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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2633



No. 2021 Session of 1997


           NOVEMBER 25, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a loan program for the purpose of making loans to
     2     business enterprises for the purchase of emissions testing
     3     equipment; establishing the Auto Emissions Testing Equipment
     4     Loan Fund; providing for the use of funds made available
     5     through the Auto Emissions Testing Equipment Loan Fund;
     6     establishing standards for and requirements of the program;
     7     and making an appropriation.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Auto
    12  Emissions Testing Equipment Loan Fund Act.
    13  Section 2.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Business enterprise."  A for-profit corporation, partnership
    18  or proprietorship.

     1     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
     2  Development of the Commonwealth.
     3     "Fund."  The Auto Emissions Testing Equipment Loan Fund
     4  established under this act.
     5     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
     6  Development of the Commonwealth.
     7  Section 3.  Auto Emissions Testing Equipment Loan Fund.
     8     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a special
     9  account in the Department of Community and Economic Development
    10  to be known as the Auto Emissions Testing Equipment Loan Fund,
    11  to which shall be credited all program appropriations made by
    12  the General Assembly, all proceeds from loan repayments and any
    13  and all other deposits, payments or contributions from any other
    14  source made available to the fund. The fund shall operate as a
    15  revolving fund in which all appropriations, payments and
    16  interest credited to the fund may be applied and reapplied to
    17  the purposes of this act.
    18     (b)  Credits to fund.--All appropriations, deposits and
    19  contributions made to the fund shall be immediately credited in
    20  full to the fund, and earnings on money held in the fund shall
    21  also be credited to the fund for the purposes of this act.
    22  Section 4.  Eligibility for loans, terms and conditions.
    23     (a)  General rules.--The secretary shall make advances from
    24  the fund, subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions
    25  under this act, for the purpose of making loans to business
    26  enterprises involved in auto emissions testing and inspecting,
    27  as defined by the department, to acquire or upgrade auto
    28  emissions testing equipment. All loans shall be subject to the
    29  following conditions:
    30         (1)  Be for firms eligible under this act.
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     1         (2)  Have a maximum loan ceiling of $50,000.
     2         (3)  Be limited to the purchase and installation of new
     3     auto emissions testing equipment or the upgrade of existing
     4     auto emissions testing equipment.
     5         (4)  Have a 3% per annum interest rate.
     6         (5)  Have a term of not in excess of ten years or the
     7     useful life of the equipment purchased or upgraded, whichever
     8     is less.
     9     (b)  Restrictions.--No loans shall be made that do any of the
    10  following:
    11         (1)  Supplant funding that is otherwise available
    12     expeditiously from private sector sources on commercially
    13     reasonable terms.
    14         (2)  Be for the purpose of refinancing any portion of
    15     existing loans or debt.
    16         (3)  Be for the purpose of financing projects located
    17     outside the geographic boundaries of this Commonwealth.
    18         (4)  Be for the purpose of paying off a creditor that is
    19     inadequately secured and is in a position to sustain a loss.
    20         (5)  Be for the purpose of repaying a debt owed to a
    21     small business investment company.
    22         (6)  Provide funds for speculation in any kind of
    23     property, real or personal, tangible or intangible.
    24     (c)  Security.--All loans shall be secured by liens on the
    25  equipment purchased and other sufficient collateral as
    26  determined by the secretary.
    27  Section 5.  Application and administration.
    28     (a)  Procedures.--Application and administration procedures
    29  for fund loans shall be established by the secretary.
    30     (b)  Applications.--The secretary shall receive applications
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     1  from eligible firms for automobile emissions testing equipment
     2  loans. Applications shall be made to the secretary in the form
     3  and manner as the department may require.
     4     (c)  Investigation.--Upon receipt of the application, the
     5  secretary shall investigate and review the application and
     6  either approve or disapprove the loan application. The decision
     7  of the secretary shall be based, in whole or in part, upon the
     8  following criteria:
     9         (1)  Ability of the applicant to meet and satisfy all
    10     debt service as it becomes due and payable.
    11         (2)  Sufficiency of available collateral, including
