    21         (6)  Energy recovery systems.
    22         (7)  Systems that produce steam or forms of energy such
    23     as heat as well as electricity for use within a building or
    24     complex of buildings.
    25         (8)  Energy conservation measures that provide operating
    26     cost reductions based on life cycle cost analysis.
    27         (9)  A training program or facility alteration that
    28     reduces energy consumption or reduces operating costs,
    29     including allowable capital costs, based on future reductions
    30     in labor costs or costs for contracted services.
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     1         (10)  A facility alteration which includes capital
     2     expenditures that are required to properly implement other
     3     energy conservation measures.
     4         (11)  A program to reduce energy costs through rate
     5     adjustments, load shifting to reduce peak demand, and/or use
     6     of alternative energy suppliers, such as, but not limited to:
     7             (i)  changes to more favorable rate schedules;
     8             (ii)  negotiation of lower rates, same supplier or
     9         new suppliers, where applicable; and
    10             (iii)  auditing of energy service billing and meters.
    11         (12)  The installation of energy information and control
    12     systems that monitor consumption, redirect systems to optimal
    13     energy sources, and manage energy-using equipment.
    14         (13)  Indoor air quality improvements.
    15         (14)  Daylighting systems.
    16         (15)  Renewable and/or on-site distributed power
    17     generation systems.
    18     "Guaranteed energy savings contract."  A contract for the
    19  evaluation and recommendation of energy conservation measures
    20  and for implementation of one or more such measures.
    21     "Governmental unit."  Any officer, employee, authority,
    22  board, bureau, commission, department, agency or institution of
    23  a government agency, including, but not limited to, any
    24  Commonwealth agency, State-aided institution or any county,
    25  city, district, municipal corporation, municipality, municipal
    26  authority, political subdivision, school district, educational
    27  institution, borough, incorporated town, township, poor
    28  district, county institution district, other incorporated
    29  district or other public instrumentality which has the authority
    30  to contract for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or
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     1  repair of any public building or other public work or public
     2  improvement, including, but not limited to, highway work.
     3     "Industry engineering standards."  Industry engineering
     4  standards may include the following:
     5         (1)  Life cycle costing.
     6         (2)  The R.S. Means estimated method developed by the
     7     R.S. Means Company.
     8         (3)  Historical data.
     9         (4)  Manufacturer's data.
    10         (5)  American Standard Heating Refrigeration Air
    11     Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) standards.
    12     "Qualified provider."  A person or business which is
    13  responsible and capable of evaluating, recommending, designing,
    14  implementing and installing energy conservation measures as
    15  determined by the governmental unit.
    16  § 3753.  Contracting procedures.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other contrary or
    18  inconsistent provision of law, a governmental unit may enter
    19  into a guaranteed energy savings contract with a qualified
    20  provider in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter or
    21  in accordance with another statutorily authorized procurement
    22  process.
    23     (b)  Guaranteed energy savings contract.--If in accordance
    24  with applicable law the award of a contract by a governmental
    25  unit requires action at a public meeting, a governmental unit
    26  may award a guaranteed energy savings contract at a public
    27  meeting if it has provided public notice in the manner
    28  prescribed [by the act of July 3, 1986 (P.L.388, No.84), known
    29  as the Sunshine Act,] under 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open
    30  meetings) the notice including the names of the parties to the
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     1  contract and the purpose of the contract. For governmental units
     2  that are not required to take actions on contracts at public
     3  meetings, the governmental unit may award a guaranteed energy
     4  savings contract in accordance with the procedures adopted by
     5  the governmental unit and the requirements of all applicable
     6  laws.
     7     (c)  Competitive sealed proposals.--For the purpose of
     8  entering into a guaranteed energy savings contract, all
     9  governmental units are authorized to utilize the competitive
    10  sealed proposal method of procurement. The governmental unit
    11  shall evaluate any proposal that meets the requirements of the
    12  governmental unit and is timely submitted by a qualified
    13  provider. The request for proposals shall be announced through a
    14  public notice from the governmental unit which will administer
    15  the program. The request for proposals shall provide all
    16  interested parties with sufficient information necessary to
    17  submit a timely and responsive proposal.
