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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2749



No. 2107 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a program for obtaining information from school
     2     districts in a uniform manner to permit statistical
     3     comparison; imposing additional powers and duties on the
     4     Department of Education, the Auditor General and the various
     5     school districts; and providing for financial penalties for
     6     noncompliance.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the School Report
    11  Card Act.
    12  Section 2.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    17  Commonwealth.
    18     "Expulsion frequency."  The total number of students excluded
    19  from school by a board of education for a period exceeding ten

     1  school days, which may be permanent expulsion from the school
     2  rolls.
     3     "Expulsion rate."  The ratio of total individual students
     4  expelled to the number of students enrolled in October.
     5     "School."  An individual building operated for educational
     6  purposes by a school entity.
     7     "School entity."  A school district as defined in section 102
     8  of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the
     9  Public School Code of 1949; an area vocational-technical school
    10  as defined in section 1840.1 of the Public School Code of 1949
    11  or a charter school operated pursuant to Article XVII-A of the
    12  Public School Code of 1949.
    13     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth.
    14     "Suspension frequency."  The total number of students
    15  excluded from school for a period of from one to ten days which
    16  may include in-school or out-of-school exclusions. This number
    17  shall include all suspensions incurred by individual students.
    18     "Suspension rate."  The ratio of total individual students
    19  suspended to the number of students enrolled in October.
    20  Section 3.  Duties of school entities.
    21     (a)  General rule.--Each school entity shall complete a
    22  report card form for each school within its jurisdiction in
    23  accordance with the provisions of this act and on a uniform form
    24  prepared and furnished by the department.
    25     (b)  Time.--The report card form shall be completed by school
    26  entities for each school year and forwarded to the department on
    27  a schedule to be established by the secretary.
    28     (c)  Auditing.--The Auditor General shall have the right to
    29  review the information submitted pursuant to this act.
    30     (d)  Penalty for failure to comply.--The secretary, or other
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     1  school entity paying tax moneys to the school entity, upon due
     2  hearing, after two weeks' written notice to the board of school
     3  directors, area vocational-technical board or board of trustees
     4  of a charter school affected, may withhold the payment of all
     5  money due any entity out of any appropriation made by the
     6  Commonwealth for any purpose which fails to comply with the
     7  provisions of this act in a manner satisfactory to the
     8  secretary, until such time as the report card form is filed.
     9  Section 4.  Contents of report card form.
    10     The school report card form shall contain information for
    11  each individual school and school entity, which shall assist
    12  parents and taxpayers in assessing, evaluating and comparing the
    13  quality of education being provided to primary and secondary
    14  school students in their area and throughout this Commonwealth.
    15  The secretary shall strive to make the report card user
    16  friendly, shall make use of modern technology to assure wide
    17  access and distribution and shall have the discretion and
    18  responsibility to include all information that will assist
    19  parents and taxpayers in assessing, evaluating, comparing and
    20  understanding the quality of education being provided comparable
    21  students in their area and in this Commonwealth. This report
    22  card form shall state that the information provided is for the
    23  purpose of presenting a snapshot of the applicable school or
    24  school district and shall not be deemed to create a set of
    25  absolutes as to the quality of education being offered in that
    26  school or school district. This information shall include, but
    27  not be limited to, the following where appropriate:
    28         (1)  Enrollment by grade level as of October.
    29         (2)  Number of schools in the school entity indicating
    30     grade levels included.
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     1         (3)  Percent of low-income students.
     2         (4)  Number of students enrolled in English as a second
     3     language course.
     4         (5)  Number of students enrolled in special education
     5     programs and the number and percentage of these classified as
     6     gifted.
     7         (6)  Student attendance rates as the percent of students
     8     of the total enrollment present on an average each day.
     9         (7)  Student mobility indicated as the percent of
    10     students who entered or withdrew during the school year.
    11         (8)  Student suspension rates and frequency of individual
    12     students being suspended.
    13         (9)  Student expulsion rates and frequency of individual
    14     students being expelled.
    15         (10)  Dropout rate measured as the number and percent of
    16     secondary students who left school before graduation without
    17     transferring to another school or institution.
    18         (11)  Percentage of students retained grade-to-grade.
    19         (12)  Actual average class size by grade level.
    20         (13)  Number and types of administrators, professional
    21     and support staff.
    22         (14)  Number of students per administrator.
    23         (15)  Number of teachers per administrator.
    24         (16)  Number of students per teacher.
    25         (17)  Teacher absenteeism represented as the percent of
    26     teacher contractual days that permanent contractual teachers
    27     were absent for personal reasons (sick, sick family,
    28     vacation, personal, etc.).
