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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2776



No. 2106 Session of 1999

           YOUNGBLOOD, DECEMBER 8, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for equity funding for
     6     school districts.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    10  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    11  section to read:
    12     Section 2502.37.  Keystone Equity and Educational Performance
    13  System.--(a)  For the purposes of this article the following
    14  terms shall have the following meanings:
    15     "Adjusted for Inflation."  Adjusted in accordance with the
    16  Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers and other factors
    17  reflecting changes in the cost of education around the State,
    18  according to a formula calculated by the Department of

     1  Education.
     2     "Average Per Pupil Adequacy Expenditure."  The ratio of
     3  aggregate expenditures to aggregate full-time equivalent
     4  enrollments of all high achievement school districts.
     5     "Current Per Pupil Expenditure."  The total amount expended
     6  by a school district per pupil for the immediately preceding
     7  school year as reported to and finally determined by the
     8  Department of Education.
     9     "Equalized Assessed Property Valuation."  The assessed
    10  property values for each local jurisdiction, equalized to
    11  account for differing local assessment practices according to
    12  the methodologies developed by the Department of Revenue.
    13     "Full-time Equivalent Enrollment."  An enrollment figure
    14  calculated by adding the following three factors:
    15     (1)  The average of the total of all students enrolled in
    16  grades one through twelve (1-12) in regular-day school programs
    17  on the first day of school during the previous school year and
    18  the enrollment figure for the same grade levels on the first day
    19  of school after January 1 during the previous school year.
    20     (2)  The average of the total of one-half of the number of
    21  students enrolled in half-day kindergarten and the total number
    22  of students enrolled in full-day kindergarten, on the first day
    23  of school during the previous school year and the corresponding
    24  enrollment figures on the first day of school after January 1
    25  during the previous school year.
    26     (3)  The average of the total number of full-time equivalent
    27  students enrolled in evening high school programs on the first
    28  day of school during the previous school year and the
    29  corresponding enrollment figures on the first day of school
    30  after January 1 during the previous school year.
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     1     "High Achievement School District."  A school district in
     2  which at least one half of the schools in the school district
     3  had at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the eighth grade
     4  students tested in the preceding year under the Pennsylvania
     5  System of School Assessment scoring in the highest quartile in
     6  reading and math.
     7     "Per Pupil Performance Equivalency Expenditure."  The annual
     8  per pupil expenditure determined by the Department of Education
     9  under this article.
    10     "Student Living in or Near Poverty."  A student who is
    11  eligible to receive free or reduced price lunches under the
    12  National School Lunch Act Of 1946 (60 Stat. 230, 42 U.S.C. §
    13  1751 et seq.).
    14     (b)  For the 2000-2001 school year and every school year
    15  thereafter, the Department of Education shall determine a per
    16  pupil performance equivalency expenditure for each school
    17  district by dividing the highest amount calculated under Tier I,
    18  Tier II or Tier III by full-time equivalent enrollment.
    19     (1)  Tier I.--Tier I amounts shall be determined by
    20  multiplying the sum of subclauses (i) and (ii) by the average
    21  per pupil adequacy expenditure.
    22     (i)  The full-time equivalent enrollment in the school
    23  district less the sum of the number of students living in or
    24  near poverty, the number of limited English proficient students,
    25  and the number of special education and learning-disabled
    26  children enrolled in a school district.
    27     (ii)  The sum of the number of students living in or near
    28  poverty multiplied by 1.2, the number of limited English
    29  proficient students multiplied by 1.1, the number of special
    30  education students multiplied by 2.3, and the number of
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     1  learning-disabled children multiplied by 1.15.
     2     (2)  Tier II.--Tier II amounts shall be determined by
     3  multiplying the per pupil amount derived under Tier I by one of
     4  the following subclauses:
     5     (i)  1.042 if the percent of students living in or near
     6  poverty in the district is equal to or greater than fifty
     7  percent (50%).
     8     (ii)  1.021 if the percent of students living in or near
     9  poverty in the district is between forty-nine percent (49%) and
    10  twenty-six percent (26%).
    11     (iii)  1.000 if the percent of students living in or near
    12  poverty in the district is equal to or less than twenty-five
    13  percent (25%).
    14     (3)  Tier III.--Tier III amounts shall be determined by
    15  multiplying the per pupil amount under Tier II by one of the
    16  following subclauses:
    17     (i)  1.000 if the enrollment is equal to or more than 100,000
    18  students.
    19     (ii)  1.021 if the enrollment is between 99,999 and 5,000
    20  students.
    21     (iii)  1.042 if the enrollment is equal to or less than 4,999
    22  students.
    23     (c)  Each school district shall be paid in the manner
    24  provided in section 2517 from appropriations made to the
    25  Department of Education in amounts equal to the following:
    26     (1)  For the school years 2000-2001, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003,
    27  a school district shall be paid the amount the school district
    28  received in the 1999-2000 school year and the sum of the
    29  following:
    30     (i)  For the school year 2000-2001, one-third of the
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     1  difference between the per pupil performance equivalency
     2  expenditure and the current per pupil expenditure multiplied by
     3  the full-time equivalent enrollment.
     4     (ii)  For the school year 2001-2002, two-thirds of the
     5  difference between the per pupil performance equivalency
     6  expenditure and the current per pupil expenditure multiplied by
     7  the full-time equivalent enrollment.
     8     (iii)  For the school year 2002-2003, the difference between
     9  the per pupil performance equivalency expenditure and the
    10  current per pupil expenditure multiplied by the full-time
    11  equivalent enrollment.
