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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2814



No. 2104 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for restraint systems and points
     3     for violations.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 1535(a) and 4581 of Title 75 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     8  § 1535.  Schedule of convictions and points.
     9     (a)  General rule.--A point system for driver education and
    10  control is hereby established which is related to other
    11  provisions for use, suspension and revocation of the operating
    12  privilege as specified under this title. Every driver licensed
    13  in this Commonwealth who is convicted of any of the following
    14  offenses shall be assessed points as of the date of violation in
    15  accordance with the following schedule:
    16  Section Number                 Offense                  Points
    17     1512                Violation of restriction on

     1                         driver's license.                   2
     2     1571                Violation concerning license.       3
     3     3102                Failure to obey policeman or
     4                         authorized person.                  2
     5     3112(a)(3)(i) or
     6         (ii)            Failure to stop for a red light.    3
     7     3114(a)(1)          Failure to stop for a flashing
     8                         red light.                          3
     9     3302                Failure to yield half of roadway
    10                         to oncoming vehicle.                3
    11     3303                Improper passing.                   3
    12     3304                Other improper passing.             3
    13     3305                Other improper passing.             3
    14     3306(a)(1)          Other improper passing.             4
    15     3306(a)(2)          Other improper passing.             3
    16     3306(a)(3)          Other improper passing.             3
    17     3307                Other improper passing.             3
    18     3310                Following too closely.              3
    19     3321                Failure to yield to driver on the
    20                         right at intersection.              3
    21     3322                Failure to yield to oncoming
    22                         driver when making left turn.       3
    23     3323(b)             Failure to stop for stop sign.      3
    24     3323(c)             Failure to yield at yield sign.     3
    25     3324                Failure to yield when entering or
    26                         crossing roadway between inter-
    27                         sections.                           3
    28     3332                Improper turning around.            3
    29     3341(a)             Failure to obey signal indicating
    30                         approach of train.                  2
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     1     3341(b)             Failure to comply with crossing
     2                         gate or barrier.                    4
     3                                         (and 30 days' suspension)
     4     3342(b) or (e)      Failure to stop
     5                         at railroad crossings.              4
     6     3344                Failure to stop when entering from
     7                         alley, driveway or building.        3
     8     3345(a)             Failure to stop for school bus
     9                         with flashing red lights.           5
    10                                         (and 60 days' suspension)
    11     3361                Driving too fast for conditions.    2
    12     3362                Exceeding maximum speed.--Over Limit:
    13                                                  6-10       2
    14                                                 11-15       3
    15                                                 16-25       4
    16                                                 26-30       5
    17                                                 31-over     5
    18                                         (and departmental hearing
    19                                         and sanctions provided
    20                                         under section 1538(d))
    21     3365(b)             Exceeding special speed limit
    22                         in school zone.                     3
    23     3365(c)             Exceeding special speed limit
    24                         for trucks on downgrades.           3
    25     3542(a)             Failure to yield to pedestrian in
    26                         crosswalk.                          2
    27     3547                Failure to yield to pedestrian on
    28                         sidewalk.                           3
    29     3549(a)             Failure to yield to blind
    30                         pedestrian.                         3
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     1     3702                Improper backing.                   3
     2     3714                Careless driving.                   3
     3     3745                Leaving scene of accident
     4                         involving property damage only.     4
     5     4581(a)(1)          A second or subsequent
     6                         failure to fasten in child passenger
     7                         restraint system.                   2
     8     4581(a)(1.1)        A second or subsequent
     9                         failure to secure child in seat safety
    10                         belt and in an appropriate child
    11                         booster seat.                       2
    12     * * *
    13  § 4581.  Restraint systems.
    14     (a)  Occupant protection.--
    15         (1)  Any person who is operating a passenger car, Class I
    16     truck, Class II truck, classic motor vehicle, antique motor
    17     vehicle or motor home and who transports a child [under four
    18     years of age] who is under four years of age or weighs under
    19     40 pounds anywhere in the motor vehicle, including the cargo
    20     area, shall fasten such child securely in a child passenger
    21     restraint system, as defined in subsection (d). This
    22     subsection shall apply to all persons while they are
    23     operators of motor vehicles where a seating position is
    24     available which is equipped with a seat safety belt or other
    25     means to secure the systems or where the seating position was
    26     originally equipped with seat safety belts. A second or
    27     subsequent violation of this paragraph shall be subject to
    28     the assessment of two points under section 1535 (relating to
    29     schedule of convictions and points).
    30         (1.1)  Any person who is operating a passenger car, Class
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     1     I truck, Class II truck, classic motor vehicle, antique motor
     2     vehicle or motor home and who transports a child four years
     3     of age or older but under eight years of age and who weighs
     4     at least 40 pounds and less than 80 pounds anywhere in the
     5     motor vehicle, including the cargo area, shall fasten such
     6     child securely in a fastened safety seat belt system and in
     7     an appropriately fitting child booster seat, as defined in
     8     subsection (d). This paragraph shall apply to all persons
     9     while they are operators of motor vehicles where a seating
    10     position is available which is equipped with a seat safety
    11     belt or other means to secure the systems or where the
    12     seating position was originally equipped with seat safety
    13     belts. A second or subsequent violation of this paragraph
    14     shall be subject to the assessment of two points under
    15     section 1535 (relating to schedule of convictions and
    16     points).
