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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2637



No. 2059 Session of 1999

           NOVEMBER 10, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), entitled "An
     2     act to promote elimination of blighted areas and supply
     3     sanitary housing in areas throughout the Commonwealth; by
     4     declaring acquisition, sound replanning and redevelopment of
     5     such areas to be for the promotion of health, safety,
     6     convenience and welfare; creating public bodies corporate and
     7     politic to be known as Redevelopment Authorities; authorizing
     8     them to engage in the elimination of blighted areas and to
     9     plan and contract with private, corporate or governmental
    10     redevelopers for their redevelopment; providing for the
    11     organization of such authorities; defining and providing for
    12     the exercise of their powers and duties, including the
    13     acquisition of property by purchase, gift or eminent domain;
    14     the leasing and selling of property, including borrowing
    15     money, issuing bonds and other obligations, and giving
    16     security therefor; restricting the interest of members and
    17     employes of authorities; providing for notice and hearing;
    18     supplying certain mandatory provisions to be inserted in
    19     contracts with redevelopers; prescribing the remedies of
    20     obligees of redevelopment authorities; conferring certain
    21     duties upon local planning commissions, the governing bodies
    22     of cities and counties, and on certain State officers, boards
    23     and departments," further providing for blighted areas or
    24     property.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 2(a) of the act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991,
    28  No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law, amended May 27,

     1  1957 (P.L.197, No.98), is amended to read:
     2     Section 2.  Findings and Declaration of Policy.--It is hereby
     3  determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding--
     4     (a)  [That there exist in urban communities in this
     5  Commonwealth areas which have become blighted because of the
     6  unsafe, unsanitary, inadequate or overcrowded condition of the
     7  dwellings therein, or because of inadequate planning of the
     8  area, or excessive land coverage by the buildings thereon, or
     9  the lack of proper light and air and open space, or because of
    10  the defective design and arrangement of the buildings thereon,
    11  or faulty street or lot layout, or economically or socially
    12  undesirable land uses.] That there exist in urban communities in
    13  this Commonwealth areas which have become blighted and will be
    14  eligible for redevelopment for the betterment of the community
    15  and Commonwealth.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    18     Section 2.1.  Blighted Areas.--(a)  "Blighted area" shall be
    19  defined as an area that in its present condition and use and, by
    20  reason of the presence of at least four of the following
    21  factors, substantially impairs normal market transactions or is
    22  a menace to public health, safety or welfare:
    23     (1)  The existence of deteriorated or deteriorating
    24  structures in an area.
    25     (2)  The existence of unsafe, unsanitary or overcrowded
    26  conditions in a dwelling.
    27     (3)  The existence of conditions that endanger life or
    28  property by fire or other causes.
    29     (4)  The building or property in the area represents a hazard
    30  to the natural, physical environment.
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     1     (5)  The site or dwelling is regarded as a public nuisance at
     2  common law or has been declared a public nuisance.
     3     (6)  Buildings that are unhealthy for a person to live or
     4  work because of building code violations or vermin infestation.
     5     (7)  Any premise which because of physical condition, use or
     6  occupancy is considered an attractive nuisance to children,
     7  including, but not limited to, abandoned wells, shafts,
     8  basements, excavations and unsafe fences or structures.
     9     (b)  The inclusion of property designated as blighted in an
    10  urban renewal area, without objection by the property owners and
    11  the tenants of such owners, if any, does not mean that the
    12  owners have waived any rights of such owners in connection with
    13  the laws governing condemnation.
    14     (c)  Property owners shall have certain rights in proceedings
    15  and certifications related to blighted property:
    16     (1)  Public hearings shall be held outlining the reason for
    17  the blight designation. The public shall be notified about the
    18  hearing by publication in a newspaper having a general
    19  circulation in the community. The notice must contain all
    20  relevant information about the proceedings. The hearing shall
    21  take place no less than thirty days from the notice.
    22     (2)  The governing body shall make reasonable efforts to
    23  provide written notice of the public hearing to all property
    24  owners, tenants, if any, and owners of business concerns in the
    25  blighted area. They shall be notified no less than thirty days
    26  before the hearings begins.
    27     (3)  The burden of proof is on the governing body.
    28     (4)  The owner of property shall be afforded ninety days to
    29  correct and challenge the findings of the governing body. A new
    30  hearing shall take place no less than one hundred twenty days
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     1  after the previous hearing.
     2     (5)  The property owner retains the right to seek legal
     3  action against the governing body.
     4     (6)  If a plan to designate an area as blighted contains
     5  property that was included in a previous plan that was not
     6  approved, at least twenty-four months shall have passed before a
     7  new hearing can begin.
     8     (7)  Owners and tenants displaced by the use of eminent
     9  domain shall be compensated for moving expenses and actual
    10  direct losses of property, including for business concerns, good
    11  will and lost profits that are reasonably related to the
    12  relocation of the business, resulting from their displacement.
    13     (d)  The blight designation of an area shall be terminated
    14  if:
    15     (1)  A redevelopment plan has not been set forth and
    16  implemented within a ten-year time period.
    17     (2)  The area has been successfully redeveloped. If the
    18  redevelopment deteriorates over time a new designation should be
    19  sought.
    20     Section 3.  Section 12.1 of the act is repealed.
    21     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    22     Section 12.2.  Blighted Designation.--Previously declared
    23  blighted areas shall not be grandfathered. New criteria in
    24  section 2.1 must be met for all blighted designations.
    25     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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