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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2576



No. 2015 Session of 1999

           OCTOBER 27, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for school
     6     athletics, publications and organizations; establishing the
     7     Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Advisory Board;
     8     providing for powers and duties of the Department of
     9     Education; and making an appropriation.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 511(b) and (b.1) of the act of March 10,
    13  1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    14  amended April 14, 1949 (P.L.460, No.85) and June 26, 1974
    15  (P.L.370, No.125), are amended to read:
    16     Section 511.  School Athletics, Publications, and
    17  Organizations.--
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Any school or any class activity or organization
    20  thereof, with the approval of the board, may affiliate with any

     1  local, district, regional, State, or national organization whose
     2  purposes and activities are appropriate to and related to the
     3  school program. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a
     4  school is prohibited from affiliating with any independent
     5  organization governing interscholastic athletics in this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7     (b.1)  Private schools shall be permitted, if otherwise
     8  qualified, to be members of the [Pennsylvania Interscholastic
     9  Athletic Association] Department of Education's interscholastic
    10  athletic program under Article XIV-A except that private schools
    11  located in cities of the second class which are members of the
    12  Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association shall, if they
    13  so elect, be assigned to a district or section outside of the
    14  geographical boundary of the second class city but contiguous
    15  thereto, and shall participate in [Pennsylvania Interscholastic
    16  Athletic Association] Department of Education sponsored athletic
    17  contests in that section. The [association] Department of
    18  Education shall not prohibit a private school from being a
    19  member solely on the grounds that the coach or a member of the
    20  coaching staff of any athletic team is not a teacher, or
    21  professional employe, either full-time or part-time, at such
    22  private school, except that this provision shall not apply to
    23  coaches or members of the coaching staff initially employed
    24  after January 1, 1965.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    27                           ARTICLE XIV-A.
    28                     INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS.
    29     Section 1401-A.  Definitions.--As used in this article,
    30     (1)  "Advisory board" or "board" means the Pennsylvania
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     1  Interscholastic Athletic Advisory Board established in section
     2  1404-A.
     3     (2)  "Department" means the Department of Education of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     Section 1402-A.  Legislative Purpose.--The purpose of this
     6  article is to provide for the Commonwealth's authority to govern
     7  and administer the State's interscholastic athletic program.
     8     Section 1403-A.  Powers and Duties of Department.--The
     9  department has the following powers and duties:
    10     (1)  To develop a program to effectively administer and
    11  control all interscholastic athletic relations and athletic
    12  contests in which a Commonwealth school district participates.
    13     (2)  To manage the scheduling of all interscholastic athletic
    14  events and contests.
    15     (3)  To administer the finances of the interscholastic
    16  athletic program.
    17     (4)  To develop the qualifications and method for the
    18  registration of officials and to determine their powers and
    19  duties.
    20     (5)  To establish penalties and enforcement for violations.
    21     (6)  To administer all championship contests and
    22  interscholastic meets.
    23     (7)  To work in concert with the advisory board to implement
    24  rulings and decisions.
    25     (8)  To promulgate regulations concerning this article and
    26  interscholastic athletic programs developed under this article.
    27     (9)  To review, with the advice of the board, interscholastic
    28  athletic program criteria and to periodically evaluate and make
    29  appropriate changes in those criteria by regulation.
    30     Section 1404-A.  Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic
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     1  Advisory Board.--There is established within the department an
     2  advisory board to oversee the administration and regulation of
     3  interscholastic athletics in this Commonwealth. The board shall
     4  be known as the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Advisory
     5  Board.
     6     Section 1405-A.  Purpose of Board.--The purpose of the board
     7  shall be to review and oversee the administration of the
     8  department's interscholastic athletic program and to ensure fair
     9  and equal treatment of schools and the students that participate
    10  in interscholastic sports programs.
    11     Section 1406-A.  Powers and Duties of Board.--The board has
    12  the following powers and duties:
    13     (1)  To work in consultation with the department to
    14  continually evaluate all rules, guidelines and decisions
    15  governing or regulating interscholastic athletics in this
    16  Commonwealth.
    17     (2)  To review the expenditures of all funds.
    18     (3)  To hear appeals and grievances of member school
    19  districts or individuals.
    20     Section 1407-A.  Composition.--The advisory board shall
    21  consist of fifteen (15) members as follows:
    22     (1)  Two (2) members of the public who are residents of this
    23  Commonwealth, appointed by the Governor.
    24     (2)  Two (2) members appointed by the President pro tempore
    25  of the Senate.
    26     (3)  Two (2) members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    27  Senate.
    28     (4)  Two (2) members appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    29  Representatives.
    30     (5)  Two (2) members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
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     1  House of Representatives.
     2     (6)  The Secretary of Education.
     3     (7)  Three (3) members appointed by the Secretary of
     4  Education who shall have served in one or more of the following
     5  capacities in a school district within this Commonwealth:
     6     (i)  Principal.
     7     (ii)  Assistant principal.
     8     (iii)  Superintendent.
     9     (iv)  Assistant superintendent.
    10     (v)  Athletic director.
    11     (8)  The department's director of interscholastic athletic
    12  programs, who shall serve ex officio.
    13     Section 1408-A.  Terms.--The terms of advisory board members
    14  shall be four years.
    15     Section 1409-A.  Chairperson.--The members of the advisory
    16  board shall elect a chairperson of the board every two (2) years
    17  in a secret ballot election. The election of the chairperson
    18  shall be held after all seats on the advisory board are filled
    19  and before the advisory board takes any action under section
    20  1406-A. The first chairperson shall be elected to serve until
    21  the commencement of the session of the General Assembly next
    22  following the effective date of this article. Thereafter, the
    23  chairperson shall serve for two (2) years.
    24     Section 1410-A.  Compensation.--Members of the advisory board
    25  shall serve without remuneration except for reimbursement for
    26  travel expenses and actual expenses incurred in performing their
    27  official duties.
    28     Section 3.  The sum of $2,000,000, or as much thereof as may
    29  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of
    30  Education to carry out the provisions of Article XIV-A of the
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     1  act.
     2     Section 4.  This act does not impair or affect a contract
     3  entered into by a school district prior to the effective date of
     4  this act.
     5     Section 5.  This act shall apply to school years beginning
     6  more than one year following the effective date of this act.
     7     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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