    17         (2)  Except for children [under four years of age] who
    18     are under four years of age or who weigh under 40 pounds, and
    19     children who are four years of age or older but are under
    20     eight years of age and who weigh at least 40 pounds and less
    21     than 80 pounds and except as provided in paragraph (1), each
    22     driver and front seat occupant of a passenger car, Class I
    23     truck, Class II truck or motor home operated in this
    24     Commonwealth shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened
    25     safety seat belt system. A conviction under this paragraph by
    26     State or local law enforcement agencies shall occur only as a
    27     secondary action when a driver of a motor vehicle has been
    28     convicted of any other provision of this title. The driver of
    29     a passenger automobile shall secure or cause to be secured in
    30     a properly adjusted and fastened safety seat belt system any
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     1     occupant [in the front seat] who is [four] eight years of age
     2     or older and less than 18 years of age. This paragraph shall
     3     not apply to:
     4             (i)  A driver or front seat occupant of any vehicle
     5         manufactured before July 1, 1966.
     6             (ii)  A driver or front seat occupant who possesses a
     7         written verification from a physician that he is unable
     8         to wear a safety seat belt system for physical or medical
     9         reasons, or from a psychiatrist or other specialist
    10         qualified to make an informed judgment that he is unable
    11         to wear a safety seat belt system for psychological
    12         reasons.
    13             (iii)  A rural letter carrier while operating any
    14         motor vehicle during the performance of his duties as a
    15         United States postal service rural letter carrier only
    16         between the first and last delivery points.
    17             (iv)  A driver who makes frequent stops and is
    18         traveling less than 15 miles per hour for the purpose of
    19         delivering goods or services while in the performance of
    20         his duties and only between the first and last delivery
    21         points.
    22     A violation of this paragraph shall not be subject to the
    23     assessment of any points under section 1535 (relating to
    24     schedule of convictions and points).
    25         (3)  A driver who is under 18 years of age may not
    26     operate a motor vehicle in which the number of passengers
    27     exceeds the number of available safety seat belts in the
    28     vehicle.
    29     (b)  Offense.--Anyone who fails to comply with the provisions
    30  of subsection (a)(1) or (1.1) shall be guilty of a summary
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     1  offense with a maximum fine of [$25] $100. The court imposing
     2  and collecting any such fines shall transfer the fines thus
     3  collected to the State Treasurer for deposit in the Child
     4  Passenger Restraint Fund, pursuant to section 4582 (relating to
     5  Child Passenger Restraint Fund). Anyone who violates subsection
     6  (a)(2) or (3) commits a summary offense and shall, upon
     7  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $10. No person shall
     8  be convicted of a violation of subsection (a)(2) unless the
     9  person is also convicted of another violation of this title
    10  which occurred at the same time. No costs as described in 42
    11  Pa.C.S. § 1725.1 (relating to costs) shall be imposed for
    12  summary conviction of subsection (a)(2) or (3). Conviction under
    13  this subsection shall not constitute a moving violation.
    14     (c)  Waiver of fine.--If a person receives a citation issued
    15  by the proper authority for violation of subsection (a)(1) or
    16  (1.1), a district justice, magistrate or judge [shall] may
    17  dismiss the charges if the person prior to or at his hearing
    18  displays evidence of acquisition of a child passenger restraint
    19  system to such district justice, magistrate or judge. Sufficient
    20  evidence shall include a receipt mailed to the appropriate court
    21  officer which evidences purchase, rental, transferal from
    22  another child seat owner (evidenced by notarized letter) or
    23  bailment from a bona fide loaner program of a child passenger
    24  restraint system.
    25     (d)  Standards.--
    26         (1)  A child passenger restraint system shall be used as
    27     designated by the manufacturer of the system in motor
    28     vehicles equipped with seat safety belts and shall meet the
    29     Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (49 C.F.R. § 571.213).
    30         (2)  A child booster seat shall be used as designated by
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     1     the manufacturer of the system in motor vehicles equipped
     2     with seat safety belts and shall meet the Federal Motor
     3     Vehicle Safety Standard (49 CFR § 571.213) that is designed
     4     to elevate a child to properly sit in a federally approved
     5     safety seat belt system.
     6     (e)  Civil actions.--In no event shall a violation or alleged
     7  violation of this subchapter be used as evidence in a trial of
     8  any civil action; nor shall any jury in a civil action be
     9  instructed that any conduct did constitute or could be
    10  interpreted by them to constitute a violation of this
    11  subchapter; nor shall failure to use a child passenger restraint
    12  system or safety seat belt system be considered as contributory
    13  negligence nor shall failure to use such a system be admissible
    14  as evidence in the trial of any civil action; nor shall this
    15  subchapter impose any legal obligation upon or impute any civil
    16  liability whatsoever to an owner, employer, manufacturer, dealer
    17  or person engaged in the business of renting or leasing vehicles
    18  to the public to equip a vehicle with a child passenger
    19  restraint system or to have such child passenger restraint
    20  system available whenever their vehicle may be used to transport
    21  a child.
    22     (f)  Criminal proceedings.--The requirements of this
    23  subchapter or evidence of a violation of this subchapter are not
    24  admissible as evidence in a criminal proceeding except in a
    25  proceeding for a violation of this subchapter. No criminal
    26  proceeding for the crime of homicide by vehicle shall be brought
    27  on the basis of noncompliance with this subchapter.
    28     (g)  Exemptions.--Exemptions will be allowed if it is
    29  determined, according to the rules and regulations of the
    30  department, that the use of a child passenger restraint system
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     1  would be impractical for physical reasons including, but not
     2  limited to, medical reasons or size of the child.
     3     (h)  Insurance.--An insurer may not charge an insured who has
     4  been convicted of a violation of this section a higher premium
     5  for a policy of insurance in whole or in part by reason of that
     6  conviction.
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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