    29         (18)  Number of teacher and professional staff
    30     contractual days dedicated to professional development
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     1     activities.
     2         (19)  Listing of professional development and classroom
     3     preparation and research opportunities provided for
     4     instructional staff.
     5         (20)  Listing of academic and support programs,
     6     opportunities and/or initiatives offered and/or actively
     7     supported in the district. Examples include: academic
     8     courses, tutorial programs, school-to-work activities, Title
     9     I services, honors courses, foreign language courses, after
    10     school programs or clubs, interscholastic sports, chorus and
    11     band, free breakfast and/or lunch programs, intramural sports
    12     and work study programs.
    13         (21)  Identification of commercial standardized tests
    14     used, if any, by grade level administered.
    15         (22)  Name of the school entity's contact person for
    16     further information concerning the locally utilized
    17     assessment system.
    18         (23)  The percent of faculty possessing Bachelor's,
    19     Master's and Doctoral degrees.
    20         (24)  The average years of teaching experience.
    21         (25)  Percentage of instructors teaching under emergency
    22     certification.
    23         (26)  Percentage of instructors teaching a particular
    24     grade or subject matter without proper certification as
    25     provided for in Article XII of the act of March 10, 1949
    26     (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, and
    27     22 Pa. Code, Ch. 49 (relating to certification of
    28     professional personnel).
    29         (27)  Percentage of instructional days being taught by
    30     short-term or long-term substitutes and percentage of
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     1     substitutes not properly certified to teach in the area to
     2     which they are assigned.
     3         (28)  Length of school year broken down by number of
     4     instructional days and number of contractual days for
     5     professional employees.
     6         (29)  Length of the school day.
     7         (30)  Number of charter schools operating in the district
     8     and the total number of resident students attending charter
     9     schools.
    10         (31)  Type of kindergarten program offered, part-time or
    11     full day.
    12         (32)  For the graduating senior class, the percent of
    13     seniors pursuing various post-high school options, including
    14     four-year college/university, two-year college, other post-
    15     secondary school or military service.
    16         (33)  Habitual truancy as measured by the number of
    17     students reported as truant pursuant to section 1354 of the
    18     Public School Code of 1949.
    19         (34)  Technology and library resources, including:
    20             (i)  The number of titles of books, periodicals,
    21         pamphlets, maps, videotapes, films, software and other
    22         electronic media in the school's libraries.
    23             (ii)  The number of computers available for student
    24         use and of these the number equipped with CD-Rom
    25         capabilities.
    26             (iii)  An inventory of the availability of Internet,
    27         broadcast and cable television equipment available in the
    28         school, teacher workrooms, classrooms, computer labs and
    29         library or media centers.
    30         (35)  Fiscal components including, but not limited to,
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     1     the following:
     2             (i)  Classroom instructional costs.
     3             (ii)  Instructional support costs.
     4             (iii)  Administrative costs.
     5             (iv)  Subject-related costs.
     6             (v)  Technology costs.
     7             (vi)  Special education costs.
     8             (vii)  Total outstanding long-term debt.
     9             (viii)  Revenues by source.
    10             (ix)  Total funds available.
    11             (x)  Professional development.
    12             (xi)  Transportation costs.
    13             (xii)  Facilities and plant operations.
    14     The costs listed in this provision will include costs per
    15     pupil and salaries and benefits information.
    16         (36)  School safety indicators:
    17             (i)  Number of incidents occurring on school grounds,
    18         or at school-sponsored activities, referred to law
    19         enforcement personnel which resulted in charges being
    20         filed by the school entity.
    21             (ii)  Number of incidents reported pursuant to
    22         section 1303-A(b) of the Public School Code of 1949.
    23         (37)  Percent of 11th-grade and 12th-grade students
    24     taking the college entrance Examination Board Advance
    25     Placement Test.
    26         (38)  Percent of 11th-grade and 12th-grade students
    27     taking the College Entrance Examination Board Advance
    28     Placement Test scoring above three.
    29         (39)  Percent of students of the total enrollment in
    30     grades 11 and 12 who take the Scholastic Achievement Test
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     1     (SAT) and ACT test.
     2         (40)  Percent of those students taking the SAT/ACT tests
     3     who scored in the upper quartile; percentage of those taking
     4     the SAT/ACT who scored in the lowest quartile.
     5         (41)  Actual district average score on the SAT.
     6         (42)  Pertinent data from the Pennsylvania System of
     7     School Assessment (PSSA), including the number of special
     8     education students who took the test and the number of
     9     students whose parents requested excusal from the test
    10     pursuant to 22 Pa. Code § 5.4(4) or its successor.
    11         (43)  Pertinent data from other assessment or achievement
    12     tests given to students to assess or measure achievement gain
    13     and that yield valid individual student performance
    14     indicators within a grade or subject.
