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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2813



No. 2036 Session of 2005

           WILT AND GABIG, OCTOBER 17, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 7, 1963 (P.L.549, No.290), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act creating the Pennsylvania Higher
     3     Education Assistance Agency; defining its powers and duties;
     4     conferring powers and imposing duties on the Governor,
     5     President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Speaker of the House of
     6     Representatives, Superintendent of Public Instruction and the
     7     Department of Auditor General; and making appropriations,"
     8     adding definitions; further providing for powers and duties
     9     of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency;
    10     establishing the Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan
    11     Forgiveness Authority and its powers and duties; providing
    12     for the transfer of certain powers, duties and functions from
    13     the agency to the Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan
    14     Forgiveness Authority; further providing for applicability;
    15     and providing for related transitional provisions.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Section 2.1. of the act of August 7, 1963
    19  (P.L.549, No.290), referred to as the Pennsylvania Higher
    20  Education Assistance Agency Act, is amended by adding
    21  definitions to read:
    22     Section 2.1.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    23  when used in this act shall have, unless the context clearly
    24  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:

     1     "Authority."  The Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan
     2  Forgiveness Authority established under section 10.1.
     3     "Authority board."  The board of the Commonwealth Student
     4  Grant and Loan Forgiveness Authority.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 4 introductory paragraph, (1.1), (1.3)
     7  and (2) of the act, amended December 29, 1982 (P.L.1450,
     8  No.330), are amended and the section is amended by adding a
     9  subsection to read:
    10     Section 4.  Powers and Duties.--(a)  In furtherance of the
    11  purposes set forth in this act, the board of directors shall
    12  have the following powers:
    13     * * *
    14     (1.1)  As a public corporation and body politic subject to
    15  examination by the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, the
    16  agency shall be deemed an "eligible lender" as defined in [Part
    17  B of Title IV of the Federal] section 435 of the Higher
    18  Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-329, 20 U.S.C. § 1085) and
    19  in [Part C] section 737 of the Health Professions Educational
    20  Assistance Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-484, 90 Stat. 2265) and,
    21  pursuant to the provisions of those acts and any subsequent
    22  amendments thereto or other applicable Federal programs, be
    23  entitled to exercise all the authority, rights and privileges of
    24  an "eligible lender." Such authority, rights and privileges
    25  shall include but not be limited to the following:
    26     (i)  To do whatever is necessary to enable students who are
    27  parties to loans made, funded or guaranteed under this act to
    28  qualify for Federal interest subsidy, special allowance, loan
    29  forgiveness or other applicable benefits.
    30     (ii)  To charge and collect premiums for insurance on loans
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     1  and other appropriate charges and pay such insurance premiums or
     2  a portion thereof and other charges as are appropriate or
     3  required by applicable Federal statutes or agreements.
     4     (iii)  To enter into contracts with schools, lenders,
     5  individuals, corporations, the Student Loan Marketing
     6  Association, other agencies of the Commonwealth, other states
     7  and the Federal Government to make, service, invest in,
     8  purchase, make commitments to purchase, take assignments of or
     9  administer loans made or insured under this act, the Health
    10  Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1976, or other
    11  programs approved by the board of directors and to provide for
    12  loan forgiveness, loan consolidation, loan referral service and
    13  graduated repayment. Loans to lenders or postsecondary
    14  institutions made under this clause may be made under terms and
    15  conditions requiring that the funds so loaned be used for the
    16  making of loans to categories of students as defined and
    17  established by the board[. Any such contract of the agency to
    18  service student loans shall not be subject to the provisions of
    19  the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the
    20  Right-to-Know Law.], provided that all fees and other charges
    21  and terms of such loans are charged and offered on a uniform
    22  basis and in a manner that does not discriminate against or
    23  advantage any particular lender or group of lenders. For
    24  purposes of this clause, contract shall include schedules or
    25  exhibits relating to pricing or schedules relating to equipment,
    26  time charges, service charges or other charges pertinent to an
    27  agency contract to service student loans. Any citizen of the
    28  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who desires to examine, inspect or
    29  copy any such contract shall apply to the Attorney General. Upon
    30  receipt of any such application, the Attorney General shall
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     1  cause a review of the contract to determine if the disclosure of
     2  the contents of the contract could cause a loss of revenue to
     3  any Commonwealth fund or to the agency. If the Attorney General
     4  determines that it is unlikely that a loss of revenue to any
     5  Commonwealth fund or the agency could occur, the Attorney
     6  General may grant the application and order the agency to permit
     7  the citizen to examine, inspect or copy the contract. Otherwise,
     8  the Attorney General shall deny the application. The Attorney
     9  General shall also have the power to determine that portions of
    10  the contract may be examined, inspected or copied and other
    11  portions may not. The agency may adopt and enforce reasonable
    12  rules, subject to the approval of the Attorney General,
    13  governing the examination, inspection or copying of any such
    14  contracts. The Attorney General shall make a determination for
    15  any application within thirty days of receipt thereof.
