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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 2767                      PRINTER'S NO. 2797



No. 2066 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further defining "collectible motor vehicle";
     3     defining "flood vehicle" and "I-CAR"; further providing for    <--
     4     application for certificate of title, for transfer of vehicle
     5     ownership and for reconstructed vehicles; providing for
     6     titling and inspection of reconstructed, modified and
     7     specially constructed vehicles; further providing for
     8     required registration and certificate of title; providing for
     9     fees for reconstructed, modified and specially constructed
    10     vehicle inspection and for certificate of appointment for
    11     reconstructed vehicle inspection sites; and further providing
    12     for issuance of certificate of inspection and for State
    13     replacement vehicle identification number plate.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  The definition of "collectible motor vehicle" in
    17  section 102 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated

     1  Statutes is amended and the section is amended by adding
     2  definitions A DEFINITION to read:                                 <--
     3  § 102.  Definitions.
     4     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
     5  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
     6  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
     7  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
     8  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
     9     * * *
    10     "Collectible motor vehicle."  A reconstructed or modified
    11  motor vehicle substantially modified from the manufacturer's
    12  original specifications and appearance and maintained in a
    13  collectible condition as determined by the Department of
    14  Transportation.
    15     * * *
    16     "Flood vehicle."  Any motor vehicle that has been submerged    <--
    17  in water to the point that rising water has reached over the
    18  doorsill or has entered the passenger or trunk compartment or
    19  any vehicle declared a total loss due to flood by an insurance
    20  carrier.
    21     * * *
    22     "I-CAR."  The Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision
    23  Repair.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 2.  Section 1103.1(g) of Title 75 is amended to read:
    26  § 1103.1.  Application for certificate of title.
    27     * * *
    28     (g)  [Specially constructed, reconstructed or modified]
    29  Reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicles.--If
    30  the vehicle to be titled is a [specially constructed,]
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     1  reconstructed [or], modified or specially constructed vehicle,
     2  that fact shall be stated in the application[.], and prior to
     3  the issuance of a certificate of title, the vehicle shall be
     4  inspected at a reconstructed vehicle inspection site pursuant to
     5  section 1165.1 (relating to titling and inspection of
     6  reconstructed, modified and specially constructed vehicles).
     7  Modified vehicles that are subsequently remodified shall reapply
     8  for title under this section. The department may promulgate
     9  rules and regulations pertaining to the titling of [specially
    10  constructed,] reconstructed [or], modified or specially
    11  constructed vehicles.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 3.  Section 1111 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
    14  subsection to read:
    15  § 1111.  Transfer of ownership of vehicle.
    16     * * *
    17     (a.3)  Exception for reconstructed, modified and specially
    18  constructed vehicles.--When a certificate of title for a
    19  reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicle, which
    20  has been acquired by a licensed dealer for purposes of resale
    21  and has been submitted to a reconstructed vehicle inspection
    22  site by the licensed dealer, delivery of the certificate of
    23  title by the dealer as a transferor at the time of delivery of
    24  the vehicle upon resale shall not be required for a vehicle
    25  being titled in this Commonwealth if, prior to delivery of the
    26  vehicle, the dealer obtains the resale authorization form from
    27  the reconstructed vehicle inspection site and the applicable
    28  powers of attorney to properly execute transfer of the title.
    29  The application and properly assigned certificate of title shall
    30  be delivered to the department within the time period prescribed
    20030H2066B2797                  - 3 -     

