No. 2089 Session of 1987



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Housing Counseling and Long-Term Care
     2     Assessment and Management Program within the Department of
     3     Aging.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Long-Term
     8  Care Assessment and Counseling Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    10     The General Assembly finds that there is a need for
    11  coordination of a continuum of long-term care services for older
    12  adults and that a program should be established within the
    13  Department of Aging to assure that individuals who need long-
    14  term care have those needs met in the most appropriate setting.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
     3     "Eligible person."  An individual 60 years of age or older or
     4  a functionally impaired person 18 years of age or older who is
     5  at risk of long-term institutional placement.
     6     "Local sponsor."  A nonprofit agency or organization that has
     7  a demonstrated capability of providing services to a local
     8  community as provided for in this act.
     9     "Long-term care."  Those services designed to provide
    10  therapeutic, rehabilitative, supportive and maintenance services
    11  for individuals who have chronic, functional impairments. These
    12  services may be provided in a variety of institutional and
    13  noninstitutional care settings, including the home.
    14     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Service plan."  A written document agreed upon by the
    16  eligible person and a local agency providing for long-term care.
    17  Section 4.  Duties of secretary.
    18     (a)  Creation of program.--The Housing Counseling and Long-
    19  Term Care Assessment and Management Program is created within
    20  the department. The department shall establish the program
    21  statewide, in cooperation with the Department of Public Welfare.
    22  The program shall be administered by sponsors designated by the
    23  secretary.
    24     (b)  Rules and regulations.--The department shall promulgate
    25  rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the purposes of
    26  this act. The rules and regulations shall include, but are not
    27  limited to, the following:
    28         (1)  Standards for eligibility for services.
    29         (2)  Target populations and priorities.
    30         (3)  Qualifications and requirements of program sponsors.
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     1         (4)  Methods for determining provider reimbursement.
     2         (5)  Service and cost limitations for eligible persons.
     3         (6)  Procedures for reporting.
     4     (c)  Maximum Federal financial participation.--The department
     5  shall take action which may be appropriate to maximize Federal
     6  financial participation in the implementation or expansion of
     7  services under this act.
     8     (d)  Contractual authority.--Within the limits of funds
     9  available, the secretary is authorized to enter into contracts
    10  with local sponsors in a planning and service area for the
    11  performance of long-term care services, housing referral and
    12  preadmission assessment for individuals at risk of institutional
    13  placement. No more than 50% of the total amount appropriated for
    14  this program activity in a fiscal year shall be allocated for
    15  contracts within a single planning and service area or county.
    16     (e)  Term of contract.--A contract entered into under this
    17  section shall be for a period of no more than one year, but may
    18  be extended from year to year based on a satisfactory
    19  performance audit.
    20  Section 5.  Provision of services.
    21     The department shall require local sponsors to provide or to
    22  contract with an established agency that provides either the
    23  following or similar services:
    24         (1)  A needs analysis for the planning and service area
    25     which includes an evaluation of an eligible person's service
    26     needs and a plan of action.
    27         (2)  Counseling services which may include matching
    28     individuals for shared living arrangements and providing
    29     information and assistance in securing Federal, State or
    30     local benefits, home equity conversions or other residential
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     1     options available to eligible persons.
     2         (3)  Comprehensive personal assessment of the social,
     3     residential and medical needs, including family support and
     4     financial and community resources of eligible persons who
     5     voluntarily apply for housing counseling or long-term care.
     6         (4)  Comprehensive, personal assessment of the social,
     7     residential and medical needs, including family support and
     8     financial and community resources of eligible persons who are
     9     believed to be in need of long-term care, who seek public
    10     funding for that care or are likely to be eligible for public
    11     funding for long-term care within six months of placement in
    12     a long-term care setting.
    13         (5)  Individualized long-term care service plans for
    14     eligible persons whose personal assessment indicates a need
    15     for such a plan. The service plan shall provide for the
    16     following:
    17             (i)  Long-term care assessment, which shall include a
    18         personalized review of the social and medical needs of an
    19         eligible person, conducted by a team of qualified
    20         professionals who shall consider the person's medical,
    21         social and financial needs, as well as the availability
    22         of family support and community resources.
    23             (ii)  Long-term care services, which may include
    24         support services and medical care provided in the
    25         individual's home or the home of a friend or family
    26         member, day care, respite care, domiciliary care or care
    27         in a licensed personal care facility or nursing home.
    28             (iii)  The promotion of services in the least
    29         restrictive setting appropriate to the needs of the
    30         individual.
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     1             (iv)  A review of the service plan and its impact on
     2         the individual. The review shall be conducted as needed,
     3         but no less frequently than annually.
     4         (6)  Case management for individuals in long-term care
     5     who are publicly funded and not receiving case management
     6     services from another local entity.
     7  Section 6.  Local advisory council.
     8     The department shall require a local sponsor to establish a
     9  local advisory council of the counseling and long-term care
    10  management and assessment program for the planning and service
    11  area it serves. The council shall:
    12         (1)  Be cochaired by the director of the area agency on
    13     aging, or his or her designee, with a cochair elected by the
    14     council.
    15         (2)  Include representatives of all long-term care
    16     providers, public housing authorities, local government,
    17     human services providers, members of the private sector
    18     interested in housing and community development and concerned
    19     older adults.
    20         (3)  Develop a plan to meet the long-term care and
    21     residential needs of eligible persons.
    22         (4)  Develop innovative residential programs and
    23     activities.
    24         (5)  Promote private sector investment and involvement in
    25     expanding residential and service options for eligible
    26     persons in the planning and service area.
    27  Section 7.  Allocation of funds.
    28     Allocation of funds under this act shall be based upon the
    29  proportion of low-income eligible persons in each planning and
    30  service area, consistent with the distribution formula provided
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     1  for in Article XXII-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
     2  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, except that
     3  no more than 50% of the total funds appropriated for this
     4  program activity in a fiscal year shall be allocated for
     5  contracts within a single planning and service area or county.
     6  Section 8.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect July 1, 1988.

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