    16     (iv)  To purchase stocks, securities, and the obligations
    17  issued by the Student Loan Marketing Association, and to use its
    18  insured and other student loans as security for loans and other
    19  forms of advances from the Student Loan Marketing Association or
    20  others, including lenders and postsecondary institutions
    21  participating or investing in loans made under this act.
    22     (v)  To be issued certificates of loan insurance as set forth
    23  in section 732, Part C, Title IV of the Health Professions
    24  Educational Assistance Act of 1976 or other appropriate Federal
    25  legislation.
    26     * * *
    27     [(1.3)  To establish annually the award of the "assistance
    28  grant" in the act of July 18, 1974 (P.L.483, No.174), known as
    29  "The Institutional Assistance Grants Act" by dividing the total
    30  amount annually appropriated to the "agency" pursuant to that
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     1  act by the number of "Pennsylvania State scholarship students"
     2  certified to the "agency" pursuant to that act.]
     3     (2)  To pay costs and fees incurred by lenders and others in
     4  making loans, advancing funds representing loans issued through
     5  a line of credit advanced by the agency or the lender and
     6  performing other functions on behalf of the agency[.], provided
     7  that payment of such costs and fees are offered to all lenders
     8  on a uniform basis and in a manner that does not discriminate
     9  against or advantage any particular lender or group of lenders.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to the
    12  contrary, in connection with the exercise of the powers
    13  specified in this section:
    14     (1)  With regard to any lender that originates, in any given
    15  academic year, a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) of
    16  student loans originated under the Federal Family Education Loan
    17  Program pursuant to Part B of Title IV of the Higher Education
    18  Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-329, 20 U.S.C. § 1071 et seq.) at
    19  Pennsylvania postsecondary institutions, the board of directors,
    20  upon request of the lender, shall cause the agency to provide
    21  guaranty, origination, disbursement, collection, systems support
    22  and related services and provide the lender with access to the
    23  agency's network operating systems, in a manner that does not
    24  discriminate against or advantage any such lender and at rates
    25  and upon terms and conditions that are the same for all such
    26  lenders, regardless of whether a lender participates in or
    27  otherwise contracts with the agency for any program or product
    28  offered or administered by the agency.
    29     (2)  The board of directors shall not use, without good
    30  cause, its audit or investigatory powers in a manner that
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     1  subjects a lender or postsecondary institution to audits or
     2  investigations that are more stringent or more frequently
     3  conducted than audits or investigations conducted for any other
     4  postsecondary institution or lender.
     5     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     6     Section 10.1.  Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan
     7  Forgiveness Authority.--(a)  There is established an independent
     8  authority to be known as the Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan
     9  Forgiveness Authority. The authority shall be an instrumentality
    10  of the Commonwealth and a body corporate and politic, with
    11  corporate succession.
    12     (b)  The authority shall be governed by a board. The powers
    13  of the authority shall be exercised by the board.