    12     (2)  For the school years 2000-2001, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003,
    13  no school district shall receive less than one percent (1%) more
    14  than the school district received in the preceding school year.
    15     (3)  For the school year 2003-2004 and every school year
    16  thereafter, a school district shall be paid in the manner
    17  provided in section 2517 from appropriations made to the
    18  Department of Education an amount equal to the sum of the
    19  following, provided that no payment shall be less than the
    20  amount the school district received for the preceding school
    21  year:
    22     (i)  The amount the school district received for the
    23  preceding school year.
    24     (ii)  The difference between the per pupil performance
    25  equivalency expenditure and the current per pupil expenditure
    26  multiplied by the full-time equivalent enrollment.
    27     (d)  (1)  For the 2000-2001 school year and each school year
    28  thereafter, if any school district shall receive funding from
    29  the Keystone Equity and Educational Performance System
    30  authorized by this section such that the total amount of revenue
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     1  available to be expended by a school district per pupil is more
     2  than two times the average per pupil adequacy expenditure, such
     3  school district must reduce or eliminate local taxes. Local
     4  taxes to be reduced or eliminated shall include property taxes
     5  and nuisance taxes.
     6     (2)  No school district, regardless of the amount received
     7  from the Keystone Equity and Educational Performance System
     8  authorized by this section shall be authorized to provide tax
     9  rebates to taxpayers beyond the complete elimination of all
    10  local taxes.
    11     (e)  (1)  For the 2000-2001 school year and each school year
    12  thereafter, all funds received by a school district from the
    13  Keystone Equity and Educational Performance System authorized by
    14  this section shall be used or paid out pursuant to section 610.
    15     (2)  (i)  No school district shall use funds appropriated to
    16  it from the Keystone Equity and Educational Performance System
    17  authorized by this section to increase the fund balance of the
    18  school district unless the fund balance of the school district
    19  is less than five percent (5%) of the total school district
    20  budget for the preceding school district fiscal year.
    21     (ii)  In the event the fund balance of the school district is
    22  less than five percent (5%) of the total school district budget
    23  for the preceding school district fiscal year, funds received by
    24  the school district from the Keystone Equity and Educational
    25  Performance System authorized by this section may be used to
    26  increase the fund balance of the school district to no more than
    27  five percent (5%) of the total school district budget for the
    28  preceding school district fiscal year.
    29     Section 2.  Section 2517 of the act is amended to read:
    30     Section 2517.  Payments.--(a)  The amount apportioned and
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     1  allotted to each school district shall be divided into three
     2  payments and the Secretary of Education shall draw his
     3  requisition three times annually upon the State Treasurer in
     4  favor of each district for the amount to which it is entitled.
     5  The first two payments shall be estimates based on but not to
     6  exceed thirty percent (30%) each of the total amount apportioned
     7  and allocated to the school district during the previous school
     8  year for the same purposes. The final payment shall be the
     9  balance of the apportionment due for the applicable school year.
    10  Payment thereof shall be made to all school districts on the
    11  first day of October, February and June, except any school
    12  district whose fiscal year and calendar year are identical at
    13  the effective date of this amendatory act shall continue to
    14  receive payments as heretofore.
    15     (b)  Subsection (a) of this section shall apply to payments
    16  to which a school district is entitled under any provision of
    17  sections 2502, 2592, 2502.3 or 2502.4 of the act for any school
    18  year up to or including 1980-1981.
    19     (c)  For the 1981-1982 school year through the 1990-1991
    20  school year, the amount apportioned and allotted to each school
    21  district shall be divided into six payments and the Secretary of
    22  Education shall draw his requisition six times upon the State
    23  Treasurer in favor of each district for the amount to which it
    24  is entitled. The first five payments shall be estimates based on
    25  but not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) each of the total net
    26  amount apportioned and allocated to the school district for the
    27  payment year. The final payment shall be the balance of the
    28  apportionment due for the applicable school year. Payment
    29  thereof shall be made to all school districts on the fourth
    30  Thursday of August, October, December, February and April and
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     1  the first day of June. For the 1991-1992 school year and every
     2  school year thereafter, the amount apportioned and allotted to
     3  each school district shall be divided into six payments and the
     4  Secretary of Education shall draw his requisition six times upon
     5  the State Treasurer in favor of each district for the amount to
     6  which it is entitled. The first five payments shall be estimates
     7  based on but not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) each of the
     8  total net amount apportioned and allocated to the school
     9  district for the payment year. The final payment shall be the
    10  balance of the apportionment due for the applicable school year.
    11  Payment thereof shall be made to all school districts on the
    12  last Thursday of August, October, December, February and April
    13  and the first day of June.
    14     (d)  Subsection (c) of this section shall apply to:
    15     (1)  All payments to which a school district is entitled
    16  under any provision of sections 2502, 2502.3, 2502.4, 2502.8,
    17  2502.9 and 2592 for the school year 1981-1982.
    18     (2)  Payments to which a school district is entitled under
    19  any provision of sections 2502, 2502.8 and 2502.11 for the
    20  school year 1982-1983 and the school year 1983-1984.
    21     (3)  Payments to which a school district is entitled under
    22  any provision of sections 2502, 2502.8, 2502.11, 2502.13 and
    23  2502.20 for the school year 1984-1985 and each school year
    24  thereafter.
    25     (4)  Payments to which a school district is entitled under
    26  any provision of section 2502.37.
    27     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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