     1  by section 1103.1.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 4.  Section 1165(b) of Title 75 is amended to read:
     4  § 1165.  Reconstructed vehicles.
     5     * * *
     6     [(b)  Application for a reconstructed vehicle certificate of
     7  title.--A reconstructed vehicle title and registration shall be
     8  issued to an applicant if the applicant presents to the
     9  department an application for a certificate of title upon a form
    10  furnished and prescribed by the department and any other
    11  information the department deems appropriate.]
    12     Section 5.  Title 75 is amended by adding sections to read:
    13  § 1165.1.  Titling and inspection of reconstructed, modified and
    14             specially constructed vehicles.
    15     (a)  General rule.--The applicant shall present to the
    16  department or its authorized agent at a specifically designated
    17  reconstructed vehicle inspection site all of the following:
    18         (1)  A properly assigned certificate of title,
    19     certificate of origin, certificate of salvage and any other
    20     required documents establishing ownership, including official
    21     vehicle ownership documents issued in foreign states or
    22     countries.
    23         (2)  A properly repaired or constructed vehicle.
    24         (3)  All vehicle identification numbers, invoices, bills
    25     of sale and other receipts for:
    26             (i)  The vehicle.
    27             (ii)  All essential parts used or purchased for the
    28         construction or repair of the vehicle.
    29         (4)  Proof of financial responsibility, if registration
    30     is requested.
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     1         (5)  All fees required by Chapter 19 (relating to fees).
     2         (6)  Any other requirements the department deems
     3     appropriate and published by notice in the Pennsylvania
     4     Bulletin.
     5     (b)  Issuance.--Registration and a certificate of safety
     6  inspection may be issued for the vehicle immediately if the
     7  applicant fully complies with the requirements of subsection
     8  (a). A licensed dealer in compliance with subsection (a) may
     9  immediately be issued a resale authorization form.
    10     (c)  Reconstructed vehicle inspection sites.--
    11         (1)  For the purpose of inspecting reconstructed,
    12     modified and specially constructed vehicles, the department
    13     shall establish a system of privately owned facilities
    14     exclusively designated to conduct the inspections.
    15         (2)  Designated facilities shall:
    16             (i)  Be located throughout this Commonwealth as
    17         specified by the department.
    18             (ii)  Be under the control of a single contractor.
    19             (iii)  Be under contract with the department.
    20             (iv)  Employ at least one safety inspection mechanic
    21         certified in accordance with section 4726 (relating to
    22         certification of mechanics) and I-CAR standards or
    23         similar nationally recognized standards approved by the
    24         department.
    25         (3)  The designated personnel at each site shall verify
    26     that:
    27             (i)  The vehicle identification numbers on the
    28         vehicle are an accurate match of those listed on the
    29         application, the certificate of title, the certificate of
    30         origin, the certificate of salvage and any other official
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     1         vehicle ownership documents, including those issued by
     2         foreign states or countries.
     3             (ii)  No stolen parts were used to modify, construct
     4         or reconstruct the vehicle.
     5             (iii)  The vehicle is modified, constructed or
     6         reconstructed to meet all equipment and inspection
     7         requirements of this title and I-CAR standards or similar
     8         nationally recognized standards approved by the
     9         department.
    10         (4)  An inspection conducted under this section shall not
    11     be construed as a guarantee of the safety of any vehicle and
    12     neither the Commonwealth nor the reconstructed vehicle
    13     inspection site where the inspection is conducted nor the
    14     employees performing the inspection shall be liable to the
    15     owner or occupants of any inspected vehicle for any damages
    16     caused by the failure or malfunction of that vehicle or to
    17     the owner or occupants of any vehicle involved in an accident
    18     with that inspected vehicle or to any pedestrian injured in
    19     the accident.
    20         (5)  No person shall perform any part of an inspection on
    21     a vehicle owned by the person.
    22  § 1165.2.  Advisory panel.
    23     The department shall establish an advisory panel to oversee
    24  and make recommendations concerning the reconstructed vehicle
    25  inspection site program and contract. The panel shall meet at
    26  least semiannually in Harrisburg. The panel shall consist of the
    27  following:
    28         (1)  The chairman and minority chairman of the
    29     Transportation Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    30     minority chairman of the Transportation Committee of the
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     1     House of Representatives or their designees.
     2         (2)  A representative of the department.
     3         (3)  A representative of the Office of Attorney General.
     4         (4)  A representative of the Pennsylvania State Police.
     5         (5)  A vehicle salvage dealer selected by the department.
     6         (6)  A salvor selected by the department.
     7         (7)  A licensed vehicle dealer who reconstructs or
     8     modifies vehicles.
     9         (8)  A member of the Auto Theft Prevention Authority.
    10         (9)  Two members of the general public selected by the
    11     department.
    12     Section 6.  Section 1301(c.1) of Title 75 is amended and the
    13  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    14  § 1301.  Registration and certificate of title required.
    15     * * *
    16     (c.1)  Reconstructed, [recovered theft, flood,] modified and
    17  specially constructed vehicles.--Only the department [shall] or
    18  a designated inspector at a reconstructed vehicle inspection
    19  site under section 1165 (relating to reconstructed vehicles) may
    20  issue a temporary registration plate or card, or permit the
    21  transfer of a registration plate, in conjunction with any
    22  application for reconstructed, recovered theft, flood, modified
    23  and specially constructed vehicles. Proof of financial
    24  responsibility must accompany the application for registration
    25  prior to the issuance of a registration plate.
    26     (c.2)  Special inspection prerequisite to operation.--No
    27  reconstructed, modified or specially constructed vehicle may be
    28  operated on the highway until it has successfully passed an
    29  inspection at a reconstructed vehicle inspection site. Modified
    30  vehicles that are subsequently remodified must be reinspected at
    20030H2066B2797                  - 7 -     