    14     (c)  Expenses of the authority shall be paid from assets or
    15  income of the authority. Except as provided in this act or by
    16  other law, the Commonwealth shall not be responsible for funding
    17  the expenses of the authority.
    18     (d)  The fiscal year of the authority shall be the same as
    19  the fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
    20     (e)  (1)  The accounts and books of the authority shall be
    21  examined and audited annually by an independent certified public
    22  accounting firm.
    23     (2)  The authority shall, by December 31 of each year, file a
    24  copy of the audit required by clause (1) with the Secretary of
    25  the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.
    26     (f)  The authority shall file such reports as required by
    27  law.
    28     (g)  The authority shall annually publish a concise financial
    29  statement in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    30     (h)  The agency and executive agencies shall cooperate with
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     1  and provide assistance to the authority without financial
     2  reimbursement.
     3     (i)  The authority shall exist until terminated by law.
     4     (j)  The authority shall be considered as an independent
     5  agency for the purposes of 62 Pa.C.S. Pt. I (relating to
     6  Commonwealth procurement code).
     7     (k)  The following acts shall apply to the authority and the
     8  authority board:
     9     (1)  The act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to
    10  as the Right-to-Know Law.
    11     (2)  The act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as
    12  the "State Adverse Interest Act."
    13     (3)  The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Chs. 7 (relating to open
    14  meetings) and 11 (relating to ethics standards and financial
    15  disclosures).
    16     (l)  The authority board shall be composed of the following
    17  members:
    18     (1)  An individual appointed by the Governor.
    19     (2)  Four legislative appointees.
    20     (i)  Appointments are as follows:
    21     (A)  One individual appointed by the President pro tempore of
    22  the Senate.
    23     (B)  One individual appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    24  Senate.
    25     (C)  One individual appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    26  Representatives.
    27     (D)  One individual appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    28  House of Representatives.
    29     (ii)  Legislative appointees shall serve at the pleasure of
    30  the appointing authority.
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     1     (m)  The members of the authority board shall select a member
     2  of the board to serve as chairperson. The members shall select
     3  from among themselves such officers as they shall determine.
     4     (n)  The authority board shall meet at the call of the
     5  chairperson.
     6     (o)  Three members of the authority board shall constitute a
     7  quorum and the following shall apply:
     8     (1)  The consent of at least four members of the authority
     9  board shall be necessary to take any action on behalf of the
    10  authority for any of the following:
    11     (i)  Adopting bylaws.
    12     (ii)  Hiring professionals under subsection (u)(5) and (6).
    13     (2)  A majority of the authority board shall be necessary to
    14  take any other action on behalf of the authority.
    15     (p)  The members of the authority board shall be entitled to
    16  no compensation for their services as members of the authority
    17  board but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary
    18  and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the
    19  performance of their duties as members of the authority board.
    20     (q)  The members of the authority board and the professional
    21  personnel of the authority board shall stand in a fiduciary
    22  relationship with the Commonwealth and the authority as to the
    23  moneys in the fund, moneys in the accounts of the authority and
    24  investments of the authority.
    25     (r)  The members of the authority board in performance of
    26  their duties under this act shall exercise the standard of care
    27  required by 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73 (relating to municipalities
    28  investments).
    29     (s)  Members of the authority board shall not be liable
    30  personally on any obligations of the authority, including bonds
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     1  of the authority.
     2     (t)  Appointing authorities shall appoint initial members to
     3  the authority board within 30 days of the effective date of this
     4  section. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the authority board, the
     5  appointing authority shall appoint a successor member within 30
     6  days of the vacancy.
     7     (u)  The authority may do all of the following:
     8     (1)  Adopt bylaws and guidelines as necessary.
     9     (2)  Sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, interplead,
    10  complain and defend in any court.
    11     (3)  Adopt, use and alter a corporate seal.
    12     (4)  Establish accounts necessary or desirable for its
    13  corporate purposes.
    14     (5)  Employ an executive director and other persons as are
    15  necessary or convenient for carrying on the business of the
    16  authority.
