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                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 2805, 3125               PRINTER'S NO. 3456



No. 2007 Session of 2003


           MARCH 16, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 7, 1901 (P.L.20, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act for the government of cities of the second class,"
     3     further providing for duties of the city controller.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 1 of Article VIII of the act of March 7,
     7  1901 (P.L.20, No.14), referred to as the Second Class City Law,
     8  is amended to read:
     9     Section 1.  The city controller shall be the head of this
    10  department; he shall hold his office for a term of three years,
    11  and until his successor shall be duly chosen and qualified.
    12     The city controller shall:
    13     I.  Prescribe the form of reports and accounts to be rendered
    14  to his department, and shall have the inspection and revision of
    15  the accounts of all other departments and trusts.
    16     II.  Audit the accounts of the several departments and trust,

     1  and all other accounts in which the city is concerned, including
     2  accounts of any authorities having a majority of board members    <--
     3  appointed by city officials; and submit annually to councils, in
     4  such manner as may by ordinance be directed but in any event no
     5  later than one hundred twenty days from the end of the
     6  immediately preceding fiscal year, a report of the accounts of
     7  the city, verified by his oath or affirmation, exhibiting the
     8  revenues, receipts and expenditures, the sources from which the
     9  revenues and funds are derived, and in what manner the same have
    10  been disbursed, which report shall be published in pamphlet or
    11  book form.
    12     III.  Keep separate accounts for each specific item or
    13  appropriation made by councils to each department, and require
    14  all warrants to state specifically against which of said items
    15  the warrant is drawn. Each account shall be accompanied by a
    16  statement in detail, in separate columns, of the several
    17  appropriations made by councils, the amount drawn on each
    18  appropriation, the unpaid contracts charged against it, and the
    19  balance standing to the credit of the same.
    20     IV.  He shall not suffer any appropriation to be overdrawn,
    21  or the appropriation for one item of expense to be drawn upon
    22  for any other purpose, or by any department other than that for
    23  which the appropriation was specifically made, except on
    24  transfers made by ordinance of councils; or unless sufficient
    25  funds, out of which said warrant is payable, shall actually be
    26  in the treasury at the time.
    27     V.  If any warrant presented to the controller contain an
    28  item for which no appropriation has been made, or there shall
    29  not be a sufficient balance of the proper fund for the payment
    30  thereof, or which for any other cause should not be approved, he
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     1  shall notify the proper department of the fact; and if the
     2  controller shall approve any warrant, contrary to the provisions
     3  hereof, he and his sureties shall be individually liable for the
     4  amount of the same to the holder thereof.
     5     VI.  Whenever a warrant or claim shall be presented to him,
     6  he shall have power to require evidence that the amount claimed
     7  is justly due, and for that purpose may summon before him any
     8  officer, agent or employes of any department of the city, or any
     9  other person, and examine him, upon oath or affirmation,
    10  relative to such warrant or claim.
    11     VII.  He shall also perform all duties required of him by law
    12  or ordinance, not inconsistent with the provision hereof.
    13     Detailed statements of the receipts and expenditures of the
    14  several departments and authorities shall be made on the third
    15  Monday of each month to the controller, the council and the
    16  Department of Community and Economic Development. The Department
    17  of Community and Economic Development shall make the statements
    18  available to the public upon request and on the Internet World
    19  Wide Web site maintained by the department.
    20     Every contract involving an appropriation of money shall
    21  designate the item of appropriation on which it is founded, and
    22  shall be numbered by the controller in the order of its date,
    23  and charged as numbered against such item, and so certified by
    24  him, before it shall take effect as a contract, and shall not be
    25  payable out of any other fund; and if he shall certify any
    26  contract in excess of the appropriation properly applicable
    27  thereto, the city shall not be liable for such excess, but the
    28  controller and his sureties shall be liable in damages for an
    29  amount not exceeding such excess, which may be recovered in an
    30  action on the case for negligence, by the contracting party
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     1  aggrieved: Provided, That so much of this section as enacts that
     2  a contract, certified by the controller, shall not be payable
     3  out of any other fund than the item of appropriation against
     4  which it is numbered, shall not apply to such contracts for
     5  public improvement as are referred to in Article XV, Section 1,
     6  hereof.
     7     The controller shall, at the end of each fiscal year, or
     8  oftener if so required by councils, and also upon the death,
     9  resignation, removal or expiration of the term of any officer,
    10  audit, examine and settle the accounts of such officer; and if
    11  he shall be found indebted to the city, the controller shall
    12  state an account and file the same in the court of common pleas
    13  of the proper county, together with a copy of the official bond
    14  of such officer, and give notice thereof to him or his legal
    15  representatives, and if any person or persons affected thereby
    16  shall be dissatisfied with such settlement he or they may appeal
    17  therefrom.
    18     The appeal, with his or their exceptions to the account as
    19  stated, verified by the oath of the person or persons appealing,
    20  shall be filed in the office of the prothonotary of said court
    21  within ten days after the service of notice. The appellant
    22  shall, within ten days, enter security, to be approved by the
    23  court, to prosecute the appeal with effect, and pay the costs
    24  and the debt and interest which may appear by the judgment of
    25  the court to be due to the city. The balance of account, as
    26  shown by the settlement filed as aforesaid, shall constitute a
    27  lien on the real estate of the officer, so indebted, and his
    28  sureties from the date of the filing thereof, which lien shall
    29  continue for the period of five years from the date of filing. A
    30  writ of scire facias to enforce the lien shall be issued thereon
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     1  within six months, which shall contain a clause warning the
     2  sureties, or the executors or administrators of the officer or
     3  of his sureties, to appear and make defense, and the case shall
     4  thereupon be proceeded with to final judgment, according to law.
     5     Notice of the audit shall be given by the controller to the
     6  officer or his legal representatives, before the final statement
     7  of the account, and if desired by such officer or his legal
     8  representatives, opportunity shall be given for a hearing. A
     9  copy of such notice, with an affidavit of the proof of service
    10  thereof, shall be filed with the statement of account, as
    11  evidence of service of notice.
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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