     1  a reconstructed vehicle inspection site prior to operation on
     2  the highway.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 7.  Title 75 is amended by adding sections to read:
     5  § 1962.  Reconstructed, modified and specially constructed
     6             vehicle inspection.
     7     The schedule of fees for the inspection of a reconstructed,
     8  modified or specially constructed vehicle at a reconstructed
     9  vehicle inspection site shall be set by the department and
    10  published by notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The fee shall
    11  be paid directly to the reconstructed vehicle inspection site
    12  for the vehicle inspection. For a vehicle that requires
    13  reinspection, an additional fee shall not be required if the
    14  vehicle is presented for the reinspection within 90 days of the
    15  initial inspection.
    16  § 4723.1.  Certificate of appointment for reconstructed vehicle
    17             inspection sites.
    18     (a)  Certificate.--The department shall issue a certificate
    19  of appointment for reconstructed vehicle inspection sites.
    20     (b)  Authority.--The certificate of appointment shall
    21  authorize the inspection of:
    22         (1)  Reconstructed, modified and specially constructed
    23     vehicles.
    24         (2)  Vehicles owned or leased by the Commonwealth or
    25     political subdivisions.
    26         (3)  Vehicles leased or owned by the reconstructed
    27     vehicle inspection site.
    28     (c)  Offsite inspection.--Inspection of reconstructed,
    29  modified and specially constructed vehicles may be performed
    30  offsite for:
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     1         (1)  Oversize vehicles.
     2         (2)  Mobile homes.
     3         (3)  Licensed dealers or fleet owners who meet specific
     4     requirements approved by the department.
     5         (4)  Other vehicles approved by the department.
     6     Section 8.  Section 4727 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
     7  subsection to read:
     8  § 4727.  Issuance of certificate of inspection.
     9     * * *
    10     (b.1)  Refusal to inspect.--An official inspection station
    11  shall refuse to inspect any modified vehicle which is not
    12  properly titled by the Commonwealth.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 9.  Section 7104(d) and (e) of Title 75 are amended
    15  to read:
    16  § 7104.  State replacement vehicle identification number plate.
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  Issuance and display of plate.--The department shall
    19  furnish a State replacement vehicle identification number plate
    20  which shall be immediately [placed in a uniform manner] secured,
    21  by an inspector at a reconstructed vehicle inspection site, to
    22  the same location as the removed or falsified number plate or as
    23  otherwise designated by the department on the vehicle. At a
    24  minimum, the number plate on the vehicle dashboard or cowl must
    25  be replaced.
    26     (e)  Reconstructed, modified or specially constructed
    27  vehicle.--The department may assign a State replacement vehicle
    28  identification number plate for a reconstructed, modified or
    29  specially constructed vehicle[.], which shall be immediately
    30  secured, by an inspector at a reconstructed vehicle inspection
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     1  site, to the same location as the removed or falsified number
     2  plate or as otherwise designated by the department on the
     3  vehicle. At a minimum the number plate on the vehicle dashboard
     4  or cowl must be replaced.
     5     Section 10.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     6         (1)  This section shall take effect immediately.
     7         (2)  The addition of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1165.2 shall take
     8     effect in 60 days.
     9         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in six
    10     months.

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