    18     (d)  Selection and notice.--The governmental unit shall
    19  select the qualified provider that best meets the needs of the
    20  governmental unit in accordance with criteria established by the
    21  governmental unit. For governmental units that are not required
    22  to take actions on contracts at public meetings, the
    23  governmental unit shall provide public notice of the award of
    24  the guaranteed energy savings contract within 30 days in the
    25  Pennsylvania Bulletin. The notice shall include the names of the
    26  parties to the contract and the purpose of the contract. For
    27  governmental units that are required to take actions on
    28  contracts at public meetings, the public notice shall be made at
    29  least ten days prior to the meeting. After reviewing the
    30  proposals pursuant to subsection (e), a governmental unit may
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     1  enter into a guaranteed energy savings contract with a qualified
     2  provider if it finds that the amount it would spend on the
     3  energy conservation measures recommended in the proposal would
     4  not exceed the amount to be saved in both energy and operational
     5  costs within a [ten-year] 15-year period from the date of
     6  installation if the recommendations in the proposal were
     7  followed and the qualified provider provides a written guarantee
     8  that the energy or operating cost savings will meet or exceed
     9  the cost of the contract.
    10     (e)  Report.--
    11         (1)  Before the award of a guaranteed energy savings
    12     contract, the qualified provider shall provide a report as
    13     part of its proposal which shall be available for public
    14     inspection, summarizing estimates of all costs of
    15     installation, maintenance, repairs and debt service and
    16     estimates of the amounts by which energy or operating costs
    17     will be reduced.
    18         (2)  The report shall contain a listing of contractors
    19     and subcontractors to be used by the qualified provider with
    20     respect to the energy conservation measures.
    21     (f)  Bond.--A qualified provider to whom a contract is
    22  awarded shall give a sufficient bond to the governmental unit
    23  for its faithful performance. Commonwealth agencies shall obtain
    24  such bonds in accordance with the provisions of section 533
    25  (relating to security and performance bonds). All other
    26  governmental units shall obtain such bonds in accordance with
    27  the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as the
    28  Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967.
    29     (g)  Award of contract.--Notwithstanding any other provision
    30  of law governing the letting of public contracts, a governmental
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     1  unit may enter into a single guaranteed energy savings contract
     2  with each responsible provider selected in accordance with the
     3  provisions of this subchapter.
     4  § 3754.  Contract provisions.
     5     (a)  General rule.--A guaranteed energy savings contract may
     6  provide that all payments, except obligations on termination of
     7  the contract before its scheduled expiration, shall be made over
     8  a period of time. Every guaranteed energy savings contract shall
     9  provide that the savings in any year are guaranteed to the
    10  extent necessary to make payments under the contract during that
    11  year.
    12     (b)  Written guarantee.--A guaranteed energy savings contract
    13  shall include a written guarantee that savings will meet or
    14  exceed the cost of the energy conservation measures to be
    15  evaluated, recommended, designed, implemented or installed under
    16  the contract.
    17     (c)  Payments.--A guaranteed energy savings contract may
    18  provide for payments over a period of time not to exceed [ten]
    19  15 years and for the evaluation, recommendation, design,
    20  implementation and installation of energy conservation measures
    21  on an installment payment or lease purchase basis.
    22     (d)  Improvements not causally connected to an energy
    23  conservation measure.--An improvement that is not causally
    24  connected to an energy conservation measure may be included in a
    25  guaranteed energy savings contract if:
    26         (1)  the total value of the improvement does not exceed
    27     15% of the total value of the guaranteed energy savings
    28     contract; and
    29         (2)  either:
    30             (i)  the improvement is necessary to conform to a
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     1         law, a rule or an ordinance; or
     2             (B)  an analysis within the guaranteed energy savings
     3         contract demonstrates that there is an economic advantage
     4         to the governmental unit implementing an improvement as
     5         part of the guaranteed energy savings contract;
     6  and the savings justification for the improvement is documented
     7  by industry engineering standards.
     8     (e)  Other capital expenditures.--A facility alteration which
     9  includes capital expenditures that are required to properly
    10  implement other energy conservation measures may be included as
    11  part of a guaranteed energy savings contract. In such case,
    12  notwithstanding any other provision of law, the installation of
    13  these additional measures may be supervised by the contractor
    14  performing the guaranteed energy savings contract.
    15     Section 2.  Title 62 is amended by adding a section to read:
    16  § 3758.  Review of proposed capital improvement projects.
    17     Prior to entering into a guaranteed energy savings contract
    18  every governmental unit shall review all proposed capital
    19  improvement projects for potential applicability of this
    20  subchapter, and shall consider proceeding with a guaranteed
    21  energy savings contract under this subchapter where appropriate.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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