    17     (6)  Retain attorneys, accountants, auditors and financial
    18  experts, to render services and engage the services of other
    19  advisors, consultants and agents as necessary. For the purposes
    20  of this clause, the authority shall be considered an independent
    21  agency for purposes of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950,
    22  No.164), known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys Act."
    23     (7)  Pay or satisfy obligations of the authority.
    24     (8)  Acquire, accept, purchase, receive, collect, hold,
    25  convey and invest funds, fees and property, whether tangible or
    26  intangible, from all sources, directly or by assignment, pledge
    27  or otherwise.
    28     (9)  Sell, transfer, convey and dispose of any property,
    29  whether tangible or intangible.
    30     (10)  To establish annually the award of the "assistance
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     1  grant" set forth in the act of July 18, 1974 (P.L.483, No.174),
     2  known as "The Institutional Assistance Grants Act," by dividing
     3  the total amount annually appropriated to the agency pursuant to
     4  that act by the number of "Pennsylvania State scholarship
     5  students" certified to the agency pursuant to that act.
     6     (11)  Exercise rights provided by law for the benefit or
     7  protection of the authority or obligees of the authority.
     8     (12)  Invest money of the authority not required for
     9  immediate use, as the authority board determines.
    10     (13)  Procure insurance against any loss in connection with
    11  its programs, property and other assets.
    12     (14)  Promulgate regulations and adopt guidelines and
    13  statements of policy containing restrictions as it may deem
    14  necessary and appropriate to effectuate the public purposes of
    15  this chapter.
    16     (15)  Do any appropriate act necessary or convenient to:
    17     (i)  Carry out and effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
    18     (ii)  Exercise the powers set forth in this subsection,
    19  including any act reasonably implied from those powers.
    20     (16)  The authority shall administer the programs established
    21  in section 10.2.
    22     Section 10.2.  Transfer of Powers, Duties and Functions to
    23  Commonwealth Student Grant and Loan Forgiveness Authority;
    24  Transitional Provisions.--(a)  Notwithstanding any other
    25  provision of this act or other law to the contrary:
    26     (1)  The powers and duties of the agency set forth in the
    27  following acts, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (9),
    28  shall be transferred to the authority:
    29     (i)  The act of January 25, 1965 (1966 P.L.1546, No.541),
    30  referred to as the Higher Education Scholarship Law.
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     1     (ii)  The act of October 11, 1972 (P.L.899, No.213), entitled
     2  "An act providing scholarships for certain dependents of members
     3  of the armed services who while on active duty are taken as
     4  prisoners of war or are reported missing in action and making an
     5  appropriation."
     6     (iii)  The act of October 11, 1972 (P.L.909, No.216), known
     7  as the "Veterans' Education Act of 1971."
     8     (iv)  The act of July 18, 1974 (P.L.483, No.174), known as
     9  "The Institutional Assistance Grants Act."
    10     (v)  The act of December 16, 1988 (P.L.1259, No.155), known
    11  as the "Urban and Rural Teacher Loan Forgiveness Act."
    12     (vi)  The act of June 26, 1992 (P.L.322, No.64), known as the
    13  "Agriculture Education Loan Forgiveness Act."
    14     (2)  The State scholarship program established under the
    15  Higher Education Scholarship Law shall be funded jointly by the
    16  Commonwealth and the agency and shall be known as the
    17  Legislative Education Assistance Program.
    18     (3)  The grants established under the Higher Education
    19  Scholarship Law shall be known as Legislative Education
    20  Assistance Program grants.
    21     (4)  The institutional assistance grants defined and
    22  established under The Institutional Assistance Grants Act shall
    23  be known as Legislative School Assistance grants.
