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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2689



No. 2039 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     personal earnings exempt from process and for collection of
     4     restitution, reparation, fees, costs, fines and penalties.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 8127(a) of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
     9  § 8127.  Personal earnings exempt from process.
    10     (a)  General rule and exceptions.--The wages, salaries and
    11  commissions of individuals shall while in the hands of the
    12  employer be exempt from any attachment, execution or other
    13  process except upon an action or proceeding:
    14         * * *
    15         (6)  To collect under the procedures set forth in section
    16     9728 (relating to collection of restitution, reparation,
    17     fees, costs, fines and penalties), restitution, reparation,
    18     fees, costs, fines and penalties imposed on persons convicted

     1     of a summary offense.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Section 9728(b)(4) of Title 42 is amended and the
     4  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     5  § 9728.  Collection of restitution, reparation, fees, costs,
     6             fines and penalties.
     7     * * *
     8     (b)  Procedure.--
     9         * * *
    10         (4)  The total amount for which the person is liable
    11     pursuant to this section:
    12             (i)  may be entered as a judgment upon the person or
    13         the property of the person sentenced or ordered,
    14         regardless of whether the amount has been ordered to be
    15         paid in installments[.]; or
    16             (ii)  in the case of a conviction of a summary
    17         offense, may be collected through a garnishment of wages
    18         pursuant to subsection (i).
    19         * * *
    20     (i)  Garnishment of wages.--
    21         (1)  When a defendant defaults in payment of a fine or
    22     costs imposed after being convicted of a summary offense, the
    23     issuing authority may garnish the defendant's wages to effect
    24     payment of the fine plus a reasonable fee, to be determined
    25     under rules promulgated by the Supreme Court, for
    26     administrative costs. Any provision of law to the contrary
    27     notwithstanding, the Department of Labor and Industry shall
    28     respond to requests from an issuing authority for information
    29     relating to a convicted defendant's employer. For purposes of
    30     this subsection, default shall mean the failure to remit the
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     1     amount of the fine or costs to the issuing authority within
     2     the time specified or, if none, within a reasonable time.
     3         (2)  The issuing authority shall provide the convicted
     4     defendant with notice of, and an opportunity to be heard
     5     prior to the initiation of, the garnishment in accordance
     6     with rules to be promulgated by the governing authority under
     7     section 1722 (relating to adoption of administrative and
     8     procedural rules).
     9         (3)  The issuing authority shall initiate the garnishment
    10     by sending to the convicted defendant's last known address
    11     notice of its intent and to the employer a notice of
    12     execution upon wages. Upon receipt of the notice, the
    13     employer shall certify to the issuing authority the amount of
    14     wages, salary, commissions or other compensation earned by
    15     the defendant. The employer shall pay to the issuing
    16     authority such percentage of that amount as the issuing
    17     authority demands, not to exceed 10% of the wages, salary,
    18     commissions or other compensation paid to a defendant during
    19     a given pay period, on a timely basis, but not less than once
    20     a month, or over an extended period if agreed to by the
    21     issuing authority. Failure of an employer to pay the amount
    22     due to the issuing authority within the prescribed time shall
    23     place the employer in contempt of the court ordering the
    24     garnishment.
    25     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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