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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2708



No. 2058 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring counties to establish assessment guidelines and
     2     grading processes; and providing for penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the County
     7  Uniform Assessment Guidelines Act.
     8  Section 2.  Uniform assessment required.
     9     Assessments of real estate shall be uniformly performed
    10  throughout each county.
    11  Section 3.  Assessment guidelines and grading process.
    12     (a)  Establishment.--
    13         (1)  Each county shall establish uniform reassessment
    14     guidelines, procedures, grading processes, rates, systems and
    15     methodologies for use throughout the county. The county may
    16     have the reassessment guidelines, procedures, grading
    17     processes, rates, systems and methodologies prepared by its

     1     reassessment contractor for approval by the county.
     2         (2)  Each time a county undertakes a countywide
     3     reassessment, the prior assessment guidelines, procedures,
     4     grading processes, rates, systems and methodologies shall be
     5     updated, revised or replaced by new assessment guidelines,
     6     procedures, grading processes, rates, systems and
     7     methodologies.
     8         (3)  New reassessment guidelines, procedures, grading
     9     processes, rates, systems and methodologies shall be in a
    10     complete self-contained written narrative format. The
    11     narrative shall completely describe the valuation procedures,
    12     grading processes, rates, systems and methodologies used by
    13     the county or reassessment company.
    14         (4)  Sixty days prior to the certification of the
    15     reassessment of the county by the county commissioners, the
    16     county assessment office or the reassessment company shall
    17     publish the results of a study to determine the accuracy of
    18     the reassessment. This study shall include, but is not
    19     limited to, a common level ratio study and co-efficient of
    20     dispersion study using the sales data from the year prior to
    21     the reassessment. Any study conducted under this section
    22     shall be completed using the State Tax Equalization Board
    23     procedures and rules. Further studies shall be completed as
    24     to types of real estate including residential, commercial and
    25     industrial, agricultural and vacant land, with each category
    26     further stratified by value. In each category, a co-efficient
    27     of dispersion equal to 15% shall be required as the minimum
    28     level of overall accuracy for adoption of the reassessment.
    29  The accuracy studies shall be made available to the public
    30  without charge, upon completion. Copies may be made available at
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     1  cost.
     2     (b)  Filing.--The reassessment guidelines, procedures,
     3  grading processes, rates, systems and methodologies shall be
     4  kept on file in the county assessment office and at the
     5  headquarters of the reassessment contractor, if any, until the
     6  next county assessment is certified by the county commissioners.
     7     (c)  Availability to the public.--The reassessment
     8  guidelines, procedures, grading processes, rates, systems and
     9  methodologies shall be made available to the public without
    10  charge. Copies shall be made available at cost.
    11  Section 4.  Required information.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Each reassessment record card shall
    13  include the following information:
    14         (1)  The name of the county.
    15         (2)  The name, address and telephone number of the
    16     reassessment contractor, if any.
    17         (3)  The name of the county assessment supervisor.
    18         (4)  The name of the certified Pennsylvania evaluator,
    19     license number and signature of the person who performed the
    20     reassessment and whether the person was employed by the
    21     county or the reassessment contractor.
    22         (5)  A complete property description, assessment history,
    23     sales history and a complete description of the valuation
    24     approaches, methods and calculations used to determine the
    25     assessment referencing the procedures shown in section 3(a).
    26     (b)  Review and certification.--Each reassessment valuation
    27  shall be reviewed and certified at a minimum by a licensed
    28  certified Pennsylvania evaluator. In the event that the
    29  individual reviewing and placing the final value on a property
    30  is a general appraiser or a residential appraiser, that
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     1  individual shall be equally bound by these standards as well as
     2  the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
     3  Section 5.  License required.
     4     A reassessment or mass appraisal company operating in this
     5  Commonwealth shall be required to obtain a license from the
     6  State Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers before
     7  conducting business in this Commonwealth.
     8  Section 6.  Liability.
     9     Each county chief assessor, reassessment or mass appraisal
    10  company shall be equally responsible and liable for the acts and
    11  actions of its employees to fully comply with this act and the
    12  Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
    13  Section 7.  Penalties.
    14     (a)  Nature of proceedings.--All prosecutions for violations
    15  under this act shall be subject to the rules and regulations
    16  established by the State Board of Certified Real Estate
    17  Appraisers.
    18     (b)  Schedule of penalties.--The State Board of Certified
    19  Real Estate Appraisers shall prepare a schedule of penalties,
    20  including license revocation, for failing to comply with this
    21  act and shall, within three months of the effective date of this
    22  act, publish the schedule in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    23  Section 8.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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