    12     satisfactory lien positions on real and personal property.
    13         (3)  Eligibility of the applicant as a business
    14     enterprise involved in automobile emissions testing and
    15     inspecting.
    16         (4)  Sufficient evidence that funds shall be used only to
    17     acquire and install new auto emissions testing equipment or
    18     upgrade existing auto emissions testing equipment.
    19         (5)  Capital need of the applicant.
    20         (6)  Conformity of the project to the provisions of this
    21     act.
    22         (7)  Relevant criminal and credit history and ratings of
    23     applicant as determined from outside credit reporting
    24     services and other sources.
    25         (8)  Analysis of how loan will aid the Commonwealth in
    26     its efforts to assist business enterprises.
    27         (9)  Compliance with loan amount limitations.
    28         (10)  Payment of all outstanding tax obligations due and
    29     owing to the Commonwealth or any political subdivision.
    30         (11)  Conformity of all aspects of the loan transaction
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     1     with the substantive and procedural provisions of this act
     2     and regulations promulgated under this act.
     3         (12)  Such information and documentation as the secretary
     4     shall require.
     5     (d)  Notification.--The secretary shall notify the applicant
     6  of final approval or disapproval of the loan application within
     7  a reasonable period of time following the receipt of the
     8  application. In the case of approval of a loan application, the
     9  secretary shall arrange to draw the loan amount from the fund
    10  and advance the sum to the recipient. The advance shall be made
    11  available in the form of a loan transaction evidenced by a note
    12  executed by the recipient and secured as the secretary shall
    13  require.
    14     (e)  Policy requirements and report.--All loans shall be
    15  administered and monitored by the department in accordance with
    16  policies and procedures prescribed by the secretary.
    17  Section 6.  Powers of secretary.
    18     The secretary shall have and may exercise all powers and
    19  authority necessary to the proper administration and
    20  implementation of this act and shall have the authority to adopt
    21  policies, procedures and guidelines and promulgate regulations
    22  necessary to effectuate this act.
    23  Section 7.  Reporting and inspection.
    24     (a)  Inspection.--Each business enterprise which applies for
    25  or receives assistance under this act, upon reasonable request
    26  of the department, shall permit duly authorized employees of the
    27  department to inspect the service station, books and records of
    28  the business enterprise.
    29     (b)  Updating.--Each business enterprise shall update the
    30  information given to the department in its application if
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     1  conditions change or to the extent that the information given
     2  originally becomes inaccurate or misleading.
     3     (c) Periodic reports.--Each recipient of assistance under
     4  this act shall provide the department with periodic financial
     5  reports as the secretary may require until the loan is paid off.
     6  Section 8.  Nondiscrimination.
     7     No loan shall be made to a business enterprise unless the
     8  business enterprise certifies to the department, in a form
     9  satisfactory to the department, that it shall not discriminate
    10  against any employee or any applicant for employment because of
    11  race, religion, color, national origin, sex or age.
    12  Section 9.  Conflict of interest.
    13     No employee of the department shall, either directly or
    14  indirectly, be a party to or have any financial interest in any
    15  contract or agreement arising under this act.
    16  Section 10.  Reports to General Assembly.
    17     On or before June 30 of each year, the secretary shall
    18  provide a report to the Secretary of the Senate and to the Chief
    19  Clerk of the House of Representatives. The report shall describe
    20  all relevant activities of the department pursuant to this act
    21  and shall include the following:
    22         (1)  List of business enterprises receiving loans from
    23     the fund and the amounts and terms of this assistance.
    24         (2)  Loan amounts repaid.
    25         (3)  Loans outstanding and balances due, including
    26     delinquent payments.
    27         (4)  Jobs created by businesses receiving funds in all
    28     previous years.
    29         (5)  Other relevant information as determined by the
    30     secretary.
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     1  Section 11.  Appropriation.
     2     The sum of $50,000,000, or as much thereof as may be
     3  necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of Community
     4  and Economic Development for the fiscal year July 1, 1997, to
     5  June 30, 1998, for the Auto Emissions Testing Equipment Loan
     6  Fund.
     7  Section 12.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect immediately.

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