    15  Section 5.  Duties of department.
    16     (a)  Form.--The department shall prepare a uniform report
    17  card form, including uniform fiscal component definitions,
    18  submit the proposed form to the chairman and minority chairman
    19  of the Education Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    20  minority chairman of the Education Committee of the House of
    21  Representatives for review and comment, and distribute that form
    22  to each school entity no later than April 15 of each school
    23  year. The form shall include a description of each indicator
    24  written in plain English.
    25     (b)  Statewide comparisons.--Upon receipt of the completed
    26  report card information from the individual school entities, the
    27  department shall compile Statewide comparison data for the
    28  school year for which data is reported and the prior two school
    29  years, including:
    30         (1)  A comparison of Statewide averages to the individual
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     1     school and school district as a whole.
     2         (2)  A comparison of averages of demographically similar
     3     schools.
     4         (3)  A description of what constitutes an educationally
     5     significant difference in each test score reported.
     6     (c)  Districtwide summary.--The department shall prepare a
     7  comprehensive districtwide summary for each school entity based
     8  on the information obtained under this section, including all
     9  school entities within the geographic boundaries of the district
    10  required to submit information under this act.
    11     (d)  Release of final report.--No later than January 1
    12  following the school year for which report card data has been
    13  furnished by school entities, except that for the 2000-2001
    14  school year when the date shall be February 1, the department
    15  shall furnish each school entity with its completed report card
    16  and those of each school within its jurisdiction to include
    17  information as specified in section 4, Statewide comparisons as
    18  specified in subsection (b) and the districtwide summary as
    19  provided in subsection (c).
    20  Section 6.  Dissemination of report card.
    21     (a)  Parents.--No later than March 1, except for the 2000-
    22  2001 school year when the date shall be April 1, each school
    23  entity shall distribute the applicable report card to parents or
    24  guardians of pupils enrolled at the school. These report cards
    25  may be included in normal school communications to parents or
    26  guardians and need not be mailed separately. The school entity
    27  shall include with this distribution a copy of the school
    28  entity's policies adopted in compliance with 22 Pa. Code §
    29  4.4(d) (relating to general policies). A copy of its most recent
    30  report card shall be displayed by each school in a central
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     1  location accessible to the public.
     2     (b)  General public.--
     3         (1)  School entities shall publicize the availability of
     4     the districtwide summary provided by the department pursuant
     5     to section 5(c) by causing an advertisement to be placed in a
     6     newspaper of general circulation no later than March 1,
     7     except for the 2000-2001 school year when the date shall be
     8     April 1.
     9         (2)  The advertisement shall contain the following
    10     information:
    11             (i)  That each resident shall be entitled to receive
    12         a copy of the districtwide summary.
    13             (ii)  That copies can be obtained by calling (name of
    14         school district) at (telephone number) during the hours
    15         of (hours of operation).
    16         (3)  Copies of the districtwide summary shall be made
    17     available to residents upon request at no charge to the
    18     taxpayer. No later than March 1, except for the 2000-2001
    19     school year when the date shall be April 1, following the
    20     release of report cards to individual school entities by the
    21     department, each school entity shall hold a public meeting to
    22     present an overview of the full contents of the report card
    23     to the general public. This public meeting may be part of a
    24     regularly scheduled meeting of the entity's board of
    25     directors. At least two weeks' advance notice shall be given
    26     of this meeting stating the time, place and purpose.
    27     (c)  General Assembly.--The department shall forward a copy
    28  of the Statewide results of the school report card to the
    29  chairperson and minority chairperson of the Education Committee
    30  of the Senate and the chairperson and minority chairperson of
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     1  the Education Committee of the House of Representatives.
     2  Section 7.  Cause of action.
     3     Nothing in this act shall create a statutory cause of action
     4  for educational malpractice by students, parents or guardians.
     5  Section 8.  School profiles.
     6     Upon implementation of the provisions of this act, the school
     7  report cards provided for in this act shall replace the existing
     8  school profiles and shall fulfill the requirements pertaining to
     9  the development of school profiles pursuant to 22 Pa. Code
    10  (relating to student testing), Chapter 3 or its successor.
    11  Section 9.  Participation by nonpublic schools.
    12     Upon request to the department by the principal of a
    13  nonpublic school as defined in section 971-A(2) of the act of
    14  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    15  of 1949, such school shall be included in the provisions of this
    16  act.
    17  Section 10.  Additional requirements.
    18     The secretary shall have and may exercise all power and
    19  authority necessary to the proper administration and
    20  implementation of this act and shall have authority to establish
    21  requirements necessary to effectuate the provisions of this act.
    22  Section 11.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.

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