    24     (5)  The assistance grant fund and Institutional Assistance
    25  Grant Fund defined and referred to under The Institutional
    26  Assistance Grants Act shall be known as the Legislative School
    27  Assistance Grant Fund.
    28     (6)  All retained earnings of the agency in any fiscal year
    29  shall be utilized in the following manner:
    30     (i)  The sum of sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000)
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     1  annually shall be remitted by the agency to the authority for
     2  administration of the Legislative Education Assistance Program
     3  grants and the Legislative School Assistance Program grants. Any
     4  amount not utilized by the authority for administration of these
     5  programs shall be used to provide additional grants and
     6  scholarships.
     7     (ii)  Annually, all remaining net income of the agency shall
     8  be transferred to the authority for use in the Legislative
     9  Education Assistance Program grants and the Legislative School
    10  Assistance Program grants, subject to formulae established by
    11  the General Assembly.
    12     (iii)  The agency shall submit a performance audit to the
    13  Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Appropriations
    14  Committee of the House of Representatives for approval, and to
    15  further provide for a determination of the amount of funding to
    16  be remitted to the authority. This audit shall be conducted by
    17  the Auditor General and shall be filed by the agency by December
    18  31 of each year.
    19     (7)  The agency shall, at the request of the authority, enter
    20  into an agreement whereby the agency shall provide support to
    21  and otherwise administer for the authority in connection with
    22  the authority's administration of the Legislative Education
    23  Assistance Program and the Legislative School Assistance Program
    24  identified in this section. The agency may charge the authority
    25  a reasonable fee, not to exceed market rates for the performance
    26  of such administrative services and support. Whether or not the
    27  authority engages the agency for support and administrative
    28  services, the agency shall make available, to the authority, on
    29  a timely basis, the systems of the agency installed or utilized
    30  at each eligible institution. These services shall be provided
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     1  by the agency to the authority for a reasonable fee not to
     2  exceed customary fees charged in the student loan industry for
     3  the performance of such activities to the authority.
     4     (8)  All Pennsylvania postsecondary institutions shall have
     5  access to the agency's data on grant programs and related
     6  information, at the same time and under the same terms and
     7  conditions as any other similarly situated school in
     8  Pennsylvania regardless of whether or not such institution
     9  participates in or otherwise contracts with the agency for any
    10  program or product offered or administered by the agency.
    11     (9)  The agency and the authority shall jointly have the
    12  power to deny all financial assistance to any student as set
    13  forth under section 8.2(a) of the Higher Education Scholarship
    14  Law.
    15     (10)  The authority may contract with one or more private
    16  entities in order to assist the authority in fulfilling its
    17  duties under The Institutional Assistance Grants Act and the
    18  administration of the Legislative Education Assistance Program
    19  and the Legislative School Assistance Program.
    20     (11)  The authority may contract with the agency for systems
    21  support and related services and for access to such agency's
    22  network operating systems and other technical and administrative
    23  assistance for a reasonable fee not to exceed customary fees
    24  charged in the student loan industry for the performance of such
    25  functions, in connection with the administration of the
    26  Legislative Education Assistance Program and the Legislative
    27  School Assistance Program.
    28     (b)  All operating costs that the agency incurs as a result
    29  of the powers, duties and functions transferred to the authority
    30  under this section shall continue to be paid from funds
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     1  transferred from the agency to the authority for that purpose.
     2  The agency and the authority shall enter into an interagency
     3  agreement for the transfer of such funds, which agreement shall
     4  include a funding maintenance of effort requirement.
     5     (c)  The agency shall transfer all records, documents and
     6  information necessary for the authority to perform the powers,
     7  duties and functions transferred under this section.
     8     Section 4.  Section 11 of the act is amended to read:
     9     Section 11.  Applicability.--(a)  The Pennsylvania Higher
    10  Education Assistance Agency shall not be subject to any
    11  provisions of the act of May 15, 1933 (P.L.624), known as the
    12  "Banking Code."
    13     (b)  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
    14  shall be subject to the provisions of the act of June 21, 1957
    15  (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    16     Section 5.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
    17  provision of this act or its application to any person or
    18  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    19  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
    20  effect without the invalid provision or application.
    21     Section 6.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    22  as they are inconsistent with this act.
    23     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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