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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2904



No. 2069 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for radar enforcement systems pilot
     3     program.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 3368.1.  Radar enforcement systems pilot program.
     9     (a)  General rule.--
    10         (1)  A city of the first class, a city of the second
    11     class, one third class city, one first class township, one
    12     second class township, one borough and one regional police
    13     force encompassing any combination of municipalities, upon
    14     passage of an ordinance, section 3368(c)(2) (relating to
    15     speed timing devices) notwithstanding, are authorized to
    16     enforce section 3362 (relating to maximum speed limits) on
    17     highways owned by the municipality using electronic devices
    18     such as radio-microwave devices, commonly referred to as

     1     electronic speed meters or radar.
     2         (2)  This section shall only be applicable in the
     3     municipalities as selected by the Local Government Commission
     4     and the Secretary of Transportation who shall consider
     5     selection based upon applications submitted by the
     6     municipalities prior to June 30, 2008, provided that the
     7     municipalities meet the following requirements:
     8             (i)  Officers must complete a training course
     9         approved by the Pennsylvania State Police and the
    10         Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training
    11         Commission.
    12             (ii)  The municipalities chosen may only use full-
    13         time police officers employed by the full-service police
    14         department of a political subdivision or regional police
    15         department.
    16             (iii)  Official warning signs indicating the use of
    17         these devices are erected within 500 feet of the border
    18         of the political subdivision on the main arteries
    19         entering that political subdivision.
    20             (iv)  The speed limit for any roadway chosen for
    21         speed enforcement under this section shall be certified
    22         in advance through an engineering and traffic study as
    23         authorized under section 6105 (relating to department to
    24         prescribe traffic and engineering investigations) and
    25         shall be available for public inspection. The engineering
    26         and traffic study must be updated at least every two
    27         years.
    28     (b)  Local ordinance required to enforce.--Prior to use of
    29  radio-microwave speed timing devices used for speed timing by
    30  local or regional police officers, the appropriate governing
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     1  body must adopt an ordinance authorizing the local or regional
     2  police department to employ such devices on roads within the
     3  boundaries of the governing body and in accordance with section
     4  6109(a)(11) (relating to specific powers of department and local
     5  authorities) to address citizen complaints or demonstrable
     6  traffic safety concerns, such as high crash rates or fatalities.
     7  The Local Government Commission shall file an annual report with
     8  the chairman and the minority chairman of the Transportation
     9  Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
    10  of the Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives.
    11  The report at a minimum shall include for the prior year:
    12         (1)  The number of violations and fines issued.
    13         (2)  A compilation of fines paid and outstanding.
    14     (c)  Penalty.--
    15         (1)  A fine is not authorized during the first 120 days
    16     of operation of the automated system. During the time period
    17     under this paragraph, a warning may be issued to the
    18     violator.
    19         (2)  A penalty imposed under this section shall not be
    20     deemed a criminal conviction and shall not be made part of
    21     the operating record under section 1535 (relating to schedule
    22     of convictions and points) of the individual upon whom the
    23     penalty is imposed, nor may the imposition of the penalty be
    24     subject to merit rating for insurance purposes.
    25         (3)  No surcharge points may be imposed in the provision
    26     of motor vehicle insurance coverage. Fines collected under
    27     this section shall not be subject to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3571
    28     (relating to Commonwealth portion of fines, etc.) or 3573
    29     (relating to municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.).
    30     (d)  Department approval.--No enforcement using radar may be
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     1  used without the approval of the department, which shall have
     2  the authority to promulgate regulations for the certification
     3  and use of such systems.
     4     (e)  Revenue limitation.--The primary use of radar by local
     5  or regional police officers is for traffic safety purposes. Each
     6  local or regional police department that uses radar shall report
     7  annually to the Pennsylvania State Police the municipal revenue
     8  generated from speed enforcement citations on such forms as may
     9  be prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police. In the event the
    10  municipal share of revenue generated from speed enforcement
    11  citations exceeds 5% of the total municipal budget or 5% of the
    12  regional police department budget, all sums in excess thereof
    13  shall be remitted to the Pennsylvania State Police to be used
    14  for traffic safety purposes.
    15     (f)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    16  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    17  subsection:
    18     "Full-service police department."  A local or regional police
    19  department which:
    20         (1)  is authorized by one or more political subdivisions;
    21         (2)  provides 24-hour-a-day patrol and investigative
    22     services; and
    23         (3)  reports its activities monthly to the Pennsylvania
    24     State Police in accordance with the Uniform Crime Reporting
    25     System.
    26     "Full-time police officer."  An employee of a political
    27  subdivision or regional police department who complies with all
    28  of the following:
    29         (1)  Is certified under 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 21 Subch. D
    30     (relating to municipal police education and training).
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     1         (2)  Is empowered to enforce 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to
     2     crimes and offenses) and this title.
     3         (3)  Is a regular full-time police officer under the act
     4     of June 15, 1951 (P.L.586, No.144), entitled "An act
     5     regulating the suspension, removal, furloughing and
     6     reinstatement of police officers in boroughs and townships of
     7     the first class having police forces of less than three
     8     members, and in townships of the second class," or works a
     9     minimum of 200 days a year.
    10         (4)  Is provided coverage by a police pension plan under:
    11             (i)  the act of May 24, 1893 (P.L.129, No.82),
    12         entitled "An act to empower boroughs and cities to
    13         establish a police pension fund, to take property in
    14         trust therefor and regulating and providing for the
    15         regulation of the same";
    16             (ii)  the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317),
    17         known as The Third Class City Code;
    18             (iii)  the act of May 22, 1935 (P.L.233, No.99),
    19         referred to as the Second Class City Policemen Relief
    20         Law;
    21             (iv)  the act of May 29, 1956 (1955 P.L.1804,
    22         No.600), referred to as the Municipal Police Pension Law;
    23         or
    24             (v)  the act of July 15, 1957 (P.L.901, No.399),
    25         known as the Optional Third Class City Charter Law.
    26     The term does not include auxiliary, part-time or fire
    27     police.
    28     (g)  Expiration.--This section shall expire December 31,
    29  2013.
    30     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 120 days.
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